The Big Story SA

The Big Story SA

Uniting the body of Christ to form the platform for His Kingdom following the flame of change. http:


Redemption stories are about telling the untold and saying what no one else wants to say and in that the healing balm of Gilead freely flows ⛲

Photos from Ariella Ministries Original 2024's post 26/05/2024

Môre begin hierdie nasionale vas en gebed vir ons land. Kom ons vertrou die Here vir groot deurbrake en wonderwerke in Jesus naam!

Photos from Christ Gen Kleinmond's post 25/12/2023 Christ Gen Kleinmond Christ Gen Kleinmond


Friends, join me as I pray for the Body of Christ from Philippians 2:2

“So I'm asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.” TPT

Lord, as Your children we want to ask forgive us for our stubborn resistance to pursue perfect unity - with one heart, one passion united in love with one harmonious purpose to see Jesus lifted up and all men draw to Him. Also to see Your Kingdom come and will be done in our be done in our nation and continent. Lord deliver us from self-centered ambition and help us to unite for Your Name Sake in Jesus' name!

Amanda le Roux

Photos from Ariella Ministries Original's post 08/08/2023
Photos from Christ Gen Kleinmond's post 28/07/2023