From Victim 2 Victory LLC

From Victim 2 Victory LLC

The Mission of From Victim 2 Victory, LLC is to share the GOOD NEWS with people….You can live a fu


How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?
Psalm 137:4, NIV

The Songs of Zion

Beloved, when the Israelites were conquered and taken into captivity by the Babylonians, it was a season of suffering and great loss. It was one of those times when the pressure is so great, the loss so heavy, the disappointment so discouraging, we don’t think we can go on. They could not sing the songs of Zion. They were in a season of weeping, which we all go through. God made us to feel things. Something breaks your heart, and it feels too much to carry. Weeping is not a lack of faith. It doesn’t mean you’re not tough enough. It means that your heart is working, that you care deeply.

When you go through a season of weeping, remember that God says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” As He did for the Israelites, eventually freeing them to return to their homes, He’s already set the time to end your heartache, to turn around what’s causing your tears. God is going to bring you out better through the suffering, and your mourning will turn into dancing.

A Prayer For Today

"Father, thank You that You have the power to change what looks as though it will never change. Thank You that the morning comes, and You turn mourning into dancing and sorrow into joy. I believe that You will always restore me to sing the songs of Zion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!”
Acts 5:29, NIV

Not Moved

Masterpiece, There will be times when you have to decide, as the apostles did: “Am I going to stick with my convictions, am I going to be who God made me to be, or am I going to let the opinions and approval of other people determine what I do or who I become?” If you suffer from approval addiction, if you’re not confident in who you are and you need people to validate you, you’ll shrink back and let them control your future. But it’s going to take boldness to receive what God has for you. He’s going to take you where no one in your family has gone. He’s going to make you a pioneer, a trendsetter. Not everyone will understand why you won’t compromise with them. Not everyone will approve you if you don’t conform to their way of thinking. People who were once for you may become critics and try to discredit you. Now they’re finding fault. That’s when you have to dig your heels in and say, “I’m not moved by who’s not for me. I’m living to please God.”

A Prayer For Today

"Father, thank You that You are the true and living God and You reward those who honor and obey You. Thank You for calling me to follow You and to not shrink back when others want me to let go of my convictions. I believe that as I am doing the right thing You will reward me with favor. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.”
Zechariah 4:6, NKJV

By the Spirit

Beloved, you weren’t created to struggle through life, to be restricted by negative thinking, by a bad temper, insecurity, or lack. Those are bo***ges the enemy uses to try to keep you from your destiny. The good news is that God is the chain breaker, the burden remover, the yoke destroyer. Jesus came to set you free from a spirit of worry, from always seeing the negative, from a hot temper, bitterness, holding grudges. Perhaps you’ve tried to forgive, but you couldn’t let it go. God is about to breathe in your direction. There’s going to be strength to do what you couldn’t do before. You’re going to be free from guilt, free from living in regret, free from not thinking you deserve to be blessed.

You may feel you’re powerless to change it, but it’s going to happen by the Spirit of the Most High God. Ask Him to free you from every bo***ge and restriction. You’re about to step into a new level of freedom, peace, productivity, and fulfillment. Now, you have to do your part and get an agreement with God’s promise.

A Prayer For Today

"Father, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit in my life that is so much greater than all of my might and power. Thank You that You are coming to set me free from everything that is trying to hold me back. I believe in the promise of Your Spirit to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.
Ecclesiastes 9:10, NIV

Do It with Excellence

Masterpiece, some people never go to church or listen to a sermon or read the Bible. Instead, they’re reading your life. They’re watching how you live. Make sure you look and live the best you possibly can. The Almighty God lives in you, and you represent Him. Make sure you’re representing Him in a way that brings praise to Him, whether it’s through your life, your house, your car, your clothes, your cubicle, or your office.

You may be in a situation today where everybody around you is compromising their integrity or taking the easy way out. Don’t go there. Be the one to have an excellent spirit. Be a cut above and set the highest standard. Give it your all and produce more than is expected. Whether you have much or a little, whether it’s old or new, take pride in what God has given you and take good care of it. Do your job to the best of your ability and live in such a manner that when people see you, they are attracted to your God. Be the best witness you can be.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for calling me to be a person of excellence in everything I do and always be my best. I want that excellence to flow out of my heart of love for You. I believe that as I give it my all, I will see Your goodness and favor in my life in new ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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The angel of the LORD appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the LORD is with you!”
Judges 6:12, NLT

What God Calls You

Beloved, when the angel addressed Gideon as a “mighty hero” and told him he was to deliver his people from the Midianite army, he was hiding in a winepress, afraid and intimidated. God was saying, in effect, “Gideon, you don’t recognize who you are. You’re wearing negative labels—insecure, weak, not good enough—but I’ve come to tell you who you really are. You’re a valiant warrior. You have courage, talent, and ability that you haven’t discovered yet.” Gideon finally changed his thinking, got a new image of who he was, and defeated the Midianites. But if the angel had not told him who God created him to be, he would have lived and died and never discovered who he really was.

