Ashley Aya Ferguson

Ashley Aya Ferguson

Ashley Aya Ferguson is an author, single mother, and full-time content professional. She spends her

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 04/12/2023

I had no idea this one was coming, but I am overjoyed! What an honor it is to see my books chosen for a favorite things list this holiday season! And not just any list... If you know me, you know how much I love my alma mater 💚💚 .university. Today, I'm sending a big Bobcat thanks to Ohio University President Dr. Lori Gonzalez. You have impeccable taste 😉


Hey Cincinnati 👋🏾 Today I'm leading a writing workshop for Books By The Banks at Duke Energy Center at noon with Come write with us! ✍️🏾

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 06/11/2023

This weekend I met some awesome readers and fellow authors; was welcomed with flowers and hugs and even got to talk about my favorite topic: writing! Sometimes, I can't believe I get to do what I do. I used to dream of days like this and wonder what it would take to get here....I am so grateful for the journey thus far, and believe it or not I'm just getting started!


Ohio native Ashley Aya Ferguson is a writer most inspired by real life. Through poetry, children's literature and creative nonfiction, she invites readers to live inside of a feeling, creating access that can’t be ignored. Ashley is the author of three five-star rated children's books: Girl, You Are Magic!; Boy, You Are Brilliant and the recently released, I Am Not Afraid of Spiders. She currently resides in Cincinnati with her daughter, Nia. You can buy her books at and follow her journey on Instagram Ashley Aya Ferguson and Facebook Ashley Aya Ferguson

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 02/11/2023

Book fairs have a special place in my heart. Even if I don't always sell out of books, I always have a good time and make great connections. I'm just two days away from the Buckeye Book Fair in Wooster, Ohio, and I can't wait to participate on a writing panel, share my books with a new city and meet new fans. See you Saturday!


I have sold my books in quite a few places, but I have not yet been to Wooster, Ohio! That's about to change. This November, I'm very excited to be sharing my books with the Buckeye Book Fair. If you're in the area, please do stop by!


Finally my worlds collide! I'm so excited to be a part of this collabortive program with my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta and the NAACP to celebrate literacy on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at Woodward High School. See you there!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 25/09/2023

There is one thing you can always count on me to do and that is learn! I spent the weekend in Cleveland at Inkubator 2023 and I am so happy I did.

Being in community with other writers, exercising new writing tactics and finding new books to love has nourished the artist in me. I also got to hear from some amazing writers (including ) and ask direct questions of people in publishing about how to continue to move forward.

I am truly grateful and inspired!

Thank you


If you're anything like me, you might be looking for a quiet place to write and reflect. If you need a nudge or don't want to do it alone, this Saturday, Women Writing for a Change is hosting a virtual writing circle for writers of color. You don't have to be a professional or even have written anything ever. You can just show up and be. Check it out at

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 19/09/2023

I used to say, “I’m not a business woman; I am a writer.” Now some 10 years later I tell myself a different story. I am both (and so much more)! I will talk about my books all day, but I do not talk about the actual copywriting business I built that got me here. That is because having a full-time job plus a side hustle while single momming meant I’d sometimes work from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. all weekends, all holidays SMH bc wasn’t good at boundaries, pacing myself or finances. Praise God for growth!

I am so grateful to have helped 30+ authors (and counting) with editing and 15+ businesses with content strategy and services. Now that I understand operations a bit better, I can help in a way that doesn’t cause such a strain. It took me a minute, but I think I’m finally starting to get this business thing. Oh yeah – check out my new logo and website! Thanks .1002


It's been quiet over here and for that I don't apologize. I've needed time to process quite a few endings: saying goodbye to a friend, which in itself is enough; watching my daughter start the end of high school and depend less on me; also writing the ending of my book and closing a chapter of my life frfr. (Heck, even my computer broke!) It's a lot for someone who prefers to avoid endings and goodbyes and closed doors. I don't like to let go. But what I can say is that I am grateful to have fully lived the moments in my memories with intention. Somewhere along the way, someone delivered the message that today is all we have. And I'm going to continue to make every moment count. ✨️

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 20/08/2023

I had a great time at the DAACF yesterday and was so happy to see family and friends: Seana, Shannon, Noah, cousins DJ, Mark, and Deanna. The event was spilling over with good vibes, cool people and amazing fellow entrepreneurs. The last picture is me remembering that I need a day of rest, which is why I won't be there today. See you at the next event!


