

NueMedics TENS Unit Massagers
– New Pain- free Life


How TENS Unit can help you with your Arthritis Pain?
Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint function to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints.
Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warm. Tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present.
Approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. Nearly 40 million persons in the United States are affected by arthritis, including over a quarter million children! More than 21 million Americans have osteoarthritis. More than half of those with arthritis are under 65 years of age. Nearly 60% of Americans with arthritis are women.
Medicines you rub on your skin or take by mouth, injections, physical therapy, heat, cold, and acupuncture are just a few of the ways to make your arthritis more bearable. Yet you may still be searching for relief.
TENS Unit- nerve stimulation – or neuromodulation – is an alternative to medication for treating arthritis pain. It’s the principle of using electricity to decrease pain sensations. For some people, neuromodulation treatments can ease pain with minimal risks, he says.
TENS unit therapy is ideal for the treatment of arthritis. It is a non-invasive, fast acting, drug-free method of pain relief. Pads are placed on or near the area of the arthritis pain. TENS Unit sends soothing pulses via TENS Unit electrodes through the skin and along the nerve fibers. The pulses suppress the arthritis pain signals to the brain. TENS Unit also encourages the body to produce higher levels of its own natural pain killing chemicals i.e. endorphins and encephalins.
NUEMEDISC Massager offers a full range of tens units, ems units and other pain relief devices. Get your Tens Unit today to start treating your arthritis!


Tens Unit For Tennis Elbow
What Is Tennis Elbow?
Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is one of the most common painful conditions of the elbow. Inflammation and pain occur on and around the outer bony bump of the elbow where the muscles and tendons attach to the bone. These structures are responsible for lifting your wrist up so this condition can occur with many activities, not just tennis.
Any activity that involves gripping and twisting of the forearm can cause this type of strain.
Anybody can get tennis elbow but it is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60.
Although tennis elbow is painful it normally recovers and it does not lead to arthritis.
What Do I Do To Get Better?
The first step to getting better is getting rid of the in Inflammation. Daily ice massage will help fill a paper cup with water and freeze. Peel the top of the cup away to expose the ice and rub over the affected area in a circular motion for 5–7 minutes. Your physician may also prescribe some anti-in Inflammation medication to take for several weeks.
Medication of the activity that caused the problem and rest will help. Wearing a tennis elbow strap may also help take the pressure off of the tendons where they attach to the bone. This can be worn during any type of wrist/elbow activity.
Stretching and strengthening the muscles and tendons involved are key to making this problem go away. The home program below of daily stretches is a good place to start. Once your elbow starts feeling better you will be able to add some light strengthening exercises.
TENS Unit for Tennis Elbow
Some therapists may apply ice and electrical stimulation- Tens Units to ease pain and improve healing of the tendon.
Electrodes applied to the skin deliver low voltage intermittent stimulation to surface nerves in the skin. The transmission of pain signals is blocked and endorphins are released. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers.
Electrical stimulation is also known as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS Unit). TENS Units refers to many types of electrical units that are used to relieve pain. Electrodes are placed on the skin near the injured area and attached to a TENS Unit stimulator by flexible wires. Electrical impulses are then produced to give relief from pain. The battery-operated Tens unit is portable and can be used at home by the patient.
TENS Unit is non-invasive and non-addictive. It has no side effects and can be used to treat acute or chronic pain.
Exercises are used to gradually stretch and strengthen the forearm muscles. Because tendinosis is often linked to overuse, your therapist will work with you to reduce repeated strains on your elbow.
When symptoms come from a particular sport or work activity, your Physical Therapist will observe your style and motion with the activity.


TENS Unit for Pain Relief in Patients with Bursitis
What is Bursitis?

Bursitis is a painful condition that affects the small, fluid-filled sacs — called bursae — that cushion the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints. Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed.

The most common locations for bursitis are in the shoulder, elbow and hip. But you can also have bursitis by your knee, heel and the base of your big toe. Bursitis often occurs near joints that perform frequent repetitive motion.

