The Herbal Elephant

The Herbal Elephant

My name is Madison and I am a certified herbalist. I strive to educate and heal with the power of herbal supplements.

I cannot remember a time where I haven't been around herbal supplements. My mother and grandmother introduced me to the world of natural healing at a very young age and have taught me all that they know. Watching these two women help so many people has influenced me to follow in their footsteps after all of these years. I have accepted the gift that I gained from these two women of helping and hea

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. 08/09/2017

Check out these exciting new giveaways from Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.!

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.


Here's little more info on AnxiousLess by Nature's Sunshine. You still have a chance to win my free giveaway! 🐘


Thank you everyone for liking and sharing The Herbal Elephant! It is time to announce my free giveaway!!!

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.'s AnxiousLess is their best formula designed for every-day anxieties, such as being in traffic, preparing for a presentation, and complications at work.

✔️ Helps quickly ease anxiousness without drowsiness
✔️ Promotes a feeling of confidence and security
✔️ Improves your mood while helping to reduce fatigue
✔️ Offers safe, non-habit forming relief

Only one capsule of AnxiousLess is needed and can be taken everyday or as needed.

So how can you possibly win this FREE bottle??
Here's what you need to do:
1. Like this post
2. Comment your favorite experience while using AnxiousLess OR why you feel you need to try this product.

I will be picking a winner tomorrow morning! 🐘


Make sure to give Fire Design Studios a like! 🐘


Hi everyone! I'm going to need your help.
I have decided that if you help my page get to 50 likes, I will release a special FREE giveaway! 🤗
So please share this page and encourage your friends to give it a like!
Thank you 🐘


I would like to wish a special thank you to my friends at Fire Design Studios for creating my logo. You're very gifted at what you do!
Make sure to send them a message with any of your advertising desires! 🐘


The thyroid is one of the most versatile organs in the human body. The thyroid is responsible for producing and releasing certain hormones from IODINE, which is why iodine is SO important for your body and the thyroid. The thyroid also manages the rate of metabolism, heart, digestion, brain function, and just about every other organ in the body.

**A proper working thyroid is essential for healthy weight loss**
This also explains why many overweight people have thyroid issues.

Unfortunately, there are many people that have troubles regulating their thyroid, but Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. has come up with the perfect solution.

THYROID ACTIVATOR works to balance the thyroid by combining thyroid-nourishing herbs together that is guaranteed to improve your health.

🔅Irish Moss Algae is high in iodine and helps to eliminate extra body fluids.
🔅Kelp is also rich in iodine and controls metabolism (weight loss).
🔅Black Walnut Hulls is ALSO has high iodine content and is good for healing.
🔅Parsley is a blood purifier and helps the body cleanse through the gastrointestinal tract.
🔅Sarsaparilla also acts as a blood purifier.

This formula can be purchased NOW by going to
And to get a DISCOUNT make sure when checking out to use the code 60515733 🐘

Nature's Sunshine Giveaways 04/08/2017

Enter for a chance to win a bottle of Sunshine Heroes nutritional (and yummy) gummies!

Nature's Sunshine Giveaways Click here to enter our giveaway.


In need of an energy boost? Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. Energ-V is an all natural formula to fight fatigue. 💤 This unique blend of herbs tackles various problems in the body including caffeine addiction, ADD, depression, circulation, lack of energy, and the Epstein Barr Virus.

Inside ONE capsule you can find each of these ingredients that decreases fatigue:
▪️Bee Pollen is for nutrition and energy 🐝
▪️Eleuthero Root is for the adrenals
▪️Gotu Kola is to fight fatigue and increase energy
▪️Licorice Root is for adrenals, energy, and handling stress
▪️Rose Hips is rich in vitamin C and helps with stress
▪️Yellow Dock supplies iron to strengthen the immune system and fight against anemia
▪️Barley Grass contains vitamin B-12 (which fights fatigue) and also boosts the immune system and builds blood
▪️Schisandra Fruit retains energy and helps the body heal from stress
▪️Kelp is rich in iodine to nourish the thyroid and also improves alertness
▪️Capsicum increases circulation

I have worked with this supplement with myself and others and there has been successful outcomes! I know that I have felt more energized after just a few days of taking it! 🤗💪🏼
This combination of herbs can ONLY be found in Nature's Sunshine's ENERG-V. To order, go to
And make sure to use my account number when checking out for a DISCOUNT!
60515733 🐘

3 Stress-Relieving Meditation Techniques to Do at Your Desk 03/08/2017


3 Stress-Relieving Meditation Techniques to Do at Your Desk Where do most Americans spend the bulk of their workdays? (Psst! The clue is in the title.) You guessed it. Eighty-six percent (86%) of American workers have desk jobs, and with a huge percentage of us reporting that we regularly experience the physical (77%) and psychological (73%) symptoms of stre...


As summer is approaching to its end, it's time to get you and your kids prepared for school. Some might not be as excited as I am to go back, but with my supplements I'm ready to tackle the year! 📚📝
Get a kickstart into the new year with an herb that is EXTREMELY beneficial in many ways - especially when it comes to learning!

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. GOTU KOLA is one of the best herbs to improve your learning ability. This supplement cleanses your blood as well as enhancing circulation to the brain, which leads to better MEMORY! 💭

Gotu Kola is also good for:
🔹Being an effective energy booster
🔹Nervous breakdowns (unfortunately, it happens to the best of us)
🔹Fighting fatigue 👊🏻
🔹Helping treat high blood pressure
🔹Aging 👵🏾

I know that I am making sure to include this brain food into MY back-to-school program! 🍎🥕

In Sri Lanka, Gotu Kola was found to be a favorite food amongst ELEPHANTS! 🐘 Maybe that's why they say that elephants never forget. 😉

Contest 28/07/2017

Contest Contest


Hi everyone! Welcome to The Herbal Elephant, an independent distributor of Nature's Sunshine Products. My goal is to help you while educating about the effectiveness of herbal supplements and create a program uniquely for you to increase your physical, mental, and emotional health. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have about me or my page.