Curt Wilson Ministry

Curt Wilson Ministry

Welcome to Curt Wilson Ministries. This organization is dedicated to bringing people to Jesus Christ or more active involvement for current believers. Amen


Curt Wilson Ministries
Founded Oct 01, 2015

I am Curt Wilson. I am a non-denominational ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the founder of Curt Wilson Ministries I want to thank you for stopping by to read this page. The following paragraphs explain what Curt Wilson Ministries is all about. I hope you will read the entire document, carefully and prayerfully, and give thought to


Jesus' words to the thief on the cross, "today you will be with me in paradise," may be the most shocking thing he said on Good Friday. Can we really receive salvation at the very last minute?
I believe we can...... But you must truly believe....
Not everyone that hollers Lord lord show enter the Gates of heaven. It doesn't matter how good of a person you have been or how bad of a person you have been , the only way you're going to get through those gates , is through your faith in Jesus Christ.



I was the poor kid growing up. My mom used to send me to birthday parties with no present, just so I could eat. I definitely got to a point where I understood and was embarrassed as hell.

In fifth grade, my friend’s mom invited me to sleep over the night before the actual birthday party. When her daughter was in the shower, the mom laid out the toys that she had bought her daughter for her birthday. She let me pick one to wrap and put my name on.

I’m 37 now. I am still grateful to that mom. That one act made such an impact on me.

Always be kind. 🙏

If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If someone is being ignored, find a way to include them. If someone has been knocked down, lift them up. Always remind people of their worth. Be who you needed when you were going through hard times.

Just one small act of kindness could mean the world to someone. ❤️
Source: Reddit/jackzilla1123

A man picked up a child with down syndrome who had been abandoned by more than 20 families 😳 An example of true charity and kindness 🤗💗 what does the girl look like today?
See their pictures 👉


Proverbs 26:16 ~ The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.
King James Version Change your email Bible version

Can a lazy person be proud? We have a saying: "Poor but humble." According to God's Word, all too frequently a reason that a person is poor is because he is proud. The truth is often just the opposite of the saying.

How do many wealthy people become so rich? It is because they are willing to take advice and apply it. They humbly listen to the counsel of those with experience, who are already successful, and in following that advice, they themselves become successful. Their humility leads them to seek counsel and follow the advice.

On the other hand, the poor are frequently poor because they either will not seek the advice, or if they do seek it, they find reasons not to apply it. God is referring to this inaction here. Laziness is a sign of pride.

We would not normally think a person who is out of a job and needs one desperately would do that. However, a lazy person thinks so much of himself that he believes that things should come to him without working. He thus justifies or excuses himself, saying:

"The conditions really are not quite right."

"If I am going to do that job, I first need a new car."

"That job is too far away."

"The pay is not enough for all that I would have to do."

"If I go there, I will have to move."

He is wiser in his own eyes than seven people who can render a sensible reason. At the root of his "wisdom" is pride.


Got a welfare check call of a 92 yr old woman, who sometimes walks up and down the road and doesn’t know where she is. Sometimes forgets her door is open so thinks she is locked out.

Neighbors call and said, she forgets a lot of things and her hands are ice cold to the touch. So they let her warm up in their home.

We go by and check, she has 2 sons who just forget about her. No food in the fridge, only milk and old lemonade. Only eating a bag of Cheerios, place hasn’t been cleaned recently. All she wanted to know is why her sons don’t bring her food or check on her. She said she just need a couple sandwiches or something to least not be hungry.

Without her knowing, we left and got her some groceries for her home. Big rotisserie chicken, some sandwich items to last a week or 2, some chunky soups, bunch of chips and meat, some waters. Knocked on her door and she was all smiles and in disbelief someone actually cared enough about her to even help.

Not always about running and gunning catching bad guys. Sometimes just showing someone they aren’t alone can change their lives.

Like I said from day one, “changing lives one smile at a time”

Credit: Marquis Hines


He slept after 56 hours of non-stop search and found 40 people alive under the rubble. This is the Tunisian hero Husky ❤🙏