Treatment typically involves resting the affected joint and protecting it from further trauma. In most cases, bursitis pain goes away within a few weeks with proper treatment, but recurrent flare-ups of bursitis are common.

Bursitis is the painful inflammation or irritation of the bursa. The condition affects over 8 million people in the United States. It caused by a repetitive, minor impact on the area, overuse or injury to the joint at work or play or from a sudden, more serious injury. Bursitis affects joints like the elbow, shoulder, hip, knee or Achilles tendon and is commonly seen in people over the age of forty. As their day-to-day movements stress their joints and are repetitive, athletes, carpenters, gardeners, painters and musicians are at greater risk of bursitis.

The symptoms of bursitis include tenderness or pain, heat, redness, swelling, stiffness, and restricted movement. If chronic bursitis is left untreated, it can lead to building-up of calcium deposits in the soft tissues, resulting in permanent loss of movement to the area.

What causes bursitis?

A bursa can become inflamed through injury or repetitive movement.

Your risk of developing bursitis is increased if you regularly take part in physical activities that involve a lot of repetitive movement, for example running (bursitis in the ankle) or playing darts (bursitis in the elbow).

People who spend a lot of time kneeling, such as carpet fitters and gardeners, also have an increased risk of developing bursitis in their knee.

Less commonly, bursitis can develop as a result of an infection or as a complication of certain conditions, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

TENS Unit Therapy for Bursitis

A TENS machine is a small, portable and battery-operated device that has leads connected to sticky pads called electrodes. It provides pain relief by delivering a low-voltage electrical current to stimulate the nerves in that area by through the skin. For instance, in the case of shoulder bursitis, the TENS unit is applied to the painful area. The TENS unit is switched on and small electrical impulses are delivered to the area, which causes a tingling sensation. The electrical impulses can reduce the pain signals going to the spinal cord and brain, which helps relieve pain and relax muscles. It is also believed that the electrical impulses stimulate the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

The TENS unit can be set to different wavelength frequencies, that is, it can be set to deliver an almost steady flow of electrical current or a sudden burst of electrical current. This flexibility allows the treatment to be modified for the patient’s specific pain needs. The optimal placement of the TENS machine depends on the type of injury being treated.

Benefits of TENS Unit

TENS Unit is designed to ease pain, stimulate your muscles, and improve range of motion. The therapy is:

Completely safe
Easy to use
Non-invasive and non-addictive with no side-effects

Pain due to bursitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, and nerve pain can be effectively treated at a multispecialty healthcare center in Brooklyn. TENS device is an important element in the treatments they provide. A reliable center providing rehabilitation services would have experienced healthcare professionals on their team, such as chiropractors and physical therapists who understand the musculoskeletal system and know how to most effectively place the electrode pads on the skin to provide optimal pain relief. They can provide patients with effective pain management plans that combine TENS Unit with other effective options such as physical therapy exercises, heat and cold therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chiropractic adjustment, pain management injections, and prolotherapy.


