Cftri Mysore

Cftri Mysore

This group is created for old and current students, employees, scientists and professors of Central Food technological Research Institute, Mysore. Thanks

Here, We are trying to discuss scope of science and agriculture related to food technology, dairy technology, biotechnology, computer science, biology, chemistry etc. We also want to shear latest news about employments and universities etc. Students, Alumni and Scientist of Other University and collage are most welcome to join this group to shear your views, experience, knowledge and information like about university, jobs or E-books with member of this group.

Air Purifier Plant recommended by NASA in Home (English) (1080p HD) 28/12/2017

Air Purifier Plant recommended by NASA in Home (English)

Videolink :

Watch out list of Air Purifier Plant recommended by NASA for room or House garden. (English)

plant is enough to clean the air in 200 square meters space.

Snake plant (SansevieriaTrifasciata “Laurentii”) – This plant is endurable and should be kept at home. It can perform photosynthesis under minimal light. It is great to be kept in the bedroom as it produces oxygen during the night.

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum “Mauna Loa”) – It removes toxins from the air and it also removes formaldehyde from the air as well as trichloroethylene.

NASA recommends 15 and 18 of these plants in an area of 500 square meters. In 80 square meters you will need 3 to 4 plants. Put one in the bedroom because you sleep there.

Watch out oxygen producing Plant listed by NASA for their air pollution controlling abilities.

Air Purifier Plant recommended by NASA in Home (English) (1080p HD) Watch out list of Air Purifier Plant recommended by NASA for room or House garden. (English) You can purchase Anti pollution mask online here (Airclear Advan...

Silent Heart Attack को check करना होगा बहुत आसान भविष्य में (Hindi) (720p HD) 30/11/2017

Silent Heart Attack को check करना होगा बहुत आसान भविष्य में (Hindi)

Videolink :

Silent Heart Attack को check करना होगा बहुत आसान भविष्य में (Hindi) (720p HD) Silent Heart Attack को check करना होगा बहुत आसान भविष्य में (Voice : Hindi)

Live Testing of Water Addition in Milk in front of Milkman (Milk Sample failed in Test) (Hindi) (HD) 03/05/2017

Live Testing of Water Addition in Milk in front of Milkman (Milk Sample failed in Test) (Hindi)

Videolink :

Watch out easy steps to check water adulteration in milk by using Lactometer (Hydrometer) in house. (Voice : Hindi)

Milk is a common drink of our daily diet. But mostly time, it may have Urea, Formalin, Vanaspati, Starch and water as impurity. Packed milk from brands as well as milk purchased from milk-vendors can be adulterated so it is always better to check for them before consuming.

Water turns out to be the most common adulterant in milk. It reduces the nutritional value of milk. If contaminated, water poses a health risk to consumers.

How to check water adulteration in Milk by using lactometer :

A lactometer measures the density of milk. It tells the user how much water is in the milk that is being sampled. This is an instrument used to determine the richness of milk.

Lactometer : Measure the amount of water in the milk. A Lactometer is used to find out the amount of water in the milk. It works on the principle of specific gravity of milk. It consists of a Test-Tube and a Meter Bulb.

Using this instrument is very simple. Put some milk in the test-tube. Dip the meter bulb in it, the bulb going in first. You will notice that the meter bulb floats. The reading on the meter indicates how pure/impure your milk is.

The deeper the bulb sinks, the more dilute/impure the milk. If the reading is at the red mark, it shows that the milk is rich and pure.

Milk is one of the most important ingredients for children's overall development, it is essential for adult health as well. Milk is also widely used in food item like desserts, baking, tea and coffee etc.

Most of the commonly used adulterant for milk includes Detergent, White Paint, Caustic Soda, Refined Oil and glucose.

The adulterants like Salt, Detergents and glucose add to the thickness and viscosity of the milk while starch prevents curdling of milk.

These adulterants are hazardous and cause irreversible damage to the human body.

The detergents in milk caused food poisoning and gastrointestinal complications. The other synthetic compounds cause impairments, heart problems and cancer.

