Documenting the role of Medical Clowning in armed conflict.

Do Arab-Israelis Stand with Israel? | PragerU 22/03/2024

The answer is yes.

Do Arab-Israelis Stand with Israel? | PragerU What do Arabs living in Israel think about the horrific attacks of October 7? The left is up in arms as Israel defends itself against Hamas. But where do…


Info Buzzer


הבעלים נרצח ב7.10 .הן מועמדות להמתה !!! מי יכול להציל אותן

Photos from ‎צה"ל - צבא ההגנה לישראל‎'s post 06/03/2024
Photos from ‎הקרן לעידוד יוזמות חינוכיות‎'s post 24/02/2024
Since Oct. 7, medical clowns have brought humor to survivors, evacuees; a new study says it’s helping 24/02/2024

Since Oct. 7, medical clowns have brought humor to survivors, evacuees; a new study says it’s helping Members of the Dream Doctors nonprofit recall the initial difficulties of clowning for people who have been through unimaginable trauma; ‘If I can make someone who has just lost her husband laugh, that is my job’


This is not a war between Jews and Muslims but between good and evil.


תיאטרון צפוניתלה ותיאטרון הקוקיה מזמינים אתכם לחוויה כייפית , מצחיקה ובלתי נשכחת....

צחוק בצד: הליצן הרפואי שהתגייס למילואים | ישראל היום 09/01/2024

Chief Clown Officer: David "Dosh" Brashi, the medical clown of the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, was drafted into the reserves to do what he does best - establish contact through humor, and help soldiers dealing with emotional harm.

"Humor is not just laughter, it's a very important resource that people use to lift their heads off the floor," says David "Dosh" Barashi, who normally runs the clown unit in Hadassah, and these days is called to the flag to accompany and support the soldiers being treated at the Center for Cervical Rehabilitation of IDF.

צחוק בצד: הליצן הרפואי שהתגייס למילואים | ישראל היום דויד "דוש" בראשי משמש בימי שגרה ליצן רפואי ומנהל יחידת הליצנים בהדסה • במלחמה הוא עלה על מדים לסייע בשיקומם של חיילים הלומי קרב • "מנסים להעניק לאלה שנפגעו בנפשם כלי....

Saving Costs for Hospitals Through Medical Clowning: A Study of Hospital Staff Perspectives on the Impact of the Medical Clown - Jack Gomberg, Amnon Raviv, Eyal Fenig, Noam Meiri, 2020 04/01/2024

Saving Costs for Hospitals Through Medical Clowning: A Study of Hospital Staff Perspectives on the Impact of the Medical Clown - Jack Gomberg, Amnon Raviv, Eyal Fenig, Noam Meiri, 2020 This study explores the perspectives of doctors, nurses, and technicians on the medical clown. A total of 35 subjects were interviewed one on one. Interviews we...


ה', לוחם ביחידת העוקץ פונה השבוע לסורוקה אחרי שנפצע במהלך הלחימה.
סאטר הכלב, שותפו ללחימה נפצע גם הוא והובהל איתו לחדר הטראומה בבית החולים.
הצוות הרפואי העניק טיפול רפואי לה׳,
וכמובן שדאג גם לטיפול לסאטר.
פרופ׳ אלכס זלוטניק, מנהל מחלקת ההרדמה הזעיק את ד"ר דימטרי אלטשולר הוטרינר העירוני שמתגייס באופן קבוע ונתן כבר מענה למקרים דומים.

כמו כל שותף אמיתי, סאטר לא מש ממיטתו של ה׳ והתקשה לעזוב אותו.
סאטר טופל וחזר ליחידה כבר אתמול.
מצבו של ה׳ השתפר משמעותית, עדיין מאושפז במחלקה כירורגית וצפוי להשתחרר בקרוב ולפגוש את החצי השני שלו.

דוברות סורוקה


Thank God for the Dream Doctors.

Through the eyes of a clown: Israel since Oct 7th.

Today's story is from Leah Weiss, AKA Rosi!

