Team G-FIT Transformations

Team G-FIT Transformations

This group was created to showcase the life changing transformations that our clients have achieved under the guidance of their G-FIT Fitness Coach.


Client Steven hired us 10 weeks ago and is already down 28 pounds of body fat! 👏�⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
�When Steven first approached us, he marked on his questionnaire that one of his goals was “To become the best me possible”. He is definitely doing so, he trains everyday Monday-Friday at 5am before he heads to work and has two kids and a family that he spends his time with in the evening!
Every week in his updates he always says how great he feels and how motivated he is, we couldn’t be happier for him and are excited to see what’s to come as we continue to work together in the upcoming months!
Steven is working with Winnipeg Coach, Anthony Guzzi.
If you’re interested in working with Coach Anthony, you can contact him at:�
📥 [email protected] or email us at 📥 [email protected]


Extremely proud of our long term client !👍👍
She’s worked extremely hard to lose 195lbs slowly over the past 4 years! What’s great about this is that we have helped her lose the weight in a sustainable way which she’ll be able to maintain and keep the weight off! 🙅🏻‍♂️No crash diets here.
Sammie is such an inspiration to our team with what she’s been able to accomplish.
The transformation that she has experienced has not only been physical, but mental. Her confidence and positivity and dramatically increased, along with her energy and overall well-being.
We truly admire her consistency and determination, never losing sight of her goals and continuously moving forward. She has a very demanding schedule being a registered nurse, which makes living a healthy lifestyle more of a challenge. We’re very proud of how she has been able to truly transition her lifestyle and build healthy habits, rather than a short term approach.

Timeline photos 18/05/2018

Client Keanu 11 week transformation!👍
Working with Coach aaguzzi
Keanu joined G-Fit wanting to live a healthier and more active lifestyle, when we first met he weighed in at 203 pounds and in just over 2 months he is now down to 183❗️
Keanu is not done yet and still is putting in work day in and day out.. We're very proud of him and can’t wait to see what the next few months bring!
📥 [email protected]
📥 [email protected]

Timeline photos 11/05/2018

💥Kara Kolesar's 16 week incredible transformation!💥
Week one Kara weighed in at 135lbs and is now sitting at 109lbs! Now 25lbs weight loss is very impressive especially on this 5'2" frame.
Kara is superwoman, she trains 5 times a week as well as cardio PLUS teaches group fitness classes at gyms, works full time and takes care of her family. WOW.

Timeline photos 11/05/2018

Our client Dhar been working with coach Aaguzzi since April of 2016 and is the definition of a long term G-FIT client and a real success story!
Nearly a year ago he moved to Edmonton to help expand his family’s business and he has been nothing short of successful in and out of the gym! This truly shows what true dedication can achieve, even when working with an out-of-town client.
Since Dhar and I have started working together he has lost a total of 120 pounds! 🙌🏻
Dhar was in the city this weekend and stopped by for a assessment and not only has he changed drastically physically but even more mentally!
I am so proud to be apart of his journey and I am already looking forward to when he visits Winnipeg again! This is exactly why I love my job, making impacts on lives and building life long relationships with my clients 🙏🏻
📥 [email protected]
📥[email protected]

Timeline photos 06/05/2018

Client Transformation repost via Coach
Where do I even begin! This lady is truly incredible. Over one year ago Kandice came in for her initial assessment at 220lbs. It was an emotional talk and she explained that her long term goal was eventually to step on a MABBA stage.
There were ups and downs, days of feeling down followed by days of motivation. Daily texts and talks with coach made sure she stayed true to herself and her goals.
Well 1 year, and 73lbs later. SHE DID IT. Proving that if you set your mind to a goal, nothing can stand in the way of achieving it. Proving not only to other but to herself that she had the strength and will power to get to where she is. Words can’t describe how proud we are of you Kandice. You represented the team so well up on that stage and looked stunning ❤️.

