Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent

THE go-to page for all your mortgage financing needs. With the experience, knowledge, passion and drive to make your mortgage financing goals a success.

Over 30 years of experience to ensure that your mortgage is in good hands. Mortgage financing is the key that opens the door to your home purchase. Deciding what to buy, how much to spend, and whether or not to buy at all usually depends on the financing. This is true for both first time buyers and experienced buyers alike. Valerie and I understand that this is an emotional process and we work clo


It's a good day to Friday all day.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!



As credit has become more and more abundant in our society, your credit report, and thus your credit rating, has become more important in your daily life. Your credit rating affects all aspects of your financial activities when it comes to borrowing money. Your credit rating also has the ability to affect the job you get, the apartment you rent, and even the ability to open a bank account.

Your credit report itself is simply a listing of all of your mortgage and consumer debt. Here in Canada, the two main credit reporting agencies are Trans Union and Equifax. Both agencies have a credit history file on anyone who has ever borrowed money. Every time you borrow money, or make a payment on a loan or credit card, the lender then reports the information about the transaction to these two agencies. In addition to credit information, you will also find liens and judgments on your credit report as well as your address and possibly your work history. The accumulation of all of this information is called your credit report.

The information on your credit report varies based on your creditors and what they have reported about you. Potential lenders and others, such as employers, view your credit history as a reflection of your character. Whether we like it or not, our financial habits have a lot to say about the way in which we choose to live our lives.

The credit score, or beacon score, is a number which gives mortgage lenders an idea of your lending risk.

Credit scores range from 300 to 900, the higher your credit score the better. The mortgage products and interest rate that you will qualify for are often determined by your credit score.

The good news is that your credit report is a working document. This means that you have the ability over time, to repair any damaged credit and increase your credit score.

Contact me today to discuss your current credit situation and how it will impact your mortgage process.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



Self-employed individuals in Ontario have several mortgage options available, specifically designed to accommodate their unique financial situations.

Understanding these options, gathering the necessary documentation, and seeking professional guidance can significantly improve the chances of securing a mortgage that fits your needs and goals.

That's where I can assist you, as your Mortgage Agent.

While a bank only offers the products from their particular institution, I have access to Canada’s largest banks, credit unions, and trust companies … offering my clients more choice, and access to hundreds of mortgage products!

As a result, my self-employed clients benefit from the trust, confidence, and security of knowing they are getting the best mortgage for their needs.

Best of all, I work for you, and not the banks; therefore, I work in your best interest.

Whether you’re purchasing a home for the first time, taking out equity from your home for investment or pleasure, or your current mortgage is simply up for renewal, it’s important that you are making an educated buying decision with professional unbiased advice.

Contact me today to discuss your unique mortgage needs.
I have over 30 years of mortgage service experience.
Self-employed borrowers a speciality!

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



Choosing the mortgage term that is right for you can be a challenging proposition for even the savviest of homebuyers. By understanding mortgage terms and what they mean in dollars and sense, you can save the most money and choose the term that is right for you.

The first consideration when comparing various mortgage terms is to understand that a longer term generally means a higher corresponding interest rate. And, a shorter term generally means a lower corresponding interest rate. While this generalization might lead you to believe that a shorter term is always the preferred option, this is not always the case.

Sometimes there are other factors, either in the financial markets or in your own life, which you will also have to take into consideration when you select your mortgage term length.

If paying your mortgage each month places you close to the financial edge of your comfort zone, you may want to opt for a longer term mortgage, for instance ten years, so that you can ensure that you will be able to afford your mortgage payments should the interest rates increase. By the end of a ten year mortgage term, most buyers are in a better financial situation, have a lower principle balance due, and should interest rates have risen, will be able to afford higher mortgage payments.
If you are shopping for a mortgage for an investment property, you will likely want to consider choosing a longer mortgage term. This will allow you to know that the mortgage payments on the property will be steady for a long time and allow you to more accurately project your future income from the property.

Choosing the right mortgage term is a unique decision for each individual. By understanding your personal financial situation and your tolerance for risk, a mortgage professional can assist you in choosing the mortgage term which will work the best.

Contact me today to discuss your unique mortgage needs...

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



If your mortgage is coming up for renewal within the next 4 months, I would like to hear from you. Let's talk rates and potential strategies for your upcoming renewal.

Today the headlines are a little scary, I'm here for you, I'm a resource at your disposal with 30 years of experience. Don't hesitate to reach out, even if it's only to say hello and catch up on what's going on, I look forward to our chat.


Contact me today.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


Taking out a second mortgage is supposed to be a temporary solution to an immediate financial problem.