Water turned out to be the most common adulterant in milk. It reduces the nutritional value of milk. If contaminated (with pesticides, heavy metals), water poses a health risk to consumers

Adulteration of water in milk is so common in India. But it is not much toxic to health as adulteration of drinking water is.

Water adulteration test in Milk without Lactometer :

Slip Test : To identify adulteration from water, a simple test is milk slip test. Run the drop of milk on smooth or polished surface. Pure milk leaves some residue or traces behind. However, milk mixed with water will simply flow out.

Note :

1) Salt and detergents are added to adjust lactometer reading to add thickness to the milk.
2) Contaminate milk can be countered by ensuring proper sanitation and hygiene at all processing stages as well as by boiling and pasteurizing milk properly.
3) Nitrogenous compounds are added to artificially enhance the taste of protein in milk.
4) Synthetic milk turns yellowish on heating. With some experience, one can easily make out whether it is pure natural milk or a synthetic liquid sold as milk.
5) One of the most common form of adulteration in milk is mixing of urea as it does not changes the taste and is little difficult to detect.


1) Make sure you boil the milk on slow flame till boiling point. Avoid re-boiling milk as it brings down the nutritional value of milk.
2) While the easiest way to adulterate milk is by adding water, reagents and prohibited neutralisers like hydrated lime, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate are added to milk to prevent spoilage.
3) One really can not do anything when it comes to the packed pasteurized milk. Such products undergo a series of processes and it is hard to trace the point of adulteration.
4) Since the adulteration techniques have advanced these days so it is very difficult to identify adulteration. You can not find any adulteration until you use some catalyst to check its purity.
5) There were 37 pure Indian breeds and due to foreign activist’s effort almost all the breeds are now extinguished with only few breeds left.

To stop milk adulteration near your diary, you should do research and keep an eye. Visit your dairy periodically and keep a strict watch.

Live Testing of Water Addition in Milk in front of Milkman (Milk Sample failed in Test) (Hindi) (HD) Watch out easy steps to check water adulteration in milk by using Lactometer (Hydrometer) in house. (Voice : Hindi) Milk is a common drink of our daily diet....

Scientific Process of making bulk Aloe Vera Juice by Dr D. K. Sharma (Hindi) (1080p HD) 24/04/2017

Scientific Process of Making Bulk Aloe Vera Juice by Dr D. K. Sharma (Hindi)

Videolink :

Watch out brief demonstration of Scientific Process of making bulk Aloe Vera Juice by Dr D. K. Sharma (Research Engineer, Dept. of Processing and Food Engineering, CCS HAU)

Aloe Vera juice is the liquid that is extracted from the tubules of the aloe vera plant. It is a miracle drink that is packed with the goodness of vitamins and minerals. The juice of the aloe vera plant has commonly been used for the treatment of conditions such as ulcerative colitis and constipation.

How to consume Aloe Vera Juice?

• Aloe vera juice can be extracted from the fresh Aloe Vera leaves. Wash the leaves thoroughly and remove the upper skin of the leaves. Grind the leaves in a mixer to take out the juice.
• You can filter the juice and store it in your refrigerator. As the juice tastes bitter, you can also consume it by mixing it with honey. Both honey and Aloe Vera juice aid indigestion. You can also blend Aloe Vera to your morning juice or add it to your smoothie.
• If you are purchasing concentrated Aloe Vera juice from the market, make sure you buy an organic one.

When to consume Aloe Vera juice?

It is recommended to drink one teaspoon of Aloe Vera juice every day, fifteen minutes prior to a meal for effective weight loss. The course of consuming Aloe Vera juice for weight loss should be followed for a week or two.

It can be effective as a natural weight loss remedy as well.

How does Aloe Vera juice aid in weight loss?

