Pàrantan Gàidhlig Dùn Èideann

Pàrantan Gàidhlig Dùn Èideann

Information for families in Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh. We campaign for the development of Gaelic Medium Education.

Comann nam Pàrant (Dùn Èideann is Lodainn) is the local group that represents parents and children across the Edinburgh and Lothians areas, supporting families in Gaelic Medium Education across cròileagan (playgroup), sgoil-àraich (nursery), bun-sgoil (primary school) and àrd-sgoil (high school). We liaise with families and advocate on their behalf. We work with other organisations such as City of

Photos from Misneachd's post 04/03/2024


We have two extra events happening next week:

On TUESDAY, directly after our usual Cròileagan session (11.00-12.00), Ann Patterson will be offering a Christmas themed drop-in Gaelic language session for parents. Children are welcome to attend alongside their parents/carers. Booking is not necessary, just come along.

On FRIDAY, our Christmas party will take place in the dining hall at Taobh na Pàirce from 9.30-11.00. Booking is open until next Tuesday, please see the booking page for further details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/croileagan-christmas-party-2023-tickets-763882010657?aff=oddtdtcreator

Sprout Social Photos 13/11/2023


Airson Seachdain Leabhraichean Alba 2023 a chomharrachadh, tha sinn a' tabhainn 25% far gach òrdugh eadar a seo agus feasgar Dihaoine (17.11). Chan eil leabhraichean sam bith a chaidh am foillseachadh bho 01.11.2023 mar phàirt den tachartas seo.

'S dòcha gu bheil sibh air a bhith a' smaoineachadh mu leabhar Acair a cheannach dhuibh fhèin 😉, no 's dòcha gu bheil sibh airson leabhar no dha a cheannach mar phreàsant Nollaig 🎄!

Cleachdaibh còd 'BWS23' sa bhùth air-loidhne - www.acairbooks.com

- - - - - - - - - - - -

To mark Book Week Scotland 2023, we're delighted to offer you all 25% off any Acair orders placed between today and Friday (17.11). Please note that all titles published after 01.11.2023 are excluded from this promotion.

Maybe you've had your eye on some of our books for a while! Well, now's the time to treat yourself 😉 or stock up on some perfect gifts for Christmas🎄!

Just use code 'BWS23' at the checkout on our website - www.acairbooks.com



As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations, we will have a stall at the Gaelic Engagement Event on November 22nd organised by Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce. Details below:


Gaelic Engagement Evening - Wednesday 22nd of November, 6-8pm

I would like to invite you to save the date for a special event, our inaugural Gaelic Engagement Evening. One of our school improvement priorities this session is Gaelic language development across our school community and we are hoping you will support us with this.

- Stalls featuring our partnership providers eg. Òganan, Cròileagan, CNAG, Comann nam Pàrant, Fèis Dhùn Èideann,
Mòd Ionadail Dhùn Èideann, Sradagan

- Guest speakers from Bilingualism Matters, Capital Gaelic, Early Years and James Gillespie's High School

- Workshops for Early/First Level (Phonics, Gaelic Song) and Second Level (SfL, Digital Learning)

- Gaelic language taster sessions for parents

- Tours of the Taigh an Dorsair

Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=af6sSGo3tUKfacnke7-5xFzrbo5AYVBFusjZURm_QvJUMEk2ODdHSTkwOFFZTlkyNUJBRUZZQ0JLUi4u

Sprout Social Photos 06/11/2023

'S e Seachdain Leabhraichean Chloinne a th' ann agus tha Acair ⚓ a' tabhainn cothrom air leth dhuibh! 🤩 Tha grunn leabhraichean chloinne Acair againn airson direach 50 sgillinn! 'S dòcha gu bheil sibh a deisealachadh airson àm na Nollaig, a beachdachadh air beagan ùrachadh a dhèanamh air ur cuid leabhraichean, no 's dòcha gu bheil sibh airson 'book advent calendar' fheuchainn! Ge-bi dè tha fa-near ribh, feuch nach caill sibh seo! 📚

Chì sibh na leabhraichean gu leìr a tha aig prìs 50sg an seo 👇 https://bit.ly/460H3SE

- - - - - - - - - - - -

It's Children's Book Week and Acair ⚓ have quite the opportunity for you all! 🤩 A selection of Acair's children's books are available for just 50p! Maybe you're planning for Christmas, looking to refresh your book collection or maybe you've always considered making a 'book advent calendar'. Whatever your plans, make sure you don't miss this!