Now that some time has passed, it could be time to pay off your second mortgage by combining it with your first mortgage. Consolidating your first and second mortgages can save you a lot of money.

I've been helping people with their mortgages for over 30 me to see what is possible for you.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
416.931.3893 / [email protected]


I've successfully helped business owners refinance commercial debt secured against real estate which was being called back by their bank. Buy yourself some time with a refinance and restructure your business.

Recognizing and tackling the problem early is essential.

I've been helping business owners with their mortgage needs for over 30 years.

Let me help you.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals
416.931.3893 / [email protected]



One of the main benefits of using a Mortgage Centre professional, like myself, is that I have access to, and knowledge of, the entire mortgage market-not just the banks.

Because I take your current lifestyle and budget factors into account, I'm able to provide you not only with the best available rate, but features that help you meet your exact needs now and in the future. I'm consistently working on your side to shop the mortgage market for you, saving you time now, and possibly a considerable amount of money over the term of your mortgage.

I will assist you from start to finish; in the application process, from pre-approval to home appraisal.

Start the process and contact me today.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



Having problems securing a mortgage? You're not alone. There are many reasons why someone may fall outside of the borrowing guidelines of institutional lenders.

Whether you have less than perfect credit, a reduced income, or a life event that has impacted your current financial situation, a private mortgage may be an option for you.

I will sit down with you and discuss your current situation, and we'll look into financing options that may be suited to your needs.

Contact me today
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Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead!



Whether it be a house, cottage, farm, condo, or plot of land, buying real estate is traditionally a sound and profitable investment, offering both rental income and capital gains.

However, investment property ownership isn't for everyone. Along with the potential benefits come potential concerns; from legal to financial, so it's a sound idea to consult a financial advisor, a lawyer and an accountant prior to considering an investment property purchase.

Because investment property mortgages are subject to specific governmental requirements, mortgages are constantly changing.

It's a good idea to consult with a Mortgage Centre specialist (me!) that brings experience and training to the table, helping you make an informed decision about your investment property mortgage options.

Contact me today to discuss your investment property purchase goals
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Robert Bizzoni- Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


Like many other Canadians you may be considering using the equity you've built in your home to re-invest in your dreams or consolidate debt.


A mortgage refinance allows you to borrow additional money on your mortgage, so you can afford the things you've always wanted. It can help save you money and help you consolidate your debt into one convenient payment.


A mortgage refinance may be right for you if you want:

To consolidate your debt at a lower rate of interest than most major credit cards and loans

Help with the kids' education costs, your dream vacation, perfect vehicle, a home renovation and more

Emergency funds to handle unexpected expenses

To purchase investments or maximize your RRSP contributions

A residential property, including rental properties of up to four units.

Let me help guide you through the options of leveraging the equity in your most valuable asset. I can explore how taking advantage of flexible mortgage features and interest rates can allow you to withdraw equity while keeping your payments affordable.

With years of experience in the mortgage industry, I will help you understand the role your home plays in your overall financial picture and provide you with sound financing options to match your current and future goals.

Contact me today with your unique mortgage needs.
Link in Bio

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



Fact: Mortgage rates may change regularly depending on numerous market conditions.

You may see a rate advertised with a lender that's no longer available by the time you apply. What's more, certain rates are only available to clients with specific needs or credit qualifications. There's no way for you to know whether an advertised rate is what you'll end up getting.

Another consideration is that some mortgages with very low rates may not give you the options or flexibility you need.

Well, I have good news for you!

I am able to sit down with you and help you determine what may be the best mortgage for you through a free analysis of your situation, needs, and goals. This analysis will take into account rate and features.

Once we know what your needs are, we'll shop the market and to find a mortgage product that we believe will suit your needs.

Contact me today to discuss your unique mortgage needs.
(Link in Bio)

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


There is excitement in every single day. What you make of it creates the memory.

Make it count.



Just because you've received a renewal offer from your current lender, doesn't mean you can't get a better deal elsewhere.

I, your Mortgage Specialist, can evaluate your mortgage needs and determine whether your current mortgage is still the best fit. I'll also shop your renewal to many of Canada's leading lenders to help find the deal you want.

Contact me today to get started
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Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals
[email protected]


On this New Year, may you change your direction and not dates, change your commitments and not the calendar,
change your attitude and not the actions,
and bring about a change in your faith, your force,
and your focus and not the fruit.

May you live up to the promises you have made and may you create for you and your loved ones the happiest New Year ever.

Happiest 2024 everyone



It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that comparing mortgage rates will guarantee you get the best bang for your mortgage buck. While this may be true for particular situations, there are many scenarios where this strategy is not effective. Following are three reasons why it doesn’t always pay to make a decision based solely on rates.