Aloe Vera can be used as a supplement to aid in quick weight loss. It contains chemicals with laxative properties that improves the digestive health and cleanses the body well, all of which contribute to weight loss. The intake of Aloe Vera juice can boost your metabolism helping you to burn the stored fat in your body. It also contains natural antioxidants that inhibit the growth of free radicals in the body. This process in turn helps in stabilising the body mass index (BMI).

The herbal plant also contains rich amounts of the protein collagen that promotes muscle development and the expenditure of extra energy helping to keep the body weight under control. Drinking Aloe Vera juice feed your system with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, Folic Acid and Niacin. All these vitamins can help you burn the calories and maintain perfect health.

In addition to having soothing and rejuvenating effect on your skin, Aloe Vera gel also benefits your health in a number of ways.

Aloe Vera is the most powerful medicinal herb because of its many uses and healthful effects.

1) Removes Acne Scars : Aloe Vera gel is a good remedy to get rid of acne scars. It regenerates damaged tissues and decreases swelling on the affected area. Regular usage of Aloe Vera gel also helps prevent breakouts, resulting in smoother skin.

How to Use :

• Take an Aloe Vera leaf, peel the outer covering and extract the gel from inside.
• Apply the gel on the scars and leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
• Apply the gel two times a day for best results.

2) Relieves Constipation : Aloe Vera is a laxative and extremely beneficial in relieving constipation. It increases the ability of your gut to absorb nutrients and digest food properly.

How to Use :

• Scoop out the gel from an Aloe Vera leaf.
• Mix 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel with 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider juice.
• Consume this for at least 3 consecutive days to relieve constipation.

3) Prevents Wrinkles : Aloe Vera can protect you from wrinkles and other signs of aging. It contains polysaccharides that stimulate the regeneration of skin cells. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that prevent the skin from the damage of the ultraviolet rays.

How to Use :

• Cut open an Aloe Vera leaf and extract the gel.
• Add 1 tablespoon of Cucumber Juice to it and mix well.
• Add 3 drops of Rose Water to the mixture.
• Apply it to your face and leave the mixture for 15 minutes.
• Apply this once every day to reduce the signs of Aging.

4) Reduces Dandruff : Aloe Vera has antiviral and antifungal properties that can kill the micro organisms and prevent the hair follicles from clogging that can cause dandruff. Regular application of the gel can help you get rid of the itching and irritation associated with dandruff.

How to Use :

• Extract Aloe Vera gel from Aloe Vera plant and apply it on your scalp.
• Leave it for 30 minutes and later wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
• For best results, apply it directly on your scalp without oiling your hair.

5) Lightens Stretch Marks : Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can limit the growth of stretch marks. It has the ability to heal the small tears in the skin layers and is the perfect solution to help regain the lost elasticity caused due to stretching.

How to Use :

• Cut a leaf from the Aloe Plant, peel out the outermost skin and squeeze out the gel.
• Massage it well over the affected skin; you could also combine Aloe Vera gel with vitamin E oil and use.
• Apply this daily and you will find that stretch marks gradually fade.

6) Soothes skin Rashes and Itchy Skin : Aloe Vera gel contains vitamin E which helps heal the skin. It is a good moisturiser and has natural soothing qualities which can soothe the area and reduce inflammation caused by itching.

How to Use :

• With the help of a knife, scrape out the inner jelly of the Aloe Vera leaf.
• Apply the gel on the affected area and leave it for a few minutes.
• Applying this gel can give you instant relief from itching.

7) Soothes Sunburn : Aloe Vera Gel is an easy and popular sunburn treatment. It is antibacterial and has soothing properties which work well for healing sunburns.

How to Use :

• Refrigerate Aloe Vera leaf for a night and peel it open to extract the gel.
• Apply it directly on your sunburn and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
• Use this gel twice a day to quickly get rid of the sunburn.
• If you have normal skin type, you can mix the gel with 1 tablespoon of gram flour. For oily skin, you can add few drops of honey and for sensitive skin, combine the gel with a few drops of cucumber juice

8) Heals Burns : The gel of Aloe Vera leaf has cooling properties that help soothe burnt skin. The gel increases blood flow in the vessels, closer to the skin’s surface, helping the damaged skin repair itself.