How are you spending your weekend? If you're in Dayton I hope you are checking out the Dayton African American Cultural Festival and stopping by the Author's Pavillion to say hello to me!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 13/07/2023

Last week I got to explore the works of Salvador Dali at the Dali museum in St. Petersburg.

In addition to many of his genius surreal pieces was a showcase of his early drawings and this quote: "You must begin to draw with a total disregard for what you are representing" which spoke to me.

I love freewriting and letting the words spill out without being sure what a piece will become. I jump at chances to do this. If you ever get a chance I highly recommend checking Dali out to see what might inspire you!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 29/06/2023

This could be you! It's not too late to join my children's book writing circle today! Link in bio 💛

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 23/06/2023

Writing a memoir is not for the faint. Not only are you mining your memory but you are also reliving emotions, trying to remain factual, and attempting to tell a beautiful story.

It is much different from writing a children's book! Although it feels like I've been writing forever, it's so important to me to get this right. As I make my way to the finish line, I feel like a great way to be held accountable, is to share a piece or two.


For the first time in my life I am leading a class on writing a children's book. For a long time my inadequacy complex had me believing that I didn't know enough to teach anyone else but I remembered something someone told me a long time ago: "Even if you are at level 1 you can teach the level zeros."

So when asked me to do this for her SITI Girl Group I happily obliged. If you're interested in joining us, check out the link in my bio! The intro class will be done by her and the writing class will be by yours truly. (Note: there are two links for each class.)

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 15/06/2023

I spent this evening at my favorite place in Cincinnati, The Mercantile Library, to hear Imani Perry and Eddie Glaude speak. I waited to get my book signed because I wanted to tell Imani thank you for being here and for her words about my memoir during a 2021 Hurston Wright workshop over Zoom. Little did I know she remembered me and said she was just telling someone about my work in self-publishing. Somebody pick me up off the floor pls.

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 13/06/2023

It always feels good to 'go home' This weekend I am excited to announce that I am participating in the Gammon House's Annual Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday, June 17.

Meet me there and check out my table for books, of course, and also plenty of giveaways! Here is a fun fact about my hometown that I didn't know until recently: The Gammon House was a stop on the Underground Railroad and is located in Springfield, Ohio just a few blocks from where I grew up!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 09/06/2023

While doing work on my memoir, there was a need for me to check some information from my journals.

I realized I have more than I can count, but I am not at all mad! In fact, I can't tell you how happy I am now, that I can look back and see what I've learned, how I've grown and how some things just never change.

If you are a writer and not journaling, I would encourage you not to wait or think you have to be perfect to get started. Journaling provides a safe space to explore ideas, experiment with different writing styles, and discover your unique voice.


Even though it doesn't feel good in the moment, rejection is a very important part of the writing, well, really the publishing process. (I mean life to be honest!)

I've been turned down for everything from mentors, to awards, to journal publication, grants and potential agents for one reason or another; however, it has never stopped me.

Every writer has rejection letters and rejection stories. However, some of the hardest rejections set me up for huge success in other areas. If you have ever been rejected, take it as feedback for your work, not for you, and consider it a redirection not a complete rejection.


It was just about this time last year that I began my journey in the Conscious Feminine Leadership Academy.

What does that mean? It means I am certified by Women Writing for (a) Change Cincinnati to lead writing circles.

What is a writing circle you ask? It is a safe, nurturing, confidential and supportive atmosphere created for individuals to help them write freely and authentically.

These practices have helped the writer in me flourish. I led my first circle, titled Lineage, in November of 2022. I look forward to leading many more in the future.

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 25/05/2023

My daughter has always been a huge inspiration. I can't count how many poems, essays and stories are rooted in something we've experienced together.

Although some of the days seem long, the years fly by. I sincerely cherish our bond. Watching her grow into a bright young woman in today's world is scary, but nevertheless a blessing.

At the end of this month, my Gemini baby is turning 16 and we will be celebrating this weekend! Join me in wishing her a Happy 16th Birthday!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 23/05/2023

There is a rest movement going on and I am here for it. Although the book, Rest is Resistance, is on top of my TBR pile, the practice is just as important to my creative process as reading and going to museums.

Allowing time to recharge help improves my focus, productivity, and overall health. I am so fortunate to be freed from the need to grind myself into dust. May your week be easy and relaxed!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 18/05/2023

Writing is my passion, my bread and butter and my refuge. However, keeping the creativity flowing can often be a challenge at home.

