Ballykeel Baptist Youth Fellowship

Ballykeel Baptist Youth Fellowship

Youth starts at 7pm for individuals who want to learn more about the bible. Then at 8pm we have our normal youth. John 3:16.

Photos from Ballykeel Baptist Youth Fellowship's post 27/09/2022

Youth Weekend 2022 - Part 2

What a fantastic weekend we had with Find the Senior Youth in Newcastle and Paddling boarding and Kayaking in Castlewellan and A Slip and Slide to finish it all off!!

A big thank you to Andrew Gray for preaching the word over the weekend.

Thank You to the Leaders who planned the whole weekend for everyone who attended the weekend and also a big thank you to everyone who prepared the delicious food!!

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭

Photos from Ballykeel Baptist Youth Fellowship's post 27/09/2022

Youth Weekend 2022 - Part 1

Photos from Ballykeel Baptist Youth Fellowship's post 30/09/2021

Ballykeel Youth Weekend 2021

What an amazing Youth Weekend it has been with fun filled activities like, making s’mores, inflatables, team games and quizzes. And being taught the word by our pastor Andrew Campbell.

Thank You to everyone who came and made it a weekend to remember! 😁

Highrise 13/03/20 25/03/2020

What a great opportunity to work through this series!


Read the following message from the Elders and Deacons. Like this new church page to keep up to date.

Wishing everyone keeps safe at this time, and we hope and pray that us, the Youth Leadership team, will see you all soon

Welcome | HSC Public Health Agency 14/03/2020

Please read the following message from the Elders

Brothers and Sisters,

With the growing concern regarding the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), we wanted to share with you our plans.

Presently we aim to continue our Sunday services. However, in line with current Public Health Advice ( we would ask you to stay at home if you are displaying any symptoms of a persistent dry cough and/or a high temperature.
Below are some of the measures we are putting in place:
• We will be cleaning the church between services.
• We encourage everyone to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser either before church or upon arrival to church.
• Deacons will continue to welcome people at the door but there will be no hand shaking.
• Doors will be propped open to avoid touching the handles.
• Communion will continue to be individual servings of bread and wine. Seating will be arranged to allow the deacons to serve individuals therefore removing the need to pass the plates and trays from person to person.

In the event that the UK Government places restrictions on public gatherings we will keep you informed of arrangements for church services. If schools are closed then all children's and youth work, including Sunday School, Mums & Tots, Children's Meeting and Youth Fellowship will be suspended immediately.

In Him,
The Elders

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:37-39

Welcome | HSC Public Health Agency
