Gaining Tactics

Gaining Tactics

Looking to gain healthy weight and build muscle? Get free supplement reviews, workout plans and nutr

Timeline photos 25/06/2021

Most fitness enthusiasts are aware of three major body types.

Ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph are the three types we usually recognize.

Ectomorphs are described by small joints, a frail-looking body, and a lack of muscle and fat tissue - in other words, they are thin people.

Mesomorphs, on the other hand, are naturally athletic individuals with a strong body and a good amount of muscle.

Endomorphs are people with a body composition that favors fat - they are typically heavier, thick, and blocky individuals.

Contrary to common opinion, you are not bound to one body type for the rest of your life.

Your present body type is a direct product of the stimuli you've given it over the years.

You have plenty of fat tissue and are looking thick and blocky?

Well, you may have endomorphic characteristics, but if you had more control over activity & nutrition, you would probably be a mesomorph or an ectomorph.

In the end, it's better to concentrate on how you look, feel, and perform rather than which body type group you belong to.

What is your take on the body types?

Timeline photos 18/06/2021

High-Protein Foods:
Since protein is the most important nutrient in your daily diet (especially for the goal of gaining muscle mass), you must ensure that it comes from high-quality sources.

The following are our top four high-protein foods:
1. Eggs - each egg contains 5 grams of protein.

It can be prepared in a variety of ways and is high in protein, fats, and micronutrients.

2. Chicken, which contains 27 grams of protein per 100 grams.

You can prepare the most affordable and sustainable protein source at home.

3. Beef contains 26 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Beef is both tasty and strong, giving your jaw a good workout while also providing plenty of protein.

4. Whey protein- 25g per scoop

Easy, reliable and handy - whey protein can be of use when you don't have time for a full meal.

Include these 4 food products in your menu regularly and your daily protein needs will be easily met, resulting in better recovery and muscle gains!

What is YOUR favorite source of protein? Comment below!

Timeline photos 11/06/2021

How Many Reps Should You Do?
The rep range you should be concentrating on depends on your actual target.

You can concentrate on the 1-5 rep range if you want to achieve as much relative strength as possible (powerlifting rep range).

This will help you to gain solid muscle mass while also increasing your maximum capabilities.

If you want to be more of a bodybuilder or build muscle, on the other hand, you should concentrate on the 6-15 rep range.

This will mainly result in improved bulk muscle growth and strength endurance.

To optimize your growth in all areas, you can combine both the powerlifting and bodybuilding rep ranges.


When it comes to creating a solid base as a beginner, there are a couple of important considerations:

☑️ Compound exercises

Focusing on compound movements is the best bet for every trainee.

These exercises allow you to use more muscle groups and hence, lift heavier.

☑️ Rest times

To perform best on each set, you must manage rest times.

For sets of 6-12 repetitions, rest times of 2-3 minutes between sets will allow you to realize the best possible volume at high intensity.

☑️ Recovery
The muscles grow during rest and so, you need to grant sufficient time windows between the separate training sessions.

This would generally be 48-96 hours.

☑️ Eat more!

Muscle gains are optimized when you eat in a surplus of calories.

This is because to grow a certain muscle and gain weight to the best extent possible, you need an extra amount of calories.
Stick to the basics!

They work for trainees of all levels.


Bringing up your weaker muscle groups is all about placing them on the top of your priority list.

This can be done by placing them first in your training split, doing more total volume for those muscle groups and focusing on compound exercises that will ultimately allow you to lift heavier weights and thus, create a greater growth stimulus.

Last but not least, flexing those muscle groups will help you bring out the detail of the musculature and thus, make it look better and bigger.

Ultimately, we all have weaker muscle groups but we also have the potential to bring them up to par with the rest of the body.

Focus, prioritize, demolish.


Getting SHREDDED and showing the muscle you worked hard for is a matter of systematizing your nutrition and training, in order to lose as much fat as possible and keep your muscle mass.

Here are our top 3 tips to do so:

1. Eat in a moderate caloric deficit

A caloric deficit is NEEDED for fat loss, but too big of a caloric deficit will make you lose a lot of muscle, besides fat, and may leave you exhausted and depleted.

A deficit of 350-500 calories is optimal, as it would allow you to lose about 1 lbs a week, while retaining your mass.

2. Lift heavy weights (But not too heavy)

Weight training is another important practice to keep up, when the goal is optimal fat loss and lean body mass retention.

Your best bet is to continue training as you did during the bulking phase, but avoid reaching failure (i.e - leaving extra reps in reserve)

3. Eat your grains!

Contrary to popular belief, a no-carb diet is the GAINS KILLER during periods of fat loss.

Carbohydrates are essential for optimal strength performance, which is why you should still consume grains, beans and legumes, even when you're losing fat.

In doing so, you will maximize your athletic output during workouts and thus, retain more muscle mass.