An Oil Affair

An Oil Affair

Welcome! My name is Caroline and I am a Silver leader with doTERRA. I'm so excited that your here looking and exploring the world of essential oils!


Hey, all you Essential Oil Lovers...😍

It’s GIVEAWAY TIME🎉🎊 and we have got an amazing package that we’re giving away. Take a peek at this...

We’ll pick one winner who will each receive one package consisting of the following items…

1 x Vegan Leather Wristlet (Dusty Rose)
1 x 32 oz doTERRA Essential Oil Water Bottle (Black)
1 x Intimacy DIY Essential Living Kit
1 x 10ml Sparkled Ombre Rollers 6pk (Sprinkled Silver)

Value: $75...pretty cool hey?

👉It is super SIMPLE To ENTER & WIN…
💜Just let us know below why you would love to win this amazing prize?💜

Giveaway will end on Sunday, MARCH 08 and we’ll pick one winner, who will receive one giveaway package valued at approximately $75.

So get in on the fun while you can and make sure you share this opportunity with your friends...

Team Oil Life
**This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. By entering, entrants agree to a complete release of Facebook.

Timeline photos 28/08/2018

September is going to be sooo good!!! The world of essentials oils is big, and frankly when new can be overwhelming. It’s my job (literally haha) to make sure those bottles aren’t sitting dusty! When you enrol with a membership, not only are you using the worlds purest oils you also gain a community of women, Mother’s, wives, men, all soon to be friends as you navigate a way towards making safer healthier choices. It magic ✨

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Seasons • we all have them, times in our lives where we feel called to make different choices, spend time focusing on what matters *in that moment. • These seasons may last a month, a year, 5 years. They may over lap, they make be big, small, or just become a new way of life. • I find with any ’season’ I go through my body calls for certain oils (this is not random) and I draw in towards those oils that pair with that season. • Your body has great intuition. It tells you take a walk when angry, to cool your head. it tells you to search for the sunset to calm your stresses. Says get lost in the woods when your looking for inner creativity to shine. • no doubt I have a new season starting, of course A R I S E has been on the for front of this season, an oil I haven't used in over a year. I can. Not. Wait. To see what other oils join me this season 🙏🏻 what is your current go to oil?

Timeline photos 15/06/2018

💯 Products. Could you count on two hands how many you use a day? Probably not. I can't, and I feel I'm minimal in the face/body care regime (maybe not a good thing sometimes haha 🤔) women are targeted towards Hundreds of products, and heck it's not always a bad thing. I like to pamper myself! I enjoy putting on my night facial cream and feeling pretty.

Timeline photos 12/06/2018

They say motherhood changes you • I have him to thank, he made me ask more question, look into safer options • when he was 6 months I hosted an oils class hoping to gain some understanding on how to help a little babe that could not tell me what was wrong. • fast forward 3 years and I’m making better health choices, food choices and committed to riding as many chemicals out of our house as possible. • I’m in no way perfect, but damn will I keep trying. Because my boys are watching and it took me 30 years to catch on, so why not start them now. • these A2Z chewables were the highlight of his day when they arrived, it’s hard to limit him to only 1 or 2 a day. Now his little brother watches and wants in on the health too 😉 circle is starting

Timeline photos 09/06/2018

Have something tugging at your heartstrings or soul wings? Wake each day with this intention see where it takes you. Life is not a practise round, persure your dreams, forgive yourself quickly and love hard ✨

Timeline photos 08/06/2018

Any other DIY lovers out there? I’ve been crafty since I can remember, camp days were literally spent avoiding the slotted sports hours to sneak into the craft hut. I’ve just always been drawn to using my hands to create... not a big surprise my careers to follow would be floral designer and pastry chef 😏 so for me getting to make my household products myself is like a kid in a candy store! What I didn’t realize is how S I M P L E they would be! A few natural pure ingredients that last many many DIYs and I’m set! (Hello affordable) Customizing each one with oils to be suit the job and me, another win, can you see where I’m headed? There is really no down side. Even if crafty isn’t your thing, they are just T O E A S Y 🤷🏼‍♀️ so you ready to get crafty with me?

Timeline photos 06/06/2018

“But we’re healthy”. Those were the words that ran through my mind when I hosted my first oils class while I listen to my friend speak. My son didn’t suffer from allergies, or have sensitive skin. I wasn’t on prescription drugs, or have existing ailments outside the norm. So why on earth would I need oils, or natural ways to help my body heal it’s self? What benefits would it have for my healthy family? Here’s the thing, that headache I’d get occasionally and just deal with, or the odd cold I’d have to let run it’s course, even after a long work day my knees would throb. See we are not always as on top of health game as we think. Even still, you can be amazingly healthy and still be exposed to harsh chemicals daily that make it more difficult for our bodies to repairs themselves. We all age, it’s inevitable. When we do, would you not want it to be without the blood thinners, without the arthritic pain, not have to take multiple pills daily to maintain a ‘healthy’ life. • We should absolutely be investing in our healthy NOW, while we can bounce back quickly, while we can support and prevent pains and ailments that are due and on their way. You’ll need to invest in your health at some point in life (if you aren’t already) so why the heck not NOW and be able to feel amazing while aging gracefully?!. The fact my kids can start from day 1 with this concept is why I won’t stop helping and educating other mamas on the safe use of these pure bottles nature oils. ✨ healthcare is not a new concept, we just need to shift from synthetic to natural, and from masking to preventing ✌🏼 you feel me? .app