Anybody that knows me knows I'm not a big coffee drinker but I love coffee shops. The noise, the movement and the vibe helps me stay focused and get the words out. My latest obsession is matcha, and I got this one at The Upside in Clifton.

Check it out if you haven't already! It's got big beautiful windows for people-watching, local art on the walls and good music for a chill vibe. 😎

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 16/05/2023

I firmly believe writers are artists, too. And, because I can't write anything without roots, I am always on the search for inspiration.

On one of my last artist's dates, I went to the to see Universal Magnetic exhibit. What is something that inspires you?

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 12/05/2023

Catch me this Saturday 5/13 at from 11-5p in Music Hall. I'll be selling books and a few leftover tees. I may even have some giveaways! ☺️

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 11/05/2023

When I was younger I loved magazines. They helped me to see the vision of what I could be. I wanted to be a magazine editor but God had a bigger plan!

Magazines are temporary but books are forever. I look forward to the opportunites I get to speak to students in schools because I get to show them what they can be. Last week I visited North Avondale, and before that I went to Woodford!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 04/05/2023

Last week I wrote a poem. It was after I met Georgia O'Keeffe via her exhibit at the
Let me know what you think.

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 04/05/2023

Last week I wrote a poem. It was after I met Georgia O'Keeffe via her exhibit at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Let me know what you think.


"You could be anywhere in the world, but you're here with me 😘 Thank you for being a loyal follower. Instagram is a tricky thing, but I appreciate being able to share my journey with you.

I want to hear from you, why do you follow me? Should I share more writing? More information about writing events? Talk about publishing? Let me know! Today I am sharing a poll in my stories to help me learn more about my audience. I’d love to hear your feedback!"

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 28/04/2023

Have you read, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron? This is a book that I can confirm changed my life.

It truly helped me start taking myself seriously as an artist. Because of it, one of the things I try to do every day is write my morning pages. It gives me time to myself and space to dump out all the junk in my head.

Do you have a daily ritual that is just?

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 26/04/2023

This is a Cincinnati local black indie children's picturebook author appreciation post!

I am definitely not the only one creating amazing work for children and I want to give a shoutout to some of my author fam.

Check them out if you haven't already! Brittany Eaton Terri Bolds Wilkinson Hill Christine Gibson Annie Ruth and three others I recently found via IG: Kristy High Dominique Turner and Latoya Turner I SEE YOU!

Photos from Ashley Aya Ferguson's post 21/04/2023

When it comes to support, I am truly grateful for all the support I get. I don't have expectations and I never make anyone feel bad for missing an event or not buying a book.

I have faith that the people that are supposed to receive the message, will. With that being said, if it wasn’t for the support of my family, friends, fellow writers, Bobcat alumni and sorority networks, I wouldn’t be the author I am today.

If you've ever supported me in any way, even with a kind word or an emoji 🥰, it does not go unnoticed. I thank you!


"“And just when the caterpillar thought it was over, it became a butterfly!”

What better example of positivity in progress is there for us than/ a butterfly? Although growth can seem difficult, it is often so beautiful on the other side. If you look close, there are countless examples for us to learn from in the natural world.

In my writing, I am constantly evolving new ideas and I don't always know what they will become or how they will land. But I can't stop in the middle of the process. Whether you are brainstorming, mind mapping, or free writing, I hope you know as long as you keep going, there's something beautiful on the other side!


Baby showers? Birthday parties? I've got the perfect gift for you. And, if you order your books from my website directly I will sign your copy! Link in bio 🙂


"I am always sharpening my iron.

Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down to write with Hanif Abdurraqib at

One of the things I remember him saying is don't ever feel ashamed of the things you find yourself returning back to in your writing. For me, that is motherhood.

He showed us how to sample our own words and use them as a launch pad for writing a new piece. If you haven't read his work, I highly recommend A Fortune for Your Disaster.

Who are some of your favorite contemporary writers?


Cincinnati! Meet me tomorrow in Washington Park from 1-2p. My first book Girl You Are Magic! will be installed as a temporary fixture for kids to walk and read outside!


"As a writer, I used to think I'd be most successful writing quietly alone. However, I have found so much joy and value in being a part of a writing community. Sometimes it helps to get feedback, understand how a piece is landing on someone or just know you're not alone in your creative pursuits. I highly recommend (whether virtually or in-person) finding your people.

On Saturday April 22, Women Writing for a Change will host Starshine and Clay, a writing circle for writers of color. I believe there are still spaces avaialble.

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