

Develop a pain-free, effortless meditation practice that sustains you. Using guided movement lessons you will find easy balance in sitting meditation.

Timeline photos 27/12/2016

What does what you do do?

Corporate mindfulness is bullsh*t: Zen or no Zen, you’re working harder and being paid less 21/08/2016

Context matters.

Corporate mindfulness is bullsh*t: Zen or no Zen, you’re working harder and being paid less Mindfulness matters, but make no mistake: Corporations are co-opting the idea to disguise the ways they kill us

Free Virtual Meditation Retreat on Sitting Comfort 06/08/2016

Struggling to sit comfortably? Join our free online Virtual Meditation Retreat, this Sunday, 4pm EST: http://poisedmeditation.com/register

Free Virtual Meditation Retreat on Sitting Comfort Join our free Virtual Meditation Retreat, and sit without pain and discomfort.

Knee Pain, the Elephant in the Meditation Room... 25/07/2016

Knee Pain, the Elephant in the Meditation Room... "Not to worry, she reassured us, because there was no permanent damage—she was always able to get up again eventually..."


"It would be an exaggeration to say that “Zen” was invented as a defense against American gunboats. It would not be completely wrong, however."


Zen vs. the U.S. Navy It would be an exaggeration to say that “Zen” was invented as a defense against American gunboats. It would not be completely wrong, however. This is a post in my Crumbling Buddhist Con…

Rotational Motion for Meditators 18/07/2016

Rotational Motion for Meditators 'Ordinary life offers few opportunities to experience rotational motion. (Never mind for the nonce that we live on a rotating object.)'

What is wrong with this image of meditation? 17/07/2016

Also, a solution, in the form of a guided movement meditation...

What is wrong with this image of meditation? Take a look at this image of meditation. If you Google “meditation,” you see hundreds of images of meditation just like it. What's wrong with this picture?

Meta-sanghas 13/06/2016

Meta-sanghas by Vincent Horn ¶ A meta-sangha is a new type of community that stands apart from (i.e. meta to) standard sanghas, but …

Photos from Poised's post 09/05/2016
Timeline photos 01/05/2016

Erik Satie, was a master of the classified ad genre.

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

As a meditation teacher I often ask students, “what needs to change for you to be whole in this moment?” This is synonymous with asking “what needs to change for you to be yourself right now?” When we are well connected to Self, the answer is always “nothing”. Yet, when we are disconnected from ourselves, when we are lost in our “false identities”, the inner sense is that a lot needs to change. It is important not to confuse this kind of self- connection with enjoyment, “liking” the moment or being happy.

Rather, there is a basic sense of authenticity and acceptance- uprightness in the face of our challenges. Rather than whining or arguing with life, we acknowledge our reactions, our disappointments, etc. and find a way to turn ourselves wholeheartedly toward reality. This too is a definition of dignity.
To experience this “nothing needs to change”, to know in an authentic and direct way that we are whole is a great blessing.

This sense of wholeness cannot be faked, our inner life, our “wisdom body” as I call it, won’t agree to self-deception. We can engage in wishful thinking or positive affirmations and the ‘place in there’, down in our bellies, deep in our chests might disagree. Integrity, wholeness is governed by ‘that place in there’.

Timeline photos 25/04/2016

On schoolmasters...

Photos from Poised's post 25/04/2016

More Golden Rules of Go...

Timeline photos 25/04/2016
Timeline photos 17/04/2016

On waves...

A meditation on meditation. (practical exercise included) 05/04/2016

A meditation on meditation. (practical exercise included) This video has been a long time coming, and it's in no way complete ... but I had to get started on this important topic of refining our mind-body practices,...

Timeline photos 30/03/2016

"I haven't any to***co. Lucky I don't smoke." -Erik Satie

Feldenkrais and Mindfulness In Dialogue 14/03/2016

If you are around Asheville this summer...

Feldenkrais and Mindfulness In Dialogue 2016 Feldenkrais Conference website: http://www.feldenkrais.com/2016preview My website: http://www.recovermobility.com This is a brief video introducing a wo...


"O-nami sat in meditation trying to imagine himself as waves. He thought of many different things. Then gradually he turned more and more to the feeling of the waves. As the night advanced the waves became larger and larger. They swept away the flowers in their vases. Even the Buddha in the shrine was inundated. Before dawn the temple was nothing but the ebb and flow of an immense sea."

from "Great Waves," 101 Zen Stories

Timeline photos 12/03/2016

"Not everything is fish. but fish are teeming everywhere." —Gilles Deleuze, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque

Timeline photos 11/03/2016

Struggling to meditate comfortably? An online course on improving meditation posture. Click the link in my bio for details and to sign-up. Enrollment closes Saturday!

Trungpa and Zen by David Schneider 09/03/2016

On aesthetics: "Where zen stands as the fruition of mahayana, Rinpoche said, ta***ic teachings reach the fruition of vajrayana, the third great aspect of the Buddhist path. Where zen leads to a clear, open, lofty mind, ta**ra points to ordinary mind, the lowest of the low. Where zen aesthetic, based in the Yogacharin tradition of “mind-only,” leads to statements of refined simplicity and elegance, ta**ra needs no statement at all, opting instead for the naked bluntness of “things as they are.” Rinpoche pictured such differences for his hirsute audiences as being like a beautiful tea cup (zen) compared to a skull-cup (ta**ra;) as like a beautifully dressed noble person (zen,) compared to an unemployed, unshaven samurai. That ta***ic aesthetic was rougher stemmed not from its lack of sophistication or practice. The difference came from the notion that refinement or self-conscious artistic statement were no longer necessary for the ta***ic yogi. Such yogis were to conduct themselves in a direct, immediate manner, beyond dualistic distinction."

Trungpa and Zen by David Schneider David wrote: This article, I think from Tricycle, largely builds on material from the introduction to The Teacup and the Skullcup. However, starting with the second paragraph, there's a story about one of the times VCTR (Trungpa Rinpoche) visited Zen Center, and Suzuki Roshi was there. It goes for a…

Timeline photos 06/03/2016

On maturity. Like if it resonates...

Choosing a Meditation Seat | Tricycle 05/03/2016

Sitting isn't supposed to be an esoteric feat...

Choosing a Meditation Seat | Tricycle Many teachers encourage us to begin meditation practice with awareness of the body. The body is familiar and accessible, so maintaining an awareness of what’s happening there can be a primary gateway to other realms of experience.

Timeline photos 04/03/2016

From "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"
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Timeline photos 03/03/2016

Montaigne could always bring things back to the ground.