Jennifer Horgan Writes

Jennifer Horgan Writes

Author, Editor and Lover of Books

Do Not Go in That House 05/11/2023

Book review of DO NOT GO IN THAT HOUSE by Ruth Anna Evans

If you are looking for a beautifully-written and deliciously terrifying novella, this is the book for you! The author grabs you by the throat on the very first page and doesn't let go. This wonderfully horrific story will continue to torture your mind well after the final page is turned.

You can pick up your copy at

It is my pleasure to share with you my 5-skull review.

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Meet Maggie Bennett. A young lady working in a dead-end warehouse job and estranged from her family because of her past questionable behavior related to her undiagnosed bipolar disorder. It doesn't seem to matter to them that Maggie is now seeing a doctor and has been placed on the medications needed to manage her mental illness. After leaving her hometown to make a fresh start, the only family member who never gave up on her was her beloved grandfather, who Maggie kept in contact with until the day he unexpectedly died and left her a bit of money in his will.

Maggie's social circle is made up of her fluffy, white cat, Kitty, and her online friend, Tasha, although they've never met in person. In her spare time, Maggie hosts a podcast based on scary true crime stories, with dreams of her program going viral. So when Maggie's research leads her to a cold case involving the horrific murder of a seven year old boy, Maggie hopes that this will be the story that finally earns her the viewers and subscribers she so desperately seeks. In fact, she finds it nearly impossible to focus on anything else, especially since she's missed taking her medication for a few days.

When Maggie discovers the house where the killing took place is for sale, she impulsively buys it and moves in. And that's when things begin to get really scary.

By the time Maggie is warned to stay out of the house, that the house itself is somehow at least partially responsible for the little boy's murder by those with first-hand knowledge of the horrifying event, it's too late. Maggie starts seeing, hearing, and experiencing things that can't be real or explained.

But Maggie is no stranger to psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and intrusive thoughts. Skipping her medications for a few days would easily explain the terrifying events Maggie is experiencing while inside the house, after all.

Wouldn't it?

And, besides, there's no such thing as a haunted house.

Is there?

Do Not Go in That House When a true-crime podcaster uncovers the cold case of a child murder, she thinks she’s found her next big story. But the gruesome tale triggers a bipolar episode, and Maggie just can’t stay away from the house where the heinous crime took place. A few bad decisions later, Maggie finds herself tr...


You know those spooky stories based on urban legends that people share around the campfire to scare the crap out of everyone as they eat their half-burnt hotdogs and toasted marshmellows?

Well, Christopher Pelton from PsychoToxin Press collected several of these stories from a number of talented authors and compiled them into a FREE ebook appropriately named Campfire Tales.

So head on over to to download your copy of this FREE Halloween anthology. I promise you won't be sorry because it's amazing!!

(PS - All of my dedicated fans will be delighted to learn that one of these stories - The Annual Hunt - was written by me! πŸ˜…)

Punish 24/10/2023

Book Review of Punish by Edmund Stone

Not only did I have the pleasure of being one of the very first readers of this amazing book, I also had the distinct honor of being asked by the author to be his editor!

I can't thank you enough, Edmund, for entrusting me with your amazing manuscript.

Punish is the sequel to Hurt, the second of three stories in Edmund's wonderfully disturbing collection Within: A Three Part Horror. You can read my full review at and get your copy of Within at:

I am super excited to share my 5-star review of Punish by Edmund Stone.

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First of all, although Punish *could* be read as a stand-alone book, for maximum reading enjoyment I strongly suggest reading Hurt first, in which our heroine, Harper Lansing, is introduced. In Hurt, we also meet Harper's family, the good, the bad, and the downright evil, and become familiar with her heritage as a family of witches. Hurt also follows Harper as she discovers the rare and effective power she holds and how she uses it against the witch hunters set on destroying her and all she stands for in a final showdown you do not want to miss.

