My Life Experiment

My Life Experiment

Living a better life with an autoimmune disease! MS, Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Lupus, PCOS, and man

Warning: Harmful Chemicals in Almond Milk - Markito Fitness & Nutrition 03/12/2023

Just like windmills will NEVER pay for themselves and use A LOT of oil to run, these “green and healthy” food alternatives are just crap. Stick with what God made and provided. Stay away from man made alternatives. Eat almonds….sure. Pretend almond milk is good for you… If you’re making it in your own kitchen……sure. If it comes from a factory that adds who knows what…….no. If you want an alternative to cows milk, try goat or sheep milk. Coconut milk is pretty yummy too (not the boxed crap in the milk isle of the store though).

Warning: Harmful Chemicals in Almond Milk - Markito Fitness & Nutrition Commercially sold almond milks, as found at your local health store, are full of synthetic chemicals that stress your immune system and contribute to chronic disease. But there is no need to feel discouraged. Instead, it's time to get educated so that you and your family may finally enjoy a healthy....




A reminder dogs should not eat everything we do…..although if you offer it, they trust you and eat it anyway. Sick doggies are no fun.


This is going viral right now, and I’ll jump in the mix. I’ll only add that ALL fast foods are full of this crap. It doesn’t matter which drive thru you go to, you’re filling yourself up with CRAP. Some places are worse than others for sure, but they’re ALL poisoning you.


Let’s see how long it takes the fakecheckers to mark this one. This is government data. I think we know exactly what’s going on…….


I’ve posted this before. The fakecheckers are going to say this is “taken out of context” or is “misleading”. All those patent numbers can be looked up. It’s not even hard. Naturally occurring viruses can NOT be patented. Just so ya know…..


For those who never had a civics class nor read about their civil rights, here’s a short and clear summary……

I present you The Bill of Rights written in a way anyone can understand.

1. You have the right to speak freely, practice your religion freely, gather freely, report the news freely, protest freely, and express yourself freely without the fear of the federal government silencing you. You may freely tell the federal government what they are doing or not doing that pi**es you off. Also, the federal government is forbidden from creating a state religion.

2. The federal government can’t take your guns. Militias must always be prepared.

3. The federal government cannot place soldiers in your home and force you to take care of them.

4. The federal government cannot search you or take your things without a warrant issued by a judge secured by evidence.

5. You have Five rights or protections here: the right to a jury trial when you're charged with a crime, protection against double jeopardy (tried for the same crime twice), protection against self-incrimination (testifying against yourself), the right to a fair trial & the presumption of innocence, and the protection against the taking of property by the government without compensation.

6. You have the right to transparency and timeliness in a trial, an impartial jury where you are charged, and for that district to be alerted. You have the right to know your charges, face your accuser, gather your own witnesses, and have an attorney.

7. You have the right to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.

8. The federal government is prohibited from charging unreasonably and torturing you.

9. Just because the founders didn’t write it down, it doesn’t mean it’s not a natural right. All unlisted rights belong to the people.

10. The powers of the federal government are delegated what is written down in the US Constitution. If it is not written there, then that power belongs to the states or the people.

Boron for arthritis: Benefits, dosage, side effects, and more 03/11/2023

I started a new one of one experiment four days ago. I’ll let y’all know how it goes around the thirty day mark.
This is a short article. It’ll give you a clue why I’m trying it…….

Boron for arthritis: Benefits, dosage, side effects, and more Research shows that boron may be beneficial in treating the symptoms of arthritis. Learn more here.

The Coimbra Protocol 29/10/2023

Something for ANYONE with an autoimmune disease to think about. When is the last time you had your vitamin D level checked? Could your disease be caused by or exacerbated by low vitamin D? I know my symptoms improved very quickly by adding vitamin D to my daily supplements.
I’m not taking the levels that are in the following protocol, but it’s helping to take the standard “safe” level daily.

The Coimbra Protocol The Coimbra Protocol relies on doses of vitamin D that range from 40,000 to 200,000 IU daily, to keep autoimmune diseases in permanent remission. Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoide Arthritis, Atopic Dermatitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, coimbraprotocol


Read it once…..then read it again until you understand it….


Hope you’re ready…….


Ya gotta think, WHY did the medical profession demonize eggs and cholesterol back in the 1970’s, and WHY do so many doctors hold on (with a death grip) to this very poor science? 🤔 Could it be something to do with them being paid a premium for prescribing cholesterol lowering drugs? Could it be because all they’re being taught in their medical schools is “cholesterol bad”, and not taught that we’d all die without it (which is why our own bodies make it if we don’t consume enough)? The “science” the media pushes at us all is bought and paid for by companies that want your money. Many of your doctors jumped right on the money train back in college.
Good science is out there, but boy oh boy do you have to SEARCH for it. Most of your doctors don’t have the time or desire to do research or even read. You’re responsible for you. There are NO MAGIC PILLS.


For YEARS I thought everyone could visualize and actually SEE pictures in their head. It never occurred to me it was the least bit unusual. After a sever MS relapse with optic neuritis, my head went dark. Couldn’t visualize a single thing. I thought I would go crazy. Seriously. Even my dreams were black. I could still hear and feel in my dreams…..but it was like my inner eye went blind. It took months for it to come back. Years later I’m still not back to a 1….but I’m a fairly strong 2.
My (deceased) husband told me he had no ability at all to visualize, and thought I was exaggerating how upset I was at the blackness in my head. I’ve talked to a lot of people about it since. I’m thinking 3 or 4 is an average. I really had no idea.


Just had to share……


Synopsis……it’s bad for you. Might as well eat the plastic wrapper.


I have NOT researched this yet, I just don’t want to lose it. Feel free to comment or post links to your own research on this.


