Body Over Mind

Body Over Mind

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If your energy is low, then you have blockages in your body and mind. Blockages in the body show up as tension, inflammation, and pain. Blockages in your mind show up as seeing life through perspectives of fear and worry.

Focus on clearing the blockages in your body first so your energy can begin to flow more. After going to the mind and challenging the mental stories of fear, realizing that there’s another way to look at that situation so you can move forward more powerfully in life.


If you want a strong body, sleep on the firmer surfaces because it helps your posture by keeping your spine straight. It releases toxins because a firmer surface massages your body when you lie on it. It creates stronger bones because firmer surfaces naturally create pressure and resistance that your bones have to adapt to which allows them to stay stronger and more dense.


Tap Massage is a super fun activity that you can do with your partner or friend. Just tap everywhere on their body, and if your partner wants you to tap a certain area longer, to avoid a certain area, or to tap harder or softer, they can just let you know.

The best way to start is to simply start tapping them on their back and let them guide you on what feels good for them. Enjoy 😉


This video was super fun to make, I hope you guys enjoyed it. And yes, I actually have 11 pull-up bars at my home. Do I recommend you do that? Probably not. (Unless you wanted to, which I would think is pretty cool.) The real reason is that I wanted to create a home that supports me in playing, moving, and staying active.

Exercise is not just about going to the gym or doing a specific routine. To me, it’s a lifestyle. Whether I am doing pull-ups or just hanging around or I just see a pull-up bar there, it’s always a friendly reminder to move and do something active with my body.

You should have seen my office before or my other homes… let’s just say this isn’t my first time turning my living/work area into a place of play and movement.


Next time when you’re struggling with low energy, do a short 60-second practice like this, and you’ll feel much more energized immediately afterward.
Even though 60 seconds workouts are typically not long enough to maintain a strong and healthy body, it’s a great way to turn on your energy levels so that you have the energy to pursue longer workouts to stay healthy and strong.


Most of us have been tense in our bodies for most of our lives, not knowing that it causes us to suppress the emotions that we have and not let them go.
This is the cause of PTSD, panic disorders, and all stress-related health problems. The only way to get your body to relax is by retraining it.
You have to practice every morning and every evening so your body can become accustomed to being calm and relaxed. Your health and state of mind depend on this.


Eight years ago, I realized that I was afraid of heights. I was at my friend's high-rise apartment and realized that my knees couldn’t stop shaking as I looked out towards the ground from the 30th floor. Today, that fear doesn’t stop me from doing things from high places.

We can think about the causation of our fear, and analyze where they derive from and why we are still afraid of it. However, the fastest way to overcome it is to face it head-on. When you do it, make sure to stay calm and relaxed so that when the motion of fear comes up, you can let it go in the body. If you tense up when you are feeling afraid, you will suppress the emotion.


12 Functional Exercises:
1. PUSH UPS (pushing)
2. PRONE COBRAS or Pull Ups (pulling)
3. BURPEES (down and up from the ground)
4. PIKE (Lifting heavy things over your head)
5. SQUATS (When you need to get low to the ground)
6. LUNGES (To take a big step onto something)
7. LEG RAISES (core strength to lift anything heavy
8. RUN IN PLACE (So you can run to get somewhere faster)
9. KICKS (To kick or use your feet for anything other than standing)
10. STRIKES (to reach out to grab or hit anything)
11. JUMPS. (To jump on or off anything)
12. PLANK (core strength to lift anything heavy)

These exercises train the basic 12 functions that we as humans need to be able to do in order to maintain the highest quality of life. The only way to ensure that you are able to maintain a body that can do these movements is to perform them every day.

Not all days do you need to perform them with high intensity or even 70% effort. On days that your body needs to rest, simply perform 1 to 2 repetitions per exercise. When you would like to excel in these functional exercises, do 2 to 4 rounds of each exercise with as many repetitions as you can within 30 seconds per exercise or 60 seconds per exercise. No counting is needed when you are practicing.

