Dating problems and solutions

Dating problems and solutions

let's slove love conflicts amongst us freely


Can the process of a woman breastfeeding a child
lead to or***ms ? Our ladies please just be sincere


Is it correct to pack ur sister out of ur house no matter her offense because your wife asked you to do so ?
Enough is enough


When a woman is treated nicely, submission comes naturally
Is the volume ok??


If u hate people,please hate them alone don't go around recruiting people to hate them with you that is witchcraft


Are married couples encouraged to watch p**n so as to boost their s*x lives? In L-RAM my answer is in capital letter . What couples should KNOW more about p**n.

1. :
The principal aim of p**n is not to help you improve your s*x habit in marriage, it is to spread lust and break marriages. You can not watch p**n and not be lusted for you will expect your wife to have something bigger, rounder, flatter or toner while the wife will expects the husband to have it larger down. What we should know is that most of this women acting p**n are fake for they did plastic surgery, breast enlargement, bottom enlargement, manhood enlargement, etc and they do not have to battle sagging and stretch marks because they ain't producing babies and breast feeding! Never compare your wife with a p**n star, never! She is not a pr******te! Never expect your husband to have a bigger manhood, you are not a w***e.

2. :
A p**n star should NEVER be the role model of any couple. What you are watching is a display of lust between two singles who do not understand the meaning of marriage, responsibility and commitment. All they thick is to have s*x in front of camera and make money.

3. :
Most of this actors are under the strong influence of drugs. The man goes for 10 rounds and he is not tired while the woman is moaning all through! That is simply crazy! In real life, you don't go 10 rounds at a time unless you want to die before your time, neither is your wife on co***ne or s*x boosting drugs! If she goes 5 rounds, she deserves an award.

4. :
The moaning sound produced are artificial and based on business arrangement not out of pleasure. There are some moaning that simply doesn't make any sense. should not expect their spouse to moan that way because you are not producing a movie or grunting to keep your job, this is real life. Real life moaning is based on true pleasure. What we should know is, p**nography does not teach reality.

5. :
In marriage the man should be gentle, tender and affectionate towards the woman but in p**n, he is rough, aggressive and blind to her pains. There is a way a man handles a woman she will experience pain no matter how long she has been having s*x, and there is how deep he goes, she cringes in pain. This actresses have been trained to moan through their pain, they must not complain or cry, they have to act like they enjoyed it. It is physical and mental torture of women who are nothing but *x_toys to the money hungry p**n producer. If you handle your wife that way, you will keep giving her pain, not pleasure and the end result will only be a divorce.

6. :
Most s*x styles used by this p**n actors are not realistic unless you want to break your spouse's spinal cord. I do not know how a sane person will have s*x with head down and legs hanging up. Some would even be handcuffed like criminals. Never try this with your spouse.

7. :
How can children between age 10 and 16 who ought to know nothing called *x who were supposed to be busy with their studies flood the p**n market. This is madness.

8. ********ON:
You can not watch those heavy scenes and not ma******te when your spouse is not around and when you start enjoying ma********on instead of s*x, you quit the s*x altogether. Worst still, your s*x life becomes a nightmare as you suffer from *******on, *******on or etc all this as a result of ma********on.

9. :
Once you become addicted to p**n, automatically your thinking about the opposite s*x gets warped. You see them as s*x toys and go after anything in skirt including girls young enough to be your daughter. Po*******hy turns your thinking upside down.

10. :
Watching that thing consistently pushes you to desire another man's wife/husband or simply run after young boys and girls. P**n doesn't make sense, it will do your marriage more harm than good and you will eventually lose what you are desperately trying to keep.
You draw closer to God not far away from Him and your s*x life gradually becomes better.

**nography at all cost.

LOVE AND MARITAL Counseling 14/05/2020

Must Watch For Singles Preparing For Marriage.


LOVE AND MARITAL Counseling All we need to know before marriage.



The challenge I see all the time among young people is that they are looking for their ideal man that ideal woman.

The truth is, your ideal man or ideal woman is married so thick of building an ideal couples.

That is the more reason why sometimes, some people fall in love with married people. They are not married yet but they fall in love with married people.

You hear them say, oh..
"he is such a nice man", 'he has a good job," " he is also kind" ," he has money," "such an ideal man" , he is this, he is that. Wonderful!

Most of the time, this guy or lady who looks perfect was not like that before he or she got married.

This is why most girls have an issues with guys who have almost turning bachelor holding into an institution.

There are lots of people around town who are not getting married because they want to be able to get a mansion, cars, and money.

They will tell you, how can you marry a girl when you are not yet settled financially and they have already gotten a job. They are waiting to have an ideal financial situation.

I am telling you, if you are in that situation, you have been deceived.