You can see all the books in the 50p Sale through the link above!👆


🖤Gaelic skills are needed but we welcome interest from ALL 🖤
😊Contact our càirdeil interview panel - Wilson, Rab, Jeni, Sheena, Angela - via email blw.
☕Let's chat about how you can be involved ... and very well-paid and supported!
cothrom bde @ g m a i l . com (and the jobs are on 'obraichean' site)
le taic bho Creative Scotland . Suas leis a' ghàidlig ann an DÈ!


An dòchas ur faicinn aig an tachartas seo Diciadain!

Hope to see you at this event on Wednesday!

Dreach Plana Gàidhlig 2023-27 / Draft Gaelic Language Plan 2023-27 - City of Edinburgh Council - Citizen Space 06/05/2023

We’ve submitted our response to City of Edinburgh Council's Gaelic Language Plan consultation. You can view our response here:https://cnpduneideannblog.files.wordpress.com/2023/05/comann-nam-parant-de-final-response-to-cec-gaelic-language-plan-consultation.pdf

You can take part in the consultation here: https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/ce/draft_gaelic_language_plan/
The consultation closes TODAY 6 May and we would strongly encourage you to make your voice heard. We appreciate that many people don't have much spare time so do feel free to copy and paste information from our our response if you wish. Please also encourage other GME families to take part too.

Dreach Plana Gàidhlig 2023-27 / Draft Gaelic Language Plan 2023-27 - City of Edinburgh Council - Citizen Space Find and participate in consultations run by City of Edinburgh Council


If you are teaching your children Gaelic at home or do not have access to GME, Stòrlann has primary school resources that can be downloaded to help you. You will find a selection of posters, flashcards and other activities to help you with vocabulary and grammar.



City of Edinburgh Council have now published their draft Gaelic Language Plan which is open for consultation. This is an important process and we would like you to get involved. You can read the draft plan and take part in the consultation here: https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/ce/draft_gaelic_language_plan/

And you can view Comann nam Pàrant draft response here:https://cnpduneideannblog.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/cnamp-draft-response-to-city-of-edinburgh-council-gaelic-language-plan.pdf We hope this is useful for you - please do feel free to copy over answers if you wish.

We encourage everyone to take part and to make your voice heard. The deadline for responses is 6 May.

Dreach Plana Gàidhlig 2023-27 / Draft Gaelic Language Plan 2023-27 - City of Edinburgh Council - Citizen Space 11/04/2023

Cudromach / Important: City of Edinburgh Council want to hear your views on their draft Gaelic Language Plan. You can view and take part here (closes 6 May 2023): https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/ce/draft_gaelic_language_plan/ We'll share our own response as soon as we're able. Taing!

Dreach Plana Gàidhlig 2023-27 / Draft Gaelic Language Plan 2023-27 - City of Edinburgh Council - Citizen Space Find and participate in consultations run by City of Edinburgh Council

Kids 06/03/2023

Seall! Nach eil iad snog? Check out these cute Gaelic tees for kids from Marcas Mac an Tuairneir

Kids Check out this kids range, with the Unicorns Saorsa and Sonas and a range of animal designs in all the colours of the rainbow. With certain pieces, Mum and Dad can match too.


Èist! ❤️


Naidheachd | News - our Convenor's Report from 2022 is now available to view. It was a particularly busy year and we are grateful to everyone who contributed along the way. Mòran taing! Read the report here:https://cnpduneideannblog.files.wordpress.com/2023/02/comann-nam-parant-convenors-report-2022.pdf


Airson a' Ghearrain, tha an geàrr-chunntas agam de dh'ealain is cultar na Gàidhlig a' toirt a-steach Seachdain na Gàidhlig is Seachdain na Gàidhlig - Edinburgh Gaelic Festival, le cuirmean ciùl aig Bothan a' Ghearrain: BALACH agus Hammy Sgìth, agus ceòl ùr aig Alyth McCormack is DLÙ.

A bharrachd air sin, tha iomradh air Filmg Alba is rionnagan TikTok Calum MacIllEathain is Somhairle MacIain.