Timeline photos 05/05/2018

Client Leslie Pao and her incredible transformation to the stage.
Leslie started with GFIT over a year ago with goals of learning about the gym, weights, and clean eating. If you have ever met her you would know she’s one of the sweetest, most genuine ladies you will ever come across.
I still remember her first big milestone of being able to do a squat on the squat rack all by herself, a few months later she mentioned she wanted to try competing. It’s something she never even thought she would ever do - specifically said “don’t let me back out I’m doing this no matter what!”. And a year later SHE DID!!!!. She continually set a goal, works hard, and makes sure it happens.
So proud of you Leslie and I couldn’t be happier to have you on the team!
� �

Timeline photos 03/05/2018

Client Transformation Via: Coach
"My man Evan has been putting in work these last 6 weeks!
Evan has lost 10% body fat but managed to only lose 5 pounds on the scale!
I am so proud of how dedicated and focused he has been since we started working together, seeing him get shredded is motivating even me! Can’t wait to see what the next 8 weeks bring! 💀"
📥 [email protected]

Timeline photos 28/04/2018

Client: 10 month transformation working with Team GFIT Coach �
🍩Before weight: 226 pounds�
➡️🍌After weight: 183 pounds�

Result: Nick signed up with us in June. When he came to us wanting to build muscle and lean out. Coach Brandon says “He reminded me a lot of myself when I first started working out- Wanting the results so badly, but not exactly knowing how or how hard it would be.”�

�“Over the past few months, he has become more that a client, but a friend. We've been able to talk about work, school, training, nutrition, sports, and so much more. I have grown to not only care about how much muscle he puts on a month, but how he is doing at work or what's going on in his life. He has slowly been making positive changes to his life to reach his goals in every aspect. I'm super proud of him and really love being able to be his coach and friend” - Coach Brandon�

Timeline photos 25/04/2018

💥Transformation💥 via:
This client has been working with us over the past 7 months with the goal of leaning out. She initially reached out because she wanted accountability and to reach her full potential.�
�Since then, she has totally changed her eating habits, how active she is, and fixed previous digestive issues. There is 11 pounds between these two pictures, but her body composition is entirely different! Now, she is loving how she feels, looks, and we are searching for our next goal to reach! 👀
�I'm super proud of the progress you have made and I'm happy to be the one helping you on this journey 👏🏻
�I am currently accepting new clients!�Contact me for inquiries for Fitness Coaching- both in 🏠person or 👨‍💻online
�📩[email protected]
� �

Timeline photos 22/04/2018

Caution...Transformation in progress💥
�This client has been working with Coach since mid January losing 20 pounds (8% body fat) and is still working her butt off! She is one of those clients that I look forward to seeing each month. She’s always so happy and just fun to be around. Keep up the hard work and positive energy 🤗
�📩[email protected]

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Client Ashlyn Carriere and her 16 week transformation for the MABBA Provincial Qualifier!
Her starting weight was 144lbs
and competed at 126lbs.
Ashlyn was always a natural athlete training competitively in Volleyball for years. After she decided to stop she wanted to pursue another challenge for herself and joined the team to compete at her first bikini show.
Her dedication and passion is second to none. From day one she was on point, focused, asked all the right questions, and made sure she was doing everything in her power to come in looking her personal best.
No prep is ever easy and she did whatever it took to come out on top, pushing through cardio, being exhausted, all while staying positive and never let her motivation waiver! She even prepped through her 18th birthday a week before the show!
She ended up placing 1st in her class and the team couldn’t be prouder!!!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Timeline photos 09/03/2018

Client Devin’s 27 week transformation!�
Devin is a RCMP officer from Ontario, his job requires him to always be on call with tons of over time hours. Devin always gets his workouts in and makes sure his diet on point even with working such a hectic schedule.
Since Devin has hired us, he has dropped 33 pounds of body fat! He has only had an In-Person assessment once due to him living in Ontario but he always stays in contact with his coach and on top of his updates unless his job requires him to go where there is next to no cell service! 🤣
We’re so proud of what we have achieved so far and cant wait to see him for his second in person assessment next week!
�Devin is currently working with,
Coach who you can contact at:
📥 [email protected]

Timeline photos 05/03/2018

Client transformation via Coach
“Last March I started working with . At that point, I had only been coaching for G-FIT for three months and had yet to have a male client. I remember going into the assessment thinking, “He totally booked with me by mistake”.�⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀�
Brant started his fitness journey before G-FIT, at 365 pounds. When he joined, he was down to 300. He is honestly such an inspiration. This guy works 16 hour days laying foundations and then will go train for 2-2.5 hours almost every day. He keeps me on my toes, asks questions so he understands what’s going on, sets challenging goals for himself, and 9/10 reaches them. Today, Brant is weighing in at 215 pounds (6’1), officially losing 150 POUNDS! I can honestly say that I have been so excited every step of the way and feel privileged to be Brant’s coach.�⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀�
What a wonderful example of how the universe works. Going from “I don’t know if I am the right fit”, to almost a year later and 150 pounds down. Brant, I am so happy and proud of you and you should be so proud of yourself. 🤗”
To work with Coach Rachel, Email:
📩[email protected]