First she brought the Hurt, now she’ll bring the Pain

Punish begins five years later with Harper hiding in plain sight, confident that the Council of Hunters has been obliterated. But a letter she receives indicates otherwise. As she prepares to investigate and do battle once again, Harper runs into an old adversary, Stacy, from high school who shares with Harper important information about the Council and its new head hunter, her cousin Brady. Stacy also tells Harper that her beloved daughter, Madeline, a witch herself, is being held captive by Brady and the other hunters and seeks Harper's help to save the little girl. This leads Harper to embark on a new journey to destroy her enemies, while meeting and joining up with new friends, and a very unlikely ally, along the way to aid in her quest to conquer Brady and the Council once and for all.

Punish will be released on October 26th and can be pre-ordered by visiting:

Punish The saga of Harper Lansing continues, as she finds herself hiding from The Council of Hunters, or so she thinks. A strange letter has arrived and she sees they haven’t forgotten about her at all. The Council is Led by a new man, Brady Bozeman, cousin to her once adversary, Stacy. He’s moving up ...

Faces of Beth 27/09/2023

Book Review of Faces of Beth by Carver Pike

I finally got around to reading Faces of Beth and I'm so glad I did!

If you haven't read it yet, you should. I promise you will not be sorry!

The author tells us that family can be formed by blood or by choice. He tells us that family is family. No matter how crazy things get.

And things get pretty crazy with the family in this book.

That being said, it is my pleasure to share with you my 5-skull review of Faces of Beth by Carver Pike.


Andrew is a nice, caring guy with a big heart who lives alone in a large house. He has a good job as an orderly at a psychiatric hospital and is liked and respected by his patients and coworkers.

When Beth admits herself into the facility to seek help for her mental health disorder, it doesn't take long before Andrew falls head over heels in love with this beautiful young woman.

Beth loves Andrew right back and the two decide to marry. But with one condition: that, along with Beth herself, her family also moves into Andrew's house. Andrew is smitten, and will agree to anything in order to have Beth forever by his side as his wife.

So Andrew welcomes Beth's family into his home.

Alex is Beth's six-year-old daughter. She's innocent, playful, and loves pancakes. Andrew's heart melts when the little girl starts calling him "Daddy."

Beth's teenage son, Peter, never fails to ask Andrew if he brought pizza home with him after work, and spends most of his time playing video games.

Ruby is Beth's sexy, promiscuous twin sister, with just one goal in mind: attempting to seduce Andrew as often as possible.

Beth's brother, Gore, like his name indicates, tends to go out late at night and return hours later, literally with blood on his hands, leaving Andrew to grugingly clean up after him.

Father Dennis, Beth's creepy old grandfather, who used to be a priest, is the most disturbing. The old man seems to appear unexpectedly out of nowhere, and is the only family member that Andrew tries his best to avoid.

But Beth is the reason that Andrew has welcomed these strangers into his home and now considers them family. He would do anything for his wife.


When Andrew decides to follow Gore on one of his late night escapades, he encounters more than he bargained for, while also experiencing an epiphany of sorts concerning his wife's family as well as her mental illness.

This outing coincides with a heart-stopping plot twist, expertly introduced by the author, that causes the reader to question everything up to this point about Beth and her family, while simultaneously providing an uh-huh! moment.
Well done, Mr. Pike!

Once the reader's pulse returns to normal, and he or she can focus properly on the words again, events and the characters involved begin to make sense in a horrifyingly sort of way and things really take off!

The remainder of the book is a terrifying roller-coaster ride of circumstances, led by Andrew trying to solve the mystery surrounding Beth and her family, and the evil entity who's orchestrated everything, seen everthing, and has always been with Beth, hiding in the shadows of both her mind and her life.

This book is a story of love, abuse, innocence, terror, devotion, and evil. It will keep the reader guessing and wanting more until the very last page and beyond, as the book, and its outcome, lingers in the reader's mind long after it's placed back on the bookshelf.

Faces of Beth When Andrew meets Beth at the Myles-Bend State Mental Hospital, he knows she has issues. She checked herself into the place because of her problems, but he can’t help falling in love with her anyway. He’s willing to put up with her constant mood swings and all the baggage she brings into the rel...


Hurricane Lee is on its way!
What a great time to read Faces of Beth by Carver Pike.
Just gotta make sure my tablet stays charged in case we lose power.


I am super excited about starting my newest manuscript editing job this week!
Who is the author?
Shhh! It's a secret.

