Women Empowering Women

Women Empowering Women

Leading women to live into their fullest sovereignty and potential through health, life and reiki!


Super easy healthy delicious gluten free grain free bagel! I made these for my girls because they want to be healthy and needed something “bready!”

It takes 2 minutes to make and really are satisfying
2 cups almond flour
3/4 cup yogurt
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

You mix everything together and then you roll them into balls and make a hole in the middle… they don’t change shape or grow so make them the size you want !

Place in pre heated oven 375 F 94 180c for 30 minutes and enjoy!



“Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a hormone-balancing game changer! 🌟
Manage stress,
banish brain fog, and transform your body!🏋️‍♀️💪

When you prioritize yourself, everything changes.

Ready to elevate your emotional mental and physical journey? Comment ‘I’m ready’ below! 👇🏻


If you are ready to feel amazing day in day out!

Feel passion for life. 💃🏿 🔥

See things in a completely different way, fully focused, fully open, ready to receive.

Comment I’m ready below 👇🏻 for more info!


You know when you get that feeling
Regardless of what anyone tells you
That moment when you feel it in every cell of your being it is the right thing to do!

So don’t wait
Not for the number, the stars the universe… they are all aligned in you when you have that feeling!
Jump in!
You got this!
Don’t doubt…

Love you!

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 11/12/2023

I’m giving a talk on gratitude this week!

At first I thought… G-d what can I talk about? it’s such a hard time today for most of the people I know with what is going on!

But then I realized that that is exactly what we need especially in a moment of difficulty!

To start looking at all the great small reasons we are grateful, and when I say small… I mean all those things we don’t think about, like breathing!

When we get down to our health, to how we live, to the people around us, to the love that fills us, it’s easy to start being grateful…

Take a moment and think of a few things you are grateful for, start letting that be your tornado for the day, keep adding on to the list and comment below on how you feel after that!


I am woman hear me roar....

They used to say!
Today, there is no roaring for me,
There is being
Standing my ground.
My roar is energetic not physical
Not audible

I am unapologetically a woman
I am unapologetically strong
Unapologetically proud

I stand my stance
I protect those that are around me
I create my posse, my community.

To all the women out there that are ready to stand, be, clear their mind, enter their place of peace, clarity, security.

There is no time like now!
If you are ready to lead yourself and be part of a community of women just like you where self
Love, self care, laughter and certainty is what you are looking for

Get on a call with me to reach your goals.


Kids are off to school soon, summer was amazing, I’m ready to take over and lead women to higher levels of accomplishments… are you ready? This year the only way to go is ⬆️!!!!


Not only is what we say to ourselves important, but so is how we feel! Intuition is very strong when the mind starts to quiet down! Try it!


It’s crazy… but our brain is not always right!

I have been working on this for so long!
Not because I’m a negative thinking person but…
I have these ruminating thoughts that often don’t stop! And if I have a negative though and let it keep going,

It’s just a downward spiral!

It can go for days… so a few years ago I started changing my thoughts…
I researched and found that often our thoughts are not always right and are created by us… so

I started to stop my brain mid thought and then start thinking either different or positively in the moment.

Now it is almost a habit… and I can do it also with people when they are speaking negatively about something over and over again… I stop them and bring up something positive without them noticing…

This and so much more happens on my 1:1 coaching sessions!


You know you are on the right track when you feel it in the depth of your stomach that giving up is not an option!


When self love is real… you realize it affects every single part of your life, what you eat, how you look at yourself, how you allow others to treat you!


Life throws curve balls at us all the time… it doesn’t matter what you have going on. Our job is not to not have any more curve balls, but rather to know how to deal with each and every one in a rational matter as they show up!

"Embrace Your Good Vibrations: A Path to Joyful Living" 12/07/2023

Living life through pleasure - https://mailchi.mp/3f137c9cd4cd/embrace-your-good-vibrations-a-path-to-joyful-living
my newsletter is out... all about looking at things a little differently. If you would like to receive my newsletter let me know or click on the link in my website: www.sharonraccah.com

"Embrace Your Good Vibrations: A Path to Joyful Living" Have you ever noticed how our lives often revolve around a relentless cycle of doing and thinking? We go through the motions day after day, until we find ourselves completely drained. It's at that point when we pause, reflect, and realize that we no longer want to continue down this path.


