Production of commodities by SHG member of Mahmora Block are uploaded in this page.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 23/09/2023

মোৰ মাটি মোৰ দেশ চৰকাৰৰ এই বিশেষ কাৰ্য্যসূচীৰ প্ৰতি সঁহাৰি জনাই ঘৰে ঘৰে মাটি সংগ্ৰহৰ
"অমৃত কলহ" যাত্ৰা
মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ড ।

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 22/09/2023

MERI MATI MERI DESH Amrit Kolash Yatra Door to Door collection of soil under BMMU Mahmora Dev Block


মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ড খণ্ড সমন্বয়ক ছাৰ আৰু আত্ম সহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যাসকল আজি অমৃত বৃক্ষ ৰূপনত ব্যস্ত সেউজবুলীয়া হ'ব ধৰণীৰ বক্ষ ।

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 16/09/2023

Sapling distribution under BMMU Mahmora Amrit Briksha Andolan

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 08/09/2023

Block level credit camp organized today at BMMU Mahmora in Presence of BDO sir Mahmora Dev Block, Branch Manager PNB Moran, Branch Manager of AGVB Moran, Patsaku, Kakotibar, DFE Fi Charaideo and BMMU Mahmora official. Total 107nos Of SHG loan amount of Rs. 352.79 Lakh of loan sanction and disbursed on today camp .

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 14/08/2023

Scooty Rally on the occasion of 77th independence day under BMMU Mahmora


মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ডৰ সৰ্ব্বোদয় পঞ্চায়তৰ পাৰিজাত আত্ম সহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যা জুলি বৰুৱাই উৎপাদক গোটৰ জৰিয়তে হাঁহ , কুকুৰা আৰু গাহৰি পালন কৰি অঞ্চলটোৰ নিজকে এগৰাকী স্বাবলম্বী মহিলা হিচাপে গঢ়ি তুলিছে ।

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 01/08/2023

For the 5th consecutive year, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has been implemented in Konwargaon of Bharalipukhuri Gaon Panchayat under the Mahmora Development block. The transplantation using the SRI method of paddy cultivation covered 60 Bigha of land by the members of Abhijatri VO who are actively promoting livelihood improvement in the area through the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. The activity was gracefully conducted in the presence of the BPM and BCs of BMMU Mahmora, ASRLMS, Mahmora Development Block.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 21/03/2023

Today DDU GKY Mobilization Cum Job Offer letter distribution has been done by PIA JIS Foundation, Satmile Centre at Sarbudoi G.P community hall under BMMU Mahmora.

In this meeting 8 nos candidates of BMMU Mahmora has been distributed Job Offer letter in Presence of DFE (Skills) Charaideo, Centre Manager JIS Foundation and BMMU Officials.

The candidates has been placed in Hotel Industry at Chennai and Banglore. Accordingly they will be moving to respective job location in the first week of April itself. We wish them all the best for future endeavours.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 18/03/2023

Gaon Sabha in Sepon G.P of BMMU Mahmora for implementation of JJM Scheme by CLF as ISA

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 18/03/2023

Participation of BMMU Officials, CLF and VO members in Prime Minister webcast for International Year of Millet

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 19/02/2023

সৰ্ব্বোদয় গাঁও পঞ্চায়তৰ "ৰামধেনু" গ্ৰাম্য সংগঠনৰ অন্তৰ্গত "মিলিজুলি" আত্ম সহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যা ববী চুতীয়া আৰু "আৰাধনা"আত্মসহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যা বেবিনা চুতীয়াই শাক পাচলিৰ খেতি কৰি স্বাৱলম্বিতাৰ সুন্দৰ নিদৰ্শন দেখুৱাইছে।

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 04/02/2023

Organised DDU GKY Capacity Building Training cm Review meeting with Jeevika Sakhis and distribution of DDU GKY Calendar in presence of DFE (Skills) Charaideo at BMMU Mahmora.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 13/12/2022


Members of Lakhipather Uddipona SHG viz. Purabi Phukan, Tina Phukan & Rupali Phukan of Nizkhaloighugura G.P under BMMU Mahmora jointly started a paper plate making unit.