How to Use :

• Break Aloe Vera leaf and squeeze the gel out of it.
• Gently rub the gel in the burnt area in circular motion.
• Rub Aloe Vera gel twice a day for 2-3 days until there is relief in pain.

Where to find Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant can be grown at home and the gel can be easily extracted out of the Aloe Vera leaf.


1) Follow a healthy and balanced diet along with consuming the plant juice for a healthy weight loss.

2) Consume foods in their natural forms such as whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, nuts, vegetables and fruits which will keep you feeling full for longer so that you intake fewer calories.
3) Aloe Vera is suitable for all skin types.

Consideration :

1) Aloe Vera in large quantities can have possible side effects.
2) Avoid consumption of the gel if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Scientific Process of making bulk Aloe Vera Juice by Dr D. K. Sharma (Hindi) (1080p HD) Watch out brief demonstration of Scientific Process of making bulk Aloe Vera Juice by Dr D. K. Sharma (Research Engineer, Dept. of Processing and Food Engine...

Aerial vision of Bangalore International Airport (1080p HD) 25/03/2017

Aerial vision of Bangalore International Airport

Videolink :

Famous Travelling Spot near Bangalore City

The Palace of Mysore is a palace situated in the city of Mysore in southern India. The Mysore Place is also known as the Amba Vilasa Palace. This Mysore Palace is 140 km from the city of Bangalore.

Mysore palace is now one of the most famous tourist attractions in India after Taj Mahal.

The English architect Henry Irwin designed the new Palace. The construction of the current palace was commissioned in 1897, completed in 1912, and expanded later around 1940.

Mysore Palace

The Mysore Palace is illuminated with more than 96,000 lights and has sound program on every Sunday and all public holidays from 7 to 7.45 pm (Evening) for attracting local or foreigner tourists.

Shivanasamudra Kaveri Falls

The Shivanasamudra Waterfalls is on Kaveri River after the river has wound its way through the rocks and ravines of the Deccan Plateau and drops off to form waterfalls. The island town of Shivanasamudra divides the river into twin waterfalls. This creates the fourth largest island in the rivers course. It has an average width of 305 meters, a height of 98 m, and an average volume of 934 cubic meters / sec. This waterfall is 139 km from the city of Bangalore. The time of best flow is the monsoon season (July to October) of Indian Regional Area.

Mysore Zoo

Mysore Zoo was originally created in 1892 on 10 acres of the summer palace of Maharaja Sri Chamaraja Wodeyar and was originally called the Palace Zoo. The zoo was originally set up by G. H. Krumbeigal. (German horticulturist)

The zoo was opened to the public in 1902 and includes a bandstand and an artificial lake. It was given to the Department of Parks and Gardens of the Mysore State Government in 1948.

The zoo was handed over to the Forest Department in 1972, and was entrusted to Zoo Authority of Karnataka.

The Zoo which has now spread over an area of 250 acres was initially made for the exclusive visit of the royal family but public entry started as early as 1920.

This Zoo has a wide range of animals. At present there are 1450 individuals belonging to 170 different species. The large number of animals is exotics like Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Zebra, Giraffe, African Rhinos, Tapir, Marmoset, Lemur, Baboon, Emu, and Cassowary etc.

The Zoo has a small museum which exhibits the stuffed animals. A small library is also located in the Zoo. Painting and essay competitions are periodically conducted by the zoo authority to create awareness for animals between the children.

The Mysore zoo is a very popular tourist attraction and it's maybe the second sought after attraction in the city after Mysore Palace.

All these beautiful animals can be seen in open natural enclosures. The animals are let in a natural habitat like environment.

The zoo is at a short distance from Mysore Palace, on the way to Chamundi Hills.

Zoo Timings : 8.30am to 5.30 pm on all days except Tuesdays

Aerial vision of Bangalore International Airport (1080p HD) Watch out aerial vision and landing of passenger airplanes at new developed Bangalore International Airport (now called Bengulru International Airport). Famo...