Born or Bred: Pigs and Monsters 05/09/2023

I was once again honored to be selected as an ARC reader by my friend and fellow author, Justin Boote, for the third book in his Extreme Horror 'Monsters' series: Born or Bred (Pigs and Monsters), which he wrote using his alter-ego, J. Boote.

I had been fortunate to be chosen as an ARC reader for books 1 & 2, They Are All Monsters and Am I A Monster?, when each was released earlier this year. I gave both books 5-skull reviews, which can be found on Amazon, Goodreads, and in various Facebook groups and other social networking platforms.

It is now my pleasure to share with you my 5-skull review for Born or Bred (Pigs and Monsters)!

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Meet Claire Peterson.

A young girl who, like all children, just wants to be loved and accepted. Unfortunately, Claire was an unexpected and unwanted child born into a household where she was abused by both of her parents in very different and horrifying ways.

The combination of living on a farm filled with pigs and other animals, and the obvious neglect of not having her basic needs taken care of, results in Claire becoming a prime target for bullies at school.

But then she meets her new neighbors, who have a son close to her age. She finds herself in awe of how obvious young Michael's parents, Kathleen and Martin, love their son, as well as their unborn baby girl. Claire feels accepted by the family and spends a lot of her time there... until she's overstayed her welcome and the family begins making excuses to keep Claire away.

While feeling alone and unwanted once again, Claire suffers an accident that will forever change her mindset. Once she recovers, she resolves to never, ever be ignored or abused or bullied again. So when she performs an unthinkable act of violence at the tender age of seven, her whole world changes, as does that of everyone around her.

The author cleverly tells Claire's story from two perspectives. First-hand and in the moment, and through conversations she has with a therapist. Well done, Mr. Boote.

This book is deliciously gory, delightfully disturbing, and should be read only by those who desire a story jam-packed with horrific, unimaginable scenarios. For readers with triggers, put the book down, back away slowly, and choose something else to read. But for those who love Extreme Horror, this book is for you.

Of the three 'Monsters' books, this one was my favorite. And I am super excited that the author has let it slip that a fourth is in the works!

I should also mention that, although J. Boote's 'Monsters' books *can* be read as stand-alone stories, it is my humble opinion that the reader will get the most enjoyment out of them if read in order.

Finally, Born or Bred (Pigs and Monsters) leaves the reader with a couple of important questions to ponder once the final page has been turned.

Is Claire a monster?
And, if so, was she born or bred to be one?

You decide.

Born or Bred: Pigs and Monsters Born or Bred: Pigs and Monsters


When your editing client surprises you with a tip!
I've never had this happen before.
My heart is happy because she is happy!


That awesome feeling when you send your client's fully-edited manuscript back to them to approve.
Next up... an ARC read and review. Stay tuned for details!

The Coworker: An Addictive Psychological Thriller 15/08/2023

I was super pumped to be given the opportunity to be an ARC reader for The Coworker by New York Times best-selling author, Freida McFadden, which is due to be released on August 29th by Poisoned Pen Press.

Why not pre-order your copy now? You will not be sorry!

It is my pleasure to share with you my 5-star review.

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Natalie Farrell has it all. Not only is she beautiful and popular, but she is also the top salesperson at Vixed, the nutritional supplement company where she works.

Yes, Natalie Farrell has it all, including a deep, dark secret she can never let anyone find out about.

Dawn Schiff is well... different. After being hired as the new accountant at Vixed, Natalie notices this most of all since Dawn sits in the cubicle next to hers. She tries her best to make Dawn feel welcome, despite the new girl's strange habits and personality. Including her odd obsession with turtles.

When Dawn doesn't show up for work one morning, Natalie is surprised. After all, she could set her watch by Dawn's daily routine. Natalie's surprise turns to alarm when she answers a very disturbing phone call that indicates that Dawn may be in serious, even deadly, trouble.

As Natalie investigates Dawn's whereabouts, things go from bad to worse as Natalie gets caught in the crossfire of suspicion. But all she's trying to do is locate her missing coworker and make sure she's okay.

Or is she?

In typical Freida McFadden fashion, the author expertly introduces a dual timeline that, in this story, cleverly shares past events in the form of emails.

