

GOD DWELLS IN THE WORLD WITH GLORY This word describes His complete glory manifested to us when being present. Exodus 29:43-45

Shekinah (發音:希卡娜) 是由希伯來原文shakan所衍生出的非正式名詞,意思為神在我們當中居住。

Shekinah 形容神同在時,祂的榮耀完全彰顯;我們相信這不是一個抽象的概念,神的榮耀能夠真實在人間彰顯,God dwells in the world with glory 是我們的渴望。

Shekinah, derived from Hebrew “shakan” and used as an informal noun, means that God dwells among us. We believe that this is not an abstract idea, but a genuine manifestation of His glory among the world. It is our expectation that God dwells in