You may feel weak, insecure, not valuable, and unqualified, but don’t let your feelings determine your identity. Feelings come and go and can’t be trusted. You have to go back to what your Creator says. He calls you a mighty hero, a barrier breaker, a giant killer, a masterpiece, a prized possession. Don’t get stuck in who you used to be.

A Prayer for Today

"Father, thank You that You know me and what I am capable of becoming. Thank You that You have equipped and empowered me to be strong where I feel weak and less-than. I believe that You are transforming me into a mighty warrior for Your honor and glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3, NKJV

Switch Over to Praise

Masterpiece, when you’re up against challenges that seem too big or dreams that look impossible, you’ll be tempted to worry, to live stressed and complaining. In those moments, you have to pay attention to what kind of atmosphere you’re creating. Whatever you’re sending out, you’re going to draw in. If you go around complaining about how a problem is not going to work out, that negative atmosphere draws in discouragement and will stop your victory. You can’t reach your potential.

When you face difficulties, the best thing you can do is give God praise. A situation may be too much for you, but it’s not too much for Him. Don’t magnify your problems. Magnify your God. Thank Him for who He is. “Lord, You are the all-powerful Creator of the universe. You are the great I AM. You are my provider, my healer, my protector, my deliverer, my way maker.” That’s what causes God to show up—not begging Him, not complaining, not worrying. Switch over into praise. That’s what attracts the most powerful force in the universe.

A Prayer for Today

"Father, thank You that You inhabit my praise and that You are here with me in all the challenges of my life. Praise You for being the Most High God who provides, protects, heals, and makes a way for me. I choose to magnify You and exalt Your name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
Philippians 1:6, MSG

A Victorious Finish

Victor, you may be facing some delays or setbacks, have had some hurts and disappointments, but be encouraged. That’s not how your story ends. That’s one chapter, but you have a whole book. You’re still going to laugh again, love again, dream again. When the thoughts whisper, “It’s too late to ever work out,” recognize that’s the enemy trying to keep you from the awesome future God has in store. Tune that out and get in agreement with your Creator. He’s saying, “It’s still going to happen. I’m going to bring you to a flourishing finish.” It’s not a defeated finish, a bankrupt finish, a lonely finish, or a betrayed finish. God has a victorious finish for you, an abundant finish, a flourishing finish. That means you’re blossoming, blooming, seeing dreams coming to pass, and going further than you’ve imagined. That means you’re healthy, whole, being a bigger blessing than you’ve ever dreamed. New doors are about to open. The right people are about to show up. What God has in mind is much better and more rewarding than what you had in mind.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the good work You’re doing in my life and for the promise that You will bring it to full completion. Thank You that my story is still being written and it’s better than I could have ever dreamed. I declare that You are bringing me to a flourishing finish. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.”
Acts 24:25, NIV

Don’t Put It Off

Masterpiece, Felix was a ruthless, immoral Roman governor over Judea with whom the apostle Paul had the opportunity to share God’s truth. This was a destiny moment for Felix, and he knew he needed to change. God was speaking to his heart. It was vital that he receive the grace of God in order to see what God had in store for his life. He had the opportunity to take a step into his destiny, but he put it off and there’s no way to know if that “convenient” moment ever came.

God is speaking to all of us. It may be about an area where we need to grow, come up higher, and make better decisions. We’ve heard it. We keep ignoring it, but it won’t go away. Now is the time to act. Maybe it’s a whisper in your spirit that says you need to stretch, get out of your comfort zone, take a step of faith. Pay attention to the whispers. You are one whisper away from stepping into greater favor, greater influence, greater resources, something more than you’ve imagined.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for speaking to my heart and opening windows of grace for me to make changes in my life that need to be made. Help me to stop delaying to take the steps of faith that will take me higher. I will not put off dealing with these heart issues for a more convenient time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



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Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
John 20:29, NIV

Don’t Rely on Signs

Beloved, when Thomas heard that Jesus had risen from the dead, he said that he wouldn’t believe unless he saw the physical evidence. You haven’t seen it, but you keep believing. God says that because you believe without a sign, blessing is coming, healing is coming, victory is coming. Don’t be a Thomas and say, “God, show me a sign, open this door, change my circumstances, then I’ll believe.” God is looking for people who believe without a sign, who don’t need the evidence to prove to them that He is working.

