SYL. Strutt Your Life

SYL. Strutt Your Life

Non-Diet Nutritionist BSc
Food Politics and Sustainable Development MA


Favourite type of Noods: Quick and Satisfying 💁🏼‍♀️

Now we’re not always used to pairing curry and noodles together but what 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 combo 👏🏻

Thai Yellow Curry Noodles with coconut milk, aubergine, courgette, peppers, mushrooms, and chicken. Topped with spring onions, chives, and peanuts.

1. Fry or roast your veggies and any protein you want with onions, garlic, and ginger then put to the side.
2. Fry off your curry paste of choice and add in a tin or two of coconut milk and cook until slightly thickened. Add a bit of water if you want but don’t overdo it, no one likes a thin curry 💁🏼‍♀️.
3. Cook rice noodles as per packet instructions.
4. Mix together and top with your fave toppings and enjoy 💃🏼

I used frozen veg and two tins of coconut milk which made 5 portions of curry, 4 of which went into the freezer to save for the week. As always, great way of using leftover veg and reducing food waste!

Let me know what you think, mad love ❤️

Photos from SYL. Strutt Your Life's post 18/06/2024

The deadline for registering to vote is 23:59 tonight. You can still apply for a proxy or postal vote after, but you need to make sure that you are registered first.

This is especially important for first time voters or people who have moved house.

For those who are unsure for who to vote for, the quiz can be really useful to understand which party you align with or to specifically aim to reduce the risk of certain parties winning.

For educating yourself, I highly recommend the and podcasts (they are both left leaning, I don’t have recommendations for right leaning podcasts).

On socials, you should definitely follow and as they give a fantastic overview, as well as

Educate yourself, use your voice and for the love of the gods, vote.


I have capacity to take on new clients again!

If you’re interested in improving your health, managing your blood sugars, blood cholesterol, and blood pressure. If you’re interested in improving your relationship to food and to your body, then send me a message for a free 15 minute discovery call 👀❤️

Mad love, Frey x


When I say that I studied food politics, people would ask me what that even was. But both your choice and your access to food, whether it healthy, ethical, or sustainable is political.

Perfect example, I used to buy Sabra hummus, it was expensive but delicious. However as an Israeli product, and given the sanctions we put on Russia for their invasion of Ukraine, I no longer feel comfortable purchasing it.

What you purchase and where is a political choice (whether you like it or not). Now we can’t do everything perfectly, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. So why buy something harmful when you can make it yourself?


1. Throw one cans-worth of chickpeas in the oven on 200C having seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika, and zaatar.
2. Empty another can of chickpeas and water into a pan and boil with 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda, 2-3 cloves of garlic, and 1 tsp salt. Boil until soft. Add more water if you need to.
3. Empty contents into a blender and add tahini and lemon juice.
4. Spoon on to a plate and add some olive oil, seasonings, and top with the roasted chickpeas.
5. Enjoy ☺️

You can also then donate the money you would have spent on expensive hummus. Everything helps ❤️‍🩹

Photos from SYL. Strutt Your Life's post 14/05/2024

Now that spring and summer are starting to peak through, we’re all getting back into gardening and houseplants.

As you know I’m all for this, but sometimes our methods may actually be damaging our plant babies, as well as our planet.

Whilst chemical fertilisers do help get a bigger plant, in the long run it may be doing some damage.

Have a go with more organic options, protect your plants, protect your soil, and help the planet. Triple win.

Any questions, hmu. 💚


The one, the only, NAN’S TRAITOR PASTA ❤️

Now, contrary to *some* opinions, this pasta is your perfect quick meal. 15 mins. Bish bash bosh done.

1. Cook your pasta (shorter pasta works best but you do you)
2. Whilst pasta is cooking, chop spinach and tomatoes.
3. When pasta is cooked, mix in spinach, tomatoes, tuna, mayo, salt, and pepper to taste.

Swap in mackerel or salmon for an oily fish, or other salad veg if you don’t like spinach or tomatoes.

Cheap. Quick. Healthy.
What more could you want for a meal?

