Freelance Accounting and Taxation Services

Freelance Accounting and Taxation Services

Are you a sole-prop or perhaps, a business owner looking for affordable accounting and tax service provider? If yes, do drop us a message!


Are you a sole-proprietor or a self-employed individual?

Gentle reminder that 30 June 2018 is the statutory deadline to file your tax returns!

Too many business receipts lying around? Not sure if they can be claimed as your business expenditure for the year 2017? Let us handle your accounting and tax problem instead!

Do drop us a message if you would like us to assist you with the preparation and filing of your tax returns!


Jika anda merupakan seorang empunya tunggal atau bekerja untuk diri sendiri, pasti anda tahu yang tarikh akhir untuk mengemukakan penyata cukai pendapatan anda adalah 30 Jun 2018!

Namun, adakah anda mempunyai terlalu banyak resit-resit perniagaan? Tidak tahu membezakan samada perbelanjaan tersebut boleh dikira sebagai perbelanjaan perniagaan? Usahlah risau lagi dan biarlah kami membantu anda untuk menangangi akaun dan cukai pendapatan anda!

Marilah mesej kami!




如果您希望我们协助您准备和提交纳税申报表, 欢迎留言(DM)!