TENS Unit For Enhance Athletic Performance
A TENS unit is a device that stimulates nerves throughout the body by applying an electrical current through the skin. It can be used to reduce chronic pain, prevent headaches and migraines, and even alleviate the symptoms of depression.
Without getting into any unnecessary background on electrotherapy (such as a retelling of the way the ancient civilizations used electric fish or citing references to Volta and Galvani), it’s valuable to know how Tens Unit has been part of sport in the last few decades.
For many people, the solution is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). A treatment devised by doctors and scientists, TENS Unit not only treats pain but serves to relieve it as well. For many athletes, both amateur and professional, TENS is a breakthrough in modern medicine, giving them the ability to continue participating in the sports they love.
To give you a broader understanding of TENS Unit and its benefits, we have put together a few additional facts.
Electronic muscle stimulation can strategically target specific muscles for isolated strengthening. Careful placement of adhesive electrodes can determine not only which muscle or muscles are to be recruited, but also how well these muscles are recruited.
Muscle Re-Education and Atrophy Reduction
In cases where an injury has been incurred and an athlete must accelerate strengthening or off-set muscle atrophy, Tens Unit can play an important role.
The Tens unit can be used to work quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves when the athlete cannot properly walk or run for the initial stages of rehabilitation. For the athlete that sprains their ankle or knee in the latter stages of their training cycle, Tens machine can help to maintain muscle strength until you are ready to resume conventional training.
Pain Management
Through the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and similar methods of electrotherapy, athletes can benefit from an analgesic effect to manage pain and discomfort. TENS device selectively activates large diameter Type A nerve fibers without activating smaller diameter A and C (pain-related) nerve fibers or nerves that innervate muscle.
Circulation Enhancement and Massage
Use of low frequency electric currents have been used to induce a gentle pulsing of the muscle to physically increase circulation, thereby enhancing blood flow to the treatment area and remove waste products and fluid (venous and lymphatic systems). If you examine the treatment area, you would be able to see the muscle pulsing – unlike Tens Unit for muscle strengthening, where you would see the muscle hold a contraction for anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds. For athletes who cannot access regular massage, Tens Unit can be a useful means to achieve a flushing massage for specific areas of the body. It also can be very useful in cases where athletes have to travel regularly and are sitting for long periods of time in a car, on a bus or during a flight.


Using Tens Unit For Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory degenerative joint disease. Typically, osteoarthritis results in degen- eration of the articular cartilage, hypertrophy of the margins of the bone, and changes in the synovial membrane. Primary osteoarthritis affects the joints that receive the most use and stress, including the knees and hips. Symptoms range from mild to severe and include pain and stiffness in the affected joint.
Treatment options for osteoarthritis include exercise, medication, thermotherapy, and surgery as well as electrotherapy. Electrotherapy is commonly used in the physical rehabilitation of patients with arthritis to relieve pain and improve function. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS Unit) is widely used form of electro-analgesia, with many clinical reports and studies concerning its use.
TENS machine is non-invasive, fast acting, drug-free. Pads are placed on or near the area of the arthritis pain. TENS Unit sends soothing pulses via TENS device electrodes through the skin and along the nerve fibers. The pulses suppress the arthritis pain signals to the brain. TENS Unit also encourages the body to produce higher levels of its own natural pain killing chemicals i.e. endorphins and encephalins.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS Unit) is a treatment that administers mild electrical currents to the skin to relieve pain. A small, lightweight, hand-held, battery-operated device produces the electrical currents and lead wires send these currents to self-adhesive electrode pads that attach to your skin.
While using a NUEMEDICS machine, you'll experience a non-painful tingling or buzzing sensation, and this can help to block or suppress pain messages. Two electrode pads are usually positioned either side of the area of most intense pain. This is done so that the TENS Unit sensation covers the painful area.
Four electrode pads can be used to treat a larger area of pain. You'll be able to control the strength, (or ‘volume’) of the current that's passed through the electrodes, with a rotary k**b or dial. NUEMEDICS Units have larger controls that are easier to use if your hand movements are limited.
Adjust the strength of the current until the tingling sensation from TENS device is strong, but not painful. You'll also be able to adjust the pattern and speed of the current, so that the TENS Unit sensation is as comfortable as possible. NUEMEDICS machines are digital, rechargeable and have helpful pre-sets to help you choose the best settings for your pai


What is whiplash?
A whiplash neck sprain occurs when your head is suddenly jolted backwards and forwards in a whip-like movement. This can cause some of the muscles and ligaments within your neck to stretch.
Whiplash is an injury to the cervical vertebrae and adjacent soft tissue, caused by sudden jerking or backwards or forward acceleration of the head. It is more accurately called cervical acceleration/ deceleration (CAD) trauma or syndrome.
The usual source of whiplash are vehicle accidents. It can even occur from collisions as low as 5mph. However, whiplash can also be caused by any jerking of the neck's normal range of motion.
Traditional symptoms of whiplash include lingering neck pain, back pain, headaches and dizziness. In more severe cases, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, nausea and numbness.
TENS Unit (electrotherapy) for whiplash
The TENS unit, which stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is a form of electrotherapy that can provide natural pain relief.
A TENS unit works by stimulating and calming the muscles. After a whiplash injury, your muscles may be tight and strained, causing muscle pain in the neck and head area.
Regular use of a TENS unit can be a great way to relax and calm the muscles, and thus help decrease pain.
Traditional treatments include drugs, osteopathy, physiotherapy, etc. However, TENS Units are a powerful form of pain relief. It is non-invasive, drug-free and fast acting. It provides a non-invasive, drug-free method of pain relief for shingles.
Pads are placed on the back, near the area of pain.
TENS device uses soothing pulses that are sent via the pads through the skin and along the nerve fibers. The pulses suppress pain signals to the brain and encourage the body to produce higher levels of its own natural pain killing chemicals endorphins and encephalins.
Buy your Tens Unit today to help your Whiplash pain


