Sable Mors

Sable Mors

Theiller/Horror Author


Been doing audiobooks on the Libby app. Of course that means I can get through a book in a day or so…

Yesterday it was Shutter Island.
The day before it was Never Saw Me Coming
And the day before that it was A Noise Downstairs

Anyone else living by audiobook?


Beneath a brooding sky, the forest whispers secrets of the night. Here, the veil between worlds is thin, and every shadow beckons with an ancient tale.


Don’t mind the mess. We like to keep it looking well lived in.


Amidst the neon-soaked rain, a silhouette contemplates the empire that teeters on the edge of a dream and a nightmare. In the city that never sleeps, Victor Marrow stands alone, his world shaken by treachery, his mind plotting in the shadows.



Within the jagged embrace of the cliffside, the house perched like a raven awaiting its next meal. Its timbers groaned with the weight of untold stories, its windows peering out like watchful eyes. At the heart of its labyrinthine rooms dwelled the Widow of the Waves. They whispered that she had once been the light of the seaside village, her laughter as bright as the sun-dappled sea. But the ocean, ever jealous, claimed her sailor husband and left her in the cold grip of solitude.

Now, she lingered in her cliffside abode, the lines on her face as deep and sorrowful as the chasms below. At night, villagers would see the candlelight dance through the windows, as though she were searching, always searching for the sail that would never again crest the horizon. Some say she made a pact with the tempest itself, her heart as twisted as the house in which she resided, her soul interwoven with the very rock, her whispers riding the gales that battered against the rocks.

No one dared approach, for to enter was to join the chorus of the lost, to become an eternal resident within the Widow’s shadowed halls. The house, they said, breathed in sync with her grief, and to listen too closely was to hear the siren call of despair, beckoning to the depths below.


Writing and enjoying things my husband calls “that dark fu**ed up sh*t”.
This is an anti-HEA zone. (HEA means happily ever after.)
Will they survive? Maybe.
Will they wish they didn’t? Probably.
A world where villains get a say, and the hero’s get exposed as the hypocrites they are. A world of dirt and blood and bones. A world of madness and paranoia, that is reality and truth… because is it paranoia if it is coming for you?
The Order of Obscura Nex