This allows you to maintain your attention towards, how your body feels as it is performing these exercises. Focusing on feeling, instead of a particular goal in mind, allows you to be more safe, and do what feels right for your body at that moment. With consistent practice on a daily basis, you will increase your strength and ability to excel at every one of these exercises over time.


There’s a principle in training called “always calm and relax, tense only what is needed.”

This training principle is practiced during training, and also in everyday life. During your exercises, do your best to stay as relaxed as you can, and tense only the body parts absolutely necessary in order to perform the exercise.

In everyday life, whether you are moving, just your body, or something else, remember to do the same. This will retrain your body to learn how to let go of tension and stay calm and relaxed in a default normal state. The more your body can stay calm and comfort, the more your mind can stay calm and relaxed and clear.

Limited beliefs, past trauma, and negative mental stories will not be able to enter your mind when your body is in a state of calm, relaxed, and at ease.


Emotions from the past cause us to hold on to the mental stories from the past. This prevents us from creating a different future. Doing practice every morning and every evening moves the energy in your body so these old emotions can come to the surface to be released. Bring your attention to the present moment and take control over your attention so you don’t let your mind drift into old worries and fears.

Do these two things every day, and your body and mind become conditioned to a new state of being.


The Hops: 3 things to do to make sure you’re doing this exercise correctly.

1: Relax your entire body, especially your shoulders, by moving them upwards and letting them drop down when you come down.

2: Exhale through your nose every time you come down. Keep your mouth closed and let the exhale happen naturally. Just keep focusing on exhaling through your nose, and you will naturally inhale through your nose.

3. The less effort, the better. Don’t jump so high. Small hops are enough to shake and vibrate the body.

This is exercise #2 out of the 60 exercises in the flow60 practice.


Expressing your emotions is different than releasing them. Most people have this confusion. They think when they express it, they can let it out, and therefore it will go away. The reality is the opposite happens. The more we express emotions, the more we reinforce our behaviors, habits, feelings, and thought patterns, PLUS the more we train others around us to treat us as an “emotional person.”

When we release our emotions, this means that we relax and fully feel the emotion that is present without expressing it. When we fully feel the emotion, we allow the emotion to leave the body without directing it onto another person or situation. In other words, we stop creating more of it.

Let’s use the analogy of a gun with bullets. If bullets were the emotions and I want to get rid of the bullets in a gun, I can either shoot the ball out in the air to get rid of them, I can shoot it at something to get rid of it, or I can take out the clip and remove the bullets that way. I thought all three approaches would ultimately get rid of the bullets from the gun; which one of these approaches creates the least amount of effects? Which one of these approaches create the least amount of damage?

Many people may read this text and get bothered because they were told by so many people throughout their lives to not hold in emotions and express it. Unfortunately, most people do not understand how to properly release emotions, and therefore continuously deal with them on a daily basis.

When you learn how to relax and fully feel your emotions instead of expressing them, you will realize that all of the troubles in life are simply because you are making decisions and taking action based on emotions. The moment when you release the emotions and you come to a place of calm and peace, you will find your actions and choices to be the best that I can be at the moment. You let go of the stories in your mind and the drama. Everything changes.


Try this for 30 seconds JUST TAP YOUR BODY AND WATCH HOW GREAT YOUR BODY FEELS afterwards!

Do a tap massage every morning when you wake up to activate the energy in your body.

You can find the full tap massage sequence in my bio link

For those of you who have tightness in your lower back or pains in your neck, this really helps relax the muscles in those areas so the pain goes away.


Every single thing that you accomplish in your life depends on the reasons that you tell yourself why you should do it or not do it.

Your reasons will dictate your life. Choose them wisely.

Your reasons are based on what you believe deep inside and that self-belief is beyond just words that you say like “I believe I can...”

On the level of the mind, it’s a state of consciousness that allows you to be aware of the fact that what you want, you will accomplish. This awareness is the belief.

And this belief is based on the way you feel. This is why if you simply come up with random reasons that you genuinely don’t believe in, it doesn’t work. Because your feelings aren’t aligned with it. The reasons that you come up with on why you need to do something, you have to believe it at 100%. You had to feel it. Only then do those reasons drive you to do the actions that you already know you need to do to create the type of life you want..