ENERGETICS are everywhere, Mother Earth is here to give us all the positivity it can.

I have have been working with energetics and Reiki for 7 years now and the more I learn, the more I feel a deep connection with nature and our ancestral lineage.

Moon bathing or moon gazing might sounds crazy to you, but actually it can totally
destress you
calm you
help you with sleep
and connects you to nature!

Small little constant changes make a huge difference in your long term journey!

Try it tonight! Sit enjoy and take a moment for yourself or with your partner or your best friend. Look up and enjoy!


💫 I’m currently offering distant and face to face reiki treatments, if you are interested you can book with the link on my bio!

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 21/05/2023

Feeling amazing everyday starts with a little nudge:

But once you get used to it your life will change..

Try these 5 things and let me know how it works out for you…



Tip towing through life just gets you where you want to go…. Much slower than it should.

So don’t wait, don’t tip toe,


If you want to know more about what I do, why, and what offerings I have, quickly drop your email so I can send you my newsletter!


There is so much meaning to being a woman when you start really looking at what women have accomplished over the years. Im not talking about the feminist movement, we have been much more since way before then!

Our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers and all the women before them. All the things that they have accomplished that went un noticed because although it touched someones heart it was not recorded!

I always get a deep feeling in the depth of my womb when i think of all those women centuries ago sitting together and passing stories, remedies, advice.

There is something very meaningful in looking within and bringing together women who are yearning for more than just seeing their days pass and not being able to bring out and pass on this deep intuition of what our ancestors gave us.

I'm putting a group together for women who want more in life than just doing, just letting time pass by, but rather are looking for more growth.

I you are interested and have friends that are interested and would like to get a community of women together where we all have something to bring to the table.

Just a space to be, to share, to be part of from anywhere and everywhere where you are free to be you most authentic self, and have an awesome space for us..

connect with me and i will add you to this new group... there is no name yet... maybe we can decode it together.

Sending love...



I fought that one for years… I don’t need to change I used to say, I am convinced that what I think is the right way.

When you start working on you, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically through different modalities you start realizing that the situation itself might not change, but how you feel about it, how you respond or react to it, how you see it really does change.

This works for everything and everyone! It doesn’t matter if it’s family or friends, your kids,your partner people at work or even random strangers.

Doing the work, growing, learning really helps you see things from different angles.

I love working with women and helping them tackle the small little problems that they had not even thought about and see how it changes their life over time!

Seeing women feel empowered through their changes and their realizations is my passion.

Seeing how women go from life being ok to it being a gift is something I love to do!

Growth is my passion…
I’m giving some free 30 minute coaching sessions to tweak one small thing and see the results…

If you are interested look in my bio for more!
If you would like to work with me… DM me
Do whatever it takes to change your life and wake up everyday like it’s a gift!

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 15/02/2023


We have been compared to and comparing with other girls, ladies, women ever since we were born.

Somewhere down the line women have gone from being supportive, gracious beings passing on the knowledge, raising the younger generations, helping them see the beauty of being a community together…

To wanting to be better, more beautiful, smarter than each other.

When really we are all wasting each others time…

If instead of comparing and competing we were to give share and grow our knowledge, give ourselves the possibility to be ourselves and become what we as individuals are meant to be and not what people tell us they think we should be….

We would see that really we are not meant to compete… there is no competition because we are unique, and no one of us is the same and can be the same as the other because we are unique!

It’s not until we learn to stand still, to truly look within, to truly understand and accept what and who we are, to listen to our higher selves letting our 💫goddess 💫within come out and show us the way that we realize that really there is no need to compare because there is no one else like us.

We are all amazing in our own ways, because we are unique ⭐️ 🦋⚡️

If you know exactly what I’m talking about
Feel ready to change that path
➡️Put a 🤍below

You get this and want more, are ready for more, DM me or sign up for my free 30 minute coaching session

Hmmm life feels good in growth! Let me know if you feel the same!

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 15/02/2023


We have been compared to and comparing with other girls, ladies, women ever since we were born.

