Nutrition & Personal Training

Nutrition & Personal Training

I have a PhD in nutrition & metabolism, I am a certified personal trainer, sports nutrition coach and a body composition specialist. Expect to see results!!!

I am here to get you to the next level and to help you to reach your goals I am Dr. in nutrition and metabolism and a certified personal trainer. Nutrition & Personal Training is all about helping you to reach your goals.

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 14/07/2024

Lethbridge 🥰… smells and everything reminds me of home…including the Mexican restaurant (tacos made in Mexico). A beautiful and challenging run followed by delicious chilaquiles with 2 eggs and agua de jamaica. Have a lovely weekend my friends!!!


📷FOMO Foto always capturing the best! Some 📸 from 🇨🇦 road race. 5km this time; from 12h to 5km in less than a month, what can I say? I like variety 😉. I am pretty sure my coach rolls his eyes sometimes (just kidding) and yes I also have a coach Simon Stewart because I tend to over do it, by the way I am doing a duathlon (run/bike/run) this weekend 🤣🤣.

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 23/06/2024

Mountain therapy…when the sulphur mountain parking lot is full, what do you do? You run all the way up (no problem 🤣) and then up the mountain, grab a coffee and a cookie and run down. Finally sunny and warm. More mountains tomorrow


Yes!!! Official letter received…and yes! I am going to Spain in 2025 representing 🇨🇦 one more time in Aquathlon. From 12h to Aquathlon (1km swim + 5km running). I already have plans for us in 2025 🤣🤣 .inky_boy (Hannah) this long distance runner will be joining the Aqua party 🤣.


Dear pool I am back…after survivorfest my body got pretty exhausted (welcome autoimmune diseases), I have learned to take it super easy. Yesterday I slept almost 12 hours and my body said yes today! Some butterfly 🦋, nothing impressive but pretty descent considering that a week ago I ran ~120km, the pool is always there for me, like my best friend…the body is happy again.

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 11/06/2024

Race pics and acknowledgments 🥰🥰, the pictures really show how things got tough and how many socks I had to change due to the rain….I couldn’t have ran this well without you guys….Omar, my love, 24 years together and you still find the way to make me laugh and smile when I am exhausted and completely done, every lap for the last 90min he told me “aguanta Carla, aguanta” I had doubts at times but you didn’t, my sister (.inky_boy )a hard core human, tough like nails, I know everything will be ok when Omar and Hannah are there, my dear friend thanks love you 🥰, I knew I could trust you, my parents…they are always there in one way or another, my coach , my awesome physiotherapists 🤣🤣 clearly the hips and butt behaved .evan for my “new” Achilles both from and the whole running community for the encouragement the entire 12 hours while I was chasing the number, “all for love” thanks and more ❤️❤️❤️, see you out there


Cross training for runners…how? It all depends what do you want to accomplish; substituting a work out? Increase aerobic base (with less impact)? Build anaerobic capacity? Recovery? “Fix” muscle imbalances? Depending on your goals your cross training will be different, when dealing with injuries we can indeed come back stronger but it needs to be done right!!! If you don’t know how to incorporate this feel free to contact me. Happy training my friends!!!


Alright awesome athletes!!! I have 2 spots available for coaching (online coaching). My online coaching includes programming for your sport(s), strength training exercises to avoid injuries and nutrition help (specific calculations like CHO/hour, electrolytes, BCAA, etc are also available at a discount price), continuous coaching and the most important part is that it is YOU vs YOU, a personalized plan; I want to help you to reach your goal(s)!!! Whether it is multi sports short or long distance or a 200mile race I got you covered (I have successfully coached in all the distances up to 200 mile races). If you are interested send me a PM 😊. Happy training!!!


Alright awesome people!!!! I have less than 5 spots left for coaching (thank you everyone for supporting my business) 😊❤️. If you are interested send me a message…from a coaching perspective this year has been amazing…world multi sport championships (Aquathlon), triathlon, Ironman, 200 mile, multi stage, 24h track races; you name it! We can start in January no worries but contact me if interested. Happy training everyone!!!


Do you have a coach (or not) and don’t really know how to fuel your body? Cramping, vomiting and GI issues (distress) shouldn’t be normalized, very likely it is fixable (changes in osmolality, osmolarity, density, speed, etc). Text me if this is something you are interested and let’s book a consultation. Happy training awesome people! 😊


Hello awesome athletes!!. It is that time of the year again 🙌🙌🙌, you signed up for some races or are planning some; I have a few coaching spots available (very few). Coaching includes: a)personalized running program (I use Final surge for tracking and planning) b)strength training component (injury prevention prevention exercises) c)cross training d)nutrition guidance e)monthly programs include personalized and constant communication. I take road and/or trail runners as well as multi sport athletes. Any questions feel free to contact me!! Happy training!!! 🍎


Hydration, humidity and heat stress…you have probably heard me saying that in Mexico 36C is not like a Canadian 36C; well…there is an explanation for this and it is the relative humidity; this is why you must check the heat stress index (check the table) I have also attached the Gatorade link for specific hydration calculation Makennah Walker and Jaime Gonek , the higher the heat stress index the more simplified your nutrition should be when performing physical activity.