An initial investment of Rs 3,00,000 (Rupees Three Lakhs), Out of which Rs 1,50,000 as CIF and Rs 1,50,000 as bank loan has been provided in setting up the unit.

At present they have been producing 3 qualities of paper plate with an average sales of 5000 nos per day.

Further to enhance the income and meet the market demand a paper bowl making machine has been ordered with an investment of Rs 75,000 and will arrive in a short period of time.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 11/11/2022

Kotokypapong Muga Handloom Cluster

To develop Muga handloom cluster one step ahead, initially an amount of Rs 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three Lakhs) has been provided to the handloom cluster.

It will help the members of Muga Handloom Cluster to meet the demands of the market in a disciplined way. The amount has been invested in purchasing 5 nos. jacquard looms and raw materials. A training has also been provided to the members by an expert to be efficient enough in handling jacquard looms.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 07/11/2022

Poultry Farming as a livelihood activity.

After the successful completion of the first batch of poultry farming, today second batch of 1000 nos local chicks, medicines and pre starter feed has been provided to 20 nos SHG members of Pratiksha Poultry Producer Group under Desangpani G.P. of BMMU Mahmora.

An amount of Rs 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) has been provided to the Producer Groups from CLF for chicks, medicines & feed purchase and have been distributed in presence of BMMU Mahmora officials.


আজি সৰ্ব্বোদয় গাঁও পঞ্চায়তৰ খুমটাই চাহ বাগিছাৰ তিনিচুকীয়া লাইনৰ বাসিন্দা তথা "আশা" গ্ৰাম্য সংগঠনৰ কুঁহি আত্ম সহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যা চাবানা আলমৰ স্বামীৰ কৰ্কট ৰোগৰ চিকিৎসাৰ বাবে পঁচিশ হাজাৰ টকা আৰ্থিক সাহাৰ্য্য "সমীক্ষা আৰোগ্য নিধি"ৰ পৰা দিয়া হয় । সমগ্ৰ অসমত মাৰাত্মক ৰূপ লোৱা কৰ্কট ৰোগৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুঁজিবলৈ সমীক্ষা আৰোগ্য নিধিৰ এইয়া প্ৰথম পদক্ষেপ ।


On the eve of rally was taken by the SHG members along with the Community cadres at Mahmora Block in presence of District and Block Officials.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 03/08/2022

Poultry Farming as a livelihood activity.

Keeping in view the increasing demand of local chicken, today 3,600 nos of local chicks, medicines and pre starter feed has been provided to 36 nos SHG members of Nizkhaloighugura Poultry Producer Group under Nizkhaloighugura G.P and Pratiksha Poultry Producer Group under Desangpani G.P. of BMMU Mahmora.

An amount of Rs 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh)has been provided to the Producer Groups (1 lakh each P.G) from CLF for chicks, medicines & feed purchase and have been distributed in presence of BMMU Mahmora officials.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 03/08/2022

National Flag, our pride, our identity, our symbol of unity. Our SHG members are proud in producing and selling our National Flag through various distribution centers and selling points at BMMU Mahmora Block Charaideo.
Dmmu Charaideo

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 27/07/2022

SRI (System of Rice Intensification) for the 4th consecutive year

It is not a standardised, fixed technological method. It is rather a set of ideas, a methodology for comprehensively managing and conserving resources by changing the way that land, seeds, water, nutrients, and human labour are used to increase productivity from a small but well-tended number of seeds.

Transplantation done in SRI method of Paddy Cultivation in Konwargaon Village of Mahmora Dev. Block Assam by the members of Kaberi SHG under Abhijatri VO of Bhoralipukhuri G.P. The Activity was graced by Distict Project Manager ASRLM Charaideo in presence of BMMU Mahmora Officials.

