Liam Hackett Fitness & Sports Massage
Liam Hackett Fitness
Personal Training
Based at Pure Gym Gateshead
Don't always have to lift the heaviest weight. Making light weight feel heavy is a great way to stimulate muscle growth. Give these a go next time. One and a half rep curls. Feels good to be training regularly again.
Everything comes down to calories in vs calories out.
Pick your poison and do what you enjoy. You’re much more likely to stick to something you actually look forward to doing.
You don't have to do cardio for weight loss — lifting weights works just as well, research suggests Strength training can be as effective for weight loss as cardio, as long as there's a calorie deficit, which means eating less than you burn.
🇧🇷🇧🇷 Made it an entire yearR
Consistancy is the key to achieving your goals. This applies to everything including fitness. Motivation will only get you so far. Motivation doesn’t achieve results, consistancy does.
We’ve all started on diets or training programs only to give up because we lose our original motivation without building consistancy. Use the original spark of motivation to build healthy habbits and consistancy. Sticking to your diet or your program is what will get you results!
🇧🇷🇧🇷 Can’t believe I’ve made it this far.
Even ten minutes a day can help you step closer to your goals. Whether this be learning a new skill or changing your lifestyle. Set yourself small managable goals and you’ll see things start to happen!
Concentrate on controlling the weight and not just throwing it around. It’s very common to see people curling from the shoulder. After a few strict sets I like to finish with some cheat reps to overload the muscle. You can do this by cheating the weight up a little with a bit of a swing, or using your free hand if you’re doing one arm at a time and then concentrate on controlling the eccentric (lowering) part of the exercise.
Why stretching isn’t always the best way to deal with a tight muscle. A good example of where this happens frequently is in the lower fibres of the Traps and the Rhomboids. (Upper back)
If I can help with anything or you’d like to book in for a massage, feel free to get in touch
Don't be afraid of using machines. They allow for isolation of the working muscle and can help reduce the risk of injury.
Looking to start up sports massage again and to help get back in the swing of things, I'm offering a few completely free. So if you think you would benefit from a free sports massage, give me a direct message. Limited availability.
Was pretty gutted to get to the gym today and see that my push up record had not only been beaten, but doubled. However, I dug deep and happy to say i’m back on top!
It feels good to be the king 💪🏽
Finishing off todays pull session with some bicep isolation work. Feels good to be getting back to the gym!