For Such A Time As This Rally

For Such A Time As This Rally

On Twitter as @SBCforsuchatime

The Role and Function of the SBC Sexual Abuse Hotline — Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Updates 10/01/2023

The Role and Function of the SBC Sexual Abuse Hotline — Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Updates In May of 2022, The Executive Committee contracted with Guidepost Solutions to operate a hotline in the wake of the SBC Investigation. At the time of establishment, the parameters for this service were provided in written statements as well as public and private conversations with members of the pre


The Abuse Reform Implementation Taskforce met recently for its first meeting. Several objectives have been outlined. What's missing?

Two things stand out as missing from the list below. #1 Will the Ministry Check database include the names of those who covered up or mishandled abuse disclosures? #2 Why have we not seen the Credentials Committee insist that churches who ordained known abusers rescind that ordination? (We're looking at you Germantown Baptist Church)

📌“The retaining of an individual or firm who is qualified and trauma-informed to receive reports of abuse or mishandling of abuse, determine the proper entity, association or church to respond to that report and communicate this report to the relevant parties.

📌“The creation of the Ministry Check database, which will house the names of those credibly accused of s*xual abuse in order to ensure thorough information flow throughout the Convention and better resource churches to protect their congregations.

📌“Assisting the Credentials Committee in retaining a qualified firm to assist them in their processes and in performing factual inquiries related to s*xual abuse. As of right now, more than 200 referrals have been made to the Credentials Committee related to SBC churches and it is imperative that we equip and resource our CC members to respond to these reports.”

Jules Woodson and tech exec team up to help abuse survivors get therapy and heal 14/09/2022

Go, Jules, go! 💕

Jules Woodson and tech exec team up to help abuse survivors get therapy and heal (RNS) — A new nonprofit called Help;Hear;Heal plans to fund counseling appointments for abuse survivors.

Report Sexual Misconduct | The Alliance Canada 12/09/2022

Check out what the Christian & Missionary Alliance group in Canada has set up - a page and portal dedicated to reporting clergy s*xual abuse.*xual-misconduct/

Report Sexual Misconduct | The Alliance Canada The Alliance Canada is committed to creating and ensuring safe environments for worship, witness, and work free from s*xual misconduct...

What's Next for the Southern Baptist Convention? 10/09/2022

"Survivors and reporters of abuse “were ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action.”

What's Next for the Southern Baptist Convention? Much remains on the horizon for the Southern Baptist Convention. What matters is not resolution of controversy, but faithful perseverance of churches and missionaries.

Southern Baptist Convention meets in Texas to tackle s*x abuse scandal 07/09/2022*x-abuse-scandal/article_e77337bf-1ae5-51f5-94ed-e9c0469f7c37.html

Southern Baptist Convention meets in Texas to tackle s*x abuse scandal DALLAS — Members of the Southern Baptist Convention are meeting in Fort Worth this weekend to discuss reforms in the wake of a national s*x abuse crisis.


Spot on observation by Without a Crystal Ball. Do you really need a law firm to investigate overly "familiar" and "frequent" communication?


Thanks, Watchkeep for posting this video. It is more than a little horrifying that Matt Chandler began pursuing his wife when she was in high school at youth camp and he was the adult camp speaker.

Photos from The Beautiful Kingdom Warriors's post 29/08/2022

As usual, Sheila Gregoire nails it. Karen was one of the first person who came to mind when this story broke. What that poor woman endured is unthinkable.
Bare Marriage-Formerly To Love, Honor and Vacuum

Matt Chandler To Take Leave of Absence Following Inappropriate Online Behavior; Chandler ‘In Glad Submission’ to TVC Elders 28/08/2022

Matt Chandler, someone who is alleged to have mishandled the abuse of others, has taken a leave of absence after an inappropriate relationship with a woman who is not his wife was revealed.

Matt Chandler To Take Leave of Absence Following Inappropriate Online Behavior; Chandler ‘In Glad Submission’ to TVC Elders While not romantic or s*xual, Chandler described his online messaging as "unguarded and unwise" and as being characterized by “coarse and foolish joking.” His leave of absence will be "disciplinary and developmental."

The Department of Justice Is Investigating the SBC. What Does It Mean? 18/08/2022

The Department of Justice Is Investigating the SBC. What Does It Mean? As the Department of Justice begins probe of SBC churches, Southern Baptist leaders say they will cooperate with a federal investigation.