Lori Claassen What to eat or drink (or not) during a race when feeling nausea and in general GI stress? Keep in mind that your gut is trainable so practice and practice during your runs BUT sometimes (more often when temperatures are high) things happen, if that happens slow down your nutrition, I generally suggest my athletes to “cycle down” basically after 4-6 hours they take a “break” that means they decrease the number of calories (we do this a lot in clinical nutrition and it prevents a lot of GI distress) let’s say from 70g of CHO to 30-40g and if things are looking bad then we will stick with pure electrolytes, if you start puking 🤮 STOP 🛑! Yes your stomach needs a break unfortunately (keep in mind that even if you vomit you absorb more than 50% BUT it can become a problem) wait until your stomach recovers its motility, burps are a good sign; once that happens slowly introduce more nutrition and keep it simple. Do not over do the salt (or electrolyte) pills, it will destroy your stomach. The higher the temperatures the simpler the nutrition. Good look this weekend!!!!


Nicolás Hernán Favro Velo hidratación para prueba de 24horas (20C). Sirven las bebidas isotónicas? Si, ya que permiten la absorción más rápida de carbohidratos en el torrente sanguíneo sin “molestar” el tracto gastrointestinal. Ahora bien una be boda isotónica deberá tener de 4-8g/100ml de carbohidratos y 23-69mg/100 ml (10-30mmol) de sodio. El objetivo de la hidratación es evitar perder el 2% de peso corporal, para ello recomiendo siempre cálculos individuales para el atleta; la fórmula que más me gusta es la del instituto Gatorade y aquí está el link OjO: aunado a la hidratación es importante mantener la temperatura corporal baja, sabemos que por cada incremento de 0.1-0.4C de temperatura corporal (core temperature) se ha reportado una pérdida de 1% de peso corporal. En pocas palabras, si, si funcionan las bebidas isotónicas, para una prueba de 24horas sugiero cambiar las fórmulas (dextrosa, maltodextrina, fructosa, sacarlas, etc) para facilitar la absorción intestinal y no “saturar” ninguno de los transportadores gastrointestinales.


Cyclists: How to fuel pre, during and after a 100km or longer distance? 3-4 hrs prior consume 3-5g/kg weight of carbohydrates (CHO) OR 1-2g/kg weight the hour before. During: up to 50-70g/ hour of carbs (use a mixture of glucose, sucrose, maltodextrin, fructose) why? We want to promote high carbohydrate oxidation speed = fast energy available. Post ride: use the 30min window right away hydrate (1.5 your weight loss) with electrolytes and have carbohydrates and protein (3:1 ratio respectively), leucine (one fo the BCAA) has proven to speed up the recovery. Carlos Magueyal Ridley Nrc


Yeah well…I know it’s cold here in Edmonton but hydration is extremely important, just 2% of weight loss will affect an athlete’s performance. Ideally carbohydrate concentration should be between 5-8%. A very high concentration will cause GI issues (starting around 10%). Basically, not too much not too little, have a look. For more sports nutrition questions, feel free to contact me! Happy training awesome athletes!!


♦️Entrenamiento (coaching): afortunadamente me quedan muy pocos espacios para aceptar atletas, así que que si eres corredor o triatleta y quieres entrenar sistemáticamente no dudes en contactarme. El coaching es online, mensual a través de la app Final surge y es absolutamente personalizado a tus necesidades y objetivos (e.g. maratón, ultra, medio Ironman, Ironman, etc) e incluye el entrenamiento al igual que los famosos drills y ejercicios para evitar lesiones, seguimiento personalizado y ayuda en el área de nutrición en el deporte (high/low, carga de glucógeno, etc). Pueden visitar más en mi página web 👉 🍎 y/o pueden mandarme un mensaje por este medio


Hello awesome athletes!! I am sure most of you already signed up for one or more races…yay 🙌🙌. I have only a few coaching spots left. Coaching includes: a)personalized running program (I use Final surge for tracking and planning) b)strength training component (injury prevention prevention exercises) c)cross training d)nutrition guidance e)monthly programs include personalized and constant communication. Any questions feel free to contact me!! Happy training!!! Stay healthy!!!

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 18/11/2022

Sorry for not posting anything earlier, unfortunately I got Covid-19 😢.Brazil is beautiful!!! Beautiful people, great food. Didn’t reach the number I knew I could reach due to some weird shin pain, and let’s face it I am no longer into getting injured or taking long breaks due to injuries. When the shin got very upset around the 18-19h mark I decided to power walk, ice, elevate and power walk again (I don’t take any kind of pain killers) everything counts and I wasn’t gonna leave the track. There is always another day to race if I am healthy. Aquathlon worlds await next year. For now I have to recover from COVID-19 and slowly build up again.