What a lady need is not a perfect man in the present...this thing is about 10years, 20years, 30years, 40years time . Men thick well.

What she needs now is a man who have a vision, who can define exactly where he is going and who he is going to be. That is what defines the kind of wife he should marry.

In fact, it is after 10, 20 years the real character begins to manifess.

Should partners in a relationship discuss there salaries?

describe the future and told each other for whom there are ,you know what?

In fact, even though we should will help each other at the beginning but there is coming a time when a wife material will ask you to keep your salary and I will bear the full responsibility for this family fully.

That is the essence of leadership. You have a vision and you have the capacity to communicate it.

You should be able to sell your vision to a lady.

Listen! Ladies, if all of your assessment about a man; If what you are looking for is who the person is today, you will soon be deceived.

Because the fact that he has a car now, is no guarantee he will have a car in five years time.

Making a choice for marriage is largely a matter of intuition. Some people, all they think about is the wedding day.

In one day, they invest all their thought, energy and preparation. You hear them say; wedding...hmmm...the gown will come from EUROPE.

On the wedding day the Pastor say; say after me and the couple will say "I do"

After that, what next? That is when some people remember there is honey moon. They will do honey moon for two to three weeks.

After that, what next? Nothing! No idea because all they were thinking about was a weH




Love is a WORD but a relationship and marriage is all about archievement

Am I communicating ?


Please help me post this, I was dating a girl I told that I will marry for 5months ago, then I so much love her along the line I began to see some changes from her I told her that I don't like your ways now one day she came to my house to tell me that she is no longer interested in our relationship that she appreciate my love and care to her that she learnt something that is good from me that her problem is that I don't have enough to keep her as my wife, I looked at her and I told her that all she need from me is that real love any other things we come I also told her that am not a lazy man after that day I couldn't sleep because I really love her, now she is back pleasing me to accept her back and I have gotten someone that loves me to who I'm and the way I look and I have also make a plan to marry her on March next year, what upset me in other one more is that she told me then that I'm slime not fat but all those time she have been enjoying my...but now I'm slime, when I told her that I'm still slime as she can see, she replay to me that the guy is not trustworthy like me, so now please what is your advice on this because I real love this present one now and I have given her my words. Please ones you get my point just comment. Thanks


My mates are in the university
My mates are getting married.
My mates are getting good jobs.
My mates are succeeding.
My mates are living overseas.
My mates are buying cars.
My mates are building houses.
My mates are mates are that......
It's a pity you literally forgot about your
mates in the mortuary, your
mates in the psychiatric homes, your mates
roaming on the streets, your mates who are
jobless, hungry, blind, deaf..........
You might not be where you wish to be but
you have obviously transcended from where
you were yesterday. BE THANKFUL!!!!!!!.
In This new month of April

*Some slept yesterday and didn't wake up*
We were sinners but God showed mercy.
His mercy is still there for those yet to know
God still has plans for you before the year
Some mates are there in jail without
committing any crime!
You ate last night but some didn't or
You have sources for daily living while some
have nothing to look up to.
You are alive not because you are faithful or
because you have never sinned before but it
is the MERCY of God Almighty that kept and
is keeping you alive.
Can you just appreciate God by sharing this ..
with people on your list AS A Big 'THANK YOU



*1. No husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend is perfect.* We all have our problems.
*2. Be satisfied with the one you have and enjoy life together.*

*3. Many people divorce and remarry only to discover that the spouse they divorced was actually better than the new one.* Not everything that glitters is gold. -
*4. Success in marriage begins when both husband and wife humbly submit to God. -*

*5. You don't need a spouse who thinks you are perfect, because you're not.* You need a life partner who understands that you will make many mistakes, and still chooses to love you anyway.

*6. Remember how you used to disturb her with calls, pings, sms, mails before she later agreed to marry you?* She is still the same woman! The difference is she gave you sons and daughters!




Women aren’t the only ones responsible for keeping a home and it’s wrong for people to say that. It’s the responsibility of both partners to keep a home.
I previously wrote about 10 MISTAKES WOMEN MAKE IN MARRIAGE, so check it out if you are a woman. Today Sunday I we will be talking of men and their own errors ...

