Jannahcrew - Let's march towards jannah

Jannahcrew - Let's march towards jannah

Let's march towards Jannah


Free time is deadly

Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullah said:

الفراغ هذا قتَّال...والإنسان إذا فرغ ولم يكن عنده علم. ولم يكن عنده عمل يحرك به جسمه ويحرك به عقله ويحرك به فكره توالت عليه الأمور. وجرب تجد. اشتغل في علم، في مال، في صنعة. لا ترى هذه الوساوس. اترك الشغل تتوالى عليك وتتوارد عليك الوساوس.

“Free time is deadly...If a person is unoccupied; if he is not busy with knowledge, he does not have any work to keep his body active, jog his mind, or occupy his thoughts, then these things (obsessive thoughts, etc) overcome him. Try it and see for yourself. Occupy yourself with knowledge, earning money, and craftsmanship, you do not see these obsessions. But when you stop working, these obsessions come to you in succession.”



*Sa'at Al Istijabah*

Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet Sall Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
“Friday is comprised of twelve hours. There is one in which a Muslim who asks Allah for something will have it granted to him. *Seek it in the last hour after `Asr.”*

[Sunan Abî Dâwûd (1048)

🔹One of the righteous said, "I didn't ask Allah for anything between Asr and Maghrib on Friday except that my Lord responded to me up until I felt shy (to ask for more)."

🔹Al Mufadal ibn Fadalah would offer Asr on Friday then isolate himself in a corner of the Masjid and continue to supplicate until sunset.
(Akhbar Al Quda (3/238)

🔹Likewise Sa'eed ibn Jubair would offer the Asr prayer and would avoid speaking to others until sunset (i.e. he would busy himself with supplicating).
(Zaad Al Ma'ad 1/382)


Beware of 4 Matters:

‎• Arrogance
‎• Jealousy
‎• Anger
‎• Desires

‎Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله stated:

‎"The disappearance of the mountains from their places is easier than the disappearance of these four matters from the one who has been afflicted with them."

‎[al-Fawa’īd | 194]


"Give yourself the best gift, your life the best goal by starting your journey of Hifdh of Qur'an bi'iznillaah.

If you are feeling lost, this is the direction you need to turn to!"

They say,

“Hifdh of the Qur’ān is an experience whose beauty cannot be expressed in words. A love story that is not told — only felt — because even if books were written on it, none would understand except those who traverse the journey…”

•✦ ✿ ✦ ✿ ✦ ✿ ✦ ✿ ✦ ✿ ✦ ✿ ✦ ✿



Ibn al-Qayyim:

"There is nothing on Earth that needs to be imprisoned more than the tongue."

‎● [كتاب الفوائد للإمام ابن القيم صفحة ٩٤٢]



Shaykh ul-Islām ibn Taymiyyah said:

“ *When people help one another in sin and transgression, they finish by hating each other* .”

Majmū al-Fatāwa ibn Taymiyyah 15/128


⚠️Do not upend that tranquil state or disrupt that peaceful period!

🎓Sheikh ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Naasir al-Sa’di رحمه الله :

O people, have taqwa of Allah, and beware of sins, for sins certainly result in loss and humiliation.

"Do not invalidate those good deeds which you did in the month of fasting, and do not upend that tranquil state or disrupt that peaceful period that came out of it."

For just as good deeds do away with sins, likewise sins can invalidate righteous deeds.

And certainly, one of the signs of the acceptance of a good deed is that another good deed would come after it, while one of the signs of a deed being rejected is for it to be followed up by vile actions.

Know that the month of Shawwaal is a month of blessing and sanctity;
Allah has placed it between a month of fasting and a sacred month. Allah has made the first of this month as an ‘Eid for this ummah, and its end is a time for those far away to begin their journey towards the House of the Hajj. Allah opened this month with an ‘Eid to fill the hearts with joy, so do not disobey your Lord in it, as then the joy of your ‘Eid would ultimately come to be ruin.