It’s great when you get a sign, but don’t rely on signs. Don’t become dependent on seeing first and then believing. Your faith needs to kick in when there’s no evidence. Instead of asking God to prove to you what He’s going to do, turn it around and prove to God who you are. Prove to Him that you’re not going to be moved by what you don’t see or give up because things aren’t changing. Prove that you’re going to stand in faith when every circumstance says it’s never going to happen.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are sovereign and worthy of my unconditional trust. There are things in my life that I don’t understand, situations I want to see changed, but even if things don’t happen the way I hope, I’m still going to trust You. I am going to stand in faith and be blessed. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
Joshua 1:8, NIV

Day and Night

Beloved, to meditate means “to think about over and over.” Worry is meditating. It’s letting the negative play again and again in your mind. Some people have this principle down. They’re professional worriers. The problem is they’re meditating on the wrong things. They’re letting the negative continually play. Why don’t you switch what you’re meditating on? It doesn’t take any more energy to believe in God’s promises than it does to worry about what you can’t control. This one small tweak can make a life-changing difference. Instead of going through the day worried about your future, wondering how you’re going to make it, make this small tweak: “Father, thank You that You have me in the palms of Your hands. Thank You for the promise that the path of the righteous, my path, is getting brighter and brighter. I know that You’re ordering my steps. You say no good thing will you withhold because I walk uprightly.” Now, instead of your thoughts defeating you, draining your energy, and limiting your future, you’re using your thoughts to encourage you, to empower you, to build your faith.

A Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for Your Word and for the abundance of Your promises. Thank You that Your thoughts have the power to encourage, empower, and build me up in the faith. I declare that I will not allow negative thoughts to play again and again in my mind. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



“Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.”
1 Samuel 17:36, NIV

What God Puts in Your Heart

Masterpiece, when David heard Goliath taunt the Israelites on the battlefield, daring them to fight, he watched thousands of strong, skilled Israeli soldiers run away and hide in fear. Something rose up in David, and he said, “Who is this who defies the armies of the living God?” David was just a teenager, a shepherd, with no military training or experience, yet he had this immediate desire to fight Goliath. One thing we know about David is that he had a heart after God. He had committed his ways into God’s hands. In turn, God put this desire in his heart. If it wasn’t a God-given desire, David would have talked himself out of it. But when God puts the desire in you, He’ll make it stronger than all the negative voices, all the doubts that try to talk you out of it. When it’s a God-given desire, you won’t be moved by opposition, by how impossible it looks, by what people are telling you. There will be a boldness, a confidence, to do what you know God put in your heart.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that the challenges and negative voices of opposition that I will face are no match for the strong desires that You put in my heart. Thank You that You are the living God who sees and hears the enemy taunts. I declare that I will walk in boldness and confidence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


“But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth.”
Jeremiah 9:24, ESV

Take Possession

Winner! when you know your God and understand what He’s done, that He’s already defeated the enemy, that He’s taken away his power, you’ll be strong. You won’t be moved by opposition, you won’t fall apart when trouble comes, you won’t give up because somebody did you wrong. You know it can’t stop your purpose. You’ll not only have a supernatural strength, but you’ll do great exploits. You’ll take your family to a new level, break addictions that have held you back, and accomplish dreams that are bigger than you’ve imagined. Have the right perspective: Whatever enemies you face—enemies of fear, depression, sickness, or insecurity—have already been defeated.

Now, do what the Father requires. Move forward. Believe for your healing, speak victory over your children, stir up your gifts, pray some bold prayers, take steps of faith. What’s trying to stop you is defeated. The people who were holding you back have lost their influence. The power of the sickness, the addiction, or the trouble at work has been broken. It’s time to take possession of what God promised you.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that whatever has tried to stop my purpose in the past has lost its grip because Your Son defeated the enemy on the cross and has brought me into freedom. Thank You that I can move forward. I declare that I will take possession of all that You have promised me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.
Jeremiah 10:12, NIV

Beyond Our Understanding

Masterpiece, the book of Genesis tells about how God created the heavens and the Earth. On the first day, He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. What’s interesting is that there was light on the first day, but He didn’t make the sun until the fourth day. How can you have light without the sun? God is showing us that He’s not limited to our logic. He’s supernatural. He’s going to do things in your life that are unexplainable, things that go beyond human reasoning. That’s the God we serve. He does things that are uncommon, unusual, out of the ordinary.

