Analyzr by Martingale Software

Analyzr by Martingale Software

At Mart

The biggest problem faced by Subscription and Continuity Advertisers today is gaining access to the right data points at the right time, in an easy to understand format to create an actionable game plan in identify threats and scale opportunities.


Finally - we map individual product id transactions to the customer level so you can view retention, cancel rates, chargebacks, and Customer Lifetime Value on your program regardless of how it's configured.

Then, filter into these metrics by: Affiliate, Sub-affiliate, Step 1, Step 2, Product, and more with Analyzr.

Get hooked up with a 30 Day Free Access by getting in touch with [email protected].


Happy Holidays from your friends with Analyzr!


Made a change to your billing model and your reporting hasn’t kept up?

We’ve got you covered. Customized reporting and tracking based on your program specifics available.

Get your free 14 day access - no commitments.
Email: [email protected]


With the upcoming MC rules, we've had questions on MC & V consumer trends, usage of debit/credit and associated impact on declines, cancels and retention.

Attached is an example; PM me for a MTD or YTD industry view.


Headed to Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego this week? Let's meet up! We're looking discuss data, analytics, new rules, and new product development with merchants and service providers.


Looking for guidance on the new MC regulations coming this year to trial advertisers?

We have a unique solution that syncs your product delivery automatically to your trial billing schedule. PM us to learn more.

California SB313 | 2017-2018 | Regular Session 05/07/2018

Senate Bill (CA) 313 went into effect July 1 and affects free trial / free gift continuity offers.
Are you compliant?

Analyzr helps with these requirements by providing IVR/Web support while also increasing profitability.

HMU for additional information and immediate help.

The New California Law specifically mentions:
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“…it shall provide another cost-effective, timely, and easy-to-use mechanism for cancellation…”

A specific concern designed to be remedied:
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"...the consumer may end up on lengthy phone calls with company representatives whose only purpose is to persuade the consumer to relent, and not to accede to the cancellation request."

California SB313 | 2017-2018 | Regular Session Bill Text (2017-09-28) Advertising: automatic renewal and continuous service offers. [Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 356, Statutes of 2017.]

Intro to Analyzr 03/05/2018

Haven't checked out Analyzr? Go on a quick tour here.

Intro to Analyzr

New Office - Breaking Ground 16/01/2018

Powering the Subscription Advertiser:
Aggregate, Automate, Accelerate

The biggest problem faced by Subscription and Continuity Advertisers today is gaining access to the right data points at the right time, in an easy to understand format to create an actionable game plan in identify threats and scale opportunities.

At Martingale Software, we remedied that problem by enabling these Advertisers to Aggregate and Automate data capture, reporting and analytics to Accelerate their business.

  • Aggregate: We access over 20 data sources in the areas of marketing, finance, operations, billing and others within one reporting view that is customizable by each individual. Our pivot-table style format allows for high-level views and can easily get as granular or as specific as you desire.

  • Automate: We know at times it’s not easy to log in to a reporting platform, so we enable delivery of customizable reports and pre-determined alerts at a designated time to specific individuals. You can use your data to your power by automating operational details such as aligning billing cycles based on the delivery (or non-delivery) of a product.