Live Salted

Live Salted

Our heart is to see women faithfully following Jesus and leading others to Him for decades.

We are here to equip and connect kingdom-minded women to lead and disciple across generations. #livesalted

Photos from Live Salted's post 31/08/2024

There’s a Small Group with a spot just for you!

Wondering which Small Group to join? We have curated an incredible roster of groups both in-person throughout Seattle & online for anyone to join! It can be intimidating to join a group where you might not know everyone (or anyone), so we encourage you to prayerfully consider each topic and time and see if the Lord is inviting you to join one!

It is our sincere hope that you jump into one of these groups and experience the unique difference of a Live Salted gathering. One of the special pieces of being a part of Salt is our community without comparison. These groups are a place where you can be fully yourself and fully safe to grow in your faith.

What’s holding you back? Comment the name of the Group you’re interested in & we’ll send you more info!

Photos from Live Salted's post 28/08/2024

What is a Small Group?

Well, around Live Salted we like to call things exactly what they actually are! Small Groups are when we gather together as 4-8 women to discuss a spiritual book or book in the Bible. These groups tend to have a more intimate setting than our dinners or conferences and meet on a regular basis for 8 weeks. We pray together, encourage each other, and grow spiritually alongside of one another!

If you’re looking to get more involved with kingdom-minded women and feel challenged in your faith, we’d love to have you join one of our Small Groups!

Comment GROUPS to get the link for all of our available groups!


Fall Small Group registration is OPEN!

We are SO excited to launch our 7 Small Groups for Fall. These groups will be meeting both in-person & online! Each group has its own topic and meeting schedule, but all groups will meet for 8-weeks beginning the week of September 16th.

Registration for Small Groups is open from TODAY until September 8th, giving you about a week & a half to prayerfully decide which group to join.

Comment GROUPS to get the link for all of our available Fall Small Groups!



Back to school may be around the corner, but we're not letting go of summer just yet. Let's celebrate the official end of the best season with a girls' night in! We've got dinner, friends, laughs, and great times in store for you next Thursday (8/22) in Bellevue.

If you're new around here, or have been following for awhile but have yet to join us in-person - this is the perfect space to begin. It will be a casual yet intentional evening to meet new friends or come with those you know. Our host has offered to cater the event, so all we need is your RSVP!

We want to make this SUPER easy for you to join, just comment your fave food emoji so we know you're coming!

We would LOVE to see you there! August 22nd from 6:30-8:30pm in Bellevue (address sent out week of).



Tomorrow is the last day to apply to become a Shaker for our Fall Small Groups. We are looking for around 3-4 more leaders to say “yes” to leading an 8-week Small Group either in-person or virtual.

Comment SHAKER for more info!


Do you know how to hear the voice of God?

Is it audible & loud? Gentle like a whisper? Spoken through His scripture? Yes. Yes. Yes.

God speaks to each of us in so many beautiful and unique ways. Distinguishing His voice from our own thoughts, however, it is something that takes practice.

Our Online Bible Study takes time to practice & make space to hear God's voice every week. With a directed time of prayer & space to listen, we wait on the Holy Spirit to move our hearts and minds.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:00AM as we create intentional time to sit and listen for God to speak to us! Comment BIBLE to get the link for our Zoom session!

Photos from Live Salted's post 11/08/2024

Loneliness is a greater pandemic than the one that shall not be named!

Even in a large city, it is so easy to feel alone. While working from home & flexible schedules can be a great blessing - it can also leave us feeling disconnected from a greater community.

Jesus spent His ministry surrounded by people. In particular, His twelve closest friends were near to Him daily. They shared meals, discussed faith, learned from and challenged each other.

This type of community can be for YOU too. We are passionate about connecting kingdom-minded women together so that they can push each other closer to Jesus.

Ready to make this journey together? Comment CONNECT & we'll send you steps to get involved!

Photos from Live Salted's post 10/08/2024

Off to Paris & bringing her life-changing Salt experience with her!

Carter is a dear friend of Live Salted & a professional volleyball player. We recently had the incredible opportunity to hear how being a part of Live Salted has made a lasting impact in her walk with Jesus. As she now prepares to travel to play volleyball in Paris, she feels spiritually equipped thanks to her intergenerational connections at Conferences and in Small Groups.

Want to read more of her story? Head to the link in our bio to read her whole testimony!