Do you think that God is intimidated by the size of your problem? Does He lose sleep when someone comes against you? During the night, one angel in the Old Testament defeated 185,000 of the enemies of Israel. God being for you is more than the world being against you. You may have some big obstacles, but you have to remind yourself that we serve a big God who works beyond our understanding.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are in no way limited to what I understand is logical and explainable. Thank You that Your supernatural ways go well beyond my human understanding. Help me to remind myself that I am serving a big God who defies the odds. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



“No one can take your joy from you.”
John 16:22, NLV

Don’t Give Away Your Power

Beloved, Jesus says that no person can take your joy from you. You have to give it away. The next time someone is rude or leaves you out, just smile and stay in peace. When you let someone else determine whether or not you’re going to stay in peace, you’re giving them your power. Make up your mind that you’re not going to let them take your joy. When someone tries to make you feel small, ignore it and move on. You’re not who they say you are; you are who God says you are—His masterpiece, crowned with favor. Be happy despite what they’re doing.

Don’t keep responding the same old way and let people and circumstances determine your mood, your peace, or your joy. You can’t control what comes your way, but you can control how you respond. If you’re going to reach your destiny, you have to prove to God that you’ll stay on the high road. Do the right thing when it’s hard, and God will take you to levels you’ve never imagined.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that I have the power to remain full of joy and stay in peace when circumstances and people try to discourage me. Thank You that You made this day, and I’m not going to live sour and defeated. I’ve made up my mind; I’m not giving away my power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”
Genesis 3:8–9, NIV

Where Are You?

Beloved, before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, they were happy, confident, and secure. They knew God loved them. They walked with God, talked with God, and enjoyed being in His presence. But when they disobeyed, the condemnation came, the accusing voice that brought fear and intimidation. The first thing they did was run and hide. They had to get out of God’s presence. They believed the lie that they wouldn’t be gladly welcomed anymore. God came and said, “Adam, where are you?” It wasn’t so much about his location; it was about his frame of mind, about the shame and guilt.

Perhaps you have disobeyed what you know God says, you’re not where you want to be, and you don’t feel worthy or deserving of God’s goodness. Now, as with Adam, you’re hiding. God is saying, “Where are you? I long to be with you. I have forgiveness for your wrongs. I have washed away your sins. Come out of hiding, come out of unworthiness, come out of condemnation, and receive My glad welcome.”

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You didn’t create me to hide my sins and weaknesses or hide from You. Thank You that I can come to You and unload all the condemnation and fear and feelings of unworthiness. I believe that You have washed away my sins and are pouring out Your goodness upon me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


“The Lord says, ‘Tomorrow about this time, a basket of fine flour will be sold for one piece of silver in the gate of Samaria. And two baskets of barley will be sold for a piece of silver.’”
2 Kings 7:1, NLV

Suddenly Things Shift

Beloved, the Syrian army had surrounded the city of Samaria, cut off the Israelites’ food and water supply. Just when it looked like the people would starve to death, the prophet Elisha spoke today’s Scripture with its promise of a sudden abundance of food and supplies. One of the main leaders replied what most of the people were thinking, “Elisha, that’s impossible. Even if God opened the windows of Heaven that couldn’t happen.” But by way of a miraculous intervention, that is exactly what happened.

You may not see how your situation could ever change. How could God reverse the trouble in your marriage or your finances? It doesn’t look possible in the natural, but God is supernatural. He has ways of reversing what looks permanent that we’ve never thought of. One touch of God’s favor and suddenly things shift in your favor, in your finances, in your children, in your health, in your relationships. This is a new day. God is doing a new thing. Don’t talk yourself out of your miracle. Be a believer and not a doubter.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are the God who can do the impossible and who loves to surprise us. Thank You that one touch of Your favor can turn around what looks like it will never change. I believe that this is a new day and You are going to do more than I can imagine. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


“You saw how I snatched you from the bonds of slavery and carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself.”
Exodus 19:4, VOICE

