Heather Rice Yoga

Heather Rice Yoga

Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic-Lifestyle Counselor, Vedic Thai Yoga Bodyworker, Corporate Wellness Speaker, Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher Trainer

Timeline photos 18/08/2020

🌚Happy New Moon In Leo🌚

When was the last time you wrote down your dreams that speak to your soul and heart?

When was the last time you listened to the voice within for guidance rather your conscious mind?

What areas of your life are you in need of practicing letting go in order to shine brighter and connect more deeply with your authentic self?

📷: fine art America
Author: Unknown

Timeline photos 29/07/2020

“Individually we are one drop, together, we are an ocean.”- unknown

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

“May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.”

Happy 4th of July, Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse today!!!

On this day May we ask ourselves how we regain our freedom from thoughts, deeds or actions that cause suffering. On this “independence” day influenced by a full moon eclipse may we work with our shadow side, may we break old patterns, may we shift our reactions, may we release old pain and suffering, may we let go of negative pre-programmed beliefs.

May the full moon support our releases & help us to heal.
May we heal so we can collectively think, speak and take actions that support happiness & freedom for all.

Timeline photos 19/06/2020

With feeling the approaching eclipse and all that has and continues to happen in the world I could not pass up an invitation to be guided into deep relaxation for an opportunity to reset. I think this is the first time since March 16th I have actually relaxed a bit. Thank you for your beautiful song, astrological insights (my favorite part) & the soothing restorative yoga postures. My nervous system (and Tigran) are also grateful for your offering. Not only are we relaxed...but my mind is clear and ready to plant intentions for a personal, communal, & global shift for much needed change & a brighter future with the help of the cosmos! 🙏😇💫🌚

Timeline photos 14/06/2020

To say these are heavy times is a massive understatement. America is violently ill, people are being brutally murdered for the color of their skin & sexual orientation, we are amidst the 6th greatest extinction of the planet, and there is an untreatable, deadly disease circling the globe.
We have an immense amount of work to do collectively and individually as human beings.

I can name a list of things to share in personal work I’m learning about dismantling racism, small things one can do to help the planet, & ways one can help build their immunity....but there is so much going on in the media and social media at this moment from others that no more than me I will refrain.

What I do want to offer is what I know helps me and can help everyone: feel the feels, get more clear on all that maybe going on in your mind, and help you to not store the grief, sadness & anger in your hearts and bodies. Breathwork and movement through the practice of Yoga without having to leave your home.

Please join me virtually this week on the Virtual class schedule. If you are new to the platform your first week of unlimited classes are FREE! If you have already taken that offer and are experiencing financial hardship DM me and I will make sure that you can access not only mine; but all of the other classes (not just yoga, but Pilates & barre too!) taught by amazing teachers on the schedule.

Yes we need to rally, yes we need to petition, yes we need to fight for black & POC rights, yes we need to save the planet. But in so many ways we need to come together and heal so we can be a community that is clearer & stronger together to see that all the important work gets done. Enough is enough.
I look forward to holding space for you and hope to see you on the mat!

🙏12-12:30pm Yoga Conditioning (yoga meets HIIT)
🧘‍♀️6-7:15pm All Levels Amrita Flow
🙏6-7:15pm All Levels Amrita Flow
🧘‍♀️10:30-11:45pm All Levels Amrita Flow

Timeline photos 07/06/2020

“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” James Cromwell

Like clock work...whenever my heart gets too heavy, the stress becomes unbearable, or the tears start to flow in comes Tigran on my shoulder. Reminding me that whatever is overwhelming at the moment is ok to feel, that I have a shoulder to cry on if needed, and that once these feelings pass it’s time to stand back up and help to uplift others like he does to me.

There is important work to be done and one can’t ignore the process. But we all must be reminded that we have a responsibility to push through during these times to support equality for BIPOC. We won’t see this through unless we ban together!