Photos from Live Salted's post 09/08/2024

Take a little of what you need!

The Bible is full of reminders that Jesus alone is our peace. When we fix our focus on Him, the rest of the world fades away. A heavenly view, allows us to place everything else into its proper position in our lives.

Screenshot, save, & share the verses that you need to calm the chaos and remind you that the Person of Peace - Jesus - is always right there beside you!

Photos from Live Salted's post 02/08/2024


We have a really special God story interview to send out to all of our newsletter subscribers tomorrow. This testimony of God's faithfulness is sure to encourage you wherever you are in your journey with Jesus.

It is one of our favorite things to highlight the incredible things that God is doing in the lives of the women of Live Salted. The coolest thing about what we get to do is to be a small part of the story of your walks with Jesus.

Sign up for our newsletter if you're not already subscribed! It's going to be a really cool story that you don't want to miss!

Photos from Live Salted's post 02/08/2024

We still can't get over last weekend!

With our Lake Ingalls hike & Greenlake hang, we were so blessed to get to see so many of our Salty babes (and a goat or two on the mountain!) Summer in the Northwest is so dreamy & it was truly a dream come true to spend our weekend with YOU.

There were so many special new friendships formed over these two gatherings. We're still hearing stories of how God connected these women together with careful intentionality. What an honor to be a part of those amazing God stories with you all.

Looking for Jesus-loving gal pals in the city? We'd love to connect you with other Live Salted women to grow together in faith & community. Send us a DM to find out how!

Photos from Live Salted's post 31/07/2024

The enemy is trying to ROB you!

John 10:10 tells us that the "enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy," while Jesus is our source of LIFE abundant. Some of the key things the enemy wants to rob from us is our time, hope, joy, and energy. If he can work to make us less effective followers of Jesus, it is a job well done for him.

Instead of allowing ourselves to give these things up, let us "hold fast to our confession of hope.' (Hebrews 10:23) and allow our salvation to redeem us.

Let Jesus redeem our time by carefully and intentionally allocating it to Him. Let Jesus redeem our joy by choosing to remember the goodness of eternity. Let Jesus redeem our hope by placing it in Him alone. Let Jesus redeem our energy by letting Him refresh & renew our spirits.

What are you letting Jesus redeem in you this week?


We want to pray for YOU!

Whether you feel like your need is great or small - God cares about everything in our lives. It is our heart to partner with each of you in prayer for whatever you're facing today. If you feel comfortable enough to comment your prayer request below, we would love to have our community rally in prayer together! You can also send us a DM and we will keep your need private.

Let us know how we can be agreeing with you in prayer today!


See you tomorrow for a swim?

Or a casual lakeside hang if that's more your style! Whatever you like to do - picnic, paddle-board, chat with friends, play games, we're keeping the hangs casual. Our Meet-Ups don't have a formal agenda, and are a great opportunity to connect together and have fun!

Let us know you're coming & bring a friend along. We'll meet together at Greenlake at 6PM next week!

Photos from Live Salted's post 21/07/2024

Are you hungry?

Every one of us has an appetite for something. Not just sweet & savory, but a spiritual appetite that is longing to fill our souls with something. We can often find ourselves feeding that hunger with the wrong things: success, money, desire, pleasure, approval, and on & on.

What our soul NEEDS most is Jesus! Just like our physical appetite can be guided to consume what is best for us, our spiritual appetite can be directed this way as well. Placing ourselves in kingdom-minded community with other women who follow Jesus can encourage & strengthen us to go and do likewise. That is why we created Live Salted - a community of women who are hungry for more of Jesus!

We'd love for you to be part of our community locally in Seattle, and online all over the world.

Follow along for more information on how to get involved!


Lake hikes hit DIFFERENT!

Jumping into a cold lake after a 9-mile hike is the best reward. Our Lake Ingalls hike is great for moderate to advanced hikers with a 2.5k elevation challenge. We will stop at the summit for a time of devotion, connection, and prayer.

These hikes are SO beautiful, both because of the nature & each other. This is a great way to make new relationships, connect with God & nature, and challenge yourself to move your body.

We'd love to host you for this hike! Comment INGALLS to find out more.


Surviving the heat wave, Seattle?

