Kettlebell Sport Training

Kettlebell Sport Training

Kettlebell Sport Workshops, Seminars and coaching.

About Us

Practical workshops, seminars and coaching for kettlebell sport lifters who want to develop their technique and improve their lifting abilities. Eddie & Abi will identify and work on sticking points in your lifting and develop your efficiency and power under the bell and so help to increase your overall reps and time. The focus of our workshops is to work through the technical aspects of the three main competitive kettlebell lifts: jerk, sn**ch and long cycle. The technique and mechanics of each will be broken down with the aim of giving you a comprehensive understanding of the principles behind each lift and identifying how you can improve and advance your technique and results. Technique principles will be reinforced with practice and training sets throughout the day where Eddie & Abi will both provide individual technique analysis and feedback. We will also work through drills and assistance exercises to help progress your training.

We work differently than a lot of traditional workshops, we like to focus in on what each person needs to improve rather than approach teaching with a 'cookie cutter' attitude. We hone in on technique, mobility work, assistance drills, and any other advice we can give from our own experiences and knowledge.