

Rachel Youds Founder of the Lighthouse & Intuitive Coach


We often focus on the logical steps to achieving success and fulfillment - looking for the right job, partner, home, vacation..... 

But in the pursuit of a more sustainable, and ultimately more satisfying kind of success, which has a deeper personal resonance, there are many intangibles that we may overlook.

We can have the external elements lined up and reach our tangible success goals, but still feel like something's missing, not quite as we'd hoped, or struggle to fully enjoy what we've achieved. 

What intangibles would you add? What does your long-term vision of success and fulfillment look, and more importantly, feel like? 


What does success and fulfillment feel like to you? We often have an idea of what this means - of what we think this is. In reality success, fulfillment and the sense of wellness that this should bring, can be elusive, difficult to achieve, and even harder to maintain.

So what's the secret to true success and fulfillment - a life that has meaning both at work and at home?

It's my belief - and experience - that true success and fulfillment come from the ability to live from a deeper connection to who you are at your core.

This connection is about so much more than what we can derive from the mind alone - what we 'think' we know. It is the source of our own creative potential, our inner knowing and intuition - our ability to lead from the heart and mind with clarity and confidence.

There's a simple but powerful process that anyone can learn to discover this connection, to facilitate a personal transformation that will give true meaning to success and fulfillment.

Curious to know more? If so, contact me for further details and a free introductory session.


Welcome to The Lighthouse! Click the link in my bio to join The Lighthouse Community for free or access the audio library in The Lighthouse web-App.

See you at The Lighthouse!


In the process of launching The Lighthouse locally & online. More details soon!

Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 08/09/2023

Fabulous exhibition by  in Carcassonne today. If you live nearby, you still have 2 days to see it. 

Love this work, and dream, one day, of buying a 'Berconsky' :-) I am surrounded by incredibly creative friends! 


Voila! My next read, written by my good friend, Received in the post yesterday. Congratulations Jessica!

I've had the privilege of watching this book manifest from seeds of imagination to Amazon delivery yesterday 🎉✨️

Jessica has an amazing gift as a visionary and leader, so I can't wait to read what I already feel to be a groundbreaking book in the area of personal growth and leadership in life, and in the workplace.

Watch this space for a more detailed review :-)


Stress is a powerful activator or trigger when it comes to illness.

We all carry the potential for illness, but the deciding factor may be whether this potential is activated or not.

In The Alchemy of Stress we learn the awareness and skills to create the inner conditions to recover from the negative effects of stress, and any illness that may have been activated as a result.

Not only this, we learn that with awareness we can activate our blueprint for vibrant health.

Are you experiencing stress-related symptoms or illness? Comment below if so....

Learn how to heal core stress in Stress-Less, The Alchemy of Stress. Link in bio. Start today!


Stress-Less - The Alchemy of Stress is a 6-week journey of transformation, where stress is the pathway back to health & happiness.

Each day I guide you through a simple but powerful process to reconnect in every sense - where stress has caused you to disconnect.

Not only can you heal core stress held in the body, you deepen your sense of self, finding clarity, confidence and purpose in who you are.

This is The Alchemy of Stress ✨️

Like & share this post. Help others live in their potential.

Click the link in the bio to start Stress-Less today!


As we learn to let go, there's a natural rebalancing that happens. There's more space for everything to flow.

And there's more space to discover all that you are - your unique creative potential.

The Alchemy of Stress shows you step-by-step how to achieve a state of flow and balance, and how to reconnect to the essence of who you are.

Click the link in the bio to start today!


Emotional overwhelm can feel incredibly uncomfortable, and challenging to control in the moment.

We start by learning to calm and rebalance the nervous system.

But this more than mindfulness.

When we learn to reconnect mind and body, from core self in the present moment we can transform Stress for good.

This is healing with consciousness.

Access week 1 of Stress-Less- The Alchemy of Stress in the LYP App now.for free. Subscribe to access the full 6-week audio course.


Each day in The Alchemy of Stress you are guided through new awareness to help you connect to your Unique Stress Signature.

Each day I guide you through a healing exercise to practice and consolidate the core skills, so you can heal and transform Stress held in the body for good.

Access week 1 for free now by clicking the link in my bio.

This is more than mindfulness. This is healing with consciousness.


Find this session in the LYP App in week 3 of The Alchemy of Stress - a 42 day audio course designed to guide you step-by-step, moment-by-moment back to your unique creative potential.

Each session gives you the tools and awareness to shift out of reactive stress states and to heal and transform core stress for good.

While it may not be possible to eradicate stress from life, it is possible to create an internal state so you can embrace and flow with life's ups and downs.

Learning to be present with and welcome all emotions is powerful and deeply healing.

Find out how to work with consciousness to tune into and clear emotions held in the body through your Unique Stress Signature.