Somewhere down the line women have gone from being supportive, gracious beings passing on the knowledge, raising the younger generations, helping them see the beauty of being a community together…

To wanting to be better, more beautiful, smarter than each other.

When really we are all wasting each others time…

If instead of comparing and competing we were to give share and grow our knowledge, give ourselves the possibility to be ourselves and become what we as individuals are meant to be and not what people tell us they think we should be….

We would see that really we are not meant to compete… there is no competition because we are unique, and no one of us is the same and can be the same as the other.

It’s not until we learn to stand still, to truly look within, to truly understand and accept what and who we are, to listen to our higher selves letting our 💫goddess 💫within come out and show us the way that we realize that really there is no need to compare because there is no one else like us.

We are all amazing in our own ways, because we are unique ⭐️ 🦋⚡️

If you know exactly what I’m talking about
Feel ready to change that path
➡️Put a 🤍below

You get this and want more, are ready for more, DM me or sign up for my free 30 minute coaching session

Hmmm life feels good in growth! Let me know if you feel the same!

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 08/02/2023

Reiki clears out your chakras

That mean that anything that has been bothering you that you don’t even realize that you are carrying is there, holding on to you!

Reiki helps you with stress. Clear thinking, removes anxiety and so much more.

You can book a distant treatment or an in person in Torotno in my bio!

Reiki is a great way to let go of what no longer serves you! For more info DM me!


Growing up we were taught that we could do whatever we wanted, be whoever we wanted, have whatever we wanted…

Somehow on the way we get smaller, we get reprimanded by our friends, our significant other even our parents, being told we are too large, too much too proud!

We think that we shouldn’t be too much, we should be humble, 🤫 don’t be too loud.

We listen, we follow but at one point we know it’s not enough… we feel that there is more out there there is so much more there if they would just let us spread our wings.

We can hear the whisper telling us to be ourselves to spread our wings to let go.

Spread the wings and help change the world in our own special way!

There is a shift happening, there is more of us out there, we are no longer willing to be small be quiet, hide!

The universe is waiting to see you shine.

This is the time, you can hear it, the whispers, the calling the intuition….

Don’t let them dim your light… show them the way!

If you feel it and are ready to take off, are ready to open up what’s inside, are ready to achieve what most feel is in achievable… DM me, find out more about how I mentor, find out more about how we can get you to where you need to be.

The universe is ready for you… jump!

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 02/02/2023

When food becomes art…

Healthy food can be delicious too… and easy! Grain free crackers with yogurt tzatziki and smoked salmon…

Try it and tell me what you think!


Empowerment starts from within.

There is a deed fire within.

You know what I’m talking about… all women have it, it’s there tugging at you asking for you to hear it.

Asking you to change your direction

Begging you to let your lusciousness out!

For the women that is ready to let the dragon that roams within her free…

For the woman that is ready to take the next step to feeling electrified

For the woman that is ready to fully live in a world of inspiration

I’m doing a SALE on “ALIVE” my 1-1 coaching for the first 2 lucky women that are ready to take the next step.
⬆️ check out my bio for the link


If you would like to know more
DM me or book a free 30 minute class to see if this is something that is for you.

Photos from Women Empowering Women's post 21/01/2023

For she who chooses herself!

She who knows that the possibilities are endless

For that woman the is choosing to feel more energetic
Giving up the acceptance of feeling heavy, fatigued, with lack of motivation,
She who needs that coffee at 2PM and still doesn’t have enough skip in her step

She knows that there is truth to viewing life with different lenses.
She remembers those times when happiness and excitement were part of life and she hopes its still there

She who understands that life changes are not only amazing but also life changing
She knows what it means to work hard towards what she wants and is ready

Aligned with her inner self, following that inner feeling of knowing
There is more there than what we were led to believe.

More creativity, possibility, the world is an oyster waiting for her to explore it,

We are the women that feel ALIVE
Ready to take the dedication and the devotion to leading an amazing healthy life.

“ALIVE” My six month 1 on 1 coaching program has only 2 spots that have become available now.


If you would like to know more
DM me or book a free 30 minute class to see if this is something that is for you.


This is so so true…

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🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️Every woman I speak to is running… from the moment we enter the workforce to the moment we have kids to then...