Two viruses threaten the life of the Southern Baptist Convention: Male hierarchy and dominion theology 24/06/2022

"Jesus’ acceptance of women into his band of disciples was no less than astonishing compared to every other social or religious institution of his day. . . By contrast, the SBC historically has restricted the roles of women in the life of the church. The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message specifically restricts women from serving as pastors."

Two viruses threaten the life of the Southern Baptist Convention: Male hierarchy and dominion theology There is most likely a virus inside your body right now. Probably even a few. These latent viruses are tiny squatters that call our bodies home. Some of the more well-known latent viruses inhabit as much as 80% to 90% of the human population. These insidious microbes slip into our bodies when we ar

A video message from SBC Abuse Survivors 12/06/2022

Check out this video from SBC abuse survivors.

A video message from SBC Abuse Survivors A Video Message from SBC Abuse Survivors from Citygate Films on Vimeo.

GRACE Statement on Sexual Abuse within the SBC — GRACE 12/06/2022

"As Christians read and discuss the response of the Southern Baptist Convention to the sin of child s*xual abuse, GRACE has prepared a statement highlighting five reforms we have long advocated for--reforms that every denomination, every seminary, every church, and every Christian should work for. It is by our fruits that we will be known (Matthew 7:16-20). "*xual-abuse-within-the-sbc

GRACE Statement on Sexual Abuse within the SBC — GRACE As Christians read and discuss the response of the Southern Baptist Convention to the sin of child s*xual abuse, GRACE has prepared a statement highlighting five reforms we have long advocated for--reforms that every denomination, every seminary, every church, every Christian should work for. It is

Photos from Spiritual Sounding Board's post 06/06/2022
Task Force Challenges and Formal Recommendations — Task Force Updates 01/06/2022

The SBC Task Force recommendations have been published.

Task Force Challenges and Formal Recommendations — Task Force Updates Authorized and assigned by action of the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention, the Sexual Abuse Task Force now reports to the 2022 meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention the following requests and recommendations for action. On behalf of the Task Force, I move the adoption of these requests to our b


"Attorneys would like to hear from any other alleged victims of abuse by James Ray Williams: “We encourage anyone who may have experienced inappropriate conduct or s*xual abuse by Williams, or s*xual abuse by any other employee of the Southern Baptist Convention to come forward. The church must be held accountable for its negligence and the harm it has caused Hannah Kate, and we believe, many others.”*xual-abuse-lawsuit-against-sbc-entities/?fbclid=IwAR0tY-RgdJyzRw2JgQxijzDuujEC8zd6Q1hKqKC9q9ZmGmJd-MlDUs0-9fY #.YpZmTe7MJD9

My husband and I created a database of clergy s*x abusers; why couldn’t the SBC? 31/05/2022

"When a pastor is alleged to have abused a congregant or child, even if he has been convicted in court of the abuse, there is no reliable protocol for revoking his ordination.

The truth is that a local church can ordain anyone they choose, even if they have no formal training whatsoever. There are, in fact, zero qualifications to become ordained as an SBC pastor."

BaptistAccountability founder, Megan Benninger brings it with this Baptist News Global piece.

My husband and I created a database of clergy s*x abusers; why couldn’t the SBC? Many of us are struggling to come to terms with the news that the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention has covered up abuse, maligned survivors, and even kept a secret list of 700-plus s*x offenders for years. In the aftermath of this atrocious exposure, the behavior of various SB


Inexcusable!!! Right after appearing on Fox News to speak about the SBC abuse failures and bragging that his church has zero tolerance for abuse, Robert Jeffress hosts disgraced Paige Patterson in his church today as a guest speaker. You can watch the FOX News interview here:


Patrick Weaver Ministries is SPOT ON! 💯


Calling for state attorneys general to launch investigations.

SBC vows change as report reveals a Jacksonville Pastor has 44 accusations of s*xual abuse 25/05/2022

SBC vows change as report reveals a Jacksonville Pastor has 44 accusations of s*xual abuse Protect the vulnerable. Heal the wounded. Prevent the abuse.

This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse 24/05/2022

This article starts out "They were right." And by "they" Russell Moore was referring to survivors and whistleblowers just like so many represented by For Such A Time As This Rally.

