Visualising ME Healing

Visualising ME Healing

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Jaw-dropping and pristine beauty of Calaguas Island. This is probably how Boracay looked like many years ago! πŸ˜±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸοΈ


Happiness comes in wavesπŸŒŠπŸ’˜


Wow, more than 2 1/2 years later I remember to visualise again... Great, that I remember - but I was wondering: What on earth happened???

Then it dawned on me: A virus "happened" ...
The stress related to that, even though we didn't even "join" the world in the majority of stressors - we still were not able to completely disconnect to such a major crisis, of course not ...

So, loads of setbacks, including a major relapse - yet a setback is just a setup for a comeback. πŸ’ͺ

It's been rough since it all started - yet I do realise that by now, maybe the huge advantage is that I realise more than ever before HOW important visualisation is, HOW important - even more so - it is to really focus on HEALING, which includes getting out of the major stressors that just perpetuate the body's challenges... as far as it is possible, of course.

So by now I was able to separate from two major stressors - and even though I cannot really feel the positive impact yet, I do believe it will come.

At least now I can focus on healing SO much more.
And therefore on visualisation. It's SO key!!!

So today I commit myself again to visualising ME HEALING.


Lately I was once more reminded of the POWER of visualisation.

I was also reminded of the healing power of JOY, doing things we truly love, getting into a kind of FLOW.

So I decided to focus much more again onto what I really LOVE - and most of it has to do with water, the ocean - as well as water sports.

Of course, that is highly challenging. When I learned windsurfing I spent around 8 hours a day in the ocean - for weeks on end ... Yet even though my body is not YET fit enough to do that again - I can still visualise it as often and as vividly as I possibly can,

I can also take small steps towards it - and even attempt to get on a board again, which I have already been able to do once for a short while not too long ago.

This year will be my year of "JUST DO IT" - no matter how short. But I will do my very best to JUST GO OUT THERE, check out the prices, what I have to do to rent equipment (I might have to take a test to get a licence ...) - but no matter what it is, I AM GOING TO take steps towards it, even if it's just in my inner vision for right now. :)

My long term vision is to windsurf regularly again, to learn kite surfing (I just want to be able to get the feel of standing on a kite board) - and to travel to Cape Town. Why not combine it all? ;)



New Vision Board, YAY (y)

I just saw that my last vision board is from 2015 - and was impressed HOW MUCH of it has come to pass - and more! So I got to work - and just finished my new vision board and thought I'd share:

- I am going to remember that I AM ALREADY FREE to do the things I'm designed to do. I am going to totally focus on retraining my brain every single day, 😎 taking EVERY thought captive to become a HEALING thought. πŸ™Œ

- I am going to thoroughly develop my "blue mind" - go to the ocean 🌊as often and long as I possibly can and walk all along the coast around our island with our doggy this year. πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸΎ

- I am going to get on a windsurfer this year again, πŸ„β€β™€οΈ have fun on my rebounder, ride my bike regularly, πŸš΄β€β™€οΈwalk our beaches barefoot,πŸ‘£ play badminton again πŸ•Ί- and keep having physical FUN way into my 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. I will get fitter and fitter every year. πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ

- I am going to do a dance class. My husband just told me he would only do Latino - so Latino it will be.πŸ’‘πŸ’ƒ

- I am going to PLAY more again, especially with my family, have loads of fun, lots to laugh - and laugh so hard that tears will run down my legs as often as possibly possible. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

- I am going to prepare more nutritious, fresh foods again and meet with family and friends over yummy meals. πŸ₯‘πŸŽπŸ₯¦πŸ“πŸ₯¬πŸ’πŸ₯’πŸ‡πŸ†πŸŠπŸπŸ‰

- I am going to make music again. 🎢 🎼 I want to learn how to play the ukulele, sing more again 🎀 and get back into playing the piano. 🎹🎡

- I am going to visit my family in South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ again. ✈️

- Last but not least I am going to hold on to my vision πŸ‘ and keep believing it to be possible πŸ™Œ to establish an ME Haven - a house/houses with many rooms 🏘 with a view onto the ocean πŸŒŠπŸ– where ME/CFS warriors can simply "hang loose" πŸ€™ while healing in peace. πŸ™ƒ(y)


We just moved house ... again ...

