Faith Greater Than Fear

Faith Greater Than Fear

Mom of 2 and a fur baby
Fiancee of Josh
Whole body wellness ju**ie
Disney fanatic
Coffee snob
Helping you achieve your health and wellness goals!

Timeline photos 12/07/2018

In my online support group today I asked a big question.

Why are you here?

Annnnnd I had to take a step back and answer it honestly for myself.
This is my answer.

When I first started this journey I thought my why was simple......

I just wanted to lose weight.
To LOOK skinny.

Simple right??
I was totally naive in thinking that losing weight would "fix" me. I had absolutely no idea the extent of the damage that needed to be fixed.

When I stumbled into my first group like this it was because I went jeans shopping annnd I couldn't fit into the biggest jeans in the "regular" store...
I bought a "program" to fix it.

Little did I know...

If you would have asked me back then how I was I would have told you "Im ok." And I believed it!
I was delusional though. Lol

How could I be ok???
I was reeling with the unexpected death of the kiddo's dad... I was putting the peices back together for my kids and completely ignoring my own grief. I was eating Big Macs in the car and then eating dinner when I got home. (And I'm being πŸ’― honest)
I was a damn mess!
My brokeness was breaking me.

My why for a really long time was because I was putting the pieces of my life back together and this journey felt good. It felt authentic.

My why now is because it has become my mission. There are people out there who's brokeness is breaking them every day! And I can speak life into them.. Because I've BEEN THERE!

My why is because I no matter how many times I've tried to quit I can't stop.

This has become my calling.

Timeline photos 10/07/2018

πŸ’žSimplicity and GratitudeπŸ’ž

My head has been a bit of a mess the last few days. Not for any specific reason, just overwhelmed I guess.

Sometimes the inner struggle is SO real right?!

The struggle to FEEL a certain way,

to ACT a certain way,

to BE a certain way....

It can over take us and leave us feeling inadequate and unlovable.

Would you believe me if I told you that EVERYONE has moments of overwhelm?

It's true!
In today's society overwhemed and overworked is almost written into our job descriptions!

One way I have learned to combat overwhelm is to dig into the simple things and focus on gratitude!

Today I am grateful for this simple breakfast (and the simple program that inspired it). 🍴

I am grateful for quiet mornings. πŸ’ž

I am grateful for puppy snuggles. 🐢

I am grateful for the chance to slow down and breathe more deeply. 😍


My new Food and Fitness Bootcamp is LIVE and we kick off tomorrow!! There's still time to jump in!
You KNOW you want to!!

Photos from Faith Greater Than Fear's post 04/07/2018

πŸ’–Beautiful are those who's brokenness gives birth to transformation and wisdom
-John Mark GreenπŸ’–

6 weeks ago I was scrolling through pictures and I came to a realization...
I DID NOT look happy or healthy.
I knew something needed to change.
It took a couple weeks to get up the courage to admit that I had fallen off of the fitness wagon. 😭
All my hard work was drowned in 10 hour days annnd not eating right.

I took the picture on the left one month ago I was tired of being tired. I was tired of not being comfortable in my clothes. I was tired of just not feeling like ME. 😭

Sooooo I made the decision to change it.
I chose a program to follow (from my virtual gym) cleaned up my eating (for the most part) and hit the ground running. πŸ‘£

I haven't been perfect (we rarely are) 😝

But each day I have pushed toward my goals!
Annnd after the picture on the lefy was taken I can see it!
Transformation has come!

Have you fallen off the wagon too?
There's absolutely no shame in admitting it! I have some people you should meet! They are the best at supporting you on your journey! πŸ’–πŸ’–

A also have a SECRET group starting on Monday to help you get back on track!
Personalized health and fitness plans catered to what you need annnnnnd..


Drop me an emoji (orr shoot me a message) if you're in!
I cant wait to work with you on your.own transformation!

😘😘 @ Gresham, Oregon

Timeline photos 28/06/2018

What if every thing you ever dreamed about really IS just outside your comfort zone???

Timeline photos 27/06/2018

🌟You have to want your dreams more than you want your drama🌟
Jen Sincero
-You Are A Bad Ass At
Making Money

One Month.....

🌟One month ago I decided that I couldn't keep going at the pace I was racing at.

🌟One month ago I decided that being there for my kids and my fiancee were more important than burning the candle at both ends.

🌟One month ago I decided that helping people wasn't just something I did SOMETIMES.
It was my calling.

🌟One month ago I decided to follow my heart.

And in that month...

πŸ’– I have watched as my children have flourished.

πŸ’–I have watched as my tribe has grown.

πŸ’–I have watched as my little side business has become a job that fills me with purpose and joy!

Are you wondering what the heck I do as a coach?? Orrr how I decided to become one? Orrrr WHY I do what I do??

