Christ Apostotolic Students & Associates - Casa Nungua Central
students and associates of the church ( CACI) Dear one in the Lord, we are happy to have you on this page. God richly Bless you
Christ Apostolic Student and Associates (CASA) as one people with the same vision one Father-Jesus Christ. As a Casaians, we are very delighted to welcome you and pray you will enjoy you will enjoy be blessed after you have visisted our delighted family of Christ page. As a Casanians, we must have positive impact on your life as God himself ministers to you. However we wish that each and everyone
of you will try to comfort him/her where ever he/she goes. Again, lets us all be each other's keeper in order in order to keep the security swevice as its best. We pray that prosper channel will be adhered to in addressing any issues as and when they arise. On reaching the Horizon you can either lose yourself to it can or conquer it, and set off looking for new heights and horizons. To go Beyond the horizon, you need to let go of Everything you are holding back, apart from memories. Cry your heart out, if that is what it takes to lrt go of things completely, but whatever you do, don't thinks of backing-off, or ask why me? For someone somewhere (God) thinks you are capable of doing it, so live up to the faith invested in you. This year try to achieve new height, approach horizon and eventually live beyond the horizon. You have to let go of a lot of things, dreams, friends and relationship included. With heavy and determination, you can finally manage to bid them goodbye. But some away somehow your dreams will come back to you. And then you will be setting off in a new direction, on a journey of a lifetime. In hope of achieving new heights and exploring new dimensions…. ”Sail beyond the Horizon; fly higher than you ever thought possible; magnify your existence by helping others; be lind to all people; be true to what tou value most; shine your light on the world (Mathew 5:15-16); and be the person you where born to be. Once again thanks for the visit and a fruitful ever life.