For sins can destroy a house of plenty and will bring about disgrace in this life and the next.

Qur’an Duas 16/04/2023

Duas from Quran

Dua Series

Ramadan Dua list #1

Ramadan Dua list #2

Ramadan Dua list #3

Dua for Children

Supplications after Salah

Morning Adhkar

Evening Adhkar

Ramadan Dua List Tamil/ ரமளான் துஆ தொகுப்பு தமிழில்

Quran Duas in Tamil/ குர்ஆன் துஆக்கள் தமிழில் https://wp.me/p6yo5i-j8

Duas from Hadith in Tamil/ ஹதீஸ் துஆக்கள் தமிழில்

30 Duas in Tamil/ 30 துஆக்கள்

Dua series in Tamil/ தமிழில்

Qur’an Duas Qur’an Duas إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَل...



🍥 *DUA 1* 🍥

🎀 *Dua for Success and to overcome your Problems and Stress* 🎀


🌟 يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ أَسْتَغِيثُ أَصْلِحْ لِي شَأْنِي كُلَّهُ وَلَا تَكِلْنِي إِلَى نَفْسِي طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ

🔸 _Yaa Hayyu yaa Qayyoomu birahmatika ‘astagheethu ‘aslih lee sha’nee kullahu wa laa takilnee ‘ilaa nafsee tarfata ‘aynin._

🌿🌻 “O Ever Living One, O Eternal One, by Your mercy, I call on You to set right all my affairs. Do not place me in charge of my soul even for the blinking of an eye (i.e. a moment)”

*📍This du’aa is part of the Morning Evening Supplication* – Hisn al Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim)📍

📚[1]Its chain of transmission is sound (Saheeh), Al-Haakim 1/545, see Albaani, Sahihut-Targhib wat-Tarhib, 1/273📚

🎨```Who would want to be abandoned by ALLAH even if it is for a twinkling of an eye❓```

🎨 ```Who wouldnt want to have their affairs set
🌈 May Allah never abandon us and may all our affairs be set right.

❄ Ameen ❄




"I have never regretted my silence. As for my speech I've regretted it many times"

❣Umar ibnul Khattab رضي الله عنه


Tajweed Quiz # Part 1 06/09/2022


Tajweed Quiz # Part 1 1) Meaning of the word ‘tajweed’ 1) தஜ்வீத் என்ற வார்த்தையின் பொருள் என்ன? a. Betterment/மேன்மைபடுத்துதல்b. Characteristics/குணங்கள்C. Recitation/ஓதுதல் 2) The major area...




This is very important to those whom eyes are weak and also to everyone. Eye muscles suffer as days pass by, which will lead to them not capable of having eye contact the accurate way.

In order to restore power in our eyesight and keep them always powerful, we need to follow the following sunnah in our salah. We should always keep our eyes open during the sujood and stand up while looking at the sujood spot and keep your eyes focused on the spot of sujood throughout your salah. The wisdom behind looking at the sujood spot is that while in ruku, the eye muscles will pressure the lens to
increase vision and while you get up the eye muscles will loosen. While in sujood the lens will shrink because of the distance between the eyes and the ground. When you get up again it'll loosen the eye muscles. This practice we are doing each day is exercising our eye muscles. We can perform each day 17 times or as much as we want.

Our prophet (SAW) was always instructing to open our eyes during sujood and now scientists have proven that this practice works in increasing the power of eyesight.

Subhan Allah for this great wisdom of opening our eyes during sujood.

A Non Muslim scientist proved we are more electrically charged now than ever before due to the electromagnetic radiations from the things like:
Mobile, TV, AC, Microwave etc, and if we don't want this radiation to harm us, we should place our forehead on the floor more than once a day as the earth can absorb radiation.

*We Muslims are gifted With 5 Times Salaat to touch our heads downs* SubhaanAllah.!

There is always wisdom behind Allah's commandments.

(Surah Rahman)