Your long-term plan and risk tolerance should determine which mortgage product is right for you. This product may or may not have the lowest rate.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when merely comparing mortgage rates is failing to consider important factors such as prepayment options to help pay off the mortgage faster, whether secondary financing options are allowed, early payout penalties, or what fees are involved.

Lenders can change their rates at any time. As such, if you’re shopping for rates with one lender and then approach another that gives you a lower rate, it’s quite possible that the first lender has also dropped its rates. This is why it’s important to get pre-approved with a lender once you a mortgage that fits your needs. In some cases, you can secure your rate and conditions for up to 120 days.

These are just three reasons why it’s not enough to merely compare mortgage rates. The mortgage rate you may qualify for is also highly dependent on your credit score among other things.

Contact me for your unique mortgage needs.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



The next time you’re looking for a mortgage for that new house or you’re up for renewal on your existing mortgage, think about using a mortgage broker (ME!)

I have access to a vast array of lenders – up to 90+ institutions, including some of the big banks – which enables me to negotiate the best possible mortgage products and rates on your behalf. In comparison, if you approach your bank with a mortgage request, they can only offer you a narrow choice – namely, their own products.

I do all the homework on available mortgage products and keep myself abreast of any new products, or changes to existing products, to ensure I find the best mortgage to fit your specific needs.

Unlike the banks, mortgage agents as myself can also cater to self-employed borrowers as well as those who have suffered credit blemishes due to life experiences such as divorce or illness.

My job is to listen to your story, whereas the banks have a very narrow view of what fits into their financing box – and this is unnegotiable.

If you’re thinking of buying a home, I can assist you in finding the best mortgage rate and term for your unique situation.

Top Reasons for Using Robert Bizoni, Mortgage Agent:

1. Choice – access to multiple financial institutions
2. Costs – using a mortgage agent is free and I can negotiate lower rates for you
3. Knowledge – brokers stay up-to-date on available products and services
4. Flexibility – mortgage products are even available for the self-employed or those who have credit blemishes

Contact me today to discuss your unique mortgage needs.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


'Nuff said.



Mortgages in Canada are generally amortized between 25 and 30 year terms. While this seems a long time, it does not have to take anyone that long to pay off their mortgage if they choose to do so in a shorter period of time.

With a little bit of thinking ahead, and a small bit of sacrifice, most people can manage to pay off their mortgage in a much shorter period of time by taking positive steps such as:

• Making mortgage payments each week, or even every other week.
Both options lower your interest paid over the term of your mortgage and can result in the equivalent of an extra month’s mortgage payment each year. Paying your mortgage in this way can take your mortgage from 25 years down to 21.

• When your income increases, increase the amount of your mortgage payments.
Let’s say you get a 5% raise each year at work. If you put that extra 5% of your income into your mortgage, your mortgage balance will drop much faster without feeling like you are changing your spending habits.

• Mortgage lenders will also allow you to make extra payments on your mortgage balance each year.
Just about everyone finds themselves with money they were not expecting at some point or another. Maybe you inherited some money from a distant relative or you received a nice holiday bonus at work. Apply this money to your mortgage lender as a lump-sum payment towards your mortgage and watch the results.

By applying these strategies consistently over time, you will save money, pay less interest and pay off your mortgage years earlier!

Contact me today with your unique mortgage needs.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


Referrals are the heart of my business.
Receiving referrals from wonderful people like you makes doing what I'm doing all the while. Thank you to all of you who put their trust and support in the mortgage services I provide.

At your service,

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgtage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals



With the high cost of living today, this may be the perfect time to get off to a fresh start by refinancing your mortgage and freeing up some money to pay off that high-interest credit card debt.

By talking to a mortgage professional, as myself, you may find that taking equity out of your home to pay off high-interest debt associated with credit card balances can put more money in your bank account each month.

And switching to a lower rate may save you a lot of money – possibly thousands of dollars per year.

With access to more money, you will be better able to manage your debt. Refinancing your first mortgage and taking some existing equity out could also enable you to make investments, go on vacation, do some renovations or even invest in your children’s education.

Keep in mind, however, that by refinancing you may extend the time it will take to pay off your mortgage. That said, there are many ways to pay down your mortgage sooner to save you thousands of dollars. Most mortgage products, for instance, include prepayment privileges that enable you to pay up to 20% of the principal (the true value of your mortgage minus the interest payments) per calendar year. This will also help reduce your amortization period (the length of your mortgage), which, in turn, saves you money.

In the current credit-crunched lending environment, now more than ever it’s important to take the time to contact me to find out your options.

