Jimmy Kane

Jimmy Kane

All albums:
A Constant State of Motion
Hear No Evil
Paradigm Shift

Available NOW on:


Got asked to do a really enjoyable interview back in February that was all about two of my favourite subjects, music and movies!
Thanks so much Movie Recommendations

I also really enjoyed reading the interview you did with Buddy from Less Than Jake, they were one of my favourite bands growing up đŸ€©

Talking Movies With Musicians – Jimmy Kane

Had the pleasure of asking fellow Movie lover Jimmy Kane some questions!

MR - What would you say, if pushed, is your favourite movie?

Jimmy - This is always a hard question to answer as there are so many great films out there. But if I had to answer, I would say ‘Children of Men’. I rate it as my ‘favourite’ (or at least top 5) as it’s got some great performances from the cast, a compelling story, great music and the cinematography is absolutely unreal. I could watch this movie over and over (which I do) and never tire of it.

MR - What movie to you has the best, or most iconic, soundtrack?

Jimmy - Another tough but excellent question. My first instinct is to say ‘anything scored by John Williams’ 😅 many of his soundtracks are essentially the soundtracks of my youth and bring back a myriad of fond memories whenever I hear them. That said, I’ve gotta tip my hat to Hans Zimmer, for all his work, but primarily the soundtrack of Blade Runner 2049. Not only do the arrangements add layers of emotional context to the film, but they are incredible pieces that almost redefine the ‘laws of music’. I would argue that he is the ‘radiohead’ of contemporary composers. (I would like to also give an honourable mention to Trevor Jones for the soundtrack of ‘Last of the Mohicans’)

MR - Conversely, is there a movie where the soundtrack just doesn’t work for you at all?

Jimmy - Perhaps the soundtrack to Bring It On

MR - If you could have scored any movie from history which would you choose?

Jimmy - Platoon, Hands down...though I might not have done as great a job as Samuel Barber 😅

MR - Are there movies which have inspired the writing of any of your songs?

Jimmy - Not any movies, but once a tv show. I have a song called ‘When the Chips Are Down’ on my first album “A Constant State of Motion” that was inspired by an episode of the tv show ‘Rome’. I believe it was one of the last episodes of season 2 when Marc Antony and Cleopatra decide to commit su***de together; they begin to speak of their love for one another and how they will meet each other again in the afterlife. A very touching scene and sentiment indeed.

MR - Is there a question which you never get asked which you wish people would ask in interviews, and if so what is it, and what is the answer?

Jimmy - I have never been asked about my favourite movie! So this is great for me, and to answer I would say ‘City of God’ is now my favourite movie over Children of Men since I first answered (just to demonstrate how hard it is to answer that question 😆)

MR - As February is the most romantic month of the year (apparently), what’s your favourite, and importantly cheesiness, love song?

Jimmy - Most important and poignant, probably the Beatles ‘In my life’. It’s such a ‘real’ and honest love song, about how our ideas of love can evolve and change over time, and how all of our encounters of love in the past can really shape how we perceive love in the present.

Cheesiest, perhaps ‘How deep is your love’ by the BeeGees. If you read the lyrics to the song, they are pretty damn cheesy, but boy did they do a great job of bringing those lyrics to life with wonderful harmonies

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