Eagles’ Wings

Eagle, you may have some things that are oppressing you today, some things that are unfair, some things you don’t understand, but stay encouraged. Eagles’ wings are coming, which means you are going to soar higher than you ever imagined. The God who made you is going to carry you out of the depression, out of the heartache, out of the loneliness, out of poverty, lack, and not having enough. That is not how your story ends. You’re not going to just make it through the loss, through the breakup, or through the trouble. No, He’s about to carry you into abundance, carry you into freedom, carry you into joy, peace, favor, breakthroughs. It may look as though you are stuck, but you’re about to feel some eagles’ wings lifting you, restoring you, pushing back the darkness, opening doors, and promoting you, taking you where you can’t go on your own. He may not turn it around instantly, but rest in faith knowing that He’s going to carry you through. You’re coming out better than you were before.

A Prayer for Today

"Father, thank You that You never leave me on my own in life’s battles. Thank You that You carry me on eagles’ wings and lift me to be with You. Thank You that You carry me over, out of, and through what tries to hold me back. I believe that You are taking me higher than I have ever imagined. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Many hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous, but the LORD rescues him from them all.
Psalm 34:19, AMP

Rescue Is Coming

Masterpiece, in the Scripture, Ruth was a young woman when her husband suddenly passed away. Her whole life was turned upside down with all that heartache and pain. It didn’t seem as though God had good plans for her. But being a believer doesn’t exempt us from great disappointments and hardships. There will be unfair things that we don’t understand, but this is where you have to trust that God is still in control. If you’re patient and don’t get bitter, God will give you beauty for the ashes.

Ruth went out in the fields each morning to pick up leftover wheat just to survive. One day the landowner, a man named Boaz, noticed Ruth. Long story short, they ended up falling in love, getting married, and having a little baby boy named Obed. Holding her baby, Ruth never imagined she would be that happy, that fulfilled. She didn’t have to work in the fields; now she owned the fields. Obed had a son named Jesse, who had a son named David. Now Ruth is in the family line of Jesus.

A Prayer for Today

"Father, thank You that no matter what hardship or trouble I face, I can stay in peace knowing that You will rescue me from them all. Thank You that You were with Ruth in her disappointment, and You are with me in mine. I declare that I will be patient. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.
1 Peter 5:10–11, MSG

The Final Say

Beloved, you may be in a season of suffering and struggle. You may feel that your health, your marriage, or your finances are never going to get better. No, God Himself is about to step in and do what only He can do. When you see how He restores and brings you out better, your mourning will turn into dancing, your sorrow into joy, your weeping into laughter. Don’t believe the lies that you’ll always be lonely, you’ll always mourn the loss, always be brokenhearted. No, your time is coming.

God says, “It won’t be long until I have you back on your feet.” It won’t be long until your health turns around, until your child gets back on course, until the situation in your marriage resolves. It may look as though the enemy has won. The good news is that God has the final say. He’s not just in control of your life, He’s in control of your circumstances. Nothing can stand against Him. When it’s your time, doors will open, freedom will come, healing will show up, good breaks will find you.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that there is a purpose for whatever suffering comes my way, and You have great plans to use it for my good. Thank You for the promise that the day is coming when You put me back on my feet. I believe and declare that You have the final say. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

“Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 1:8, NIV

No Fear

Beloved, God told Jeremiah that He had set him apart before he was born, that He had called him to speak to nations, and that he would be a prophet who would impact the culture. Jeremiah was a teenager and felt unqualified, but God told him He would give him the words to speak. Wherever Jeremiah went, God’s hand of favor would be on him. After God spoke all these incredible promises to him, He finished by saying, “Don’t be afraid of the people.” God knew that people wouldn’t understand Jeremiah, that people were not going to like the words of warning he was going to speak to them, that friends might walk away. God was saying, “Don’t let the opinions of others hold you back. Don’t let what they think or say keep you from fulfilling your purpose.”

God is saying the same message to us: “Don’t fear the people. If they don’t approve you, that’s not going to stop your purpose.” What will stop you is if you let their opinion become more important than what God put in your heart.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have given me everything I need to fulfill my purpose just as You did for Jeremiah. Thank You that I am enough because You made me just as I am, and I have Your approval. I declare that I will not be afraid if others don’t approve me or even oppose me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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🙌🏽 ✝️🕺🏾💃🏾💞https://fromvictim2victoryllc.comFAITH‼️ Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; bl...