CPPS - Ong

CPPS - Ong

Le Centre de Perfectionnement des Potentialités pour le Succès CPPS est une organisation non gouvernementale, apolitique, sans but lucratif.


Your public victory stems only from your inner strength. Dig deep within before you venture out onto the field of life.


If the Only Income You Have is Due to a Salary from Someone Else, You Are Close to the Junction of the Walking Deads.


The Foundations of an Epic Life Will only be Built on the Rocks of an Inner World.


Watch here for "Distillations of the Epic Life"


Really strange is the plight of man on the earth. That which some crave with painful, harrowing labour, but in vain, some take for granted with insignificant and wasteful abandon...we may need to fall some walls to build some bridges.


I sought to see my God and I saw him not...
I desire to encounter my soul and it eluded me...
But when I sought my brother to serve him in his need, I found all three....the habitation of my God, the code of my soul and the love of my brother.


Man has succeeded in solving his numerous minor problems, when will he turn to his single major problem?...Himself?


The economy is a sure convenient reason we are unable to make our personal income grow. Yet, the more covert, inconvenient reasons, consciously or unconsciously, lie within us.
