Great Controversy

Great Controversy

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It is our mission to spread the Three Angels Message to the entire world. If every Seventh-day Adventist was involved in this work how quickly this work would be finished. If you can help by giving a book, saying a few words then we encourage you to take part. "There is a great work to be done, and every effort possible must be made to reveal Christ as the sin-pardoning Savour, Christ as the Sin B


MONDAY 9:30 - 5:00 - FREE HEALTH CHECK DROP IN at George Street Church.

Have your:
Blood Sugar check
Blood Pressure
General health advice

Come along and meet Michelle and Sean

Advent - YouTube 16/04/2024

Have you subscribed to the Advent You Tube Channel? I will be sharing a very personal testimony so make sure you subscribe and watch this space.

Advent - YouTube Bringing the Truth from the Bible and other Christian books to the United Kingdom and beyond.We all need to spend time reading the Bible, praying and learnin...


"The prayer of faith is the weapon by which we may successfully resist every assault of the enemy."—Manuscript 24, 1904.


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Great Controversy - BOX - Advent Books 08/04/2024

Great Controversy - BOX - Advent Books Box of 32 Full Great Controversy books. Buy these by the box to give to our friends, family and everyone…

Communion Service Message 27th January 2024 29/01/2024

Communion Service Message 27th January 2024 Preached by Brother Ronald at George Street Church, Lutterworth, England

George Street Church - YouTube 28/12/2023

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George Street Church - YouTube Founded by Seventh-day Adventist believers. Please subscribe and like our videos. Make sure you share them with others.

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