My nan used to make this meal for me and my sister (sans veg) when I was a kid and it will always be my go to if I’m ever sad or stressed or in need of comfort. Post nutrition degree I did add the veg cause even great things can be improved.

It then had to be renamed due to some unapproving Italian opinions (who knew you’re not meant to add mayo to pasta- madness, I know).

Let me know what you think!

Mad love ❤️

Photos from SYL. Strutt Your Life's post 16/04/2024

Not sure if mercury is in the microwave or what, but it never hurts to top up your mental health

sending mad love every one ❤️


Fish and Leftover Veg Massaman Curry 🥘

One of the fantastic things about this dish, despite being absolutely delicious, is that you can be really loose about what you add into it.

Last week was anti-food waste week. We’re all guilty of not finishing all the veg we buy, in fact vegetables are often the most wasted foods. Curries such as this one can be a great way of getting odd bits of veg in.

Massaman Curry:
- vegetable oil
- 1-2 onions
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 thumb of ginger
- Massaman Curry Paste
- Coconut Milk
- Various veg (I used carrots, peppers, bean sprouts, mushrooms, and aubergines)
- Fish

1. Fry onion, garlic, and ginger
2. Add in veggies and stir-fry
3. Add in curry paste and coconut milk
4. Place the fish in the curry and cover until cooked.
5. Season with lime and fish sauce
6. Top with spring onions, sesame seeds, and chives

Serve with rice or noodles and enjoy ☺️

Photos from SYL. Strutt Your Life's post 12/03/2024

What does health look like to you?

When I speak to clients, they often tell me that they want to be “healthier” without necessarily being able to identify what that actually looks like for them. Does that mean eating better? Does that mean having a different weight? Does that mean being happier?

Media will often make you think that achieving x and y behaviours will give you “health”, but health is much wider than that.

If you hoping to improve your health, have a think about what that looks for you and how you might achieve that.

I’m currently taking on new clients so if this seems like something which interests you, then drop me a DM.

Mad love ❤️


Good morning everyone, struggling for that midweek meal? Then look no further, I gotchu boo 💁🏼‍♀️

Cheesy Ramen Noodles - Serves two - 30 minutes

1. Veg oil
2. Sliced Mushrooms
3. Minced Garlic
4. Spinach
5. Garden peas
6. Noodles x 1 instant packet and one extra
7. Two eggs
8. One mozzarella

1. Fry mushrooms in veg oil
2. Once cooked add in minced garlic
3. Add in maybe 300 ml water
4. Add in instant noodle packet flavourings
5. Depending on size of noodles, add thicker noodles 2-3 minutes before thinner ones and cover
6. Stir to break them up
7. Add in the water from the mozzarella
8. Once the noodles are almost cooked add in the peas and the spinach
9. Then in the whites of the eggs and stir
10. Break up the ball of mozzarella and add in and cover again
11. Once melted, take off the heat
12. Add in the egg yolks on top
13. Add optional soy sauce, sesame oil, chilli oil, sesame seeds, and spring onions
14. Try not to eat too fast 🤷🏼‍♀️


Good morning everyone, struggling for that midweek meal? Then look no further, I gotchu boo 💁🏼‍♀️

Cheesy Ramen Noodles - Serves two - 30 minutes

1. Veg oil
2. Sliced Mushrooms
3. Minced Garlic
4. Spinach
5. Garden peas
6. Noodles x 1 instant packet and one extra
7. Two eggs
8. One mozzarella

1. Fry mushrooms in veg oil
2. Once cooked add in minced garlic
3. Add in maybe 300 ml water
4. Add in instant noodle packet flavourings
5. Depending on size of noodles, add thicker noodles 2-3 minutes before thinner ones and cover
6. Stir to break them up
7. Add in the water from the mozzarella
8. Once the noodles are almost cooked add in the peas and the spinach
9. Then in the whites of the eggs and stir
10. Break up the ball of mozzarella and add in and cover again
11. Once melted, take off the heat
12. Add in the egg yolks on top
13. Add optional soy sauce, sesame oil, chilli oil, sesame seeds, and spring onions
14. Try not to eat too fast

Photos from SYL. Strutt Your Life's post 13/02/2024

So what achievable goals have you set for yourself this year ? 🌱



Food waste contributes 10-15% of all greenhouse gas emissions, and BBQ season (and Christmas) is where we see a lot of our food waste 😬

What can you do?
1. Buy less
2. Keep all leftovers in fridge/freezer and eat later
3. Give food to neighbours rather than putting it in the bjn
3. Compost waste rather than put it in bin for landfill

Food ending up in landfill releases 4x more greenhouse gases then composting so try to avoid this at all costs.