Part of my tribe is hosting a TOTALLY FREE glance into this coaching gig and I'd LOVE to add you in to check it out! πŸ’•πŸ’•

It'll have all the goodies about coaching as told by some of my favorites!! πŸ’–

Let me know if you want to jump on in and see what it is about coaching that lights my fire! πŸš’

Timeline photos 26/06/2018

πŸ’–Hello TuesdayπŸ’–

It was a fantastic long weekend with my little family celebrating Colin turning 11!

Today is all about getting back into the swing of things (including laundry), and diving into my inbox. I've got messages rolling in from mama's looking to get healthy and I am SO excited to jump in and give them the help and support they need to be their healthiest selfs! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

But first, a home made caramel latte in a Mary Poppins mug because helping people (and coffee) makes a Tuesday feel PRETTY darn MAGICAL!! 🌟

P.S. If you're not on my VIP list yet for my next group you better shoot me a message! We are getting HEALTHY, and having FUN doing it!! πŸ’πŸ’

PLUS the next 5 ladies who join me are going to get an EXCLUSIVE Faith > Fear gift from ME!! πŸ™‹πŸ™‹

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Enjoying a little down time after some errands this morning AND diving into my inbox I came across THIS.

What does that even mean??

Im glad you asked.
THIS is where the magic happens

Supper Club Weekly is just one of the goodies you get when you jump on my health train!
It has.....

🌟A weekly meal plan to keep you KILLING those summer body goals!

🌟 Color coded shopping lists to make it THAT much easier to get all the goodies!

🌟 A complete list of delicious foods to keep YOU going!

OH! And the best part....
Its is TOTALLY FREE for my clients!

Wanna take a peek??
Shoot me a message and I will add you to my list of Supper Club VIPs!
You should TOTALLY take the "What's for dinner" out of your life!


Timeline photos 20/06/2018

🎢I'm not sayin she's a GOAL DIGGER🎢

Oh, wait...

That's EXACTLY what this cup is saying! πŸ˜‚

Timeline photos 20/06/2018


I can remember clearly the summer I STOPPED wearing shorts. I was in 7th grade.
We went on a road trip to Disneyland.
And upon getting the pictures of our vacay back I honed in on ALL the imperfections.
Specifically my thick legs. 😭

And that was it. 😳
I never wore shorts again.
In fact I piled on the layers to hide.
Even when I was starving myself and only eating a slice of cheese in 24 hours (which is a whole nother story) I STILL hid!
Sad right?! It wasn't until the last year or so that I would wear shorts again. And that was just to work out in the privacy of my home.
This year I decided that I was going to TRY on some shorts, fully expecting to hate myself in them and teach myself a lesson. πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚ But, (here's the magic guys) when I put them on I DIDN'T hate myself!
I looked strong.πŸ’ͺ And capable. πŸ‘
And CUTE! 😍

I didn't buy THOSE shorts. But there was victory that day!
A couple weeks later I bought THESE shorts (and another pair) and TODAY for the First time since 7th grade I am ACTUALLY wearing them! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Thats an NSV 23 years in the making! 😭😭😭 Our minds can make us feel so insignificant and small. So unloved and unlovable. Why do we do that to ourselves?! Are you ready to love your(whole)self again?
I can help you if you'll let me.
It won't be easy... But, it'll be easier with someone who has been there by your side!


Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there!
Especially this guy!!


Timeline photos 16/06/2018

My coffee has a message for you this morning..... β˜•πŸ˜˜

Timeline photos 16/06/2018

This workout ALMOST didn't happen...

I totally had myself convinced just to do it tomorrow. It was a long, busy day that kept me running a lot.

But, I DID get to see my kiddos last day of school πŸ’–
I also got to say goodbye to my PreK class as they headed off to Kindergarten. πŸ’–

It was a good day!
Filled with GOOD food choices. πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

SO I had myself convinced NOT to workout.
I'd done my job for the day right??

And then I remembered my coffee post from earlier...😳
The one That said I was going to work out. And I KNEW what I HAD to do.

Sooo I pressed play on Lower Focus.
I'm pretty sure I'll be walking like a baby giraffe tomorrow! πŸ˜‚

If youre wondering WHY I'm always posting about my workouts or my food a HUGE part is staying accountable. If it's out there.. I can't take it back. You've seen it!
The other equally big part is that I want you to know that if I can do this so can
Y O U!
Wanna know my secret?!
I'll show you! It's not as hard as you think it is! Annnnd I've got the BEST support group cheering me on!

You R E A L L Y should join us!

Timeline photos 15/06/2018

😍You're gawwwwwgeous baby!😍 Let me tell you... I am DRAGGING today! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜΄ I think its cuz it's the end of a busy week and emotions around the house have been running high!
OH! Annnd because I've been go, go, going since 730 this morning with all the last day of school goodness!