Using Tens Unit For Neck Pain
Neck pain is the second largest cause of time off work, after low back pain. Neck pain is also referred to as cervical pain. Pain is a major complaint of subject with neck pain due to musculoskeletal disorders of the cervical spine. Neck pain from musculoskeletal disorders again tends to be worse in the morning and evening, with improvement during the day. This pain often radiates to the shoulder, between the shoulder blades and up the neck to cause head-aches.
What are the symptoms of neck problems?
Almost everyone will have neck pain at some stage in their life, but it’s usually short-lived – just a few days or a week or so at a time and won’t cause any long- term damage.
Pain and stiffness
You may feel pain in the middle or on either side of your neck, but it may also stretch to your shoulder and shoulder blade, or to your upper chest. If you have tension headaches, the pain often travels to the back of your head, and sometimes behind your eye or even into your ear.
Numbness or tingling
If a nerve root is pinched then you may have numbness or tingling that can be felt down your arm to your fingers.
Clicking and grating noises
You may hear or feel clicking or grating as you move your head. This is called crepitus, and it’s caused by roughened bony surfaces moving against each other or by ligaments rubbing against bone.
Dizziness and blackouts
If you feel dizzy when looking up or turning your head, this may be due to pinching of the vertebral arteries. This can sometimes happen as a result of changes in the vertebrae.
Muscle spasms
Sometimes if you have neck pain you may also have muscle spasms that turn the head to one side.
How does TENS UNIT Reduce The Neck Pain?
Tens Unit or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Device provides non-invasive, drug-free pain relief. Tens Unit Pads are placed on the back, near the area of pain.
TENS Unit uses soothing pulses that are sent via the pads through the skin and along the nerve fibers.
The pulses suppress pain signals to the brain and encourage the body to produce higher levels of its own natural pain killing chemicals endorphins and encephalin.
Tens Unit Pad Placement For Neck Pain
Using both leads, position the electrodes at the back of the neck and over the top of your shoulders.
Buy your Tens Unit today to help your Neck pain.


Using Tens Unit Sore Muscles (DOMS)
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current.
A TENS machine is a small, battery-operated device that has leads connected to sticky pads called electrodes.
You attach the pads directly to your skin. When the machine is switched on, small electrical impulses are delivered to the affected area of your body, which you feel as a tingling sensation.
The electrical impulses can reduce the pain signals going to the spinal cord and brain, which may help relieve pain and relax muscles. They may also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers.
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is exercise-related muscle pain. It develops after excessive and unaccustomed exercise. It is particularly prevalent if that exercise has an eccentric component.
Eccentric exercise is an exercise where the muscles are contracting whilst lengthening – eg downhill running, long distance running, plyometric exercises, and landing drills.
What Causes DOMS?
DOMS is caused by myofibril tears (muscle strains). The micro trauma results in an inflammatory response with intramuscular fluid and electrolyte shifts.
We do know that biochemical markers (such as creatine kinase and lactic dehydrogenase) are found in the blood of DOMS sufferers, which is consistent with muscle fibre disruption.
Swelling, altered muscle firing patterns and pain is thought to be the reason why muscle strength, motions and function is impaired in DOMS sufferers.
According to studies, TENS Unit helps relieve muscle knots, muscle tightness, soreness and even spasms with its pain alleviating effects.
When muscles are injured or in pain, a phenomena known as muscle guarding occurs. Muscle guarding is when muscles surrounding the injuring tighten up to protect the area from further harm and facilitate healing. Since TENS Unit eases pain and creates endorphin flow, it can switch this response off, reducing muscle tightness and knots.
The pain-reducing effects help loosen the muscle knot and curtail the “guarding” reaction that causes tightness. Endorphins released by therapeutic TENS devices also help reduce knot formation.
With both a TENS Unit and EMS Unit treatment you can reduce pain from muscle knots while improving range of motion.
Buy your NUEMEDICS Tens Unit today to help you with your sore muscles.


