Thomas the Online Coach

Thomas the Online Coach

I HELP busy people SIMPLIFY the PROCESS to get their DREAM BODY while having BALANCE & ENJOYING LIFE!



Down 6.4 lbs eating Tacos ๐ŸŒฎ

2 days into the Tone On Your Own Exclusive Coaching Program and already down 6.4 lbs!

That's right he started this week!

He had some delicious Tacos with his family last night and today I get this text!

I'm excited to see him CRUSH his goals!

Photos from Thomas the Online Coach's post 30/06/2021

Talk about an EPIC transformation from the one and only Megan Leigh

I had the opportunity of coaching Megan when she joined my online program to CRUSH some goals that she had.

CRUSHING her goals was an understatement she absolutely blew them away!

Proud of you Megan!

Thanks for resharing this today and the kind words

"F*cking best coach ever! You helped me get into the best shape of my life." -Megan


Another Online Client getting RESULTS & seeing BIG WINS!

"Down 4 lbs. in 9 days..
Happy! Feeling better! Less Bloated! Getting Stronger!"

Over the weekend she had a FREE MEAL and a REFEED day!

The free meal is simply a meal out where you go eat something you enjoy without tracking or thinking about it. Be social and have fun! This is great to give a "mini diet break" it also helps mentally and emotionally as well.

The Refeed is a purposeful and structured HIGH CARB day. This helps to replenish glycogen stores, helps with overall mood, energy and performance.

Both the Free meal and Refeed help with overall plan adherence and long term success!

Do you take Free Meals or have Refeed days on your plan?



"If you log it before you eat it you'll never be defeated." -Thomas Snyder

(you can quote me) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿบ

Way too many people eat things and then try to account for it after the fact only to find out "to little to late" that they've consumed too much.

Use an app such as MFP > My Fitness Pal or similar to log what you eat and drink can assure you're not over consuming for the health and fitness goals that you have.

The times I've calculated in my head, took a guess or assumed, I've never reach a goal and always struggled.

The times I've track it (especially before hand), without guessing or assuming, I've always reached my goal.

One of the small things my online clients do and a reason they're so success.

Do you track what you eat? If so before or after?



PILLAR 3 | Strength Focused Workouts

The how, when & why?

The LIVE series where I help you get TONE on your OWN for Summer.. Life.. Forever..

Be sure to watch previous Episodes 1-3


From struggling and defeated to CONFIDENT & in CONTROL!

What's she learned CHANGED her life..




The how, when and why for TONING..

The LIVE series where I show you how to get TONE on your own for Summer.



Nutrition | Creating your Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss.



The 3 things you need to get TONE for Summer.


Getting back on track after a weekend of "falling off" is simply a matter of making the decision to do so.

It's as simple as that.

Now you're right back on track.

See how easy and uncomplicated that was.


Did you "fall off" this weekend?

How to get back on track with your goals โœ…



Cynthia and I have worked together Online previously but we reconnected in December to touch up on some goals she had.

On 12/27/20 she filled out my Online Coaching Application and her goals were (top picture)

Q) What is your WHY? Why do you want to achieve the goals you mentioned? How will that impact your life?

A) "Look and feel better in my clothing - flatter stomach, maintain leanness with age"

On Tuesday 03/23/21 (bottom picture)

She text me,

"Tummy has gone down significantly and I feel so much better in my clothes!"

The text was accompanied by a few photos of her workout attire along with her business attire.

Her progress is undeniable and the CONFIDENCE she has in her clothes is so awesome to see!

"Tummy has gone down significantly and I feel so much better in my clothes!"

She's not done with her goals but she's well on her way to where she wants to be.

I couldn't be more proud of her and all her hard work and the progress she's made over the last 12 weeks.

Between being a wife and mother, her busy career, travel and life happening along the way she still kept after it and has made amazing progress along the way ๐Ÿ˜Š

Mission Accomplished โœ…

So Proud of you Cynthia ๐Ÿค—


Many of you are not seeing RESULTS not because they don't exist but rather because you're not looking for the them. โœ…

A) You don't know what to look for

B) You're focused on the wrong thing

If I tell you to go outside and tell me the first thing you see

I'm going to get a variety of answers

Now if I tell you to go outside and tell me the first yellow thing you see

The answer will be more specific

However you didn't see the yellow the first time you looked because you weren't looking for it.