Realize Value of Time (Do Not Waste Your Time as It never Wait for anyone) (1080p HD) 02/03/2017

Realize Value of Time (Do Not Waste Your Time as It never Wait for anyone)

Videolink :

This is great and popular animation about realizing value of time.

Lyrics in English : Realize Value of Time

To Realize the value of a sister, ask someone who does not have one.

To realize the value of a parent, ask someone who does not have them anymore.

To realize the value of nine months, ask a mother who has just given birth.

To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute, ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of one second, ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

To realize the value of a friend, lose one.

Time waits for no-one so what are you waiting for?

Treasure every moment you have and realize that life is too short to worry about things you have no control over and to do nothings about the things you can.

Realize Value of Time (Do Not Waste Your Time as It never Wait for anyone) (1080p HD) This is great and popular animation about realizing value of time. Lyrics in English : Realize Value of Time To Realize the value of a sister, ask someone wh...


Hiring for candidates in R&D (NPD) BAKERY.
Location: Ahmedabad,
Experience in bakery industry- more than 3 years.
Salary negotiable.
mail ur CV at [email protected]

Milk Urea Detection Kit for On-Site Testing of Milk ~ Dr Gulshan Narang (English) (720p HD) 12/06/2016

Videolink :

Watch out brief demonstration of Urea Kit for On-Site Testing of adulterated milk by Dr Gulshan Narang (D.I.O, Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, LLR UVAS) carried out at Toxicological D. I. Lab of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology Department of LLR UVAS Hisar.

We are especially thankful to Dr Suresh Chander (Dean of LLR University of Veterinary and Animal Science) and Dr N. K. Mahajan (Head of Deptt. of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, LLR UVAS) for unique assist for creating this video.

To get more profits, some milkman prepared synthetic milk which is very cheap and sold at the rate of natural milk. Synthetic milk consists of vegetable fat, detergent powder and urea mixed in water containing salt. This milk is similar to natural milk in colour, fat content, smell, taste and specific gravity. Around 1.0 percent urea is added to make up normal protein levels of the synthetic milk.

Consumption of synthetic milk or its product like urea can damages liver, heart and kidneys and also causes swelling of limbs and impaired vision.

There was a need for rapid tests for the detection of urea in the milk to prevent the adverse health hazards to common man.

Dr Gulshan Narang and Dr R. S. Khokhar of the Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, CoVS, LLR UVAS has developed a field spot test to detect urea in milk.

The principle of test is that urea reacts with the indicator giving a colored reaction which can be visualized within a minute.

Usually 0.9 to 1.0 percent urea is added for making synthetic milk. Urea is added to make the protein content and increasing the SNF content of the milk. Without addition of urea the protein levels of the milk can not be achieved.


i) Put a drop of indicator solution A on the filter paper and let it absorb.
ii) Put a drop of the test milk sample on the indicator drop.

If our test milk develop immediately yellow colour around the milk drop, it means our simple is mixed with Urea. That sample is contaminated with the Urea.

The Milk Urea Detection Kit is easily available for common man at Kisan Seva Kendra, HAU CCS Gate No.4 (Hisar, Haryana)

If any Person wants to initiate the commercial production of Urea Kit, He can Contact Dr N. K. Kakker of Business Planning and Development (Veterinary Products) Unit of LLR UVAS, Hisar for getting license of this kit for specific period of years.

The business person can improved the urea kit by providing other solution for detecting soda, starch and detergents in the milk sample.

Milk Urea Detection Kit for On-Site Testing of Milk ~ Dr Gulshan Narang (English) (720p HD) Watch out brief demonstration of Urea Kit for On-Site Testing of adulterated milk by Dr Gulshan Narang (D.I.O, Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, LLR...


urgent required assistant prof. in Shramshakti college of Food Technology, Sangamner,

1. candidate having experience or fresher may apply.