Chop your veg peelings or leftover salad and put it in your plants, if you don't want the nutrients, give it to them 😂

Enjoy your BBQs even more without wasted money or wasted food, happy days 😎


Over the moon that my dissertation is featuring in the blog! As you know I loved writing it and found it so interesting!

For all of you that wanted to read it but couldn't stomach 42,000 words (which I completely get), you can read the much shorter and more accesible version here 👉🏻

Mad love ❤️


5 Ways to Eat More Sustainably 🌍

Our diets contribute between 25-33% of greenhouse gas emissions, so making changes can make a huge impact!

Make your diet more sustainable by:
👎 Eat less Red Meat (aim for once a week or less)
👎 Eat less Farmed Prawns (other seafood is fine)
👍 Eat more pulses (chickpeas, beans, lentils)
👍 Eat Fruit and Vegetable Skins (potato, carrot, apple)
👍 Eat more variety (aim for 30 plant based foods a week)

Shout if any questions!

Big love ❤️


Given that today is the celebration of love, I wanted to think how that comes into play when we're thinking about ourselves and any chances we want to make.

Now as I've said already, I'm all about the anti-diet but that does not mean that I'm antichange. You can be antidiet and prochange. It's all about where that will for change comes from.

When you make changes based in self-hate or punishment, it's likely that they're a. gonna be mad unhealthy, and b, you're not going to be able to maintain them for very long.

When you make changes from a place of compassion and self-love or care, they're more likely to be actually good for you and to last.

I know it's hard to love yourself all the time, but you can always try to show love towards yourself, to have compassion, and to have your best interest at heart.

So when thinking about any changes you want to make, think about where that drives is coming from, and see how to make that change good for you.

Have a very loving day. Share love with your friends, your family, but most importantly, for yourself ❤️


Reminiscing on my Extra Life 💁🏼‍♀️


✨️Should I be "offsetting" my Carbon Emissions? ✨️

Okay so first off, what the f are carbon offsets?

Pretty much everything we do emits carbon or other gases.
So what you can do, is to pay to "offset" [balance] these emissions. This money will then be used to maintain and expand green spaces which absorb co2.

Say you go on a flight from London to say San Francisco, that will emit around 3.4 tonnes of CO2 and you pay £50 in offsets to balance it out.

Yes maintaining green spaces is great.
A. these gases and resources are different and can't really be balanced.
B. The offsetting business encourages western companies to buy up portions of forests which potentially stop locals from being able to use them.
C. Carbon measurement is still a bit sketchy, and the balance sheets may not be accurate.

all that being said, it is also likely better doing something than nothing.

If paying for your offsets is the only thing you can do, then do it, but with caution. But if you can get involved in other more local absorption projects, that's great, and we'll as reducing your carbon emitting activities where possible.

None of us are perfect, but every little helps ✌🏻


Hi everyone and happy new year!

So like some of you, I'm on day 9 or 10 of veganuary. I must say, I'm not loving it, but I do think its a really interesting and important challenge, even to just understand the complexity of our food system.

But it has made me think a lot of about protein, I normally don't pay a lot of attention to protein as I think it's incredibly overhyped. But as a vegan, it is more important and so thought I'd explain why.

Proteins are made of amino acids. Now there are 20 amino acids, 11 we can make ourselves, and 9 we can't. Now animal proteins generally contain all of these nine "essential" amino acids. Thus they're complete Proteins. For plant foods, you've got two options for these complete proteins, soya or quinoa.

But given that we tend to eat foods as meals rather than on their own, you just need to PAIR YOUR PROTEINS.