It was there the whole time you simply didn't notice it


Because you weren't looking for it

If you don't know what you're looking for you're likely not going to see it even though it's there the whole time.

Your results are the same way

Many of you are focused on the scale and the scale number

But are overlooking your progress because you're not looking for it or simply don't know what to look for

The scale number is progress but so is your measurements

Your clothes fitting better

Your clothes fitting looser

Visual progress

Compliments from others

Getting stronger

Having more endurance and not getting out of breath as easy

Being more consistent

Having more self control

Having more balance

Eating something guilt free

Being more consistent

Getting that 3rd workout this week

Getting more steps in

Making healthier food choices more often while still enjoying a cookie and that slice of pizza

Not binging on that food because you don't feel the need to anymore

The list goes on and on

BUT if you're not looking for it you won't find it or even know it's there even though it's been there the whole time.

What's a WIN you've had that you've over looked? ๐Ÿ‘‡


Are you making the EASY WRONG choice or the HARD RIGHT choice.. ๐Ÿค”


What type of content would you like to see me post more of?

Videos or Live videos posts.

Written/Topic posts.

Q &. A posts.

Food posts.

Transformation posts.

Online Client Interviews.

Or something else? ๐Ÿ‘‡



The 3 things you're missing and WHY not having these STOP you from "WINNING the BIG GAME" aka reaching your goals.



The big game I'm referring to here is your goals.

The team you're facing today has won more games than you can count.

You're playing your biggest game against the toughest opponent you've ever faced.

Today you're playing against LIFE.

This team is almost undefeated.


Very few people have won against this team.

Those few had a great game plan.

Most playing the against LIFE simply have NO GAME PLAN.

They're just playing the game and hoping that they win (reach their goals)

Their success becomes a matter of hope

Hoping that they win (reach their goals)

For those with a great game plan success is no longer a matter of hope but rather a matter of time.

They play with Confidence knowing they'll WIN the big game (reach their goals)

Ladies and Gentlemen

Summer is around the corner and you have big goals to reach.

Losing that STUBBORN weight.

Dropping those problem areas.

Getting TONE and TIGHTER.

Looking great naked.

Your clothes fit better than ever.

Having more Confidence than you've ever known.

A better self esteem.

Improved health.

(Insert your goal here)


BUT without a great game plan you'll never win the big game (you'll never reach your goals)

Sure you might have some success

Get on base (lose a few lbs.)

Hit a three pointer (drop a pant size)

Score a touchdown (see some definition)

BUT without a great game plan that success will be short lived and you'll never win the big game (reach your goal)


You need a great OFFENSIVE strategy.

This offensive strategy is what you're going to do day in and day out.

(the little things)

The grocery shopping.

Meal prepping.

Eating right.

Being active.

Working out.


This offensive strategy is your consistency

You'll run these offensive plays no matter what the other team (LIFE) does.

Winning the BIG GAME (reaching your goals) is more than just offense though.

You also need a great DEFENSIVE.

It's been said that defense wins games.

This defensive strategy is what you're going to do when the other team has the ball (when LIFE happens)

When things don't go your way.

When things don't go as planned.

When you work late.

When you're not feeling well.

When the kids are being kids.

When every excuse in the world comes up.

You need a great defensive strategy to know what to do when LIFE happens.

Defense wins games especially the BIG GAMES.

If you only have an offensive strategy you'll only get so far.

You'll ONLY see success as long as everything goes your way.

As long as everything goes according to plan.

Let's be honest here

How often does everything ever go according to plan??


To be successful you need a great all around game plan, that covers both offense and defense.


A great game plan doesn't make itself

There's a huge piece of the puzzle that's yet to be mentioned.

Most importantly you need a COACH.

A coach who's won again LIFE before.

A coach who's played in the BIG GAME.

A coach that knows what plays to call.

A coach that knows when and where to make adjustments.