This February edition of my Gaelic arts and culture roundup includes World Gaelic Week, Edinburgh's own Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with gigs including Bothan Dhùn Èideann's upcoming showcase with Balach and Hammy Sgìth as well as new music from Alyth McCormack and DLÙ.

On top of that, there's more from FilmG and Gaelic TikTok stars Calum Maclean and Sorley Johnston.


~ Marcas


What day is it…we have absolutely no idea!! But we DO know that Seachdain na Gàidhlig is fast approaching!

⭐️20-26 February 2023⭐️

Make sure you have the dates in your diary! 🎉

Hands Up for Trad Genuine Scotland

Scottish Government Commitments to Gaelic and Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill: consultation 07/12/2022

Scottish Government's Language Bill Consultation closes tomorrow, 8 December.

You can view the draft response from Comann nam Pàrant (Dùn Èideann is Lodainn): https://bit.ly/3GdZtpZ This covers key issues to do with Edinburgh and the Lothians and we'd encourage you to include these within your own response too.

You can find full information on the consultation and respond via the Scottish Government’s website: https://bit.ly/3Gdsi5L You don’t need to respond to every question in the online survey - you can respond with just one answer. Please take a couple of minutes out of your day to take part. Your voice is important.

Scottish Government Commitments to Gaelic and Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill: consultation A consultation on the Scottish Government's commitments to Gaelic, Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: CnP AGM. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 06/12/2022

Halò a h-uile duine - just to clarify, the tour of Darroch is also cancelled due to strike action. The event is now just the AGM and this will be online:

Details are:

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
via Zoom
Thursday 8 December 2022

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: CnP AGM. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: CnP AGM. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.


Due to strike action, we will no longer be holding the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Darroch on Thursday. Instead, we'll host the AGM online. Details are:

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
via Zoom
Thursday 8 December 2022

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.

Review of Qualifications Focus Group for Gaelic Medium - Connect & NPFS 23/11/2022

Review of Qualifications Focus Group for Gaelic Medium - Connect & NPFS Information about the Independent Review of Qualification and Assessment Evening for Gaelic Medium. Hosted by Connect and NPFS

Scottish Government Commitments to Gaelic and Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill: consultation 16/11/2022


Take part in the Scottish Government consultation on the Scottish Languages Bill. The deadline is 17 November 2022.

This is a huge opportunity to influence the future of Gaelic and an opportunity that will not come round again for some time. We strongly encourage you to respond to the survey.

Please note:
· This will likely stand as the main base of legislation for all Gaelic-related policy for the next 20 years - so keep in mind where you would like Gaelic to be
· Consensus on the bigger issues gives weight to legislation so including the points from Comann nam Pàrant (Dùn Èideann is Lodainn) is helpful- https://bit.ly/3GdZtpZ
(This covers key issues to do with Edinburgh and the Lothians and we'd encourage you to include these within your own response too. )
· We need a lot of responses in order to bolster the points being made

Please take a couple of minutes out of your day to take part. Your voice is important.

You can find full information on the consultation and respond via the Scottish Government’s website: https://bit.ly/3Gdsi5L
You don’t need to respond to every question in the online survey - you can respond with just one answer.

Please take a couple of minutes out of your day to take part. Your voice is important.

Scottish Government Commitments to Gaelic and Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill: consultation A consultation on the Scottish Government's commitments to Gaelic, Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill.


*Save the Date* We'd like to highlight the date of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM):

Thursday 8 December 2022, evening (exact time TBC)

The AGM will include:

- Welcome
- Annual Report (Convenor's Report, Treasurer's Report and Comann nam Pàrant Nàiseanta Report)
- Election of the new committee
- Date of the next meeting

We'll circulate further details closer to the time but for now save the date: evening, Thursday 8 December.

Scottish Government Commitments to Gaelic and Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill: consultation 13/11/2022

Following on from our recent post about the Scottish Government's Language Bill Consultation, you can now view the draft response from Comann nam Pàrant (Dùn Èideann is Lodainn): https://bit.ly/3GdZtpZ
This covers key issues to do with Edinburgh and the Lothians and we'd encourage you to include these within your own response too.