Just sharing some Sunday family vibes. My wife's family is in town so we went to Uluwatu (known for its beautiful beaches) for the weekend.

Natalia’s mom Sonya trained with me this morning for about 45 minutes and we just decided to do a short movement practice while on the beach and share it with you.

Have a wonderful day, everyone 😊 ❤️


If you relax your hands, you send a signal to your entire nervous system to relax. Even though this works when you relax any part of your entire body, the reason why you want to focus on relaxing your hands is that you have the most amount of control in your hands versus other parts of the body, which means you can relax your hands deeper. When you do that, your entire nervous system can be triggered to relax deeper as well..


Your mindset is more important for daily exercise than the actual exercises you do.

There’s a quote that I learned many, many years ago that has guided me throughout my life.

The best thing you can do is do the right thing.
The second best thing you can do is the wrong thing.
The worst thing you can do is nothing

Often times people want to do the best thing, and they end up doing nothing. This used for daily exercise has the same implications.

The best thing that you can do is exercise daily with movements that are perfect for what you need for your body, mind, and emotions.
The second best thing you can do is exercise daily with a routine that isn’t a good fit for your specific needs.
The worst thing you can do is not exercise daily.

Instead of saying to yourself, “I already know this and agree, “I challenge you to exercise every day for the next 60 days.

If you have gotten this far in my message and are willing to take action (if you haven’t yet), let me know in the comments below.

There’s no more time to wait around. I started making some changes today.


When you are consistent with your physical practice, your attitude has a ripple effect on those around you. If you really want to impact and influence others, the correct and most effective way to do it is through action... It’s your actions that really influence others to a much greater extent than your words.

When you do Flow practice, not only do you develop a strong and healthy body, but the nature of the movements makes your mind completely clear, and you develop a sustainable inner peace that takes you wherever you want to go... Because your negative emotions and thoughts will no longer be an obstacle.

How do you think others will feel when they are in the presence of the best version of you? They will want to emulate you... They will want to have in their life the power that you will be enjoying.

But for this to happen... ACTION must be the beginning and the end.


Try these three things out to help you sleep better, and make sure to do it right before going to bed.


Don’t ever believe that if you skip one day of exercise, it’s not going to create a big ripple effect in your life.

This ripple effect pours into the choices. We make the perspective that we have about the situation and whether or not we say yes or no to opportunities that present themselves. These ripple facts build upon the habits that we establish or don’t, which then define the type of person we become. always remember that our success in life is not made up of big choices and actions but the complete opposite. It’s the small choices that we make every day that defines the course of our life.


Next time you feel negative emotions, try doing these three things at the same time.
By doing so, you’ll be able to increase the circulation in your body and negative emotions of anger stress and fear will decrease.
The better you are at doing these things, the more you’re able to release trapped emotions from your body.


Take 30 seconds and try these 3 moves to help relax and release the pressure in your face and head from stress and tension.
Let me know how it feels.


Don’t spend so much energy figuring out what exercises to do daily. Do the same handful of activities every day.

I have done the same 60 moves every day for over 5 years, and I can do them without having to think, which makes it super easy to do every day.

It’s amazing how much more energy we have available when we don’t have to think about what or how to do something. We do it. 💪


When a crystal ball can vibrate, energy can pass through it, making the sound you hear when you hit it. When our body can stay loose and vibrate, energy can pass through it, and we experience a sense of lightness and inner peace.

When a crystal bowl cannot vibrate, energy cannot pass through, so the sound disappears. Just like our body, when it is too tight and cannot stay loose enough to vibrate, energy can not pass through, so we experience low energy levels.

When we have negative emotions, we don’t allow them to pass through; therefore, they stay stuck in the body.


This is my 60 second practice that I do throughout the day. Even though I do a practice every morning and evening, sometimes throughout the day, I find tension building up in different parts of my body. Therefore, instead of waiting till the evening to release it, I just release it right away by doing this 60 sec practice.

Feel free to try this out however, remember that this practice was specifically designed for me and not for somebody else's body.