These upper 80-degree temperatures are not normal for us Northwesterners but we LOVE IT! That’s why we’re getting together with YOU at Greenlake in two weeks. This is a great time to get together with some new friends, paddle-board, snack, chat, and maybe jump in the lake if it’s hot enough!

Invite a friend & bring your picnic! We can’t wait to hang out with you.


Has God ever spoken something to you that didn’t seem “profound” enough?

In our Online Bible study a couple of weeks ago, Krista felt like God placed Psalm 23 on her mind. Her immediate response was wondering, “did God really speak that, or am I just thinking of a basic verse.” She followed what God spoke and started to read and discover that scripture. Another woman in the study felt like she was meditating on the “rod & the staff,” a key point in Psalm 23. This led to a beautiful discussion on what may have seemed like a well-known verse, but offered new takeaways for everyone.

This is why these Bible Studies are so incredible. They allow for the Holy Spirit to move however He wants to, and for us to follow along in response.

Join us this week! All are welcome to hop on the Zoom call and experience what God may want to speak!

Photos from Live Salted's post 10/07/2024

Salty summer is still going STRONG!

We’ve loved our opportunities to get together with you so far! Whether through a tender moment in Scripture online, a tasty meal around a table, or exploring the beauty of nature together - each of our gatherings are such a unique and blessed opportunity to spend with you. We truly LOVE every time we get to see you.

This is your invitation to join us, whether again or for the first time. We have tons of opportunities over the next two months to spend time in a Kingdom-minded community with one another.

Links are in our bio & in our newsletter dropping tomorrow with more information on each gathering!


"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." Galatians 5:1

Today we celebrate the freedom of our country, and most importantly the freedom we have through Jesus. May we take moments today to reflect in gratitude for the great sacrifices that our freedom cost to our brothers & also to our Savior. We rejoice today that we have the freedom to serve Jesus fully & to rest in our eternal promise.

Today we encourage you to pray this prayer of gratitude:
Jesus, thank you for the price you paid for my greatest freedom. It is because of you that I have the ability to leave fully redeemed & free from the slavery of sin. Thank you also for the brothers and sisters who have laid down their lives that I may have the freedom to serve you daily. I take time to recognize this amazing blessing & ask that you would make a way that ALL may follow you in this freedom as well.


Let's be a village!

Moms everywhere understand the daily juggling act of raising children, managing a household, pursuing Jesus, and often balancing a career. Coming together as moms isn't just about finding common ground; it’s about building a fortress of support, empathy, and shared wisdom that can carry each member through the highs and lows of motherhood.

We want to find unique ways to be the village for the moms of Live Salted! Our heart is to serve and encourage each other in motherhood to raise passionate followers of Jesus together.

If you're looking for this type of mom community, comment VILLAGE below to be notified of our Mom Hangs in Seattle this summer!


Get up early with us tomorrow for some Bible & prayer!

This will not be your ordinary Bible study! We don’t have a set curriculum, special prompts, or guided study - instead, we will read the living Word of God & see what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to us. This is an online group, so it is available to you no matter where you are, as long as you can be there at 7AM PST.

We have witnessed, first hand, the incredible ways God has moved in our Bible reading together in this format. Every woman who has participated has received exactly what she needed from Jesus that day. It is a powerful way to connect with our Creator & with each other.

Comment BIBLE STUDY below to get the link for tomorrow!

Photos from Live Salted's post 21/06/2024

What do you think it means to sit at the feet of Jesus?

Being at the feet of Jesus has more to do with the posture of your heart than the posture of your body. When we see people in scripture at His feet, they are placing themselves in a posture of humility, sacrifice, and deep trust! Do our hearts reflect that same posture?

Do our emotional responses activate sacrificial love for others? Do our daily actions show humility rather than ego? Does our faith reflect trust in our Creator's will?

When our answer to these questions is "no," that is an indicator that it is time to place ourselves at His feet. Doing so with our body is a way to outwardly reflect what is going on in our hearts.

Our encouragement for you this week is to find time to sit at the feet of Jesus, both physically and spiritually. Let Him do the heart work that we all need & make us more like Himself.

For more devotional content like this sign up for our newsletter at the link in our bio!

Photos from Live Salted's post 21/06/2024

Do you find yourself in NEED or in gratitude?

We all have baseline, true needs: food, shelter, water, companionship. But sneaky false needs also creep into our souls when we are not careful. These sensations of "need" can lead us to forget what we truly need most: the love of Jesus.