What’s actually going on in the world is NOT what is being reported on the “news”.
Don’t let them take over your emotions. Think logically. Use your critical thinking. They WANT you to overreact to the images they’re showing you, and the stories they’re telling. Ask questions. Does what they’re saying make sense?


Wow, this is frightening…..

Watch 06/10/2023

I stopped using fluoride toothpaste years ago. When I was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I started doing a ton of research. I’m still constantly appalled by the abysmal job our “health” agencies do. At this time, if the government says something is safe, I run the other way.
This episode is all about what fluoride has been doing to you and your children.

Watch Watch live here every Thursday at 11 PM PT (2 PM ET) and catch up on past episodes and episode segments.


More explanation on why NOT to take statin drugs……..

Low Cholesterol and Depression

Have you been put on a statin drug to lower cholesterol for a "preventative measure?" I suggest to find a new doctor! Not only is this bad for your s*x drive, muscle tissues and memory, it is also terrible for increase in depression.

Our brain is over 60% fat (and biggest concentration of cholesterol in the body). When we starve our brain and cells of this valuable nutrient it has been proven to increase risk of depression by 300%!

A new study published in the Cochrane Library, which reviews drug trials, examined data from 14 drugs trials involving 34,000 patients and found evidence of “short-term memory loss, depression and mood swings,” that had been deliberately underplayed by the drug companies funding the research.

Even though statin drugs cause a greater risk of a toxic liver, kidney failure, muscle damage, depression and cataracts, they are still being pushed to the public as a 'preventative measure!' Women are often mistakenly pushed on these cholesterol lowering drugs after menopause because CHOLESTEROL MAKES HORMONES. If your body (ovaries) are no longer producing these hormones, your cholesterol goes up to try to make your body do so. So if you have your cholesterol checked, most doctors are alarmed and mistakenly place menopausal women on these drugs trying to forcefully push cholesterol down. This is also why men who take statins also often have lower s*x drive or also take Vi**ra; you need cholesterol to make hormones.

Learn more and watch my YouTube video on all things cholesterol related here:


You can’t make this s**t up 😳🤣😂🤣

Dr David Martin - Full Speech At The EU 29/09/2023

This needs to be watched and shared by everyone. This is all verifiable. Look it up yourself…..

Dr David Martin - Full Speech At The EU Dr David Martins speech at the European Union about the intentional release of a pathogen to lead us to a new era of vaccination and all the issues that come with it.


From Tara Bull on X

Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Repost & FoIIow for more.

10. The House has voted to remove $300 Million in Ukraine funding.

9. Elon Musk fires "election integrity" team for undermining election integrity.

8. Vivek Ramaswamy calls trnsgenderism in children a mentaI disorder and calls for parents to take their rights back.

7. Trump blames J6 on Pelosi for denying his troop request.

6. New study finds that restricting hydroxychIoroquine during the COVID "pandəmic" caused hundreds of thousands of preventable dəaths.

5. Elon Musk says we need a wall at the southern border, and immigrants should provide proof they are truly seeking asylum.

4. Canadian speaker Anthony Rota resigned after calling a Ukrainian NAZl a “hero.”

3. Hunter Biden received a $250,000 payment from Beijing with Joe Biden's home address listed as beneficiary.

2. NYC Mayor Eric Adams estimates the total cost of the migrant crisis will be about $12B over the next 3 years.

1. ABC News reporter known for "debunking" PlZZAGATE — gets 15 years for trading “sadistic” content involving infants and toddlers.

Do you still trust the media?

If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Repost and FoIIow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎

Sint & Piet Actie! - 26/09/2023

Sint & Piet Actie! - Voor veel gezinnen in Nederland is ‘Sinterklaas’ helemaal geen feest, vanwege persoonlijke financiële nood. De Goedheiligman gaat aan hun deur voorbij. Maar hoe leg je een kind uit dat Sinterklaas er niet voor hem of haar is? Dat valt niet uit te leggen. Die kinderen maakt de KHIP Sint & Piet a...

All Sony systems including PlayStations have been hacked, group claims 26/09/2023

So, do you own any Sony “smart” products like the PlayStation? Might want to read this……

All Sony systems including PlayStations have been hacked, group claims A hacker group believed to operating out of Russia is claiming to have stolen data belonging to Sony customers and are holding it to ransom.


Gee. I wonder what was different in 2021-22? 🤔🤨

Photos from My Life Experiment's post 24/09/2023

What IF …

✨ What if not having a v passport meant that you could no longer go to a restaurant and instead were forced to have picnics and dinner parties?

✨ What if not having a v passport meant that instead of supporting huge supermarket chains where 80% of the food is rubbish, you instead had to turn to your local farmers and green grocers?

✨ What if not being allowed to fly meant that instead you had to explore your own beautiful state or roadtrip through the countryside? Bringing business back to small towns along the way.

✨ What if losing your job working for a company meant that instead you got to start building your passion and vision and start your own business and got to keep the income generated for yourself?

✨ What if instead of running straight to the doctor you started looking into other healing modalities that focused on the cause instead of the symptoms?

✨ What if instead of being stuck indoors training in a gym you trained amongst nature and in the fresh air and sunshine?

✨What if... instead of living in fear you lived in faith and you started realizing that these could be silver linings and blessings in disguise. 🧡



Happy first day of autumn!


Tomorrow is the first day of autumn, and none of our trees look like this yet 😏

Videos (show all)

Three minutes of your time. This is no longer speculation.......
It’s a very short video, well worth watching and passing on.......Quickly, before it’s banned......
Six minutes of your time, and so worth it.........Pass it on....
I’ve been shadow banned, so you need to pass this around yourself.......