By refinancing now and paying off your debt, you can put yourself and your family in a better financial position. It’s very important to not rack up your credit cards after refinancing, however, so set your goals and budgets, and stick to them!

Contact me today with your unique mortgage needs.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


Autumn is argueably the most beautiful, colourful time of year...and what better way to celebrate it by taking in all of its glory.
Here's a great Autumn Bucket List to ensure you enjoy every moment of this wonderful season.



If you are looking for a new home, be sure you are pre-approved.

With a mortgage pre-approval, I can do a more complete verification prior to sending you shopping for a home, and with that done, the dollar figure you are going shopping with is actually what you can spend.

I will let you know for certain what you can afford based on lender and insurer criteria, and what your payments on a specific mortgage will be.
I will be able to lock-in an interest rate for you for anywhere from 60 – 120 days while you shop for your perfect home. By locking in an interest rate, you are guaranteed to get a mortgage for at least that rate or better. If interest rates drop, your locked-in rate will drop as well. However, if the interest rates go up, your locked-in interest rate will not, ensuring you get the best rate throughout the mortgage pre-approval process.

In order to get pre-approved for a mortgage, a short list of information will allow me to determine your buying power. I will explain to you the benefits of shorter or longer mortgage terms, the latest programs available, which mortgage products I believe will most likely meet your needs the best, plus I will review all of the other costs involved with purchasing a home.

Contact me today to get a jump-start on your mortgage pre-approval today.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


It's not just a house.
It's what you call "Home"



The decision to choose a fixed or variable rate is not always an easy one. It should depend on your tolerance for risk as well as your ability to withstand increases in mortgage payments. You can sometimes expect a financial reward for going with the variable rate, although the precise magnitude will ebb and flow depending on the economic environment.

Fixed rate mortgages often appeal to clients who want stability in their payments, manage a tight monthly budget, or are generally more conservative. For example, young couples with large mortgages relative to their income might be better off opting for the peace of mind that a fixed-rate brings.

A variable rate mortgage often allows the borrower to take advantage of lower rates -- the interest rate is calculated on an ongoing basis at a lenders’ prime rate minus a set percentage. For example, if the prime mortgage rate is 5.5 percent, the holder of a prime minus 0.5 percent mortgage would pay a 5.00 percent variable interest rate.

As a consumer, the best option is to have a candid discussion with a mortgage professional (ME!) to ensure you have a full understanding of the risks and rewards of each type of mortgage.

Contact me today to discuss your unique mortgage needs.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals
30+ years of service



Transitioning from renter to homeowner is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make throughout your lifetime. It can also be a stressful experience if you don’t plan ahead by building a budget and saving prior to embarking upon homeownership.

Budgeting is a core ingredient that helps alleviate the stress associated with money issues that can sometimes arise if you purchase a home without knowing all of the associated costs – including down payment, closing expenses, ongoing maintenance, taxes and utilities.

Following are three top tips to help you prepare for the purchase of your first home:

1. Set up a savings account.
You can deposit a predetermined amount into this account each pay period that you will not touch unless it’s absolutely necessary. This will enable you to put money aside for a down payment and cover closing costs, as well as address ongoing homeownership expenses such as maintenance, taxes and utilities.

2. Save up for big-ticket items.
As you accumulate money in your savings account, you will be able to also save for specific purchases to help furnish your home – avoiding the buy now, pay later mentality, which can have a negative impact on your credit when you’re seeking mortgage financing.

3. Surround yourself with a team of professionals.
When you’re getting ready to make your first home purchase, enlist the services of a licensed mortgage professional (ME!) and a real estate agent. These experts are invaluable to you as you set out on the road to homeownership because they help first-time buyers through the home purchase and financing processes every day. We will be able to answer all of your questions and set your mind at ease.
I have access to multiple lenders, and can help you get pre-approved for a mortgage so you know exactly what you can afford to spend on a home before you head out house hunting.

Contact me today.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals


"Autumn whispered to the wind...
I fall; but always rise again"
.Angie Weiland-Crosby

Happy first day of Fall everyone.



Owning your own home doesn't have to be a dream. Your Canadian credit rating is an important factor when applying for a mortgage loan.

Generally speaking, the better your rating, the more options you may have available to you.

However, a less than perfect credit rating doesn't always have to mean the difference between owning and not owning a home. While financing may be more difficult to secure, I am familiar with many types of financing, and have worked with individuals with all types of credit backgrounds.

By sitting down with me and discussing your current financial situation, you may be pleasantly surprised that owning your own home isn't out of your reach.

My goal is to help you achieve your dream of home ownership.

Chat with me today.

Robert Bizzoni - Mortgage Agent
The Mortgage Centre - Your Mortgage Professionals

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