Dmmu Charaideo

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 21/07/2022

অসম ৰাজ্যিক গ্ৰামীণ জীৱিকা অভিযান, মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ডৰ উদ্যোগত আজি ২১ জুলাই ২০২২, বৃহস্পতিবাৰে স্বাধীনতাৰ অমৃত মহোৎসৱ উপলক্ষে ঘৰে ঘৰে ত্ৰিৰংগা আঁচনিৰ শুভাৰম্ভণি কৰে অসম চৰকাৰৰ মাননীয় কেবিনেট মন্ত্ৰী শ্ৰীযুত যোগেন মহনদেৱে ৷ দেশৰ মাননীয় প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী নৰেন্দ্ৰ মোডী ডাঙৰীয়াৰ আহ্বান অনুসৰি স্বাধীনতাৰ ৭৫ বছৰীয়া অমৃত মহোৎসৱৰ গৌৰৱোজ্বল মুহুৰ্ত্তত প্ৰতি ঘৰে ঘৰে যাতে পতাকা উত্তোলন কৰে, সেই উদ্দ্যেশ্য সাৰোগত কৰি মাননীয় মন্ত্ৰী মহোদয়ে মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ড কাৰ্যালয়ত এটা "ত্ৰিৰংগা বিক্ৰী কেন্দ্ৰ"ৰ শুভ উন্মোচন কৰে ৷ উল্লেখ্য যে, উক্ত কাৰ্যসূচীত চৰাইদেউ জিলা পৰিষদৰ মুখ্য কাৰ্যবাহী বিষয়া বিদিত দাস, চৰাইদেউ জিলাৰ মাননীয় অতিৰিক্ত উপায়ুক্ত, মাহমৰা আঞ্চলিক পঞ্চায়তৰ সভানেত্ৰী উৰ্মিলা গগৈ, মাহমৰা খণ্ড উন্নয়ন বিষয়া সুনাম দাস, মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ডৰ কেইবাখনো গাঁও পঞ্চায়তৰ সভাপতি/সভানেত্ৰী, আঞ্চলিক পঞ্চায়তৰ সদস্য/সদস্যা আৰু বিষয়া-কৰ্মচাৰী সকল উপস্থিত থাকে ৷

Panchayat & Rural Development, Assam
Mahmora Development Block
Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission - Charaideo district.


PMFME Registration under BMMU Mahmora ASRLM

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 09/07/2022

On the eve of Azaadi ka Amrit Mohotsav, Celebrating some of the successful women Entrepreneurs of ASRLM, BMMU Mahmora.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 09/07/2022

Selfie Campaign by Women Entrepreneurs under BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 09/07/2022

PMFME seed capital distribution to SHG members under BMMU Mahmora

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 09/07/2022

Awareness on Udyamita Pakhwada to Community Cadres at BMMU office


সফলতাৰ শিখৰলৈ মাহমৰা আৰু এখোজ আগুৱালে । আজি "অসম ৰাজ্যিক গ্ৰামীণ জীৱিকা অভিযান " মাহমৰা উন্নয়ন খণ্ডৰ "সমীক্ষা " মণ্ডল সংগঠনৰ দ্বাৰা গঠিত "সমীক্ষা আৰোগ্য নিধি" আনুষ্ঠানিক ভাৱে মুকলি কৰা হয় , । "সমীক্ষা" মণ্ডল সংগঠনৰ ৬২৬২ গৰাকী আত্ম সহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যাৰ মাহেকীয়া বৰঙনিৰে এই পূঁজি গঠন কৰা হয় । সম্প্ৰতি ভয়াবহ ভাৱে বৃদ্ধি পোৱা কৰ্কট ৰোগৰ চিকিৎসাৰ বাবে এই পূঁজিৰ পৰা সদস্যা গৰাকীৰ লগতে সদস্যা গৰাকীৰ পৰিয়ালৰ কোনো লোক এই ৰোগত আক্ৰান্ত হ'লে দুই লাখ টকাকৈ অনুদান দিয়া হ'ব ।

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 03/06/2022

Duck Farming as a livelihood activity.