Timeline photos 06/06/2018

“But we’re healthy”.
Those were the words that ran through my mind when I hosted my first oils class while I listen to my friend speak. My son didn’t suffer from allergies, or have sensitive skin. I wasn’t on prescription drugs, or have existing ailments outside the norm. So why on earth would I need oils, or natural ways to help my body heal it’s self? What benefits would it have for my healthy family?
Here’s the thing, that headache I’d get occasionally and just deal with, or the odd cold I’d have to let run it’s course, even after a long work day my knees would throb. See we are not always as on top of health game as we think.
Even still, you can be amazingly healthy and still be exposed to harsh chemicals daily that make it more difficult for our bodies to repairs themselves. We all age, it’s inevitable. When we do, would you not want it to be without the blood thinners, without the arthritic pain, not have to take multiple pills
daily to maintain a ‘healthy’ life.
• We should absolutely be investing in our healthy NOW, while we can bounce back quickly, while we can support and prevent pains and ailments that are due and on their way. You’ll need to invest in your health at some point in life (if you aren’t already) so why the heck not NOW and be able to feel amazing while aging gracefully?!. The fact my kids can start from day 1 with this concept is why I won’t stop helping and educating other mamas on the safe use of these pure bottles nature oils. ✨ healthcare is not a new concept, we just need to shift from synthetic to natural, and from masking to preventing ✌🏼 you feel me? #

Timeline photos 24/05/2018

💫✨ All the right nuggets & truth ✨💫

Timeline photos 22/05/2018

ITs TIME TO CUT THE CRAP! 🚫 DoTERRA has their green cleaning challage happening this week, and in beyond thrilled. I'm super passionate about getting toxic cleaners out of our homes, so its time to join in on eliminating toxins for a cleaner safer home ✌🏼 ill be going live in my facebook group ~ An Oil Affair tonight for more deets and updates so bring your questions there!!

Timeline photos 19/05/2018

Everyone has a happy place ✌🏼🌿

Timeline photos 18/05/2018

What better time to have a mama and babies class then on the day doTERRA baby is released!! Message me for deets ---> a great night to chat amongst mothers about what we can do for our littles 💙

Timeline photos 16/05/2018

Affirmations, something introduced to me a few months ago. Talk about life changing. Why is it we find it so hard to say positive things about ourselves that we have to ‘practice’ or try to make it a habit? It’s Sooo backwards, so now that my mind has been opened to it I write 3 a Day. Could you set aside 5 min or Less! To say or write just 3 things about the amazing boss babe that you are? Try it, you won’t regret it - liberate yourself!!

Timeline photos 14/05/2018

Monday’s are for cleaning diffusers! I suggest to do this once a month or so, it prevents any build up and keeps them running well ☺️ add some white vinegar and run for a few minuets. Wipe out with paper towel and they are ready to use again!

Timeline photos 09/05/2018

And people say kids these days don't play with a garden hose 💙💦

Timeline photos 07/05/2018

QUALITY IS KEY • When a $50 oil seems expensive and you think, I could get that cheaper at the store and a bottle 3x the size! Look again my friends, let's take a look at ginger 👇🏻 the one sold at the grocery store is diluted with water and alcohol and says so right on the label. It also tells you the reccomended dose is 15 drops! The math works out to $0.27 per single use. DoTERRA has pure potent effective oils that allows for a single drop per dose, working out to $0.19 per single use! Do yourself a favour and save some $$$. Then realize how much more effective pure oils are 👌🏻


Oils are expensive 💰
The kits are hundreds of dollars, the bottles are small, and the pyramid scheme is taking all the profit. *insert average mindset here

I feel you, we love the idea of oils and we do want to clean up the toxins from our homes, but just like anything natural its an expensive switch. When I purchased my first kit I was on maternity leave and weighed my options and took the risk!

So let me guess maybe you've seen them in the natural section at your grocery store, or worse a home goods store?? And thought, well $20 for a pack of 5 seams way more worth my while....

Yikes!! First off, we need to address the classic ’you get what you pay for’, then we can move onto how pure, potent oils means using one drop at a time. Those little bottles don't seem so small now huh? At 250 drops in one bottle and some oils at 4 cents a drop, suddenly that DIY floor cleaner is costing you a quarter to make (like literally 25 cents!)

Still seem pricy? next time your at the drug store I want you to take note of the average cold medication that usually lasts you thru one cold, now imagine
a)a bottle of oil to prevent you from getting sick
b)a bottle to help relieve symptoms and
c) those bottles are lasting you an entire season and still costing the same as an average cold med.