Biggest lesson:

I. Have. A. Choice.
in how I think about EVERYTHING in life!

A great coach gave me the idea to CHOOSE thinking about moving very positively - to CHOOSE thinking that it will go very smoothly and without me stressing about it.

And believe it or not: Our move went COMPLETELY smoothly and without stress. :) Of course there were hickups and tough times - YET I can clearly see that because I made a choice beforehand, those were not a weight!!!

Altogether I have never in my life moved so nicely :) (y)

Yet today, after we handed over the key for the place we moved out of, there STILL was a huge weight falling off me. And it didn't seem to stop falling - until I met with this great coach and he made me aware of something that I SO did not catch myself:

I decided the move would go smoothly, yet I STILL worried a whole lot - not about moving itself, but about our weird (former) landlord, who gave us the impression he would never be satisfied with how we hand over the place to him...

We always do our very best and there's hardly ever anything more that can be done - but for some reason, as I only realised now, I STILL chose to worry about how the handover would go.

It went extremely well - but I am now aware that NO MATTER how it goes, I ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE in how I think about it beforehand!!!

So today I remember to VISUALISE WHAT I WANT - and NOT what I worry about!!!

GREAT lesson for life. :)

AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier 30/06/2019

Today I am visualising expressing my deepest feelings through dancing.

Dancing under water is taking it a step further - it makes it seem so effortless, so limitless, so simply wonderful. 😍

AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier JULIE: "Ama is a silent film. It tells a story everyone can interpret in their own way, based on their own experience. There is no imposition, only suggestio...


Isn't this just AWESOME?

Visualising not only means we RELAX, get into a CALM state, experience something VERY positive - it also means we are taking actual steps towards our "big scary goal":

"Forget "No pain, no gain." Scientists are proving that simply visualizing what you want can help make it a reality. ...

β€œPsychologists have known for decades that the images you create in your mind can have a potent effect on your body; now researchers are proving it,” says Traci Stein, PhD, a clinical psychologist and adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York City.

β€œVisualization activates the same neural networks that actual task performance does, which can strengthen the connection between brain and body,” explains neuroscientist Stephen Kosslyn, PhD, author of Top Brain, Bottom Brain. Indeed, an MRI study in The Journal of Neuroscience found that whether people performed physical finger exercises or just imagined doing them, activity shot up in the part of their brain where nerve pulses initiate muscle movement.

β€œThere’s no question that this mental processing results in real-life improvement,” adds Kosslyn."



WOW - I have been making HUGE strides towards not only visualising my big scary dream of learning kite surfing by watching the kiters out on the water or watching youtube instructional videos (SO much fun in itself already!!!) - today I have actually ORDERED a trainer kite!

A very small one to begin with, very light and easy to handle (they say 8-year-olds can try them out already) - but that seems just the right thing to get into the feeling of it all.

SO excited.

This is what it looks like - and this pic even looks like our beach around the corner here. 😍

Cannot wait to actually go out there and start learning - no matter how slow, no matter how long it will take.


The Wind Window (an introduction to kiteboarding and power kiting) 09/04/2019

This is the first thing I'll learn when well again. πŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ

The Wind Window (an introduction to kiteboarding and power kiting) This video introduces you to kite sports by explaining the wind window in detail. It covers: parts of the window, clock numbers, the location of the power zo...


πŸ’— Pema Chodron wisdom.


Be like a mountain, accept what is an trust in impermanence!

Timeline photos 04/04/2019

I love his advice, especially in light of the video footage we have from a few years ago where he "was not convinced" that recovery from ME/CFS was possible.

Brenten really struck a chord with people in his interview - when he discussed the frustration and dynamics of recovery progress and setbacks.

Listen to his advice here:

What did you find most helpful about his sharing of his journey?