The Coworker grabs the reader's attention and interest on the very first page and doesn't let go. Jam-packed with twists and turns, lies and secrets, and cliffhangers and red herrings, this psychological thriller will keep the reader turning the pages well after bedtime.

I will be posting my review in several places, including Netgalley, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, various Facebook groups, and on my own Facebook author/editor page (, which has over 30,000 followers, to get the word out to as many people as possible about this awesome book!

Stay tuned!

The Coworker: An Addictive Psychological Thriller The Coworker: An Addictive Psychological Thriller

The Coworker: An Addictive Psychological Thriller 02/08/2023

I am super excited to be ARC reading once again for New York Times best-selling author Freida McFadden.

This time, I will be reading and reviewing The Coworker, which will be released on August 29th and published by Poisoned Pen Press.
Stay tuned!

Why not pre-order your copy today?

The Coworker: An Addictive Psychological Thriller The Coworker: An Addictive Psychological Thriller

In The Tall Trees 01/08/2023

Congratulations to my friend and fellow author, Angel Van Atta, on the release of her newest book, In The Tall Trees, which is now available for purchase on Amazon.

Why not grab your copy today? I promise you will not be sorry.

I had the honor of being an ARC reader for this wonderful story and it is my pleasure to share my 5-star review.

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Mella is a little girl who lives with her Momma and baby brother, Pete, in a tiny house in the middle of the forest. Mella loves her Daddy and looks forward to his visits. She gets excited when he brings them food and enjoys playing and watching movies with him.

Yes, Mella loves it when her Daddy visits.

Except when he brings the bad man with him.

That's when things get scary and her Momma gets hurt. That's when Mella and Pete get yelled at. And that's when Mella hides under her bed and wishes more than anything for the bad man that comes with her Daddy to just go away and never come back.

Mella is too little to remember or understand why, but she knows that she, her pregnant Momma, and Pete are secrets that no one else can ever know about. She also knows that's the reason her Momma is tethered to the floor of the little house by a long chain that ends at a collar secured around her Momma's neck.

Mella's life changes one day when the bad man who comes with her Daddy does something more terrible and terrifying than ever before, and Mella realizes that she is the only one who can save her little brother, her Momma, and herself.

The author expertly draws the reader in on the very first page and doesn't let go. Told from the point of view of little Mella, the reader becomes one with the little girl, experiencing this beautifully-written story seemingly first-hand.

In The Tall Trees is nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster that pulls on your heartstrings. It's a story of love, deceit, innocence, fear, and wonder, which will leave you catching your breath and thinking about long after you've turned the last page.

In The Tall Trees Mella lives in a tiny house in the middle of a dense forest with her mommy and her baby brother, Pete. Sometimes her daddy comes and with him often the bad man comes, as well. Mella knows that she, her mommy and little brother are a secret family living where nobody knows they are, but she can't ...


When my friend and fellow author, Justin Boote, gave me the opportunity to be an ARC reader for his new book, The End Of Things As He Knew Them, I knew I would be in for a treat. I've been fortunate to ARC read for Justin on previous occasions and have enjoyed every single one of his books.

I found myself intrigued when I realized that The End Of Things As He Knew Them was written as an epistolary novel, whereas the entire book is told via emails, as well as the main male character's private journal entries.

What a delicious concept for a book of horror. I could hardly wait to get started.

But then I discovered that, not only had Justin collaborated with the very talented Angel Van Atta, but there were in fact two books, rather than one. The second being The End of Things As She Knew Them, which is comprised of the exact same main story and the exact same emails, but featuring the main female's diary entries rather than the male's.

Shortly after diving into Justin's ARC, I made a comment on Facebook about how I could hardly wait until release day so I could read the female's private journal entries. It was then that Angel, who I didn't know except by reputation, generously offered to send me a copy of her ARC, which I, of course, excitedly accepted. Thank you, Angel!

From that point on, I read both books at the same time, switching back and forth so that I was always up-to-date with the main storyline as well as the private inner thoughts of both main characters.

It's important to note that these books can be read individually. You can't go wrong with choosing one or the other.

But… since this is my review for both books, I feel I must strongly recommend that readers purchase both books in order to get the most enjoyment out of them.