Week 1 is free for you to try now.

Click the link in the bio - the Alchemy of Stress introduction.....


To transform core stress we learn to tune in to our emotions- especially the more challenging ones - to shift out of reactive stress states and to feel these in the body.

We can learn to release emotions held in the body that continue to be triggered as a cellular stress memory- part of your Unique Stress Signature.

We can create the space for all emotions to flow, and so experience more elevated emotions, as we shift out of overwhelm and reconnect mind and body, to core self in the present moment.


Access The Alchemy of Stress - the Stress-Less 6-week challenge in the Live Your Potential App now.

Week 1 is completely free so you can see if this transformational approach is for you. No obligation to subscribe, sign-up, or to continue.

Follow these daily posts to find out how this 42 day audio course can help you transform core stress for good!

Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 10/03/2023

This is more than mindfulness, more than building resilience to stress, more than managing overwhelm. This is about total transformation - The Alchemy of Stress!  

By learning to heal with consciousness, we can clear the core stress memory held within the body that keeps us triggered in reactive stress states. 

While we can learn to calm and balance the nervous system with mindfulness techniques, it's not until we work with the cellular memory of stress that we can really free ourselves from the negative effects of long-term and chronic stress. 

Your Unique Stress Signature

We each have a unique stress signature that's not only the key to wellbeing in every sense, but a personal guide back to our blueprint for vibrant health, purpose and fulfillment - to health & happiness.

Click the link in the bio to access week 1 for free. Subscribe to access the full 6-week challenge, & claim your free 1-1 session with me.   

See you soon! Rachel


We can all create a life of meaning and personal fulfillment with the right awareness and core skills.

Credit .braden


If you want to find out how to transform stress, anxiety and overwhelm into inner peace, calm and creativity, access the first week of Stress-Less now in the Live Your Potential App - click the link in bio now
The body holds the key to discovering your Unique Stress Signature and uncovering your Unique Creative Potential.

Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 02/09/2022

If you often find yourself seemingly blocked, blown off course or overwhelmed by life, you may be missing an opportunity to transform your experience. The answer lies in embracing & harnessing the creative force in chaos.... 

Don't miss this month's mini-series - Chaos to Creativity!

5 days - 5 live audio sessions - 26 - 30 September (10h - 10h30 CET)

Join me each morning for a 30-minute live session (or access on catch-up) where we'll discover how to harness the creative force of chaos - to discover your unique creative potential in moments of shift, breakdown, stagnation & chaos. 

Some of the most powerful opportunities for growth and for discovering your true potential are often to be found in moments when everything seems to be falling apart. 

We often try to resist or control these moments, holding on tight, bracing to weather the storm.

But there is enormous creative potential in chaos. We can learn to embrace these moments as a catalyst for change - for expansion and transformation - to reveal more of who we are. 

Try for free!

If you're new to the Live Your Potential App - access this monthly mini-series for free in the Discovery Plan. 

You can access Chaos to Creativity this month & try all the courses below for free before you decide to continue each month or not*....... 

What's Included.....

How to Live Your Potential Now (15 audio sessions)

Transform Stress into Strength (5 audio sessions)

Master Your Energetic Health (4 audio sessions)

Monthly mini-series

Your questions answered - make suggestions & ask questions 

Benefit from a reduced rate on 1-1 sessions

Claim your free discovery 1-1 (book online below!) 

Bonus material - a selection of audios & guided meditations         

*Manage your subscriptions easily in 'Profile' - click settings icon top right

To access the Discovery Plan & everything above, click the link in bio  

I look forward to connecting with you soon! Rachel

Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 22/08/2022

How would you like to transform your life experience?

What do you feel is preventing you from living a life of meaning & fulfillment - living your potential?

This is a unique & powerful process for transformation.

The 6 week Super-Sensitive challange will empower you to create the foundations for a life experience that reflects your true potential - your potential to live a life of meaning, fulfillment & to transform your health & wellbeing in every sense.

Check the testimonials in my feed or DM me for details.

Comment below if you're interested and tell me how you would like to transform your life experience. What is holding you back? What are you struggling to change?

Access the 6-week Super-Sensitive Challenge today & save 50% on the full price.

To claim your spot & access the next 6-week challenge click the link in the bio & access Get Ready for the 6-week Super-Sensitive Challenge. OR DM me for details!

Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 04/07/2022

"More calm, more focus, and more creativity" is J.F.'s experience of the 6-week Super-Sensitive Challenge. 

Our true creative expression - no matter how we express ourselves, whether it's through art, our home, our garden, the way we communicate, how we spend our day, what ignites our passion, comes from a deep connection to who we are at our core. When we express ourselves from the essence of who we are, we feel fulfillment - intuitively guided & naturally inspired. 

