Make Your Business Social

Make Your Business Social

It's time to boost your presence on social media and I can help you do it!! Facebook and Instagram.....Post / Engage / Boost Traffic

Make Your Business Social .....

In recent years, many friends, small business owners and even non-profits have asked me to help set up, organize and sometimes oversee their businesses on Facebook and Instagram. These business pages included restaurants, physical therapy clinics, retail shops, bands and non-profits. As of January 2018, I finally decided to give this a more formal go and create my own social media marketing business, “Make Your Business Social.”

Many small business owners simply do not have the time, the interest or the know how to make their business social. This is where I come in, helping to bring your business into the world of social media and engaging your page on a social media platform that works best for you. This helps your small business compete and grow in an age of technology, where traditional print advertising puts you at a disadvantage for reach and frequency.

My engagement model is to partner with my clients so I understand their company culture, demographic and market opportunity, so that I can personalize an impactful model, specific to the needs of their business. With some guidance from you, the business owner, I can help create your own business social media page and help make your business “social.” I can create the page for you, restructure what you have already created, post daily or weekly messages for you, engage your followers with relevant content for your business and help boost traffic, new visitors and sales to your business.

Interested? I would love to talk with you and see how we can work together, while giving your business an active social media presence.