Here is my 5-star review.
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Abbie and Jeremy have made plans to go to England for a romantic second honeymoon. But at the last minute, Abbie isn't able to ditch an important work meeting and can't take her vacation as planned. Rather than canceling, Abbie suggests that her sick, cancer-ridden mother take her place, and join Jeremy on the trip to England while she stays home to work. Also at home is their teenage son, Paul, who rarely leaves the basement and has a seemingly endless fascination with conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, their daughter, Claire, is away at college.

It doesn't take long before Jeremy's mother-in-law, Jennifer, starts acting strangely, and he recalls a very disturbing incident that took place on his and Abbie's wedding night that he will never, ever forget. In the present, Jeremy wonders if Jennifer's odd behavior is due to her illness, the history between them, or something else. Because she is not the only person acting differently than expected. Jeremy begins to notice an increase in violence by individuals to others, as well as to themselves.

Back in the US, Abbie realizes that Paul's behavior seems more and more out of character. He's been staring into space, as if in a trace, and doing dangerous things that he would never normally do. After confronting him, he agrees that something is definitely wrong. But what? Abbie also wonders about Claire and how she's doing, but is unable to reach her. She is relieved when she finds a totally normal-looking post on Claire's Instagram account… until her frequent posts start becoming anything but normal.

Both Jeremy and Abbie begin sharing with one another episodes of the dark, unusual circumstances they encounter. But the most gory and specific details of these terrifying occurrences are written by each in his and her private journals.

Something bad is happening. Not just in the US and England, but worldwide, according to horrifying and explicit online videos and certain news stations. Strange lights have been reported in the sky, individuals displaying violent and aggressive behavior are becoming more and more frequent and out of control, and people are dying in the most gruesome ways…

Are these occurrences a result of a Covid mutation that attacks the brain and neurological system? Some other new and deadly virus? A government conspiracy? The apocalypse? Or something else?

As Jeremy deals with the ever-increasing worrisome and terrifying behavior of his mother-in-law, combined with very real threats of harm or even death outside his hotel room, he realizes he needs to get home. It's easier said than done in this strange new world, but he will do whatever it takes to reunite with his wife and children.

Abbie begins recalling memories from her childhood that have a cult-like feel to them, with her mother and a mysterious and dangerous man at the center of it all. Fire, chanting, dancing, sacrifice, and a cousin who disappeared without a trace all come to mind as she tries to determine if what she remembers is real or a figment of her tortured and confused imagination.

As Claire's Instagram posts become more and more alarming, Abbie and Paul decide to go to her. At the same time, Jeremy makes plans to go home with the help of a powerful friend, despite the fact that planes are no longer flying. And both Abbie and Jeremy encounter almost impassable destruction and carnage on the highways to their respective destinations… Jeremy to his friend's house, and Abbie, with Paul by her side, to Claire's college dorm.

Will Jeremy and Abbie be successful in completing what each needs to accomplish in order for their family to reunite? Will whatever it is that's transforming normal people into violent, ravenous beings bypass them? Or will they, like so many others, succumb to its power?

Why not pick up your copies of these fast-paced, delightfully gory, horror gems today? You will not be disappointed!

You can find them at:

The End Of Things As He Knew Them:

The End Of Things As She Knew Them:


Happy release day to Justin Boote and Angel Van Atta, who have co-written the two 'The End Of Things As They Knew Them' books!

I am honored to be an ARC reader for both books, and have been reading them at the same time. They are both absolutely amazing!!

Stay tuned for my review, coming up within the next few days. And in the meantime, why not buy your copy/copies? You will not be disappointed!

The End Of Things As He Knew Them:

The End Of Things As She Knew Them:

Within: A Three Part Horror 27/06/2023

I had the honor of being chosen as an ARC reader for 'Within: A Three Part Horror' by my friend and fellow author Edmund Stone.

It is my pleasure to share my 5-star review.
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First of all, one of the key attributes that makes this book unique and exciting is that it is comprised of three unrelated and stand-alone stories.

Each one follows the same theme: a protagonist portrayed by a strong, yet broken, woman and how she fights or succumbs to the power of her personal demons and outside forces.

