Bigly Communications

Bigly Communications

Keap mail marketing services for franchise owners.


There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and your declining database count.

While we may not be able to avoid the first two, we can hedge the latter with a little time and some sales planning effort.

Each week as your automated marketing program sends emails, there's an accumulation of opt-outs, unsubscribes and hard bounces. And of course, they are routinely swept out of your database as a part of your ongoing hygiene activities.

And, as database counts organically erode, it’s good to have a plan in place to feed the marketing beast.

A good start is to weave lead generating activities into your email marketing program. As leads are uncovered each day and week, trickle those prospects into your Keap database and automated marketing program.

Aside from staving off count erosion, it also updates a freshness clock on your Keap records. And those freshness dates matter according to domain providers.

If you haven’t already built lead gen into your email marketing program, it’s a must-do, and easy to get started. Contact us if you need a hand.


What you need to know about email warming services.

We’re not going to make you read any further before we tell you to avoid them.

Email warming services had a time and place, but now they are eschewed by all with heavy penalties for those that use the service, and also for providers that allow the service to be used.

CRM providers such as Keap (and others) are getting warnings from Google that their API access will be revoked if they continue to allow these warming services. Additonally, mailbox providers are penalizing domains they catch using these services.

Bottom line? Avoid email warming services and stick to best practices.


80,000! That is the number of emails we send EACH WEEK for our managed IT services clients. WHOOOO-EEY!

We launch Keap email programs and get our clients up and running quickly and smoothly. If you need help getting started, contact us and we'll have you off to the races for the new year.


Email addresses are the unique identifier in Keap and can help prevent duplicates in your database. Without an email address, we'll demonstrate how duplicates can make their way into your database and inflate your database count:

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Email addresses are the unique identifier in Keap and can help prevent duplicates in your database. Without an email add...