A coach for guidance.

A coach for accountability.

A coach with the right game plan.

Can you coach yourself and be successful?


BUT if you're in the middle of the big game it can be hard to see the big picture of what's actually going on.

Often times we can get in our own heads.

We can second guess ourselves.

This causes us to call the wrong play.

Possibly fumble.

Give up.

And lose the big game.

You have big goals to reach this Summer.

You need a great game plan.

A great offensive.

A great defensive.

And a great coach.

How many of you have played against LIFE and lost the big game (never reached your goals)?

Who's ready to win the big game? ๐Ÿ‘‡


How the BEATLES can help you lose those problem areas, drop that STUBBORN weight & TONE up for summer.. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

What's your stubborn problem area?


She's CRUSHING it!

Love seeing Online Clients WIN ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Online Transformation
Locked down, No EXCUSES

Shout-out to Nicky for putting in the work and making his goals a reality by taking ACTION.

We worked together several years ago and he had a awesome transformation then, he reached out coaching again several months back for a tune up.

I gave him the plan and he ran with it on his own and continued the success.

He shared these pics with me recently and I had to share the AWESOMENESS.

Dad of 2 active boys, locked down and he crushed it!

We all have the same 24 hours in a day it's how you utilize that time that matters.

Proud of you man!



That goal you have seems so far out of reach

You just don't know what to do anymore

You feel stuck

The scale won't budge

You can't seem to get tone

Your clothes aren't fitting

Spring and summer are almost here


It seems like you've tried it "all"

But nothing seems to work anymore

It's a defeated feeling



But the truth is

You need some help

We all get stuck at times

We all need help at times

You need help getting UNSTUCK

Think back to a time when you had a problem

A seemingly impossible issue

You were STUCK

You tried everything and just couldn't figure it out

Then someone came along with some help and made it seem so easy

Suddenly you weren't stuck anymore

That's where you're currently at again

It seems impossible

You've tried it all with no results

No movement

Your goals are STUCK

You just need some help getting UNSTUCK

Are you currently "STUCK" with your goals?



I'm looking for 10 people..

People that have struggled and want to see RESULTS.. FAST.

That want to lose weight, drop inches, have their clothes fit better than ever all while getting "TONED" and boosting Confidence.

The Furious Fat Loss Challenge 2.0 starts the week of March 1st. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Spaces are limited to 10 people ready to take ACTION and see RESULTS now!

The FFL Challenge is a 30 day kickstart designed to help to see RESULTS FAST, kick start your weight loss goals and keep you seeing progress once the FFL Challenge is completed.

Are you one of the 10 that's ready to take the Challenge?


You're FAILING to lose weight & "TONED" because you're NOT eating foods you enjoy ๐Ÿคฏ


Videos (show all)

TONE ON YOUR OWN | EP. 4 PILLAR 3 | Strength Focused WorkoutsThe how, when & why? The LIVE series where I help you get T...
TONE ON YOUR OWN | EP. 4 PILLAR 3 | Strength Focused WorkoutsThe how, when & why? The LIVE series where I help you get T...
From struggling and defeated to CONFIDENT & in CONTROL!What's she learned CHANGED her life..
TONE ON YOUR OWN | EP. 3 PILLAR 2 | NUTRITION | PROTEINThe how, when and why for TONING..The LIVE series where I show yo...
TONE ON YOUR OWN | EP. 2 Nutrition | Creating your Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss.
TONE ON YOUR OWN | EP. 1The 3 things you need to get TONE for Summer.
Did you "fall off" this weekend?How to get back on track with your goals โœ…
Are you making the EASY WRONG choice or the HARD RIGHT choice.. ๐Ÿค”
The 3 COMPONENTS..The 3 things you're missing and WHY not having these STOP you from "WINNING the BIG GAME" aka reaching...
How the BEATLES can help you lose those problem areas, drop that STUBBORN weight & TONE up for summer.. ๐Ÿ”ฅWhat's your stu...
You're FAILING to lose weight & "TONED" because you're NOT eating foods you enjoy ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ•๐Ÿง๐Ÿท๐Ÿคฏ


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:00 - 17:00