Timeline photos 04/03/2018

Susanne just had her first assessment after hiring us (Coach ) 3.5 weeks ago and has already made an insane amount of progress.. pictures don’t lie! 🙌�⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀�
While working 2 jobs she has been able to find a perfect balance and get done everything she needs to!
�We are very excited to see what she can achieve over the next few months!
Fitness Coaching
is available both in 🏠person or 👨‍💻online
📩[email protected]

Timeline photos 28/02/2018

Nothing gets us more fired up than a great transformation! 🔥
She wanted to remain anonymous but we were so proud of her hard work that we still wanted to post her!�
�In the last 13 weeks of us working together she has lost 18 pounds of body fat and is almost at her goal weight! 😬
Fitness Coaching
is available both in 🏠person or 👨‍💻online
📩[email protected]

Timeline photos 18/02/2018

Client Rachelle and her 12 week transformation!
Rachelle has officially reached the 20lbs weight loss mark and I couldn’t be more proud. She came GFIT because she was hitting a plateau and couldn’t seem to break it.
She was doing minimal weights, a spin class AND workout class a day at the gym.
We switched her routine to longer and more intense weight training and cut over half her cardio. Instantly she started dropping and is loving the new adaptation!
Amazing work my friend 🙏🏻


Coach Anthony's Client, Brandon's 39 week transformation!
@ aaguzzi
Brandon joined G-Fit looking to make a lifestyle change. Since Brandon and I started working together he has dropped 55 pounds of body fat! 👏
I believe Brandon is on the route to having one of the greatest transformations in G-Fit history! I am proud of how far he has came already and how dedicated he is! I know he will continue to grind until he reaches his goal!! 🙌
If you'd like to hire Master Shredder himself email:
📥 [email protected]

Timeline photos 15/02/2018

Client Brandon's 39 week transformation!
Brandon joined G-Fit looking to make a lifestyle change. Since Brandon and I started working together he has dropped 55 pounds of body fat! 👏
I believe Brandon is on the route to having one of the greatest transformations in G-Fit history! I am proud of how far he has came already and how dedicated he is! I know he will continue to grind until he reaches his goal!! 🙌
📥 [email protected]


Diet is 🔑 and this 4 week transformation proves that you can lift weights and live an active lifestyle but without proper diet and nutrition you will have a harder time reaching your goals!
Online client Kyle from Calgary hired us to help him get in better shape and start living a healthier lifestyle.
�2 weeks into the program Kyle fractured a rib at hockey and hasn’t been able to lift weights but has stuck to his diet 110% and still managed to lose 13 pounds in his first month!�
�Kyle is an online client working with Coach If you’re interested in working with Anthony please email: 📥 [email protected]

Timeline photos 15/11/2017

Our client Brandon's 22 week transformation!

Brandon joined G-Fit looking to make a lifestyle change. Since Brandon and Anthony started working together he has dropped 37 pounds of body fat!🙌🙌🙌

We believe Brandon is on the route to having one of the greatest transformations in G-Fit history! I am proud of how far he has came already and I know he will continue to grind until he reaches his goal! 🙌


Do you love sweets???
Try this quick, healthy snack to curb those cravings and satisfy those cravings🍪🍰.
🍓Greek yogurt (try vanilla 0% or plain and add your own cinnamon and stevia).
🍓 Frozen or fresh berries.
🍓 Organic granola or Quinoa puffs (available )
🍓 Dark chocolate chips or some shredded coconut.
🍓 Chia seeds or flax seeds.
🍓 Top with your favorite Walden Farms sweet syrup.
🍓 Need more protein? Mix in some vanilla whey!
🍓 Perfect tasty treat!

Timeline photos 09/09/2017

Another great answer on why one of our clients joined the team! We often find ourselves pushing our clients both inside and outside of the gym, with work, family, and friends. We truly believe that is one of the main differentiating G-FIT factors 🙌🏻 We take the time to know our clients and give them a personalized experience 🤗

Instagram Photos 28/05/2017

Nevada Santa's 12 week transformation
Starting weight: 197
Current weight: 170
Goal: Improve her overall health
Result: down 27 pounds of fat and not stopping anytime soon!

Instagram Photos 13/05/2017

Julee Buchko and her 8 week transformation!
Starting weight: 155
Current weight: 142
Goal: Weightloss and summer shredding!

Photos from Team G-FIT Transformations's post 04/05/2017

Kirsten sigfusson 65 week transformation
Starting weight: 270
Current weight: 229
Goal: weight lose
Result: down 40 pounds of body fat!