Time for a little caffeine recharge while dive into my Bible study and a little virtual biz meeting... And then my workout.πŸ˜±πŸ™Œ
It's doubles today sooooo catch me on my stories to see IF I survive! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh! And be ready! Tomorrow morning I have an exciting opportunity for 5 lucky people to (virtually) join me for a week of learning that we are ENOUGH just the way we are!! -


Timeline photos 11/06/2018

Heading to get coffee with my hunny rocking my new Mickey shirt and dreaming of

Timeline photos 11/06/2018

The only things you will regret are the one's you left undone...

This is your Monday morning reminder to get out there and do A L L the things!

Timeline photos 05/06/2018

The last few mornings I have gotten up and done a little Bible study before getting the kiddos up.
Today's was all about embracing failure.. OUCH right?! We never want to EMBRACE failure, because we never want to fail!
But, if you think about it, its our FAILURES that sometimes teach us more than our successes ever could.
I know in my life without failing multiple times (in multiple ways)I wouldn't know who I am and what I want from this crazy life. I've spent SO many years looking BEHIND me at my failures and not seeing that they were gently (or sometimes not so gently) guiding me on this AMAZING journey!
Guys! Failure isn't the enemy!
STOPPING is the enemy!
Never stop!
Keep pushing PAST those failures!
There is SO much beauty in the journey IF you will let yourself grow!

Photos from Faith Greater Than Fear's post 31/05/2018

A simple little breakkie...
Annnnnd my first EVER homemade vanilla latte!
While my latte art MIGHT need a little work my belly will be super happy with this simple treat! Esp since Ive been living on Superfoods and instant oatmeal for breakfast for the last few weeks! Don't get it twisted... My Superfoods are MAGIC🌠
BUT sometomes a girl's gotta EAT!

I'm seriously LOVING this new program I've been doing that is COMPLETELY changing my MINDSET around food! It's got a SUPER simple, practical outline to follow Annnd just like that πŸ‘Œ I'm down 12 pounds!

IF you're looking for a way to eat REAL food (not that low cal diet crap) and FEEL good let me know! I would LOVE to share!!

Oh! And PS on my new plan EXERCISE is EXTRA CREDIT! 😱


@ Gresham, Oregon

Timeline photos 29/04/2018

Don't mind me... I'll just be over here soaking up ALLL the Sunday. πŸ’–

Sunday's are my FAVORITE days!
I mean, church, time with my family, prepping for a new week, annnd a little self care... What's NOT to love?!?! Whatever this Sunday finds you doing I hope it fills your cup to the BRIM so you can drip love EVERY. SINGLE. DAY this week!


Timeline photos 21/04/2018

7 AM on vacay and everyone else is zonked out in the hotel room... 😴😴 Sooo Mommy snuck out to get a little WERK done annnd drink a little coffee BEFORE today's adventure! πŸ’–

Summer is coming (I hope! πŸ˜‚) annnnd I want to be able to want to be confident wherever I go and in whatever I decide to wear! What about YOU??? Are you feeling beYOUtiful lately?
Are you thinking about starting your OWN journey to confidence and loving yourself? Looking for ideas on how to feel GOOD again? Orrrrr already rocking your healthy h
Journey BUT looking for some others that will lift and light your way?? Did tell you that I have a ALL NEW group starting on Monday?
A group focused on being HEALTHY and working towards confidence!
A group filled with LOVE and LIGHT!
These groups have changed MY life and I'm looking for 10 people to jump in and find out how to eat real food, move your body daily, and FEEL THE BEST YOU EVER HAVE!
Sounds AMAZING right?
Want in?
Its SUPER easy!! Just comment ME, Like, orrr shoot me a DM and you will get on my list!! P.S. THERE'S PRIZES!!

Photos from Faith Greater Than Fear's post 08/04/2018

I woke up ON FIRE this morning at 645! I have been looking forward to today for MONTHS!

Today is the quarterly meeting of local "and not so local" coaches! I have only missed one of these meetings in the 24 MONTHS I've been a coach! As an entrepreneur I spend a lot of time bouncing ideas off anyone who will listen (usually my hunny πŸ˜‚ ) BUT on these days I get to collaborate with others like me!
These. Are. My. People!

Oh annnnd did I mention that we get to do a LIVE workout?!?! Just wait and see..
The amount of energy in this room will be INSANE! ESPECIALLY since we have a
V E R Y special guest today the one and only will be speaking, leading our workout AND TAKING PICS with some of us!!

Pardon my but Shaun T was instrumental in my mindset makeover last year and I. Just. Might. Die. (Or cry)

Stay tuned for allll the Super Sunday antics guys!!