La selección mexicana de mujeres del campeonato continental de 24 horas de America a celebrarse en Brasil. La vida me dió una segunda chance de cargar mi bandera y colores 🇲🇽, no pienso fallar esta vez. Si algo he aprendido es que las 24 horas y 100 millas son como un doctorado 🤣🤣, en papel el plan se ve genial en la vida real las cosas se atoran y el plan ya no es tan fácil y terminas preguntando cómo vas a salir de ésta. He aprendido que las cosas se van dando si es que tocaba ser y aquí vamos de nuez con mi súper crew que se las sabe de todas todas

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 12/09/2022

Todo sea por roca que peleamos en lost soul ultra, su nombre lo dice bien pierdes el alma y la encuentras. 3ra mujer y es lo que menos me importa...esta piedra vale oro. Dedicada a mi crew… A mis papás por estar siempre en cada momento cuando los he necesitado me he ganado la lotería, a mi hermana que me cuidó las espaldas por 54km y que me vio llorar y maldecir, me vió casi romperme y bueno…a Omar que como la canción de Fruta fresca 🎼”ese beso que me lleva al mismo cielo y a la tierra me regresa” me cuidó las espaldas en el frío bajo la luna, me empujó, cuidó y demás 🎼🎼 “como tú no hay ninguno…” “allforlove

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 16/08/2022

Some days I do something different than running 🤪. This past weekend was cycling. I have always said my first love was swimming, my real love is running and cycling helps my running. What a fun and great weekend it was. Now…let’s get ready for LSU 100 mile race…I am sure I will have to find my soul more than once. Happy training!!!

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 08/08/2022

📷 Infinite Eye Photography Pic2Go . August long weekend. Canadian Death Race - Grande Cache, AB this year it was a different one, best year ever!!! Funny how this goes. I probably did 6 trail runs only (2 in grande cache) and with Brazil (continental 24h championships) in November I have to extend the training session, so…my goal #1 was to run relaxed, put time on my feet and finish absolutely injury free from head to toe. I did visit 3 bushes 💩 some meds side effects; I think I scared some people (because they saw something moving). But I can definitely say…mission accomplished 🙌🙌. 7th Female (open); the only sad news is that I think next year I will be in the 40’s + category really? 🤣
Thanks for again an awesome race and of course Omar and I will be there next year!!!

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 27/07/2022

Some photos from the open water swim last Friday Edmonton 2022. A lot was going through my mind that day, but somehow I have always found answers in the water and this wasn’t the exception. CDR marathon in a couple of days…


beautiful sunny day!! 😊😊, great tempo day followed by awesome coffee ☕️.


Recibí el correo oficial para el mundial de Aquathlon en 2023 en España…y me emociona bastante. Hace poco menos de 18 meses me jodí la rodilla y bien (bajando la montaña), luego Aquiles…luego me diagnosticaron con hipotiroidismo con una anemia mal plan (a consecuencia de la tiroides). Por meses la fatiga y dolor fueron mis mejores amigos y perdí varias batallas pero seguí moviéndome hacia adelante y bueno…aquí estamos. Este año he calificado a Boston, al mundial de Aquathlon y corrido exitosamente 24h en el nacional canadiense. Tengo días buenos y malos pero mas buenos que malos y nunca me voy sin una buena pelea.

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 03/07/2022

Mountains and nachos (post run)…🥰❤️. From carbon running shoes to trail shoes, beautiful weekend!!!

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 02/07/2022

Happy Canada 🇨🇦 day!!!! Raced a 5km in Canmore (1st age group); legs are not so slow after a 24h race 3 weeks ago, enjoyed the parade, food vendors 😋 …the tacos were the best!!! Beautiful day!!! 😊😊

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 27/06/2022

Powerline…REVERSO 🆙⬆️. Grande Cache never disappoints 🥰. Beautiful sunny day!

Photos from Nutrition & Personal Training's post 06/05/2022

Some photos from this past weekend…happy 😊 and then 🥶🥶🤣. I wanna believe Mother Nature wanted to show me that synthroid medication is working (otherwise I would have stopped due to the temperature for sure). Another BQ and not bad for this “retired” marathon runner…Mekita Aznar mentioned that Ottawa can get pretty hot so…that’s next year. For now I have an Aquathlon (1 spot for worlds age group) 750m swimming, 5km running and then 24h Survivorfest24 Race. Time to swim a bit more and make sure the muscles recover properly.

Our Story

I am Dr. in nutrition and metabolism (PhD), sports nutrition coach, and a certified personal trainer and body composition specialist. With over 10 years of experience my goal is to help you to reach whatever fitness and athletic goals you have in mind. Effective and functional training together with healthy nutrition are my way to go. Expect to see results!!!

Note: Services available in English and Spanish

Videos (show all)

Core ideas
Strength ideas
Strength and balance
Cross training!!
TRX stretch for runners

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday 06:00 - 21:00
Friday 06:00 - 21:00