The Mindful Lotus

The Mindful Lotus

The Mindful Lotus started as a small seed of an idea to facilitate, support and foster the health and wellbeing of everyone that it touches.

Photos from The Mindful Lotus's post 21/12/2020

When was the last time you LAUGHED?

My name is The Mindful Lotus.

My laugh is like this

My nickname is


Today choose YES to smiling.
Even though we are in difficult times.
Even though we wear masks that make it difficult to show a smile.

Smile anyway.

It’s healthy for your well-being,
And, your body language changes.
Making the other person feel worthy, just from a deep and profound gift of a simple smile.

I want for Christmas a smile from each and everyone of you, because “smiling is my favorite” and would make the world a more joyful place.

Plus: it would make me happy too ☺️

Timeline photos 29/08/2020

Aloha, today I want to celebrate stories. My name is Fabiana, and I'm the founder of The Mindful Lotus. With many of the events that are unfolding throughout the world, I encourage to listen. Put aside your story. The story that you have known and listen with curiosity to someone's else's story. It's not until we listen that the anger will eventually let itself be loved and then let go. Love and compassion is replaced and no more BS will take its place.


“When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.”

-Dean Jackson


"Allow yourself to be human"

Timeline photos 13/06/2020

A great teacher, once said to a group of us knowingly bright humans then, "have a day". This went on for days, without realizing what he meant. We have gotten accostumed to saying, have a good day without really noticing the meaning behind this. Does it invoke that we MUST NOW have a good day because otherwise our EXPECTATIONS will not be met? Think about this.

Timeline photos 06/06/2020

As I’ve been digging deep into personal transformation as, I live by my words of “the best service is the one we provide to ourselves”, I’ve found more insight into the oneness. History is said to repeat itself. However, some from different cultural and geopolitical backgrounds have read in the stars the truth far beyond what we have experienced. Until now. stands with this quote by Ford, we have united as one during this pandemic. Let’s use this as a momentum to push us as conscious beings into progress and then working together towards success for us, planet earth, its animals and plants and the whole galaxy alike.

Timeline photos 27/05/2020

Mindfulness teaches us to be okay with whatever is happening right now. As the whole Earth is experiencing a mixture of shaky grounds, we must continue to take small leaps to the unknown. Always adapting to what is.

Remembering the collective.

Remembering that change is as important as the tempo that goes with it.

The Mindful Lotus asks gently for everyone to come together for three deep breaths. Bringing love in with each inhale and sending gratitude out on each exhale.

Now, give it a try ❣️

Timeline photos 06/05/2020

Choose to trust YOU.
Choose to trust YOUR path.
Every drop of water is here because is needed and beyond that, your abundance creates the rivers to become rivers to later become the ocean.

Photos from The Mindful Lotus's post 15/04/2020

@ Planet Earth


(EN) This Thursday Fabiana will be guiding us through a mindful meditation. Everyone is WELCOMED. Let's take this moment together in a form of not doing but rather being.

First, we will start with a 20 minute English meditation followed by a 20 minute Spanish meditation.

Just go to the zoom platform and we will all gather with the public ID provided above.


(ES) Este Jueves, Fabiana nos guiará en una meditación. TOD@S están invitados. Será un momento donde dejamos de hacer para regresar a nuestro ser.

Primero, empezaremos con una meditación de 20 minutos guiada en Inglés. Seguida por una otra de 20 minutos en Español.

Sólo entra en la plataforma de zoom y estaremos TOD@S juntos con el ID mencionado y abierto al público.


Photos from The Mindful Lotus's post 05/04/2020

Breathe in peace. Breathe out gratitude. Coming to a year from when these pictures were taken in San Diego, California while I, Fabiana, was leading a Mindfulness workshop. @ Balboa Park

Blog | The Mindful Lotus 09/03/2020

New technique.

Improvised talking after a meditation of love and kindness.


Blog | The Mindful Lotus It has returned. A sequence of events wandering through space. Strolling through pages of infinite possibilities. Actions within the voyage. Returning home to the Sojourn. May the expedition continue, Living on my mind of caravanning thoughts. A pilgrimage that leads t...

Timeline photos 30/01/2020

Eyes of wonder.

Timeline photos 20/01/2020

In this age, the mere example of non-conformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service. Precisely because the tyranny of opinion is such as to make eccentricity a reproach, it is desirable, in order to break through that tyranny, that people should be eccentric. Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Timeline photos 05/01/2020

Letting 2019 go is a must when we invite 2020 into our time. There is something beautiful yet nostalgic about letting go. It's relating to the past and unsure of the future. But, oh! How beautiful it can be. It will be! If we just let go and start now. Breathe. Movement. Constance. While noticing. Receiving information in an inviting manner. No rush. It ends in burnouts. BE the process. wishes everyone a smooth year in our time 2020.

The Prophecy of the Seven Suns 03/01/2020


I loves to play a game. sometimes I'll ask anyone for a word. then, I proceed to write a short poem on the word that was given to me.

The word for this blog post is "Twinkle".

GIVE ME A WORD... And let's see what comes out!

The Prophecy of the Seven Suns FIRST TWINKLE.Left by the elves of forgiveness.Rushing through time like a piece of Simple yet, complex machinaries. SECOND TWINKLE.Time flies in mem

Timeline photos 17/10/2019

Today, I choose US. Today, I choose community. Humans are social creatures. We must achieve being the best humans we can be. How? By unifying, communicating and working as a whole. When we were hunters and gatherers, our strengths were these. What has changed? We have become an isolated society with the “I”, “me” and “mine” way of reacting to situations. Instead, let’s involve ourselves in the US.

Timeline photos 15/10/2019

Take the leap. I’ll hold your hand.

Timeline photos 14/10/2019

Today choose one(1) thing to let go. It can be anything. Just breathe and let go. Start small. It’s not what we let go, instead it’s how we relate to it that matters. Ask yourself gently what it is that brings you wanting to let go of this? Will letting go of this serve you? How...? Visualize yourself without it. Notice your feelings and thoughts. Simply notice. Don’t hold onto anything.

Timeline photos 07/10/2019


Timeline photos 07/10/2019

Take time for yourself.

Timeline photos 13/09/2019

Drop the “T” and feel the magic happen.

Timeline photos 07/09/2019

Only a person that risks is free.

Timeline photos 06/09/2019

PAIN IS TEMPORARY. QUITTING IS FOREVER. Remember • When we live mindfully, we take notice in being present with the pain. Allowing it to teach us more than hurt us.

Timeline photos 05/09/2019

Videos (show all)

~CONNECTED~ @followingnomudnolotus •Fabiana will be guiding FREE Mindful Meditation Sessions open to the public through ...
Ecuanimidad – El Arte de Surfear la Vida“Navegando andaba. Tu, ella.Yo, ellas.TODAS juntas.La ciencia sistemática del a...
When we slow down. We notice. #starlight
CHOOSE PEACE #mindfulliving
Thoughts coming and going. #joshuatree
The observation of thoughts coming and going. Breathing. Once and once again. #curiosity
Human civilization wandered our earth looking for new ways. New forms of being. Our ancestors sat around the fire. At ni...
The Rebirth - Science proves that we can rewire our neurons in order to make new neurological pathways. With the cultiva...
Life presents itself in many forms. May we welcome each as it is. With love and kindness.Curiosity and wonder.Let us kno...