Most men are selfish in the bedroom and never think of their wife’s satisfaction. Disregarding the needs of your wife in the bedroom can ruin your marriage. Having a good time in the bedroom with your wife requires a very high level of communication and such conversations should happen when both partners are calm, relaxed and receptive to ideas.
Making big purchases without consulting your wife or spending recklessly is another big mistake most men make in marriages. Keeping a bank account hidden from your wife is a no-no in a marriage. When you cut off your wife from knowing about your finances, you make her feel less loved and connected. Your wife needs you to trust her with your heart and your finances.
Most men leave child rearing for their wife and believe all they need to do is provide for the family and this is wrong. It is wrong as a husband to take a backseat when it comes to child rearing. Spend time with your children and play an active role in their lives.
Most men want their wife to take good care of their body but rarely do that themselves. I have seen so many husbands allow themselves to lose their body and many wives aren’t happy about it. Just as you want your wife to maintain a good body, you ought to do the same thing.
As a husband, you need to give your wife and children security by planning for the future. You have to plan for the future of the marriage, your finances, the children etc. Don’t be the husband that lives for the now; make plans for retirement, old age, death, when the kids get married etc.
Most men fail to see their wives as their partner and would rarely listen to her opinion. Learn to listen to what she has to say. Don’t assume you know what your wife is going to say or tune her out because you have heard it all before.
Not confiding in their wife is another common mistake most men make in marriages. Your wife is supposed to be your gossip partner and the one you confide in. She wants to be included in your entire world.
You have failed as a husband when you allow your family and friends disrespect your wife. Anyone that disrespects your wife also disrespects you; it’s as simple as that. Avoiding talking bad about your wife in public so she won’t get disrespected. Your family and friends should only know about positives and not the negatives. You and your wife should sort out the negatives alone.
Refusing to apologize when you are wrong is one mistake husbands make in marriages. Many men believe they belittle themselves when they apologize to their wife and this is wrong. Just because you are a man is no reason not to apologize when you wrong your wife.
Comparison is dangerous and can destroy your marriage; never compare your wife to other women. There will always be women around you who have traits and strengths that your wife does not have but do you know the weaknesses these women have? Cherish and honour your wife for who she is, not for what she does or doesn’t do ..... happy Sunday family


It's a situation where a male climaxes before the partner would have wanted or a male ej*****te less than two minutes during s*x and he is unable to control it.
Some factors like hormonal imbalance,
Erectile Dysfunction (poor er****on), too much anxiety, negative feeling are the causes of premature ej*******on.
Below are excellent natural remedies that will greatly help u.
1) Ginger and honey;
- Grate a tablespoon of ginger and mix with honey
- Consume the mixture for a month everyday the same amount, and u will feel the difference
2) -2 grated nutmeg
-2 small grated potatoes
- 5 galics cloves
- few pumpkin seeds
- 1.5 litters of water
Boil the water, add the rest of the ingredients to the boiling water, boil open for 10mins, then close the lid and continue boiling for another 5mins, sieve and consume one small glass morning evening. Can repeat if you don't feel better.
3) Cut watermelon into small pieces, add powdered ginger and salt into it and eat. Take as your daily fruit.
4) Always prepare avocado (pear) salad including tomatoes, green or white onion with lime juice and eat
5) Dates: Very important remedy for premature ej*******on. Always Use dry dates for breakfast and add milk to it and take before sleeping.
Make sure u always include dates in your dishes, dry it and grind to powdered form
6) Wash and dry pumpkin seeds under the sun, roast and grind to powdered form, use it to prepare your dishes.
7) Always consume galics, 2 cloves morning, afternoon, evening. If u can't chew it, slice in small pieces and swallow with water
8) Carrot and egg; take two carrot and half boiled egg and a tablespoon of honey. Mix all together and consume regularly for one month and u will find your pens harder and better erected.
9) Use castor oil to massage regularly
NOTE: Thesame treatment goes for erectile dysfunction(poor er****on)
You must not do all of them. Choose the ones that are easily available and take.
Duration of treatment is until u feel better. All the remedies are good and natural with no side effect.
- Stopping or cutting down on your intake of alcohol, to***co or illegal drugs bring positive results to your medication
- The or**sm control or start-stop technigue.
It's one of the simplest way to overcome premature ej*******on. Always give a break during s*x or foreplay when u feel like ej*******ng, have patience until u don't feel like ej*******ng then start again.
Consistent practice will make u develop the ability to control premature ej*******on.
- Kegel exercise: This exercise strengthen the pelvic regions. It's done by contacting or tightening the pelvic by breathing in for like 3-5seconds then relax, breath in again then relax, u can do it like five time in a row, most people do it while peeing by holding the p***s from its head and stop then release it again after some seconds. Practice many stops before u finish peeing. Don't tighten your abs, thighs or buttocks, just the pelvic. U can repeat it like 10times a day. It can also be done while sitting, walking or standing. Continuous application will give u excellent result within a week
- Use thicker condoms, the thick walls of the condom can reduce the sensitivity of the pens there by increasing your duration of ej*******on.


Use this continually for 2 week to one month and thank me later
_2litters of water
_1large cucumber
_1tablespoon full of grated ginger
_ 12mint leaves..
_ cut lemons and cucumber into small slices and pour inside your jar of water
_ pour your grated ginger
_ wash and cut mint leaves and throw inside, close the jar and allow to infuse for one day or overnight...
