Ready Set Well

Ready Set Well

Ready Set Well helps people who want to transform their health by creating a wellness lifestyle.

How to Support Your Immune System with a Plant-Based Diet 23/01/2024

I'm thinking of creating some free content around building a stronger immune system. Please like, comment or message me if this interests you.

Here's an article with some great information. Plant-based and plant-forward eating has many benefits.

How to Support Your Immune System with a Plant-Based Diet Keeping your immune system healthy is perhaps more important now than ever. Get advice from the experts on supporting your immune system with diet here.


South Florida friends, I invite you to gift this event to yourself. I have experienced multiple breath work sessions with Patty Ferreira Intuitive Success Catalyst, resulting in huge breakthroughs, personal healing, clarity and release of what was physically, emotionally and spiritually holding me down.

The women in her groups are the kindest, most inclusive group. Go! You will be glad you did.

Happy Healthy 2024 to each of you!


This definition of success can apply to health, too. What small or large step could you take to feel good about yourself in the morning?

Chances are, when you take one step, you will take another. Perfection is not the goal.

Joy in our lives helps us make better choices each day. Happiness = success!


Just beautiful ❤️

This post from a lady called Rebecca just epitomises the vision I have for Running at 40 Plus. We are not about elitism. We are about inclusion and equality. We are about togetherness, encouragement and support……..

In her own words…

"I want to share this picture with you. Not to get compliments for myself,

but to show how special the running/sports community is.I was the absolute last runner in this 10k race. I had been accompanied by a mountainbiker the whole time. And on the final 500 meter stretch, the whole team who had been supporting all the runners all day gathered around me and gave me an honorary es**rt to the finish line. Nobody laughed at me for being too slow. The speaker cheered and called out my name loudly, the crowd clapped and my support team cheered. It was the most amazing moment ever. I have spent so much time being afraid of what other people think.
So much energy wasted on fear of being laughed at. But the running and sports community is an amazing place.

So please, if you're out there holding back because you're afraid you're not fast enough..
Please know that other runners will support you and cheer for you.

Just get out there. Just run!"

Rebecca ❤️🏃‍♀️👍

Timeline photos 02/06/2023

Cooking is your way out of sickness, and your path to freedom from processed food and towards vibrant health and a happier life. ⁣

When we cook, we not only nourish our bodies and souls, but we also rebuild our communities, strengthen the bonds within our families and it’s fun! ⁣

What will you be cooking tonight?⁣


All of this! It is so true. Long, but worth watching.


Small changes overtime produce big results.
Trust the process.
Know results will come.

Neuroscientist: How To Increase Dopamine | Andrew Huberman #hubermanlab #shorts 25/01/2023

This quick video touches on addiction, training and mental health with applications to other ways we "numb" ourselves... emotional eating anyone?

Neuroscientist: How To Increase Dopamine | Andrew Huberman #hubermanlab #shorts Neuroscientist: How To Increase Dopamine Naturally | Andrew Huberman D. Huberman (born Septem...


Some great advice from Dr. Joe.


YES! Pattern interrupt through subconscious work sounds out there to some, but is a game changer.

Message me to learn more.

4 tips to help you start exercising — and stick with it 28/12/2022

Everything counts when it comes to movement.

My clients have found pairing a task such as cleaning out a closet, gardening or sweeping a porch with their movement goals, very satisfying. -And motivating to do more.

Find what works for you. Incorporate it into your life to create the lifestyle that serves you. 💥 You are improving your mental and physical health.

4 tips to help you start exercising — and stick with it Feeling blocked with it comes to starting an exercise habit? You can actually get the health benefits of exercise with just 22 minutes of exercise a day — and you might be surprised what "counts" as exercise. Kiss your excuses goodbye!

Timeline photos 21/12/2022


I can’t tell you how many patients I have seen who seem to be doing everything right such as eating the right foods, taking the right supplements, and moving, yet, they can’t seem to get better. ⁣⁣
As a college student, I became passionate about meditation and Buddhism, and I used what I learned to deepen my connection to myself and strengthen my spirit. And then I entered medical school and residency, and real life got in the way, and I let go of the daily practices that kept me grounded.⁣⁣
I became very sick, and not just physically; I became spiritually bankrupt too. ⁣
Chances are the same thing has happened to you at one time or another. ⁣⁣
The good news is that there are simple ways to get back in touch with your authentic self, that childlike part of you, that spark:⁣⁣
1) Take time every day to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Are you spending time doing things you want to do, or things you feel obligated to do? Do you feel fulfilled? This seemingly basic step is vital for identifying what brings you joy, where your passions lie, and how you can get more of them in your life. ⁣⁣
2) Journaling is a great way to talk to yourself on paper, it allows you to have an uninhibited discussion with yourself, oftentimes leading to an “aha” moment that was hiding under the surface all along. Studies have shown that journaling focused on gratitude can even reduce inflammation and improve mental wellbeing.⁣⁣
3) It’s completely okay to realize your current path is not making you happy and change directions—give yourself permission! ⁣⁣
4) Clear the clutter. A more organized and simplified space will help you focus on more meaningful and non-material aspects of life, helping your spirit shine brighter. ⁣⁣
5) Meditate. This has been an essential step in rekindling my spirit and regaining the spiritual vitality that I had, at one point, lost.

