St Joseph CCD, Inez

St Joseph CCD, Inez

Information on St Joseph's CCD Program in Inez, Texas


Opening Mass and ice cream social tonight at 630pm


St Joseph Garage Sale
This weekend!!
Friday 8-5 and Saturday 8-12
Come see all the things we have!!!


CCD closing Mass tonight 6:30pm!


Last CCD class tonight April 3rd and closing Mass will be Wednesday, April 10th at 6:30pm


Mountain Movers meeting Sunday, February 18th 5:45pm CCD Hall!


Ash Wednesday Mass for CCD tonight 6:30pm. Don’t forget to sign in!


Christmas pageant practice- Wednesday, December 20,2023 at 5:30pm in the church.


Grinchmas today from 4;00-6:30pm Games, crafts, hot cocoa, popcorn pizza, and movie- How the Grinch Stole Christmas!! Fun for all!!


St Joseph Christmas Pageant Sign up will be in the Narthex this weekend - December 9th and 10th. Pageant will be Sunday, December 24th at 5:00 pm Mass. More details to follow. Any questions contact Charlotte or Lindsey


We will not have CCD classes Wednesday, November 22, 2023. We hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
Classes resume Wednesday, November 29, 2023.


Reconciliation/1st communion meeting Wednesday, November 8,2023 at 7:15pm in the CCD Hall.


Join the CCD classes for Mass this Wednesday at 6:30pm for All Saints Day! Don’t forget to sign in.


St. Joseph Fall Carnival- Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 4:00-6:00 CCD Hall. Food and games sponsored by the youth group- The Mountain Movers. Wear your costume and enter the costume contest!! Hope to see you there!!


St. Joseph Catholic Church Fall Carnival, sponsored by the Mountain Movers Youth Group, Sunday, October, 29,2023 from 4:00-6:00pm. CCD Hall. Games and refreshments. Costumes welcomed-(nothing scary)


Come join us in celebrating St.Joseph Catholic Church 150th anniversary this Sunday at the Inez Community Center! Lots of fun for all!!


Opening Mass for CCD tonight at 6:30pm! Bring your backpacks for a special blessing. Ice Cream Floats to follow in CCD Hall.


Mountain Movers Youth Group meeting Sunday August 20, 2023 CCD hall 5:30pm
All invited ages 6th through 12th grade.


Opening Mass for St Joseph CCD 2023-2024 is Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 6:30pm. Ice cream floats following Mass in the CCD Hall.


🌸💐🌺Catholic Daughters would like to invite any children to bring wildflowers 🌸 to mass for our May Crowning Mass on Sunday, May 1st @ 9am mass.
Children will walk in with Father and lay flowers 💐 at Mary’s feet at the beginning of mass. Catholic Daughters will provide flowers 🌺 for those that need some.🌺💐🌸


2nd grade has 1st Communion practice tonight at 6:30PM in the church.

1st Communion is Sunday, April 24th at the 9AM Mass.


Wednesday, April 6th CCD closing Mass at 6:30pm.
Come to close out this year and hear the exciting things coming up… day, VBS, next year CCD classes!


CCD closing Mass this Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 6:30pm. All are invited


Happy Birthday Father Barnabas!


Thank you to everyone that came out today! ~Stephanie

Mobile uploads 02/03/2022

St Joseph Masses today are at 7:30AM and 6:30PM


Read through

Lent, with its three-fold foundation of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, provides Catholics a grace-filled opportunity to atone for sin. To this end, Lent has been called the “tithe of the year.” Preparing for Lent requires a plan for Lenten penance with all three pillars. To start your preparation see a list of 20 Pious Practices for Lent and consider adopting some of them.

Commit to your resolutions by writing them down on a Lenten preparation guide, ensuring you cover prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to a greater degree that required by Church law.


CCD classes Wednesday night. 2nd grade & up be sure to work on your google classroom.


Reminder next Wednesday, 1/26/2022 2nd Grade CCD is meeting in the church at 6pm for their sacrament of reconciliation. Parents are asked to attend also to tour the church and make sure the kids are comfortable making this sacrament.


Videos (show all)

Tomorrow Wednesday CCD Opening Mass
Bishop Cahill blessing St Joseph’s bell