You can find full information on the consultation and respond via the Scottish Government’s website: https://bit.ly/3Gdsi5L
You don’t need to respond to every question in the online survey - you can respond with just one answer.

Please take a couple of minutes out of your day to take part. Your voice is important. Cleachd e. Use it.

Scottish Government Commitments to Gaelic and Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill: consultation A consultation on the Scottish Government's commitments to Gaelic, Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill.


Gabh pàirt: Scottish Government Scottish Languages Bill consultation

We ask you to take part in the Scottish Government consultation on the Scottish Languages Bill. The deadline is 17 November 2022.

This is a huge opportunity to influence the future of Gaelic and an opportunity that will not come round again for some time. We strongly encourage you to respond to the survey.

Please note:
· This will likely stand as the main base of legislation for all Gaelic-related policy for the next 20 years - so keep in mind where you would like Gaelic to be
· Consensus on the bigger issues gives weight to legislation so including the points from Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) is really helpful (see the link below)
· We need a lot of responses in order to bolster the points being made

Please take a couple of minutes out of your day to take part. Your voice is important.

Full details and links are here: https://cnpduneideannblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/10/gabh-pairt-scottish-government-scottish-languages-bill-consultation/



Feasgar math, a h-uile duine. Latest update on activity from Comann nam Pàrant:

On 6 October we met with Shirley-Anne Somerville, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, to discuss how Scottish Government can support GME development, specifically the new high school. You can view the follow up letter (which details the discussion points of the meeting) here: https://bit.ly/3h8vOnH

We have followed this up with a letter to Joan Griffiths, Convenor of the Education Children and Families Committee at City of Edinburgh Council. The letter was also circulated to Amanda Hatton, Head of Education at the Council, as well as all members of the ECF committee. You can view the letter here: https://bit.ly/3U2QmMX


A chàirdean, a bheil thu a’ lorg cothroman bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig ann an suidheachadh neo-fhoirmeil is fàilteach? 👀

Cuimhnich gu bheil Cearcaill Chòmhraidh sheachdaineil againn aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann!


Hello! Are you looking for opportunities to speak Gaelic in an informal and relaxed space? 👀

Remember that we have weekly Conversation Circles at the University of Edinburgh!

Please note that the learners' group will not be on today (27th Oct) but we will be back next week.

Barrachd fios gu h-ìosal / More information below.



Seall! 👇

World Gaelic Week will be celebrating Scottish Gaelic across the globe from 20th to 26th February 2023.

Our *NEW* Small Grants Fund is now open and can help you organise an event or project in your community.

And, WE’RE HIRING - come and join us and get on board. Find out more at https://seachdainnagaidhlig.scot

Bòrd na Gàidhlig Creative Scotland Royal National Mòd VisitScotland The American-Scottish Foundation® Scottish Enterprise


Sgioba geamhraidh! We will need new Tech Team/Stage Management for the winter. We already know what equipment the acts need for Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb and March. Your job is simply to help source any extra equipment, set up the stage (a mic or two, the occasional projector) and supervise things. You do not need Gaelic for this role, but it is desirable. Please contact us by DM! Mòran taing.


Ahead of the meeting of the Education, Children and Families Committee meeting tomorrow (20 September), we have prepared and submitted a short written deputation regarding the agenda item update on GME. You can view the deputation here: https://bit.ly/3qPJRA1

The points raised in the deputation respond to the Council’s report and reflect the consensus position recorded in our previous reports and surveys with families.

In summary we:

- Welcome the commitment to future engagement with families.
- Request a Short-life Working Group with the Council to progress engagement.
- Note the updated information provided on potential sites.
- Reassert the fundamental need for a protected, immersive Gaelic language setting.
- Reassert the importance of location to serve a city-wide catchment.
- Request certainty of educational pathway, and assert opposition to any suggestion of capping numbers for children in GME.

Videos (show all)

CnPDE Hustings
Halò a h-uile duine - our latest update GME developments:On 23 February, the City of Edinburgh Council published papers ...
*Gabh pàirt san t-suirbhidh againn a-nis | Take our survey now*You can find the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co...
DEADLINE: We need you to take this short survey so we can ensure we represent your views at a meeting with City of Edinb...
Cuimhnich | Remember: We need you to take this short survey so we can ensure we represent your views at a meeting taking...