Using Tens Unit For Degenerative Discs
Lumbar degenerative disc disease is a common cause of chronic lower back pain. This occurs when a disc weakens, often due to either general wear and tear or a torsional (twisting) injury to the disc space. The result is excessive micro-motion at the corresponding vertebral level because the disc cannot hold the vertebral segment together adequately. The resulting micro-motion, combined with the inflammatory proteins inside the disc that become exposed and irritate the local area, can create lower back pain.

Risk Factors for Degenerative Disc Disease

Although degenerative disc disease is a common part of ageing life, there are some factors which have been linked with higher incidence of disc degeneration. These often relate to increased forces traveling through the spine, and include:

-Carrying excess body weight

-Family history of early disc degeneration

-Careers involving heavy manual labor or vibrations

-Active lifestyle

-Conditions affecting the biomechanics of the spine, such as osteoarthritis and scoliosis


The typical individual with degenerative disc disease is an active and otherwise healthy person who is in their thirties or forties.

Common Symptoms:

The pain is generally made worse with sitting, since in the seated position the lumbosacral discs are loaded three times more than when standing

Certain types of activity will usually worsen the pain, especially bending, lifting and twisting

Walking, and even running, may actually feel better than prolonged sitting or standing

Patients will generally feel better if they can change positions frequently, and lying down is usually the best position since this relieves stress on the disc space

The degree of pain will usually fluctuate and may be quite painful at times (e.g. for a few days, or weeks) and then subside to a more tolerable level.

TENS Unit can be used for relief of pain associated with a wide variety of painful conditions. This may include back pain caused by spine degeneration, disc problems, or failed back surgery. Nerve pain from conditions such as chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and neuropathies caused by diabetes or as a side effect of cancer treatment may also be managed with TENS Machine.

TENS Unit, which deliver a very mild electrical stimulation to the affected area, can also provide relief for patients with degenerative disc disease. In addition, evidence suggests that spinal cord stimulation can provide patients with a significant reduction in their pain. For spinal cord stimulation, physicians implant a device near the spinal column to send electrical impulses that disturb the transmission of pain signals from the nerves within the spine.

Buy your Tens Unit today to help your Degenerative Discs


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBS is a chronic condition that you'll need to manage long term.
Only a small number of people with IBS have severe signs and symptoms. Some people can control their symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle and stress. More-severe symptoms can be treated with medication and counseling.
If you have IBS, you may know that you have an increased risk of also having other diseases. In a large US study, researchers found that IBS patients have an increased risk of migraine (1.8 times as likely), fibromyalgia (4.5 times), depression (2 times), and anxiety (1.9 times).1 In addition, researchers now understand that both male and female IBS patients have an increased risk of a variety of urinary problems.
IBS can cause bouts of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation.
The symptoms usually appear for the first time when a person is between 20 and 30 years of age.
They tend to come and go in bouts, often during times of stress or after eating certain foods.
Symptoms vary between individuals and affect some people more severely than others.
NewsFeed forum confirming that there is evidence supporting the use of TENS Unit to treat gut dysmotility. In the abstract, the use of TENS Unit slowed transit time. The authors conclude that TENS Unit might help treat IBS in humans. A TENS machine can help to give relief from the painful stomach cramps associated with IBS.🫂🫂📣


