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Leading farming in East Africa with 60+ Years of Innovation in Agriculture, built to last on the legacy of Can. S.J. Batuma.
Questa specie di strada incantata si trova a Jerez, in Spagna: lì fa molto caldo e questa strategia è ottima per combatterlo senza inquinare.
Il bosco stradale, infatti, produrrà ossigeno, mentre le case sottostanti avranno meno bisogno di condizionatori.
Le nostre strade hanno bisogno di più alberi per cambiare il microclima e renderlo più vivibile.🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳
Step 1 - Global Walkout We are very honored to have Catherine Austin Fitts announcing the first step of the GLOBAL WALKOUTOne step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from t...
Free Salma Saudi Arabia's sentenced her to 34 years in prison - here's how we get her freed
A memorial board for "peace week" going into prisons. 19 victims of knifecrime, 19 families destroyed forever.
Thank you for displaying Yousef on the board. I hope it helps show the inmates the devastating consequences of Knife crime 💔
Islands of Ireland: If you ever posted a letter in the 1980s you'll be familiar with Macdara's Island There's a pilgrimage to this Galway island next Sunday, July 16