2. PG in FST/ Food Engg./ Food tech. is compulsory.

3. salary is no bar for desirable candidate

4. Free accommodation for bachelor candidate
5. sent your resume on

Mr. Murlidhar Pralhad Ingle
Shramshakti college of Food Technology, Sangamner,
[email protected]


Experienced Supervisor needed for factory of a fast growing food manufacturing company in Meerut. Attractive salary
Pls contact
Apar bansal

Timeline photos 12/04/2016

Which of d following is/or the property/properties of a thermodynamic system
A. Temperature
B. Internal energy
C. Pressure
D. All d above


Dairy technologist required, minimum 5 years experience in biproducts ( Icecream, dahi, lassi, paneer etc ) Kate dairy farms pvt Ltd pimpri pune, contact no - 8806662193


NAMASTE : Natural Therapy For Headaches !
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......

The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.

The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.

During a headache, try to close your right nose
and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.

If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose
and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.

Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.

Most females breathe with their left noses,
so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.

Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.

Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.

Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.

Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication.


Acidity, it is said, is worse than Cancer. It is one of the most common dis-ease people encounter in their daily life. The home remedy for Acidity is Raw Grains of Rice.

The Process:

1. Take 8 - 10 grains of raw uncooked rice

2. Swallow it with water before having your breakfast or eating anything in the morning

3. Do this for 21 days to see effective results and continuously for 3 months to eliminate acidity from the body

The Cure:

Reduces acid levels in the body and makes you feel better by the day.


Cholesterol problem accompanies with Hypertension and Heart Problems. This is also one of the common problems in people who have High Blood Pressure and Diabetes. The home remedy for Cholesterol problem is RAW SUPARI.

The Process:

1. Take Raw Supari (Betel Nut that is not flavoured) and slice them or make pieces of the same

2. Chew it for about 20 - 40 minutes after every meal

3. Spit it out

The Cure:

When you chew the supari, the saliva takes in the juice that is generated and this acts like a Blood Thinner. Once your blood becomes free flowing, it brings down the pressure in the blood flow, thereby reducing Blood Pressure too.


One of the simple home remedy cure for Blood Pressure is Methi Seeds or Fenugreek Seeds.

The Process:

1. Take a pinch of Raw Fenugreek Seeds, about 8 - 10 seeds

2. Swallow it with water before taking your breakfast, every morning

The Cure:

The seeds of Fenugreek are considered good to reduce the blood pressure.


There are 2 home remedies for Diabetes. One is Ladies Finger and the other is Black Tea.

BLACK TEA: Due to high medication, the organ that is worst affected is the Kidney. It has been observed that Black Tea (tea without milk, sugar or lemon) is good for the Kidney. Hence a cup of black tea every morning is highly advisable.

The Process:

1. Boil water along with the tea leaves (any tea leaves will do).

2. Drink the concoction without addingmilk, sugar or lemon.

The Cure:

Black Tea will help in enhancing the function of the kidney, thereby not affecting it more.

Ladies finger is considered to be a good home medicine for diabetes.

The Process:

1. Slit the ladies finger into 2 halves vertically and soak it in water overnight.

2. The next morning, remove the ladies fingers and drink the water, before eating your breakfast.

The Cure:

After the ladies fingers are soaked overnight in the water, you can observe that the water becomes sticky in the morning. This sticky water is considered to be good for people who suffer from Diabetes.

Pass it on guys.. Many ppl may benefit from this... Have A Great Time, God Bless All.

Antimicrobial and Their Application in Foods 23/03/2016

Antimicrobial and their applications in food industries

Antimicrobial and Their Application in Foods "Antimicrobial and their Application in Foods" is my Presentation in MSc (FST) in CCS HAU Hisar (2002). Read more Articles related to Food Technology at my P...


Openings in snacks industry in Indore:

Asst. Manager Production - Package approx 6L

QA executive - 2 Nos. Approx package 3 L

Interested candidates can send cv to [email protected]

Opening for QA Manager at Vadilal Industries Ltd, Processed food plant.