Starting TODAY through Saturday 6/13/20, please join me or any of the other magnificent teachers at to sweat, breathe and move our way through all the feels. If Yoga, Barre or Pilates is something you find heals you we ask when you join us to please purchase the “$15 Black Lives Matter” drop in. 💯 % of what you pay will be donated to . Now is the time support one another and together take action (this is only a small step in the many action steps!) to dismantle racism against our brothers and sisters of color. Tig and I hope to see you join us for a class!


Philly really came together today! Tig and I were proud to show up and walk with the thousands of other people who believe . 🙏🙌💜

Timeline photos 04/06/2020

“It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone – no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out. It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets." – Michelle Obama

The recent, yet much needed events around equal rights for BIPOC has been a very emotional time for me. I have been doing my best to listen and learn in order to take the best actions possible to help make a ripple in the wave that will hopefully wipe away racism for good. To say what I have heard and learned has brought tears to my eyes us an understatement. To say I can imagine the pain POC have and are experiencing would be something I know I can not begin to imagine. But what I do know is that I can stand with them, for them, listen to them, and take action for them. There are a lot of resources out there and there is no one right resource or course of action. Dismantling what has plagued POC for so long will need to be a multi-dimensional attack on what can no longer reside within our hearts, our minds, or any of our communities...racism and inequality. Over the course of the last several days I have not made any statements on here, not because I do not care, not because I do not want to take action, but simply because I did not want to begin the process from a place of ignorance so actions I do take can come from a greater place of understanding, from a deeper place of passion, and hopefully be more meaningful in not only how I can help see this change through, but how I can then continue to show up in this world to make sure the shift against and away from racism is one that stays. There are many people,platforms and people close to me that have been helpful and continue to inspire me. Although if I were to list them it would not fit in this message I will share what I have done so far to maybe inspire someone else to take an additional course of action. I recognize this list is short and I do not know everything (cont’d in comments)

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

Timeline photos 10/04/2020

Now more than ever we are being drawn inwards. Inside into our homes, inside into our minds, inside into our emotions, etc...

These past few weeks have definitely been a roller coaster of stress, fear, anxiety, sadness, and many other emotions and fears for me. I have to admit that although I am still busy; without the normal distractions of being even busier, having different sceneries around me, and other things to distract me a lot has been coming up.

Amidst this collective trauma we are experiencing we are all reacting in our own way. No way is right or wrong and some ways may serve us better or worse.

But one thing is for sure amidst all the suffering & loss all of us and the earth are being given time and space for deep healing.

Tonight I invite you to join me as I hold space for anyone feeling that call to heal during this time. I will be leading Yoga Nidra on the platform from 6-7pm by give what you can donation.

Please feel free to join me for this guided meditation that is scientifically proven to:

👉Help reduce stress & anxiety
👉Help heal the body from tension & pain
👉Improve your sleep & reduce insomnia
👉Bring your mind into a state where you can detach from subconscious thoughts and emotions that may not be serving you to offer you the space to imprint into your being new intentions and affirmations that can serve you better
👉Boost immunity and help prevent illness
👉And many other positives for mind & body

If you wish to join and do not already have the private link to Amrita’s class schedule please DM me your email! I hope to see you at 6pm today!

Timeline photos 27/11/2019

New Moons mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one....something new, yet just another coil in an ongoing spiral.

It has been sometime since I have posted on the moon or on IG for that matter. But, due to many requests and my ever growing love & connection to the full/new moon cycles I wish to bring back small insights and moon classes (when moons fall on my teaching times). So happy New Moon!