To create your own 60 second practice. Here is how you do it.

1. Identify 3 to 5 moves from the Flow60 practice that really helps you release tension in your body. You can also use any other moves as well.

2. Do the moves one after another in a sequence that flows easily, and naturally for you.

3. Make sure you are able to perform each of the exercises you selected without a warm-up

4. Do your best to keep the entire exercise sequence under 60 seconds.

5. The way that you know your sequence is effective or that you have the right moves is that you should feel 50 to 70% better than before you started.

6. Repeat your 60 second sequence as many times as needed in order to get your desired feeling.

Try it out, and let me know how it goes! 😊


By studying the characteristics of water, a person can learn how to be an absolute flow with all of life.

No resistance: water does not resist and can enter into any container or object. This analogy is understood as our ability to flow with all people and all events in our lives. We may not like everything that is happening, but we are still able to fully accept what is and not resist. Letting go of the resistance allows us to come to a place of peace with what is happening now.

The path of least resistance: water always follows the path of least resistance. If there is a crack in a downward slope, water will make its way down, using the least amount of effort. Learning from this example, we, too, can be guided in our lives by looking at our goals and identifying the path with the least resistance.
Often times our need for perfection prevents us from following this principle. Instead of getting things done most easily and appropriately, we will often go the challenging route because we are attached to the outcome of the results.

Ability to bend in any situation yet strong enough to destroy all things

Water is weak and strong at the same time. Of ability to allow anything to crush it, while its strength lies, and its ability to destroy anything with time, all things break down when it sits in the water.


Our head can hold a lot of tension, and doing eye circles and tongue circles can release a lot of the built-up pressure so you can feel better and have more mental clarity and focus.


The way you can increase your capacity to breathe deeper is to continuously inhale even after you max out.

The way you do this is to inhale through your nose as deep as you can, and once you have reached the maximum amount of air you can hold in your body, continuously breathe in for 10 seconds. Work your way up to 60 seconds. Then, slowly exhale through your nose and go back to normal breathing. Wait 15 to 30 seconds before doing another round. Do you 3 to 5 games.
Stay as calm and relaxed as possible. Keep your mind clear and mentally focused on the present moment.


The more complex something is the more critical it is to understand the process. When it comes to going into our bodies to release emotions that have been around for most of our lives, it is a very complex and difficult task to take on. However, when you understand the process of how to do so, you’re able to make something that is very complex into a simple task to take on.

Remember that our body is made up of many, many layers, and within each layer, we are able to access the energy within it. Yeah, the deeper the coating, the harder it is to access. The reason why we do five different methods is because of the multiple layers that we have to work through to access rooted emotions.

Every one of these methods, when done alone, is effective. The variable here is time. The reason why all five methods are combined is because it speeds up the process by accessing deeper layers faster.

Videos (show all)

If your energy is low, then you have blockages in your body and mind. Blockages in the body show up as tension, inflamma...
If you want a strong body, sleep on the firmer surfaces because it helps your posture by keeping your spine straight. It...
Tap Massage is a super fun activity that you can do with your partner or friend. Just tap everywhere on their body, and ...
This video was super fun to make, I hope you guys enjoyed it. And yes, I actually have 11 pull-up bars at my home. Do I ...
Next time when you’re struggling with low energy, do a short 60-second practice like this, and you’ll feel much more ene...
Most of us have been tense in our bodies for most of our lives, not knowing that it causes us to suppress the emotions t...
Eight years ago, I realized that I was afraid of heights. I was at my friend's high-rise apartment and realized that my ...
12 Functional Exercises:1. PUSH UPS (pushing)2. PRONE COBRAS or Pull Ups (pulling)3. BURPEES (down and up from the groun...
There’s a principle in training called “always calm and relax, tense only what is needed.”This training principle is pra...
Emotions from the past cause us to hold on to the mental stories from the past. This prevents us from creating a differe...
The Hops: 3 things to do to make sure you’re doing this exercise correctly.1: Relax your entire body, especially your sh...
Expressing your emotions is different than releasing them. Most people have this confusion. They think when they express...