Duckling distribution (Fourth Batch)

After three successful batches of duckling distribution (Total 3200 nos, out of which 3000 has been sold out). Today fourth batch of duckling distribution programme was held at Jashingfa Duckery Producer Group, of Jajalihabi Village under Desangpani G.P of BMMU Mahmora. In this programme 1200 ducklings (Pati) and duck feed have been provided to the members of Producer Group in presence of Block officials.

A total of 4400 (3200 + 1200) ducklings have been provided to the members till date.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 12/05/2022

Fish Farming as a livelihood activity.

Today 38 Kgs of fingerling has been provided to 15 nos SHG members of Somonnoy Fishery Producer Group under Desangpani G.P. of BMMU Mahmora.

An amount of Rs 80,000/- has been provided to the Producer Group from CLF for fingerling and fish feed purchase. The fingerlings were distributed in presence of BMMU officials at different places of Desangpani G.P

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 28/04/2022

Participation of KS/PS/JS/SHG Members and BMMU Mahmora officials in online Webinar chaired by Secretary Ministry of Rural Development, GOI on Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari under Azadi ka amrit mahotsav.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 11/03/2022

Bee Keeping as a livelihood activity.

With an aim to develop bee keeping as a livelihood activity, today Agriculture Department of Charaideo district has provided 25 nos Bee Keeping components to SHG members of Dogabheta Village.

The components were distributed in presence of ADO Pronobjit Chetia, BTM Mithu Dutta and BMMU Officials at Dogabheta Vill under Nizkhaloighugura G.P of BMMU MAHMORA.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 10/03/2022

Organised Rally by DDU-GKY trainees on importance of nutrition as part of Celebration of lconic Week of DoRD: lnternational Women's Day in collaboration with PIA Teamlease and Vidyapeeth Education Trust in presence of BC Skills & DFE (Skills) Charaideo.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 08/03/2022

Celebration of International Womens’s day by Puhar V.O at Kakotibari G.P under Tribeni CLF

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 07/03/2022

Monshri SHG of BMMU Mahmora receiving highest selling food stall during Asomi SARAS Mela 2022 held at Ganesh Mandir Indoor Stadium, Khanapara.

Photos from BMMU Mahmora, ASRLM's post 22/02/2022

অসম ৰাজ্যিক গ্ৰামীণ জীৱিকা অভিযানৰ অধীনত অহা ২৫ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী তাৰিখৰ পৰা ৬ মাৰ্চ, ২০২২ তাৰিখলৈ ১০ দিনীয়া কাৰ্যসূচীৰে গুৱাহাটীৰ খানাপাৰাস্থিত গণেশ মন্দিৰ ইনড'ৰ ষ্টেডিয়ামত "অসমী চৰচ মেলা ২০২২" অনুষ্ঠিত হ'ব।

ৰাজ্যৰ বিভিন্ন প্ৰান্তৰ আত্মসহায়ক গোটৰ সদস্যসকলে প্ৰস্তুত কৰি উলিওৱা হস্ততাঁত বস্ত্ৰশিল্প, হস্তশিল্পৰ লগতে বিভিন্ন প্ৰকাৰৰ খাদ্য-সামগ্ৰী উপলব্ধ হোৱাৰ লগতে এই মেলাত সাংস্কৃতিক সন্ধিয়াৰো আয়োজন কৰা হৈছে।

সেয়েহে এই মেলাখনি সাফল্য মণ্ডিত কৰিবলৈ আপোনালোকৰ সহায়-সহযোগিতা কামনা কৰিছোঁ।


Welcome to the 10 day extravaganza!!
ASRLM cordially invites you all to be a part of the event full of colorful artifacts and handlooms across India, competitions and cultural events.

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