This New Moon In Vedic Astrology is “in Anurhada, the friendship star, and reminds us we need to be our own best friend...” -
In western astrology this new moon is in Sagittarius supporting expansion, freedom, higher sense of intuition and supports a deepening of inner awareness of what you want..not from a place of materialism, but from wisdom of our soul and the evocation of visions of the third eye that will guide us to a deeper connection with our true self. Providing clarity to ground and align ourselves with a new vision for our future. This new moon your invited and supported to:
-initiate or deepen your own personal inner work that will strengthen your sense of self (yoga, journaling, counseling, shadow work, shamanic medicine, etc)
-get clear on goals and desires for coming months, make a list with action steps for manifestation
-get rid of anything that is no longer useful to you to make space for what you really want
-be committed to doing the work on your own (or guided by experts) without fear
-take time for self care
-reflect on any moving parts currently happening in your life and celebrate the change that is guiding you to something grander and more balanced

Ground, commit, go within, expand, connect, manifest!
📸by: unknown artist


Make Magic Happen!!!!
SO EXCITED to be collaborating with at the !
Join us Tuesday May 12th for an evening of movement, breath work, vocal immersion sound bath & more! Click link in bio for details & to reserve your space!
via ripl.com

Instagram Photos 02/06/2017

Exhale deeply & completely.
Because you are already beautiful. You are already enough.
Inhale fully.
Because you are already powerful. You are already genius.
Exhale deeply and completely.
Because you are already blazing. You are already heaven.
Inhale fully.
Because you are already holy. You are already magic.
-Thug Unicorn by Tanya Markul

Instagram Photos 27/05/2017

Saw this at a moment I really needed to hear this and reposting for anyone else it may help...."Be gentle with yourself. Your doing the best you can with what you've been given. Making peace with the present will allow for the magic of the future to flow in."
Regram by

Instagram Photos 18/05/2017

"The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, & the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life" - B.K.S Iyengar

Timeline photos 03/12/2015
Timeline photos 26/11/2015

Gratitude holds the key to unlock the endless flow of love and abundance in all areas of our life! May not only this day, but every day be a practice of gratitude for all beings and things large and small in your life. Been out of the practice of Gratitude? Let today be the start of a simple, new, daily practice sure to make powerful shifts within you and the world around you!

Research says that you can increase your happiness by writing down three things you are grateful for each day--and writing them down 21 days in a row. When will you be doing this today?

10 New Books For Healthy Living 23/11/2015

It's a cold, blistery day in Philly! Now that winter is edging close it's time to start making like the deciduous trees and planning to go within. Winter is a great time to deepen your meditation practice, increase time spent on your yoga mat with more heating/challenging styles of yoga, and to curl up with some good books! I personally am excited for some of the new Ayurvedic based titles out. From children's books, to cooking, and fire ceremonies there is a book for many of us to be inspired by the healing wisdom of Ayurveda this season!
Simon Chokoisky Ellie Shier Hadsall Dr. Claudia Welch Cate Stillman HeyMonicaB: A Blooming Resource on AyurvedaRich RollJulie Piatt

10 New Books For Healthy Living This list of new books for healthy living includes something for everyone. Ayurvedic, plant-powered, healthy lifestyle programs and relationship wisdom.

Timeline photos 16/11/2015

With the Holidays coming near I thought I would share a Winter Warmer Cardamom Cookie recipe I just made this weekend that was a SUPER hit! This recipe has been manifested from a Cardamom Cookie recipe one of my roommates in college shared with me and knowledge of Ayurveda. These cookies are simple, delicious, and easy to make. I hope you enjoy!

1 C Ghee (softened, room temperature)
2 eggs
1/2 C chopped dry dates
3 C rolled oats
1 C Maple Syrup
1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract
1 1/4 C oat or bran flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp Cardamom
Accompanied with a jar of SVA Organic Rose Petal Preserve for spreading on cookies, available at www.Chandika.com

In Large bowl, mix ghee, dates, and sugar until creamed together. Beat in eggs. Add vanilla.

In a separate bowl combine and stir flour, spices, & salt. Slowly add this mixture to the ghee mix. Add very slowly and stir really well! Then stir in oats slowly, continuing to mix well.

Place 2" apart on greased baking sheet.

Bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes (ovens vary so I would check around 9/10 minutes and see how they are doing). Cookies should look golden and slightly crunchy on top before removing. This will normally produce a somewhat soft, delicious center. Careful to not overcook as they do have a tendency to become dry when cooking time is extended.

Serve fresh with Organic Rose Petal Preserves on the side. For those that do not like Rose you can enjoy without. BUT, I suggest trying cause with a small amount spread on top of the cookie it is "so good you may just drop to your knees" ~ testimonial from happy cookie consumer!

Timeline photos 10/11/2015

Although it is a gloomy, cool, rainy day here in Philadelphia I am very grateful to be showered on by mother nature! If your feeling a little under the weather please take time to nurture and support yourself. Seek out an uplifting Flow or rejuvenating Yin Yoga class. Take time to warm yourself from the inside out and boost your immunity with a simple and fresh Spiced Parsnip Soup Recipe. Keep warm, carry on, and stay healthy!

Spiced Parsnip Soup: Nurturing, Cleansing & Delicious!

What you will need:

3 Tbs. Organic Ghee
1 Bunch of Fresh Cilantro
⅛ tsp. Ground Nutmeg
¼ tsp. Ground Cloves
1 ½ tsp. Ground Coriander
½ tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp. Ginger
1 tsp. Ground Cumin
¼ tsp. Ground Cardamom
¼ tsp. Ground Turmeric
1 ¾ pounds Parsnips, coarsely chopped
Soma Salt (available at chandika.com) OR Sea Salt
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
6 cups Vegetable Stock
A few pinches of SVA Mum’s Masala to finish for additional depth of flavor (optional and can be found at chandika.com)


Add the Ghee to a cold pot and heat over medium-low heat. Add cilantro, nutmeg, cloves, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, cumin, cardamom, and turmeric. Cook until fragrant, approx. 2 minutes. Add the parsnips and stir well to coat them with the spices. Season with a good pinch of salt and pepper and then cover with the stock. Raise the heat slightly and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the parsnips are soft, approx. 25 minutes. Then in a blender or food processor blend the soup until smooth and creamy! Garnish with salt and pepper (if needed to taste), maybe a splash or two more of cumin and coriander (I like to add a bit more as I love their flavors!), and a sprig of fresh cilantro and then ENJOY!

*Recipe from Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum, Ayurvedic Cooking For Life

November Newsletter: Embracing Nature's Shift 02/11/2015

Embracing Nature's Shift..

November Newsletter: Embracing Nature's Shift Tips for Fall and more!

Timeline photos 13/10/2015

WOO HOO! I am so excited that after so many years I finally have my website complete. I am beyond excited to share this news with all of you!


Please don't forget to sign up on my email list to receive my signature gift!

Mobile uploads 22/09/2015

So excited to announce enrollment is OPEN for 2016's Awakening Wisdom: Yoga for Transformation Yoga Teacher Training at Amrita Yoga and Wellness! Join Meg Townsend, Max Strom, Kati Brennan, and I for Philly's most well-rounded Yoga Teacher training! If your ready to dive deeper into your practice or to change career paths this training is for YOU! For more info visit amritayogawellness.com

Heather Rice Yoga Newsletter 20/09/2015

Namaste Everyone, Please join my monthly newsletter and gain access to monthly practices, tips, specials, and programs designed with you in mind. Together we will plant the seeds of ancient wisdom into everyday life for more vibrant, balanced, modern living!

Heather Rice Yoga Newsletter Heather Rice Yoga Newsletter Email Forms

Videos (show all)

Philly really came together today! Tig and I were proud to show up and walk with the thousands of other people who belie...
Make Magic Happen!!!!SO EXCITED to be collaborating with @lunamaye at the @openkitchensculpturegarden! Join us Tuesday M...
Make Magic Happen!!!!SO EXCITED to be collaborating with @lunamaye at the @openkitchensculpturegarden! Join us Tuesday M...