Interested candidates can send CV on [email protected]


Post -Process Chemist

Qualification-B.Tech Food Tech/Bsc Msc in Chemistry

Fresher are required.

Vacancies : 03

Send ur updated resume in [email protected]

Walk in interview from 12to 17 January 2016

Salary as per ur performance.
Please send ur resume before above date.

Any quarries please call me 08516904566(Yogesh Tandiya)

Address- Narmada drinks Coca cola Unit Sirgitti Industrial Area Sector 6-7 Bilaspur cg.


Does there is anyone who is expert in carbonated beverages manufacturing. Someone just needs formula.


There is an opening for Techno Commercial Executive .

Designation : Techno Commercial Executive

Job Description

•To manage the sales of Food ingredients - flavors, stabilizers, etc.
• Explore new opportunities and support customer.
• Understand customer needs and to get business out of the needs.
•Monitor changing need of customer and competitor activity and bring this Information to management
•Manage to fulfill all targets diligently through effective skills.
•To report Sr. Sales Manager / Partner about day to day activity.
•Provide inputs for deciding price.
•Accurate sales planning and efficient implementation.
•To help customers in developing recipe & also help them solve problems for •New/existing products.

Salary: 2,00,000 - 3,00,000 P.A

Qualification: B.Tech - Food Technologist

Location : Hyderabad

Contact : Forward your resume if intersted at [email protected]

Date of Received : 30 December 2014 (Date is too old but you can still try to contact)

See Date of Received first for sending any Your CV.

(If Date of Received is older than from two months, then it is not beneficially to contact company or HR Manager for jobs. But you still contact them for new opportunities.)


There is an urgent Opening 1 Microbiologist in Frozen food Industry,

Qualification : Msc. Microbiology / B.Tech. in Biotechnology/

Experience Required : 1-2 years Experienced,

Salary : 15-17K/Month

Contact : Interested Candidate can send there CV on [email protected]

Date of Received : 3 May 2015

See Date of Received first for sending any Your CV.

(If Date of Received is older than from two months, then it is not beneficially to contact company or HR Manager for jobs. But you still contact them for new opportunities.)


Jadli Foods need QC Executive
Send your resume to
[email protected]
Urgent requirement of one candidate only

Dancing of Elephant in Waterfall (Mysore Zoo) (1080p HD) 30/12/2014

Mysore Zoo

Mysore Zoo was originally created in 1892 on 10 acres of the summer palace of Maharaja Sri Chamaraja Wodeyar and was originally called the Palace Zoo. The zoo was originally set up by G. H. Krumbeigal. (German horticulturist)

The zoo was opened to the public in 1902 and includes a bandstand and an artificial lake. It was given to the Department of Parks and Gardens of the Mysore State Government in 1948.

The zoo was handed over to the Forest Department in 1972, and was entrusted to Zoo Authority of Karnataka.

The Zoo which has now spread over an area of 250 acres was initially made for the exclusive visit of the royal family but public entry started as early as 1920.

This Zoo has a wide range of animals. At present there are 1450 individuals belonging to 170 different species. The large number of animals is exotics like Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Zebra, Giraffe, African Rhinos, Tapir, Marmoset, Lemur, Baboon, Emu, and Cassowary etc.

The Zoo has a small museum which exhibits the stuffed animals. A small library is also located in the Zoo. Painting and essay competitions are periodically conducted by the zoo authority to create awareness for animals between the children.

The Mysore zoo is a very popular tourist attraction and it's maybe the second sought after attraction in the city after Mysore Palace.

All these beautiful animals can be seen in open natural enclosures. The animals are let in a natural habitat like environment.

The zoo is at a short distance from Mysore Palace, on the way to Chamundi Hills.

Zoo Timings : 8.30am to 5.30 pm on all days except Tuesdays

Dancing of Elephant in Waterfall (Mysore Zoo) (1080p HD) Mysore Zoo Mysore Zoo was originally created in 1892 on 10 acres of the summer palace of Maharaja Sri Chamaraja Wodeyar and was originally called the Palace ...