Get Lippy

Get Lippy

Helping women regain confidence & find their inner beauty with quality, all natural products. Give a woman the right lipstick & she can conquer the world.

Somethings gotta give.

In August 2013 I had my second child. Right up until I had him I was working full time in a busy HR Department. You know the drill, long hours, expected to stay late at the drop of a hat but also expected to pick up my eldest child from after school club by a certain time. Having to call on family members to pick him up for me if I couldn't get there in time or if he was poorly (thank god my mum was local). Honestly just writing all that makes me feel stressed!

So fast forward 9 months and I’m now facing the return to work. The thought of having to do all of the above plus drop my baby at nursery/childminder 5 days a week and miss out on A LOT was a turning point for me. I wasn't prepared to miss out on so much, so after discussions with my partner we agreed to me going back to work on a part time basis. Your children are only young once right? It’s a tough call choosing between living very comfortably with two full time incomes or taking a 50% pay cut (not to mention those childcare fees!) so that you can be there for your children when they need you the most, but I was prepared to make sacrifices for them. So if you’re currently in this situation I know how you’re feeling, but you have to ask yourself is it worth it? Will a job still be there for you when they’re grown up?

So off I went back to work in August 14 just before my sons 1st birthday. Sure I still had the logistics of getting two small people out of the house in the morning but it was soooooo much easier only doing it a couple of days a week and being able to do school runs and mum and baby groups for the other half of the week. Now before I met my now husband I was a single mum, with a mortgage of my own and I was THE indendant woman so having to ask for some money for this or that was quite hard for me. I’d always been able to provide for myself. I kept google searching work from home jobs. I even signed up to take these surveys where you get paid for your opinions. Do you know how many of those things you’d have to complete to buy yourself a coffee?! All I ended up with was an inbox full of spam.

Then in July 15 I saw a friend posting about working from home selling makeup online. I’d gone to school with Jenny so I knew she wouldn't sell me down the river. I’d tried the mascara already and it was AMAZING! I messaged her and asked what you had to do. She sent me the link to read more about the opportunity and to see what you got when you sign up as a presenter. It was £69 but for that you got a whole heap of makeup (I needed some new stuff anyway because some of that stuff in my makeup bag was older than my eldest son ewww), your own website and loads of training to get you started. I told myself that if it didn't work out then I’ve not lost anything because I’d got a whole new makeup bag out of it and if it did work then it was a bonus. I was in. Sign me up Jenny!

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