"We weren’t even dressed as medical clowns, we were at the end of a shift in Jerusalem’s Shaarei Tzedek hospital.

This young woman was a serious survivor; she emerged alive from a shelter in Re’im, the site of the music festival where Hamas terrorists murdered 364 civilians.

In surgery, they had to remove countless bullets out of her, from all over her body. In the morning, when she woke up, Avi the medical clown who works with me played music, and we sang to her together. She joined in, whispering to us a little from behind her oxygen mask, and then went back to sleep.

Her incredible parents, from the Gaza area, stayed by her bedside day and night. We’d stop by at times, sometimes when her condition was unstable, every time her mother would hug us, squeezing hard, like she was letting out stress, and then she’d tell us, with this incredible determination: “She’s going to come out of this, it’s going to be okay."

And she really did come out of it, a little at a time.

When she was finally discharged from the hospital, the most incredible thing of all, her parents, who had been so strong up until that moment, broke down in tears; as did everyone else.

The entire medical staff of the department walked her out, crying, completely moved.

It was unbelievable. How could you not fall apart in a moment like that?"

Pictured Leah Weiss with children from the Gaza area who are displaced and staying in hotels around the country.


שמחה מהולה בעצב
חן אסולין שבעלה נרצח ב- 7 לאוקטובר ילדה בן בשעה טובה ומוצלחת. מזל טוב!

מאיר אוליאל

העולם עצוב אז צוחקים 20/12/2023

Right click for translation.

They normally help seriously ill patients, but since October 7th, the medical clowns have been helping the children of the OTP and children who have returned from captivity to deal with traumas and fears. "They experienced a crazy threat to their lives, we are giving them back control," say the red-nosed angels, who are doing holy work with the wounded in the hospitals and the evacuees in the hotels
Anat Lev.

העולם עצוב אז צוחקים בשגרה הם מסייעים לחולים קשים, אבל מאז 7 באוקטובר עוזרים הליצנים הרפואיים לילדי העוטף ולילדים שחזרו מהשבי להתמודד עם טראומות ופחדים. "הם חוו איום מטורף על החיים שלהם, ....


72 יום של לחימה הוא לא ראה את הבית ובאמצע הרחוב קיבל צעקות על זה שהוא חרדי!
בואו נתקן את המסר ונגיד לו כמה עם ישראל אוהב אותו👑

בדלתיים סגורות


"אני אלה. אישה. ערביה. מוסלמית. אני 100% ישראלית וגאה בזה מאוד. דגל ישראל גורם לי התרגשות והרגשת שייכות. יש לי לפעמים דמעה בעין כשאני רואה אותו.

רס"ן אלה וואוויה, חיילת ערבית מוסלמית ישראלית 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

סטטוסים מצייצים


Through the eyes of a clown: Israel since Oct 7th.

Today's story is from Leah Weiss, AKA Rosi!

"We weren’t even dressed as medical clowns, we were at the end of a shift in Jerusalem’s Shaarei Tzedek hospital.

This young woman was a serious survivor; she emerged alive from a shelter in Re’im, the site of the music festival where Hamas terrorists murdered 364 civilians.

In surgery, they had to remove countless bullets out of her, from all over her body. In the morning, when she woke up, Avi the medical clown who works with me played music, and we sang to her together. She joined in, whispering to us a little from behind her oxygen mask, and then went back to sleep.

Her incredible parents, from the Gaza area, stayed by her bedside day and night. We’d stop by at times, sometimes when her condition was unstable, every time her mother would hug us, squeezing hard, like she was letting out stress, and then she’d tell us, with this incredible determination: “She’s going to come out of this, it’s going to be okay."

And she really did come out of it, a little at a time.

When she was finally discharged from the hospital, the most incredible thing of all, her parents, who had been so strong up until that moment, broke down in tears; as did everyone else.

The entire medical staff of the department walked her out, crying, completely moved.

It was unbelievable. How could you not fall apart in a moment like that?"

Pictured Leah Weiss with children from the Gaza area who are displaced and staying in hotels around the country.