Generally, grains have some of the essential amino acids, and beans or pulses have the other. Often this is the basis of many cuisines, e.g. rice and peas, hummus and pitta, even beans on toast.

I know a lot of people worry about their protein intakes in general, but given the availability of our food, it's quite hard to not get enough and we often eat too much of it. So deep breath, just balance your meals with grains AND legumes and you won't lose your gainz. You'll also be eating more fibre so bonus points for that 💁🏼‍♀️



It's the most wonderful time of the year?

Even as a straight sized person, I've had some really hurtful comments about my body from those I thought cared for me. Which makes eating around them sometimes really fcking hard.

Haters gonna hate, regardless of how you look.

We deserve this delicious food. They're wrong and we're fcking great.

Don't let their comments stop you from enjoying your life, eating your food, or taking your photos.

Don't put up with the crumbs when you deserve the whole damn cake.

Happy holidays everyone ❤️

P.s. women also say horrible things as I'm well aware, these however are the comments which stood out to me, who were all by men.


So this week I had to defend my dissertation so I thought it would be worth explaining to you all what it was about, I'm gonna try in 90 seconds.

So many of you are aware for the need to reduce high meat production and consumption.

But when you look at the data, men eat significantly more meat than women and are more likely to be against vegetarian diets and dishes.

Therefore we need to focus on men reducing their consumption.

But meat is strongly linked with masculinity and sexuality and so reducing meat can mean losing a sense of identity.

It is therefore important to find reasons which could be more important than identity.

Studies show that high meat consumption is significantly associated with increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

Given the importance of sexual function both in society and personally, I investigated whether this reason would motivate a reduction in meat consumption.

And my study showed that YES, it did. Though the reason was not significant for women, it was for men.

Though this change was small, changing from "strongly unlikely" to reduce meat, to "unlikely", it was significant suggesting that it could be a viable motivator to reduce meat consumption.

It's important to mention that this was not about making men, or anyone else vegetarian. It is just about raising awareness on the reasons as to why high meat consumption can be harmful and how to help reduce consumption to healthier levels.

Hope you find it as interesting as I did!

Also if you're interested in how high meat consumption could lead to erectile dysfunction then let me know and I'll do a short video on it :)


Hi Everyone! Sorry for the hiatus, but this is your reminder about your vitamin D!

It's really important for immunity, muscles, and our bones.

We normally get it through sunlight but if you're in Northern Europe right now you won't be getting a lot of sun. Additionally if you cover your skin, don't spend much time outside, or have darker skin, it's more difficult to get vitamin D from the sun.

Some people take supplements instead but just be aware of the dosage, the UK government recommends 10ug per say or 400 IUs, but some supplements are much higher than this. We do store it so just be careful with your doses if not advised from a health care professional.

If you have any questions then give me a shout!



The last few weeks have been hard. Through a series of unfortunate events, I have felt sadder than I have done in a long time.

The feeling of wanting to never get out of bed, but also not want to come home. To be feeling uneasy around people but also desperately lonely when on your own.

I have been blessed with the ability to make strong friendships, but reaching out can be really difficult. The fear of being needy or clingy. The fear of rejection if they say no is almost tangible.

Some toxic s**t you've no doubt learnt somewhere.
Though there are some diamonds who reach out, for the most of us, we're busy in our own lives that sometimes it's so easy to miss those nuanced signs.

Speak to friends, speak to family, even speak to hotlines such as 0300 123 3393

If it's an ongoing issue, maybe consider getting out and joining a community, be that sports, or crafts, even religion if that's what you're into. Looking into therapy would also likely be very valuable.

Just don't suffer on your own.
As much as you feel it, you're never on your own.
(Especially not when there are 8 billion people on the planet 😂)

Big love ❤️


Message for today, DON'T WASTE YOUR RICE!

Rice contributes to about 10% of agricultural emissions, I'm not saying not to buy/eat it, but please please don't waste it. Chuck it in the fridge/freezer and make egg fried rice the next day 🙋🏼‍♀️



Snacks are great, delicious, and keep us going through the day.