@ Oregon Convention Center


Happy Easter from my little family to yours!
Today we celebrate LIFE for as HE lives so do we!

My prayer for you is that you are filled with overwhelming love today and everyday.
And that you shine your light in this world as bright as my dress!

Timeline photos 25/03/2018

Saturday night vibes....

It's been a busy week in "Courtney Land" time to S L O W down and R E L A X!

I'm SUPER excited about what I have coming up in the next couple weeks and I can't wait to share it with you!!

But, not tonight!
You guys are gonna have to wait! πŸ˜‚

Tonight is for Grapefruit LA Croix and my $5 Goodwill find!

PS I'm ALREADY IN BED! (And yes Im excited about it) πŸ˜‚

Timeline photos 20/03/2018

Happy first day of SPRING guys!!

And what a GORGEOUS start to the season! The weather here is beautiful today and that means my Pre K kids get to RUN!
I snapped this on my way in to work this morning because our notoriously dark parking lot is even coming to life with the season change!
Spring brings SO much promise.
Life Just seems to BLOOM!

My favorite blooms are Tulips and Daffoldils annnd of course ROSES (Duh right? I'm from the Rose City)

What are yours????

Timeline photos 20/03/2018

Still riding high on the Monday good vibes tonight as we settle in and get ready to
R E S T.

Why am I still in SUCH a good mood even though I woke at 530 and then worked a 9 hour day that included a 45 min commute?

Taking charge of how I FEEL about myself thats what!

Waking up with intention.
Moving my body.
Eating like I LOVE myself.
And now unwinding with my littles.

Small changes daily make can a BIG impact.
One day down, 79 to go!

Timeline photos 19/03/2018

Day 1 of my new vibe and I'm LOVING it already!

I can't wait to tell you guys all about it..
BUT it's gonna have to wait cuz my lunch break is over!

Check back here at 8PM to hear all about what I've got goin on!


Timeline photos 19/03/2018

Sunday night.
This weekend was a busy one.
Starting early Friday morning when I switched my work schedule so I could go to my neices dance team competition and ending today with a Birthday party for
my cousin's son annnd some grocery shopping for the week.

Guys, to be honest I have been on the struggle bus lately and for the longest time I couldn't pinpoint why.

Why do I feel this STRONG sense of overwhelm? Why do I feel like there's just NOT ENOUGH of me to go around?
Like EVER.

Annnd then on Friday morning it dawned on me. I have been working S O hard to show up lately for everyone else that I have COMPLETELY neglected showing up for ME!
I mean, don't get me wrong, I find JOY in being a good teacher. I absolutely love what I do... And I can be filled to the brim by being there for my family and watching my children's faces light up!

But, if I can wake up E A R L Y for a classroom of 4 year olds, or because my kids have a field trip why can I NOT get out of bed and do things just for ME?
To fill my cup first?

Mom life is so full of moments that are fleeting..
Why do I not want to FEEL my best in them?

So, starting tomorrow I am diving into 80 days of waking up early, moving my body, and taking care of ME first thing in the morning.

The first few days are NOT gonna be easy (or pretty) but nothing worthwhile ever is!

Wish me luck!
Orrrrr join me!
There's ALWAYS room in my circle for other mamas looking to make a change!


Timeline photos 17/03/2018

πŸ€May your joys be as deep as the ocean.
And your troubles be light as it's foam.
And may you find sweet peace of mind.
Wherever you may roam. πŸ€
-Irish Blessing

Happy St Patrick's Day from the loves of my life and I! πŸ€

Timeline photos 03/03/2018

Talk about Deja Vu! πŸ˜‚

Back in the gym I spent my high school days at to cheer on my neices as they leave their hearts on the floor one more time before State!

Videos (show all)

Live At 5!!!
Bringin the HEAT!!
Stinkin migraine had me down for the count most of the day. But I had to get these two out even for a short while to get...
Mash up work out saaaay whaaaat?! 😱😱
Super Saturday!!
Jealous?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
How a dancer cleans the water off the floor.....πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ˜‚#tendu #rondejambe #howeedo #onceadancer
🎢🎢 🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢Oh darling don't you ever grow up.Don't you ever grow up.Life can stay this simple... 🎢🎢If I had one wish f...
Oh holy night. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚It's a bird. 🐀It's a plane. ✈It's UNDERWEAR GIRL!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚#thisgirl #ohkaylin #wow #underweargirl
Yay for new library cards and summer reading!!! πŸ“•πŸ“—πŸ“˜Kaylin couldn't W A I T to read her books! She's such a good little r...
Missed yesterday's work out since I was driving FOREVER...Soooo my little workout buddy and I DOUBLED DOWN! I love that ...
🎢Oh darling dont you ever grow up, Dont you ever grow up. Life can stay this simple🎢When I started my journey I had no t...