Timeline photos 17/11/2022


We have to be very cautious as consumers to recognize label claims for health benefits on processed foods, which sprinkle minuscule, non-therapeutic amounts of healthful ingredients into otherwise poor-quality, high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods, giving us the illusion that we are doing something good for ourselves.⁣⁣
I encourage you to eat food that comes from a farmer’s field and not a food chemist’s laboratory — and you will not have to worry about all these functional food claims.⁣⁣
Here is what to eat:⁣⁣
Whole, real food such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean animal protein like small wild fish and poultry, and whole omega-3 eggs.⁣⁣
Small amounts of grass-fed, antibiotic- and hormone-free beef or lamb.⁣⁣
That is it.⁣⁣
Food scientists tend to make us think that we need all these special ingredients in foods to stay healthy.⁣⁣
But they are just extracting them from real, whole foods — so why not start with the whole food in the first place?⁣⁣

Hearty Lentil Stew - Menopause friendly 16/11/2022

The temperatures are dropping in many places. So I'm making a healthy and delicious lentil soup tomorrow as part of an online cooking demo for those in my Jumpstart Program. I'll be sharing the recipe soon.

In the meantime, here's a new one I would like to try. I've followed this pair for years. Love that they are focusing on women's health and how nutrition can make a BIG difference.

Let me know if you try it.

Hearty Lentil Stew - Menopause friendly We've been compiling menopause friendly recipes for our brand new course, HAPPY MENOPAUSE. We have joined forces with the amazing Dr. Nitu Bajekal who is lea...

Timeline photos 31/10/2022

Getting older is inevitable, but aging is not. What society thinks of as aging—poor memory, aches and pains—is actually abnormal aging, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

There are reasons for these symptoms, and when we tap into the root cause we can prevent and even reverse them and feel youthful despite our age. We can do that using the principles of Functional Medicine, as well as the power of biohacking our biology. ⁣

There are certain basic principles we can follow to dramatically improve our healthspan and lifespan right away. ⁣

For example, we know that eating more vegetables and fruits is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, especially cardiovascular risk which is important to note, considering that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. ⁣

We also know that for every 10% increase of ultra-processed foods in our diets we see a 14% increased risk for all-cause mortality. Junk food is also linked to psychological distress. ⁣

While I always look to food first when it comes to promoting optimal health, there’s so much more to longevity than eating more plants. There are so many nuances to diet, like consuming more polyphenol-rich foods to fight oxidative stress and support the gut microbiome, as well as factoring in when to eat instead of just what to eat. ⁣

And of course, if we’re thinking about expanding longevity we have to think beyond diet. We have to think about how we move our bodies, take care of our minds, and even how we nurture our relationships. ⁣

Photos from Ready Set Well's post 28/10/2022

What does a busy health coach make for lunch in 5 mins? Today, repurposed leftovers and a few toppings. I made this into two lunches.
-Veggie fajitas filling
-Rosemary potatoes
-Mixed greens
-Red onion
-Garlic hummus
-Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Heat the fajita filling and potatoes. Add the other ingredients. Stir and enjoy!

Timeline photos 28/10/2022

Steam plain or saute in veggie broth to crisp tender. Top with lemon juice and black pepper, a little everything bagel seasoning, cumin and fresh cilantro, hot sauce, curry powder... there are limitless options.

Making vegetables taste good isn’t rocket science. 🥦

Here are a few essential tips:

• For best taste and maximum nutrition, don’t overcook your vegetables. Many vegetables can be enjoyed raw or just lightly cooked.

• Finish your vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil, coconut oil, melted clarified butter or ghee for healthy fat and flavor.

• Chopped nuts and seeds are a great way to add healthy fat to basic vegetables, as well as a nice crunch. For more flavor and eye appeal, add chopped fresh herbs and a sprinkle of sea salt, pepper, or a specialty salt like sea salt with truffle.

• You can also try taking a cooking class, pick a recipe from a cookbook or a blog, or cook with a friend.


With the right "why" from a place of love for yourself and others, you can do anything!


You will be amazed at what you can achieve in just 6 weeks!

Message me to find out more.


Time can feel like an impossible obstacle to a healthy lifestyle. When we shift our mindset and create accountability, the clock no longer controls us.

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Done is better than perfect!
