Gym Freak

Gym Freak

Lets get the ball rolling, we need motivation daily and a joke or two. Life is full of obstacles and


Can you relate?


Just built different

Repost from

I was holding back all the garage shots this year 🤫
The closer I get to show day the more I like to hide and block out as much noise and opinions as possible. Turn off all notifications, stay away from bodybuilding pages, reset my YouTube explore page to only show me car reviews and movie trailers😅
It’s not easy when social media is such a large part of my life, but just as I choose what put out there I also get to choose what I take in.
Peace of mind is priceless leading up to a show and the more you control what enters your mind the more in control of your mind you can be👌🏼


All I can say is


Buff and tuff.


Let's get down to business...