But snacking is a dangerous game, you gotta keep the ratio right.
Too many snacks, less meals.
No snacks, or too few snacks, can lead to massive meal portions making you feel sick.

So when this ratio gets out of wack, it happens for one of two reasons.

1. We're lazy or tired or too busy to make a full meal so we just snack instead. But tbh, by the time you get up, figure out what snack you want, make it, eat it, and start thing about the second, third, fourth, fifth snack. You may as well have made yourself a meal, hopefully a balanced one, which allows you to actually carry on with your day.

2. Sometimes diet culture can make us feel that skipping meals is a good thing so that we'll get slimmer. But SHOCKINGLY, skipping meals makes us hungry. So what do we do? We fill up snacks, which aren't a meal, to make us think that we're skipping a meal and being "healthy".

Now, I don't need to tell you that skipping meals is probably not a good strategy for achieving health.
Don't lie to yourself, calories from snacks don't get sucked into some weird vortex where they don't count.
Unless you're having super balanced snacks, you're likely depriving yourself of key nutrients when you only eat snacks.

Keep snacking, but think about whether you want that snack, or whether a meal would be better.

Big love ❤️

Photos from SYL. Strutt Your Life's post 11/10/2022

Three faces of a library break;
forgetting where you are
joy of being outside
remembering that you have to go back in

5 weeks to go until dissertation is due so this will likely be my home for 5 weeks more.

Been making me think about the grind. I've mentioned before about the risk of the grind and its links to burnout, and questioning whether that effort is all worth it, especially when it's not even for yourself but for someone else.

But the grind for yourself is a different kind of grind, those long hours are worth it cause you have the faith that they'll pay dividends later.
That being said, no grind is worth your health.
Take those breaks, eat good food, be with people who make you laugh.
Also, let's not lie, winter is coming if it's not here already, grab that last bit of vitamin D wherever you can 😂



✨️ Essentially a measure of the amount of Carbon dioxide (and its equivalents such as methane or nitrous oxide) released through the creation of this product or service.

✨️ For a food product, that will be:
The emissions from growing the food
The emissions from manufacturing and packaging
The emissions from transporting the food from the farm, to the manufacturing plant, to the supermarket/wholesaler.

✨️ Most countries have made pledges to reduce their emissions, as per the Paris Climate agreement in 2015.

✨️ Now what is DOESN'T include, is water usage, water pollution, or contribution to biodiversity loss. Which are all still massive contributors to our environment.

✨️ That being said, we have to start somewhere and I think these are really useful for consumers to learn about the impact of their purchases on our environment.

Hope this helps, as always, shout if you have any questions!


The final tour, the Bali Food Tour 😍🇮🇩


5 a day or 30 a week?

What's your number? 🤔👇🏻

Videos (show all)

REDUCING FOOD WASTE IN BBQ SEASONFood waste contributes 10-15% of all greenhouse gas emissions, and BBQ season (and Chri...
5 Ways to Eat More Sustainably 🌍Our diets contribute between 25-33% of greenhouse gas emissions, so making changes can m...
Given that today is the celebration of love, I wanted to think how that comes into play when we're thinking about oursel...
Reminiscing on my Extra Life 💁🏼‍♀️
✨️Should I be "offsetting" my Carbon Emissions? ✨️Okay so first off, what the f are carbon offsets? Pretty much everythi...
Hi everyone and happy new year!So like some of you, I'm on day 9 or 10 of veganuary. I must say, I'm not loving it, but ...
** TRIGGER WARNING FOR ED/DE **It's the most wonderful time of the year?Even as a straight sized person, I've had some r...
So this week I had to defend my dissertation so I thought it would be worth explaining to you all what it was about, I'm...
Hi Everyone! Sorry for the hiatus, but this is your reminder about your vitamin D!It's really important for immunity, mu...
Message for today, DON'T WASTE YOUR RICE!Rice contributes to about 10% of agricultural emissions, I'm not saying not to ...
ALL ABOUT THE SNACKS 🥨Snacks are great, delicious, and keep us going through the day.But snacking is a dangerous game, y...