Yup, these babies are the MOST affordable way to manage your health ✌🏼 learn all about how to use these gems and why quality matters on a live webinar I'm hosting

Timeline photos 02/05/2018

Ever sit around and feel sorry for yourself? Yeah, that was me yesterday. Overwhelm, stress, self doubt, it comes in many forms and for me and when it does it hits heavy & hard for short periods of time. I can't say its when I'm at my best, but its all a part of me, who I am and my emotions. I now have the tools to ‘reign’ it in, get ‘back on track’ let my strength of positivity shine! So I took this photo last night and decided to get to action. Went to bed early. Woke up rested. applied my roller over my heart and balance to my feet. I made a big juicy green smoothie, and washed down my supplements. Tackling the house and then to be present with my kids outside for the rest of the day. Boom 💥 I am in control, I am blessed, I am worthy to feel joy. Feel the feelings and then press forward, don’t linger there and get trapped - life is waiting. What are you grateful for today?

Timeline photos 30/04/2018

This post probably looks familiar, because it is 😌

Every couple of my months our amazing diamond leaders put on this 1.5hr online event for people that want a sneak peak into this biz life.

See, 2 years ago if you would have told me I’d be building a network marketing biz I would have laughed. If you would have gone on to tell me it would make me a better person, stronger woman, love deeper, dream bigger and try everything I do with passion I probably would have just rolled my eyes 🙄

But here I am, all because I said yes to having a coffee with a friend. Half way through my first mat leave the mom in me wanted more, more time at home, more financial freedom and frankly more energy 😜 so I accepted the invite to LEARN and there was really no question after that.

Boom, hooked. Loving my life, learning to put self care first, teaching mamas like me to feel empowered when helping their kids to feel better. Did I mention the amazing boss babes I met and friendships I’ve gained.
Oh yeah, the pay checks aren’t bad either 👌🏻 if I told you that in a month I made $750 US and taught one class that month would your ears perk up then?..And I’m just starting to climb the ranks 😏

I won’t say to much more, if you want that you’ll have to check out this event 👇🏻 or are you already plotting an excuse as to why it won’t work for you, or you don’t have a large network, or not enough time.... life is short my friends, if you want something drop the excuses at the door and go grab it.

This IS a company that makes dreams come true.
Will it be your dreams next? 💫

Comment ‘I’m in’ and let’s get you added to learn

Timeline photos 26/04/2018

Okay, I've hear to many good things! Time to start a new read, anyone wanna join?! 📖

Timeline photos 25/04/2018

Wouldn’t you rather take measures to stay healthy and prevent illness, then load up on prescriptions when you do get sick? investing in your health is always 100% worth it. From self care, nutrition, exercise to supplements. There is not one magic combo to overall health, they need to work together so you can strive for you goals. And let me tell you, the journey is beautiful ✨

Timeline photos 23/04/2018

I'm looking for 20 people who want to get *FREE* products for 10 days - May 7th - 16th. If you’re struggling with one of these concerns, you want to try essential oils, & you’re willing to be part of a natural wellness study DM me!
To qualify you must:
→NOT have a current doTERRA membership
→be willing to try free products for 10 days
→do an online survey BEFORE & AFTER (3 min)
→attend an Intro to Essential Oil Study 30 min class in person (or watch a recording online) before the 7th
→ attend or watch a Wrap Up Study class after the 16th.
If you're interested or know anyone who might want to be part of this - comment below, tag a friend, or DM me! It’s free so what do you have to lose?

Photos from An Oil Affair's post 04/04/2018

Have you seen what doTERRA is offering?!
They are giving you an amazing deal on products that will greatly improve your overall health and wellbeing ⭐️ My beautiful team has put together a group to run alongside doterras challange, where you will gain an education, find support and be encouraged to develop healthy habits! Ask me to be added to the group to follow along it's not too late!
New to doterra? You'll want to snag this healthy habit kit soon so it will arrive in time for the kickoff! #/

Timeline photos 16/03/2018

So here’s the thing, I don’t do yoga, never have. Truthfully I’ve maybe done it twice in my life, and I can guarantee you I didn’t finish the session. I don’t know my chakras, crystals or or when my horoscope stars are aligned. Here is what I DO know, these bottles filled with volatile aromatic compounds from nature help me feel like a better wife, mom and woman. Why? Because I can find answers, solutions, help, ways to calm my kids, keep my emotions in check, save my family money and reduce our toxic intake. It didn’t take all kinds of studying, or fancy knowledge, just simply learning from one mama to another. being in a community of women that help each other the best way they can in this crazy life, was just the cherry on top. So today I found myself reaching for this yoga blend - Align, the centering blend. Life is hard enough as it is, find yourself ways to keep it simple. Don’t let the thought of oils overwhelm you, I guarantee they as easy as 123, and the benefits are ohhh so worth it. So when your ready, I’m here to chat 😗

Timeline photos 26/02/2018

I absolutely love when these opportunities pop up💛They are lead by our amazing Diamond leaders and give you amazing insight to what it takes exactly to do this biz and be in this community. Facebook makes it easy to feel no pressure and just listen, learn and explore ✨if you are feeling a little tug from this post perhaps its time to find out why.... Ask me and I'll add you to the event, it could be the 2 hours that could change your life 💫 I know my journey has been such magic and I'm only getting started, let's do this together and rise up ⭐️