Moment-by-moment as we learn to connect to our core self, we can realign with our unique creative expression & create the life that reflects our deepest desires, our authentic self.   


Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 01/07/2022

Click link in bio to access the free bonus material audio on EMBODIMENT - what it means & why it is central to living with clarity, confidence & purpose.

Create a free account to access the audio & to claim your free introductory 1-1 intuitive development session with me.Or comment 'YES!' below for more details. 

Feedback below!

"By the end of week 3 I noticed that my thoughts had changed, my pattern of thinking had undergone a fundamental shift .

"There's more space, more time, more energy - it's a bloody miracle!"

"I feel so peaceful. An amazing shift. Very grateful to feel so connected and to be where I am".

"Your course should be taught in schools worldwide. This is the most important thing you need to know!"

"I've done mindfulness. But this is so much more. Mindfulness helped, but this is completely unique. It's seminal!"

"I feel like a completely different person. Energetically I'm now radiating my adult self - I feel clear and confident in myself."

'It's given me confidence. This is real! It's a process by which I can access my creativity. Exciting!"

"I felt a powerful connection to my core self."

"I suddenly realised I found it easy to let go. The past no longer had a hold on me - it was so liberating!".

"It feels like stepping into new skin that feels comfortable."

"Total transformation - I really didn’t expect that and it has changed my life experience in a hugely significant way."


Photos from Thelighthousecommunity's post 17/06/2022

Meet the lovely Alison who recently completed the 6-week Super-Sensitive challenge. I'm incredibly happy that Alison has had such a positive experience, and that the challenge has facilitated such a life-changing transformation.

It's the first time I've worked in this way - an integrated and immersive approach, where participants did independent daily audio lessons in the Live Your Potential App, and then a live weekly 1-1 intuitive development session with me. 

My objective was to share the awareness, skills and tools needed to empower each person to be part of their own transformation. These are skills and tools to create habits for a lifetime. 

The missing piece of the puzzle is understanding how to connect to your core self, to trust your inner guidance so that you can start to live your potential moment-by-moment. 

If you want to know how you can start to live your potential, comment YES below or DM me, and I'll contact you directly. 



of the 6-week Super-Sensitive challenge. The final day of the 6-week Super-Sensitive challenge! We're bringing everything together today - a moment to reflect, casting your mind back to the start of the challenge, and how you felt then?

What is different? Are you aware of a shift whether subtle or profound? Are you aware of the skills you've learned, and how these have helped you navigate your life moment-by-moment?

Are you aware of how you feel differently, see differently, relate differently - to yourself, to your life, to others, and of course to your body, your emotions and your mind?

Are you able to recognise your gits of sensitivity? Are you able to recognise yourself - the gift that you are?

Today we work with a powerful visualisation, and the following affirmation -

"I am that I am. I celebrate all that I am.
I return to who I am at my core.
I allow myself to be naturally guided, and intuitively inspired
to create the life meant for me, moment-by-moment.
I celebrate all that I am."


of the --week Super-Sensitive challenge, and today we bring together everything we've learned about our sensitivity potential for creating emotional coherence.

From a place of presence, connected to who you are at your core, what does happiness feel like to you? What would bring more meaning, a deeper connection to your life experience moment-by-moment?

Today we work with the affirmation -

"I am happy in myself, comfortable in my skin. I am at peace with my experience, moment-to-moment, in alignment with my truth."


of the 6-week Super-Sensitive challenge, and today we return to our sensitivity potential to create good health and physical balance, bringing together all the awareness and skills we've learned over the course of the challenge.

We work with the affirmations -

"I let go of what is past to be fully present, to connect with who I am at my core - my unique creative expression, my full creative potential."

"Every cell in my body vibrates with perfect health."

"I trust my body as I trust myself."

"I am healthy and I love my body as I love myself."

Energy is everything.......

Welcome to Live Your potential. If you’re here, you’re no doubt curious to know more about the unlimited potential of energy healing. Energy is the foundation of everything we experience in the knowable universe. Understanding and maintaining good energetic health is, I believe, the single most important thing we can undertake to achieve well being and fulfillment in the long-term. It is the key to living your unique potential. Sign-up here for unlimited energy healing -

Videos (show all)

Time is nearly up to access The Super-Sensitive' Challenge⏰ 48 HOURS LEFT ⏰I’ve had lots of questions, so if you are sti...
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN: Super-Sensitive ChallengeYesterday I revealed information about the Super-Sensitive Challenge ...
Do you struggle with your sensitivity? Read on and comment 'Super-sensitive' for more info..... If you don't know how to...
The secret to transforming stress into strength
Happy 2021! Let 2021 be the year you celebrate your potential moment-by-moment!