"Not only was nothing done to stop these predators from continuing their hellish crimes, staff members were reportedly told not to even engage those asking about how to stop their child from being s*xually violated by a minister."

This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse The abuse investigation has uncovered more evil than even I imagined.


“When ‘the gospel’ gets distorted into grasping for power, when men claim for themselves absolute authority and a host of other prerogatives, when controlling and then blaming women is the default mode, this is what you end up with.” - Kristin De Muz


Link to livestream:



Liam Adams on Twitter 23/05/2022

Liam Adams on Twitter “Today is when a long-awaited report is released with findings from an investigation into SBC leaders' response to s*xual abuse w/in the last 2 decades. Not knowing what this day or future ones will hold, I’m starting this thread to log updates, statements, articles, etc. ”


If anyone wants to read the horrific 288 page SBC investigation report, here it is:

Southern Baptists Refused to Act on Abuse, Despite Secret List of Pastors 23/05/2022

The results of the investigation are in.

Southern Baptists Refused to Act on Abuse, Despite Secret List of Pastors Investigation: SBC Executive Committee staff saw advocates’ cries for help as a distraction from evangelism and a legal liability, stonewalling their reports and resisting calls for reform.


Isn't this the truth?




*Credit Full Mutuality


Dr. John D. Street
- Adjunct professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Chair of the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling at The Master’s University (run by John MacArthur's ministry)
- President of the Board of Trustees of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).
He graduated from Cedarville University.
Video here:

Are you freaking kidding me?
How can this stand?
I am reminded of Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 5:1--"I can hardly believe the report about the s*xual immorality going on among you—something that even pagans don’t do. " In Christian circles we tolerate things and we blame things on kids that in the secular world they would NEVER DO.
Dr. John D. Street, who taught this in an advanced counseling course to future counselors, is:

- Adjunct professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Chair of the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling at The Master’s University (run by John MacArthur's ministry)
- President of the Board of Trustees of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).
He graduated from Cedarville University.
This is abhorrent. This is evil.
People trained in this kind of counseling do not understand abuse. They do not understand s*x (or else they would not think a 4-year-old was a substitute for a wife). They do not understand God (or else they would never dare to blame the wife).
Please, ask for credentials before you go to a counselor. Make sure they were never trained like this.
The harm that is being done to the body of Christ is immeasurable. It needs to stop.
-- >> LINK IN BIO to YouTube video. Start at around the 6:00 mark.


SBC Presidential Candidate W***y Rice Reveals Deacon at His Church Previously Committed Sexual Abuse 01/04/2022

SBC Presidential Candidate is out there trying to tidy up this story. He admits that he knew of an abuser in his church and stood by while the abuser was ordained as a deacon.

"Rice further disclosed that he and other leaders at Calvary Church knew about the incident but said that after coming to the church, the man had displayed the “genuine fruits of a repentant life.” After several years of being a member of the church, the unnamed man was ordained to the office of deacon. "

SBC Presidential Candidate W***y Rice Reveals Deacon at His Church Previously Committed Sexual Abuse In a video statement released on Friday, W***y Rice disclosed that, many years ago, a member of the deacon body at Calvary Church in Clearwater, FL “committed a s*xual sin that could also be described as abusive.”

Photos from Not In Our Church's post 10/03/2022

Thanks for this, Not In Our Church. Great insights from you and from the insightful Diane Langberg. When a church defaults to protecting the institution and shutting down truth tellers, it is less a church and more a cult.

Videos (show all)

ABC Preacher Predator 2 of 3
Long-time advocate Christa Brown shares her thoughts to fellow survivors.
Jimmy Hinton: Pastor, Advocate, Author.
David Clohessy
Carolyn Deevers Advocate. Writer. Speaker.
Rev. Dr. Christy Gunter Sim Hailey, Advocate and Author
Carolyn Deevers talk about domestic violence
#SBCadvance #virtualrally2020 #forsuchatimeasthisrally #Metoo #churchtoo
For Such A Time As This Rally Interview with Megan Benninger + Christa Brown on the SBC sex abuse database Report Baptis...
Julie Anne Smith from Spiritual Sounding Board
April Armstrong talk Paige Patterson & SWBTS
Clergy Abuse Survivor Diana Hoesktra