When you sense these false needs sneaking into your mind, use these truths to fight off those lies!

Get more devotional content like this in our newsletter! Sign up at the link in our bio.

Photos from Live Salted's post 19/06/2024

Hosting these girls was SO life-giving!

Even though the gloom came around a bit, we were absolutely radiant together. It was so encouraging being with one another heart, soul, and mind. We shared a meal & an incredible conversation. Many new friends were made. It was altogether lovely.

If you’re a Jesus-loving woman in the Seattle area, we would LOVE to host you. It can feel isolating to walk this journey of faith, but trust us when we say you are NEVER alone. Sign up to receive our newsletter so that you can find out all of the happenings this Summer!


BBQ chicken is calling our NAME!

The weather in Seattle is looking great & we're ready for some outdoor eating! Come on over for a free hangout in North Seattle this Friday, June 14th! We'll be grilling, talking, and soaking up those sweet rays of sunshine while we have them. You're more than welcome to bring a friend along with you, too - the more gals the merrier!

Let us know you're coming so we can expect you & give you all the location details! Just shoot us a DM for the next steps. Can't wait to see you!


Beautiful views + great company + time in nature & God's presence = the BEST Saturday plans!

We'd love for you to come on our Granite Falls hike this weekend. It is a gorgeous trek just under 9 miles, with 2.3k ft elevation. The weather is looking like it will be a perfect sunny day, great for getting outdoors in the Northwest.

Arise Hikes are a great way to get outside, spend time with Jesus, and make wonderful new friends. Its only $15 to join us! Link in bio to register.


What do you NEED right now?

Did you know there is a difference between your DEEPEST desire & your STRONGEST desire? Our founder, Krista Breilh is challenging us to discover the deepest needs of our hearts in our devotional this week.

We send monthly devotionals through our newsletter to encourage, challenge, and deepen your faith! Each devotional includes scripture, teaching, reflection questions, and a worship song to accompany it. If you want to grow spiritually, sign up for our newsletter to get this devotional straight to your inbox tomorrow morning!

Photos from Live Salted's post 03/06/2024

Summer at Live Salted is starting early!

The weather may be a little up & down, but the fun at Salt is going to stay strong all season long!

Whether in a partnership with some of our fave local ministries, a meet-up, or a hike - we'd love to have you join us at any of our upcoming events in the coming months. Scroll through to see what is on our calendars & add it to yours as well!

You can also stay updated through our newsletter! Link in bio to sign up.


Good times with great friends feeds the soul!

Whenever we get together at Live Salted, it feels so life-giving - like meeting up with a best friend after a while or being encouraged by a close confidant. Even if it's your first time joining us, we hope you will leave feeling like you've met some of your forever friends.

While many female-centric environments can feel like grasping for limited seats at a table, Live Salted invites us ALL to a space of growth, encouragement, and compassion.

Looking for your new best friends? Find them at our next Live Salted hang! Link in bio to get our full summer schedule.

Videos (show all)

Have you been desensitized to the term "daughter?"We hear it so often about our position with God. It can almost become ...
We are all living busy, full lives. In the middle of it all, it can be hard to find a space where you can get away from ...
We literally cannot contain our excitement for LEGACY Conference Orange, CA tomorrow!!! This day has been much anticipat...
We literally cannot contain our excitement for LEGACY Conference Orange, CA tomorrow!!! This day has been much anticipat...
Have you ever considered who is part of YOUR spiritual legacy?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Even if you work from home in this COVID-q...
Wanting a little extra 🥊 in your walk with Jesus?!Join us just ONE WEEK from today in Orange, California for our LAST st...
When is the last time you shared the Word of God with someone? Or even, your own testimony?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​God called us...
Safe to say we had the most ROCKSTAR emcee’s on planet 🌎!!!! The way these two incredible women carry themselves as lead...
Who is PUMPED for this weekend?! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️We know we are!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀We cannot wait for you to c...
It’s ⏰⏰⏰Our Seattle conference is only 17 days away, and we would LOVE to see you there.Come back here soon as we are la...
It’s time to celebrate the GOODNESS of generosity!And how generosity is truly a GIFT that keeps on giving!Our prayer for...
Talk about some GOD MOMENTS!!The recap video for our Pursued Couch Conference is here and wowwwww it is GOOD!!The Lord s...