As well, the author's flawless ability to write these stories from the point of view of a woman is awe-inspiring. This is not an easy feat but, Mr. Stone, you nailed it. Kudos, my friend.

Part One: Within You

Becca is alone with her baby and her dog as a vicious storm wrecks havoc outside. As she anxiously waits for her husband to return home from work, Becca relives in her mind the series of disturbing events which led to her beloved twin brother, Christopher, being ripped from her life and locked away.

How she misses him.

How she wishes he was here with her now.

Especially since someone is lurking around Becca's property as the storm rages on. With a mother's overwhelming instinct to protect her child, Becca investigates.

Just as Christopher always kept Becca from harm, she'll do anything to keep little Toby safe.


But is the threat actually coming from outside her home?

Or is it coming from Within?

Part Two: Within Me

Imagine waking and finding yourself buried in the muddy ground under your dead, evil grandfather's casket.

Imagine digging yourself out, gaining strength from your secret power, and confronting your enemies in a final showdown.

This is what happens to our heroine. And this is how the story begins...

The author then takes us back six months to circumstances leading up to this final confrontation.

When high school student, Harper Lansing, inadvertently discovers she has a secret power where she can 'Hurt' herself, but project the injury onto whomever she chooses while she heals, she uses it to enact revenge on the group of mean girls who have been relentlessly bullying her.

Unlike most teens, Harper isn't completely surprised by her newfound abilities. After all, the Lansing name is well-known in the community as a family of witches, tracing back to the days of the Salem Witch Trials.

When Harper's mother finds out about her daughter's power, she shares with Harper the dark legacy of their family, including how Harper's brother was locked away by his evil grandfather after wielding his own power.

She also warns Harper that the specific power she holds is very rare and a considerable threat to the evil doers in their own family.

When Harper attempts to visit her institutionalized brother, she witnesses a heartbreaking event that forever changes her. She goes into hiding, biding her time to take her final revenge on those who have taken everything from her.

Back in the present, after she returns to town following her grandfather's death, Harper is captured by her uncles and cousins, her late grandfather's cohorts, who bury her underneath the old man's casket.

As Harper surprises her captives after returning from the grave, a graphic, detailed, fight to the death ensues, filled with carnage, blood, and sacrifice.

Is this the end of Harper's rampage?

Or only the beginning?

Part Three: Within Us
The Devil's Concubine

Katy is about to be released after three years in prison, and thinks back to her time within these concrete walls.

She also reminds herself that her brother, Lenny, allowed her to take the fall for a drug run gone bad, which is how she came to be locked up in the first place.

Her daddy is the brains of the whole operation, a man who takes in homeless children and trains them to do his work. For some reason he always favored Katy, and trained her to defend herself using martial arts and a special machete named Delilah, known as The Devil's Concubine.

After Katy is released, she asks to see her daddy, but Lenny seems hesitant. As Katy persists, Lenny tells her that her daddy is sick, but reluctantly agrees to take her to him.

Lenny also hands Delilah to Katy, and she immediately feels whole for the first time since being incarcerated. Now that she's been reunited with her 'thirsty girl', Katy reminisces about the times she used Delilah to get the upper hand during fights and altercations with cartel members while running drugs.

Katy had proven that she and Delilah together are unstoppable, and Katy herself has earned respect and a reputation not to be messed with.

When Lenny, his sidekick, Lou, and Katy arrive at her childhood home, Katy is told her daddy has been mixed up in black magic and voodoo and doesn't know that Katy is out of prison.

Katy is convinced that Lenny is up to something, but when she finally meets up with her daddy, things are much worse than she ever could have suspected.

With more questions than answers about what's going on with her daddy, and what he's got planned for her, Katy is relieved to have Delilah with her. With Delilah, Katy can meet everything that's thrown at her head-on.

The final few pages of this story are jam-packed with action and violence, entities and demons, and smoke and fire from hell itself, which are all expertly intertwined with realizations and epiphanies, especially concerning Katy and Delilah.

Much like the other stories in this book, once the final page has been turned, the reader may ask, "Is this the end?"


Then again, maybe not.

Within: A Three Part Horror Within: A Three Part Horror

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