Some of you may be wondering what the name, More Than Flesh & Bone, has to do with gemstone bracelets or perhaps you could care less. Either way, I’ll do my best to connect the dots.
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I’ve always had a love for creating art, whether it was making and selling beaded necklaces at age seven to fund my Slurpee and five cent candy addiction, or creating a five-year-olds version of Vogue’s fashion magazine with my cousin using the finest pencil crayons and blank white paper a girl could only dream of, or putting on concerts for my friends in my bedroom, ordering them to sit on my bed while I sang Amazing Grace over and over again. In school, I dabbled in graphic design and videography where my creative itch was satisfied once again. To sum it up, I’ve always loved to create, which has brought me here, crafting gemstone bracelets. I’ve always had a fascination with crystals and rocks (thanks mom) so what better way to fuse these two passions together, rocks and crafts?
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The reason I love to create art is that it allows me to express myself when I don’t have the words to do so. For many years I battled with trying to numb my pain because I simply did not have the proper tools to cope with life events that were out of my control. I became anorexic and eventually bulimic for 15+ years. My desire to create was put on hold while my eating disorder took the front seat for a very long time. I could not see my worth beyond my physical self. During my recovery, I heard a song with lyrics I will never forget, “I’m not merely flesh and bone. I was made for something more.”
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BOOM! I was healed. Just kidding. I wish it was that easy but that’s not my story and frankly, that’s the reality of a lot of people living with an eating disorder. Needless to say, that line has stuck with me as a reminder that we are so much more than the skin we live in regardless of age or gender or the sum of what people say about who they think we are. Remember you were created BEFORE any reflection or opinion of you was.
If I had the choice, I wouldn’t take back any part of my journey because it’s shaped me into who I am and I know I have the power to make someone’s else’s steps lighter because I’ve walked that same road. This is why for every bracelet purchased, $1 will be donated to Vancouver Island Voices For Eating Disorders to help others who are struggling with eating disorders. For more information, visit
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Lastly, the butterfly. There have been several times where someone related me or my journey to that of a butterfly. It represents transformation, change, and rebirth. The butterfly is a symbol of hope and freedom. While a butterfly’s lifespan is short, it’s a great reminder to make the most of the life we have been blessed with, no matter our circumstances. There is freedom and most importantly THERE IS LIFE after an eating disorder. There is beauty in every season.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and supporting me and all the warriors out there living with an eating disorder! It made all the difference in the world on my healing journey when people took the time to care, to listen and love me when I didn’t know how. Most importantly, I give all praise and glory to God. He was my rescuer, my rock and my fortress when I had nowhere else to turn. I truly believe I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my faith. I had to trust time and time again, even in the darkest moments that God made me for so much more than the life I had known for so long. Now it’s time to pass on the love I have received in abundance! We have the power to create beauty in the breakdown!
Wishing you all love, laughs, and health!
Cheers + love,
Sadie Atwood