Using Tens Unit For Degenerative Discs
Lumbar degenerative disc disease is a common cause of chronic lower back pain. This occurs when a disc weakens, often due to either general wear and tear or a torsional (twisting) injury to the disc space. The result is excessive micro-motion at the corresponding vertebral level because the disc cannot hold the vertebral segment together adequately. The resulting micro-motion, combined with the inflammatory proteins inside the disc that become exposed and irritate the local area, can create lower back pain.
Risk Factors for Degenerative Disc Disease
Although degenerative disc disease is a common part of ageing life, there are some factors which have been linked with higher incidence of disc degeneration. These often relate to increased forces traveling through the spine, and include:
-Carrying excess body weight
-Family history of early disc degeneration
-Careers involving heavy manual labor or vibrations
-Active lifestyle
-Conditions affecting the biomechanics of the spine, such as osteoarthritis and scoliosis
The typical individual with degenerative disc disease is an active and otherwise healthy person who is in their thirties or forties.
Common Symptoms:
The pain is generally made worse with sitting, since in the seated position the lumbosacral discs are loaded three times more than when standing
Certain types of activity will usually worsen the pain, especially bending, lifting and twisting
Walking, and even running, may actually feel better than prolonged sitting or standing
Patients will generally feel better if they can change positions frequently, and lying down is usually the best position since this relieves stress on the disc space
The degree of pain will usually fluctuate and may be quite painful at times (e.g. for a few days, or weeks) and then subside to a more tolerable level.
TENS Unit can be used for relief of pain associated with a wide variety of painful conditions. This may include back pain caused by spine degeneration, disc problems, or failed back surgery. Nerve pain from conditions such as chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and neuropathies caused by diabetes or as a side effect of cancer treatment may also be managed with TENS Machine.
TENS Unit, which deliver a very mild electrical stimulation to the affected area, can also provide relief for patients with degenerative disc disease. In addition, evidence suggests that spinal cord stimulation can provide patients with a significant reduction in their pain. For spinal cord stimulation, physicians implant a device near the spinal column to send electrical impulses that disturb the transmission of pain signals from the nerves within the spine.
Buy your Tens Unit today to help your Degenerative Discs

Photos from NueMedics's post 14/08/2022

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Using Tens Unit Sore Muscles (DOMS)
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current.
A TENS machine is a small, battery-operated device that has leads connected to sticky pads called electrodes.
You attach the pads directly to your skin. When the machine is switched on, small electrical impulses are delivered to the affected area of your body, which you feel as a tingling sensation.
The electrical impulses can reduce the pain signals going to the spinal cord and brain, which may help relieve pain and relax muscles. They may also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers.
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is exercise-related muscle pain. It develops after excessive and unaccustomed exercise. It is particularly prevalent if that exercise has an eccentric component.
Eccentric exercise is an exercise where the muscles are contracting whilst lengthening – eg downhill running, long distance running, plyometric exercises, and landing drills.
What Causes DOMS?
DOMS is caused by myofibril tears (muscle strains). The micro trauma results in an inflammatory response with intramuscular fluid and electrolyte shifts.
We do know that biochemical markers (such as creatine kinase and lactic dehydrogenase) are found in the blood of DOMS sufferers, which is consistent with muscle fibre disruption.
Swelling, altered muscle firing patterns and pain is thought to be the reason why muscle strength, motions and function is impaired in DOMS sufferers.
According to studies, TENS Unit helps relieve muscle knots, muscle tightness, soreness and even spasms with its pain alleviating effects.
When muscles are injured or in pain, a phenomena known as muscle guarding occurs. Muscle guarding is when muscles surrounding the injuring tighten up to protect the area from further harm and facilitate healing. Since TENS Unit eases pain and creates endorphin flow, it can switch this response off, reducing muscle tightness and knots.
The pain-reducing effects help loosen the muscle knot and curtail the “guarding” reaction that causes tightness. Endorphins released by therapeutic TENS devices also help reduce knot formation.
With both a TENS Unit and EMS Unit treatment you can reduce pain from muscle knots while improving range of motion.
Buy your NUEMEDICS Tens Unit today to help you with your sore muscles.

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